Black People : Black People have been Replaced

This topic makes me ponder a bit. First of all I work with a few Africans from the continent, and they are a lot darker than we are on average. So that means we are starting to get lighter as the years go by. Now that international travel and immigration are facts of life, there is bound to be a lot more race mixing going on. Men like a variety of women and vice versa, nothing is going to stop that. The result of all that mixing probably will end with a lot of us looking like Brazilians like blackbird said in his reply. I heard that myself a long time ago. It has been said that Brazil is the most intregrated country on this planet.

I wonder what drives any of us to look for more blacks in the media. We are obviously over represented as the criminal element in the media. We also have our own media broadcast systems and magazines, excluding to a large part, most other groups. Destee mentioned Cops as portraying a young black victim. Not too long ago, the same show was attacked by blacks as having too many black criminals on the program.

When I hear the stats on how badly we are doing in education and the number of black men in jail etc., it surprises me that we have as many as we do in media. It might take more than a thousand years or more than ten thousand years, but the human race will eventually consist of people who basically all look alike, and that will be the only way to end racism. Maybe thats not a bad thing, no white people and no black people and no brown, red or yellow people, just people.
mrron said:
the human race will eventually consist of people who basically all look alike, and that will be the only way to end racism. Maybe thats not a bad thing, no white people and no black people and no brown, red or yellow people, just people.
There will still be variations, which may entail the same prejudice that bred racism.
mrron: First of all I work with a few Africans from the continent, and they are a lot darker than we are on average.

Depends on which region of Africa the Africans you are referring to come from. The closer proximity to the equator the greater increase and distribution of melanin for protection against damaging UV rays. Transfer African Americans to a tropical environment closer to the equator an their melanin production will increase. You should have known this, it's biology 101.

So that means we are starting to get lighter as the years go by. Now that international travel and immigration are facts of life, there is bound to be a lot more race mixing going on. Men like a variety of women and vice versa, nothing is going to stop that.

This statement doesn't make any sense.

Allow me to repeat myself: this is YOUR agenda under the auspice of your utopia and personal ambitions of sexing Becky.

The result of all that mixing probably will end with a lot of us looking like Brazilians like blackbird said in his reply. I heard that myself a long time ago. It has been said that Brazil is the most integrated country on this planet.

It's truly disingenuous of you to mislead this forum by romanticizing miscegenation that takes place in Brazil when your overall thesis contradicts, once again, the reality of the matter when pertaining to Black people. Now I'm going to blast heat on you and happily destroy your mulatto-centric fallacies.

"racism causes people to continually whiten themselves. For example, many morenos straighten their hair, people search for lighter-skinned marriage partners, and people identify themselves and each other with nicknames indicating a lighter skin tone, such as moreninho (browny), cafe (coffee), mulatto, bronzeado (tanned), and escurinho (darky) to name a few. Rarely will someone assume an identity as Negro (black). Even those who call themselves black often have a hard time convincing other Brazilians not to identify them as moreno or mulatto. Calling someone black, for many, is still an insult."

"Racism in Brazil is hard to prove because the myth of racial democracy is carefully cultivated."

"Every day millions of Afro-Brazilians experience racism. From the family living room, where darker skinned children are often discriminated against, to Church pews, barbershops, classrooms, and the Halls of Congress, racism gnaws at the fabric of Brazilian society."

"Most destructive of all to black self-esteem has been the ideology of branqueamento or ‘whitening’. This theory was dreamed up in the 1920s to stop Brazil becoming a predominantly black country. White immigration from Europe was encouraged to stem the black tide. ‘The black in Brazil will disappear within 70 years, said one congressman in 1923. Others like author Afranio Peixoto wrote: ‘In 200 years the black eclipse will have passed entirely’."

"The expression "racial democracy" appeared in the 1930s and was intended to mask the intentions of the government, which wanted to "bleach" society by encouraging the "most advanced races"--in other words, white Europeans--to migrate to Brazil. The country had accepted the myth of black racial and intellectual inferiority, and urgently wanted to take action to change the racial make-up of the Brazilian population, where descendants of Africans were in the majority."

"The truth is that while there’s no big deal about being white it’s definitely a social disadvantage to be black."

"Blacks in general are burdened with disproportionately high rates of unemployment, illiteracy and infant mortality. And Brazil's poorest blacks are targets of racial stereotypes that often lead to extreme police violence against them."

"The South American giant is often considered by foreigners and Brazilians as a racial democracy because of the high number of interracial marriages and seemingly easy banter between the races in every day life. Racial Democracy, coined by the Brazilian Sociologist Gilberto Freyre in early 20th century, is the theory that a history of extended miscegenation has created a cultural melange in which all races are equally valued. Nothing is farther from the truth in contemporary Brazil."

Oh yeah, we can clearly see how racial democracy and integration works for Black people in Brazil. Your problem is your flawed logic of some utopia of everyone being mixed which will somehow make the world a better place at the expense of annihilating people of African decent while those who call themselves white maintain a privilege social status over their subordinates.

Every word you utter is garbage. GTFOH with your BS!

I wonder what drives any of us to look for more blacks in the media. We are obviously over represented as the criminal element in the media.

The "criminal element" as you say is not the only representation of Black people in media. Perhaps the overwhelming representation in Rupert Murdock's white owned and controlled media but not Black owned media. Did you bother to even think about that?

We also have our own media broadcast systems and magazines, excluding to a large part, most other groups.

Black media represents less than 3% of mainstream media. Again, why are you concerned about "other groups" in Black media? Funny, but other groups have no objection organizing themselves to secure or maintain a majority status (except the delusion of inclusion folk) in their business ventures. If possible can you explain to this forum why no other race in a multi-ethnic society such as Amerikkka does not interpret their self-interest to achieve or maintain a numerical majority as hateful or racist? Black people will always be a permanent minority in America. Blacks will always be in the minority in white owned and operated schools, businesses and entertainment venues unless whites decide it's in their best interest to do otherwise. Yet you are more concerned about the representation of non-Blacks in African American publications which makes up less than three percent of all mainstream media. Flawed logic for an obvious charlatan that you are.

Destee mentioned Cops as portraying a young black victim.

Interesting that you used a capital C for cops, agent ron.

When I hear the stats on how badly we are doing in education and the number of black men in jail etc., it surprises me that we have as many as we do in media.

Sorry to disappoint you but test scores for Black high school students and Black college admission are up while a law school debate team from Howard University recently defeated a team from Harvard.

It might take more than a thousand years or more than ten thousand years, but the human race will eventually consist of people who basically all look alike, and that will be the only way to end racism. Maybe thats not a bad thing, no white people and no black people and no brown, red or yellow people, just people.

I'm not even going to address this intellectually bankrupt statement. Agent ron's foolishness speaks for itself. Too bad we can't meet in a back ally somewhere.
Mad Skillz said:
Depends on which region of Africa the Africans you are referring to come from. The closer proximity to the equator the greater increase and distribution of melanin for protection against damaging UV rays. Transfer African Americans to a tropical environment closer to the equator an their melanin production will increase. You should have known this, it's biology 101.

This statement doesn't make any sense.

Allow me to repeat myself: this is YOUR agenda under the auspice of your utopia and personal ambitions of sexing Becky.

It's truly disingenuous of you to mislead this forum by romanticizing miscegenation that takes place in Brazil when your overall thesis contradicts, once again, the reality of the matter when pertaining to Black people. Now I'm going to blast heat on you and happily destroy your mulatto-centric fallacies.

"racism causes people to continually whiten themselves. For example, many morenos straighten their hair, people search for lighter-skinned marriage partners, and people identify themselves and each other with nicknames indicating a lighter skin tone, such as moreninho (browny), cafe (coffee), mulatto, bronzeado (tanned), and escurinho (darky) to name a few. Rarely will someone assume an identity as Negro (black). Even those who call themselves black often have a hard time convincing other Brazilians not to identify them as moreno or mulatto. Calling someone black, for many, is still an insult."

"Racism in Brazil is hard to prove because the myth of racial democracy is carefully cultivated."

"Every day millions of Afro-Brazilians experience racism. From the family living room, where darker skinned children are often discriminated against, to Church pews, barbershops, classrooms, and the Halls of Congress, racism gnaws at the fabric of Brazilian society."

"Most destructive of all to black self-esteem has been the ideology of branqueamento or ‘whitening’. This theory was dreamed up in the 1920s to stop Brazil becoming a predominantly black country. White immigration from Europe was encouraged to stem the black tide. ‘The black in Brazil will disappear within 70 years, said one congressman in 1923. Others like author Afranio Peixoto wrote: ‘In 200 years the black eclipse will have passed entirely’."

"The expression "racial democracy" appeared in the 1930s and was intended to mask the intentions of the government, which wanted to "bleach" society by encouraging the "most advanced races"--in other words, white Europeans--to migrate to Brazil. The country had accepted the myth of black racial and intellectual inferiority, and urgently wanted to take action to change the racial make-up of the Brazilian population, where descendants of Africans were in the majority."

"The truth is that while there’s no big deal about being white it’s definitely a social disadvantage to be black."

"Blacks in general are burdened with disproportionately high rates of unemployment, illiteracy and infant mortality. And Brazil's poorest blacks are targets of racial stereotypes that often lead to extreme police violence against them."

"The South American giant is often considered by foreigners and Brazilians as a racial democracy because of the high number of interracial marriages and seemingly easy banter between the races in every day life. Racial Democracy, coined by the Brazilian Sociologist Gilberto Freyre in early 20th century, is the theory that a history of extended miscegenation has created a cultural melange in which all races are equally valued. Nothing is farther from the truth in contemporary Brazil."

Oh yeah, we can clearly see how racial democracy and integration works for Black people in Brazil. Your problem is your flawed logic of some utopia of everyone being mixed which will somehow make the world a better place at the expense of annihilating people of African decent while those who call themselves white maintain a privilege social status over their subordinates.

Every word you utter is garbage. GTFOH with your BS!

The "criminal element" as you say is not the only representation of Black people in media. Perhaps the overwhelming representation in Rupert Murdock's white owned and controlled media but not Black owned media. Did you bother to even think about that?

Black media represents less than 3% of mainstream media. Again, why are you concerned about "other groups" in Black media? Funny, but other groups have no objection organizing themselves to secure or maintain a majority status (except the delusion of inclusion folk) in their business ventures. If possible can you explain to this forum why no other race in a multi-ethnic society such as Amerikkka does not interpret their self-interest to achieve or maintain a numerical majority as hateful or racist? Black people will always be a permanent minority in America. Blacks will always be in the minority in white owned and operated schools, businesses and entertainment venues unless whites decide it's in their best interest to do otherwise. Yet you are more concerned about the representation of non-Blacks in African American publications which makes up less than three percent of all mainstream media. Flawed logic for an obvious charlatan that you are.

Interesting that you used a capital C for cops, agent ron.

Sorry to disappoint you but test scores for Black high school students and Black college admission are up while a law school debate team from Howard University recently defeated a team from Harvard.

I'm not even going to address this intellectually bankrupt statement. Agent ron's foolishness speaks for itself. Too bad we can't meet in a back ally somewhere.
Some very important points about the media are being made here and I just want to add a few more. As someone who WAS BORN IN AND GREW UP IN HOLLYWOOD I have had to live with various media stereotypes and racial profiling issues very different, yet very similar as MOST BLACK PEOPLE. I have had more exposure and first-hand experience in dealing with "industry people" than MOST Black people. And while I tend to view OUR "internal contradictions" as the "forces of history" which PRIMARILY direct OUR Struggle, I do NOT view "racism" as non-existant. It is a number of these issues that influenced my decision to leave "Hollywood" and move to Texas to get away from a lot of the DIRECT Influences which were DRIVING ME CRAZY!

Therefore, I have ZERO Illusion concerning what the corporate media agenda is all about. Black people have ALWAYS and will continue to ALWAYS be projected negatively so long as the Rupert Murdoch's have a larger stake in the media PRODUCTION and DISTRIBUTION of mainstream programming.

"Hollywood" is own and operated by ZIONISTS. The same ZIONISTS whose Bible identifies Egypt (KMT) as the "House of Bondage". The same ZIONISTS who practice apartheid against Palestinians and fail to note that many Palestinians, as well as CUBANS, are BLACK PEOPLE.

The same ZIONISTS who portray "Cleopatra" as a white woman, as well as the "Queen of Sheba", etc.

My question here is WHY do some of us continue to focus on what is being projected by ZIONIST-owned corporate media rather than INVESTING in the DISTRIBUTION and MARKETING of a variety of INDEPENDENT BLACK FILMMAKERS, Television Writers, etc?

Notice I did not say PRODUCTION because there is no shortage of independent BLACK Producers and there is an audience for independent Black film and tv programming. The main ingredient that is missing and where we fall short is on INVESTMENT IN THE DISTRIBUTION PROCESS.

The same holds true for white independent film and tv producers. They LACK distribution deals but many more whites are able to get funding from Cannes, Sundance, etc.

As far as "Cops", "dallas SWAT" and these other types of programs are concerned, what about Law and OrderSVU or CSI. Many more whites are the subject of various crimes, however, mostly "white collar". If we watch "American Justice" or some of the other programs on A&E the criminal element of white people is exposed on a daily basis.

Sometimes we don't see what's right before our eyes because we are like horses runnning a losing race wearing blinkers.

Glad others are taking notice of this trend...

I have been noticing this sublte change for a while now. Just look at the soap operas. On the Young & the Restless for example, now all the *black* characters are actually bi-racial people in real life. When I started watching years ago there were only three black characters on the show but they were dark. This change is happening on alot of TV shows. Black is beautiful no matter how black the berry is. I have nothing against light skin brothers and sisters since I am the product of a light skin man and dark skin woman LOL, just making observations. :)


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