Black People : Why Have Confidence in a System That Enslaved Us?

Jan 22, 2001
betwixt and between
Website Consultant
Peace and Blessings Family,

Why do we, Black People, have confidence in the same political system that enslaved us?

Is it wishful thinking?

Do we have nothing better to put our hope in?

Do we really believe they have our best interest at heart ... that they care more for us, than they did our Ancestors?

Or are the crumbs that fall from this table sufficient for us?

What is it that makes us give it our precious energy, knowing how it has done us in the past / present?


Destee said:
Peace and Blessings Family,

Why do we, Black People, have confidence in the same political system that enslaved us?

We do not have confidence or trust in ourselves. What other thing do most Africans in Amerca know besides what has been given to us. All most of us know is this political system. The majority no nothing of the social systems created by Africans thousands of years go. Heck, we can not even imagine that we could do such things without white involvement. It brings us back to the power of words and images. What images have we been fed concerning anything African or Black for the past 450 plus years.

Destee said:
Is it wishful thinking?

No it is just following the psychological programming set in place before any of us here were even born.

Destee said:
Do we have nothing better to put our hope in?

Yes!! Each other. But how when back to the image thing, the image of all African or Black is dirty, backwards, primitive, etc. With over 50 countries in Africa name one that has any type of trade agreement among themselves and most important without the approval of the colonizers or their involvement. Name an African nation ruling with African traditions vs western traditions. It just makes logical sense. Who is going to relate to something that has and image of backwardness, filth, etc.

Destee said:
Do we really believe they have our best interest at heart ... that they care more for us, than they did our Ancestors?

Yes some of us believe. The white supremacists are deceptive. It is there number one tool followed by violence. How are you going to tell some of our people that they dont have our interest when the refined white supremacists (liberals) are always puttting images of themselves so called "helping" us. For example, the white feminist movement and their involvement with the increase in Black women business ownership and education (let a Black man say something about a white women that sistas find offensive and sistas are ready to fight), or what about the images of the "good white folks" in Ghana eradicating HIV, WOW. Or what about the "good white folks" who attend race relations conference and really want to eliminate racism, yea right. Or what about the "good white folks" we meet everyday on the streets who are always just smiling and giving compliments and just have us so confused that now we run to them for companionship. The most destructive image though that really helps the whites is when they colonized the image of god, made him white and attached that image to jesus. Now tell me. How do you expect those of our people who honor this image to fight or go against god himself (white man). For now the white male is viewed as the savior in any form--> policeman, fireman, batman, spiderman, superman. If you think I am crazy. Ask how many sistas have called the white police system (can someone say 911) vs calling a black man (father, brother, uncle, cousin, nephew, friend ) when they had problems with a brotha. It is not their fault it is the politics of psychological warfare through images and deception. The problem too, is the African as a collective is very naive and shallow. For history teachs that the African has never checked out the motives of people who claimed they came for trade or peace. This rather strange behavior has gotten us as a people in a lot of trouble past and present. And as for what the ancestors went through because the white supremacists have erased the value of history from our minds we therefore do not go back and learn from the past. But wait why would we go in the past since our past is full of slavery and we were sitting in Africa eating each other with bones in our noses walking around naked like uncivilized people. Just another image that has been put in our heads. So with all of this, thinking logically, why would anyone want to relate to anything like that???

Destee said:
Or are the crumbs that fall from this table sufficient for us?

Yes!! Back to the images. Anything is better than living in that backwards, HIV infected place they call Africa. This is how we have been made to think through images and words. It is all psychological!!! And as a people we are not really dealing with these images. Because even so called conscious people still have issues with anything African. Tell me how can a so called conscious brotha or sista be screwing/dating/hanging out with whites and at the same time say they are not attached to white folks psychologically? You do not overcome a drug addiction by going to drug parties, hanging out with old drug buddies, and being around drugs. I say this because our relationship with whites is like being on crack. We are hooked psychologically. Heck, even the Africans on the continent are begging master in some cases. UN so called "peace keepers"/ "good white folks" (white supremacists) are all over the place ensuring that peace and democracy remains in Africa (ha ha) and the people in most cases do not object.

Destee said:
What is it that makes us give it our precious energy, knowing how it has done us in the past / present?

Read the above. What else do we know except this system until ones study and sees the light then the pain and frustation really starts because being conscious in Babylon can be a lonely path as friends and family now think you are crazy.

To repeat what my elder (Queen Mother) in Los Angeles always says, "Black folks are suffering from HOWAIDS (Hooked On Whitefolks And In Denial Sydrome)

Destee, when you get the chance, go to my site at and watch the Dr. Claude Anderson video. It will blow you away. One of the important revelations of the video of which there are many is that, "there was actually a legal law passed in which white law makers decided that they would "MAKE US WHITE IN EVERYTHING BUT OUR SKIN COLOR". This is really quite mind blowing but it answers your question as to "why we have such confidence and would rather die here than give it up" essence, WE ARE THEM !!!
What makes us give it our energy is

Destee said:
Peace and Blessings Family,

Why do we, Black People, have confidence in the same political system that enslaved us?

Is it wishful thinking?

Do we have nothing better to put our hope in?

Do we really believe they have our best interest at heart ... that they care more for us, than they did our Ancestors?

Or are the crumbs that fall from this table sufficient for us?

What is it that makes us give it our precious energy, knowing how it has done us in the past / present?


the simple fact that we have not listened to or read the blueprints for self determination, or self preservation from Malcom's Charter of the Organization of African American Unity, and Chancellor Williams "The Plan" in the last chapter of "the Destruction of Black Civilizations", nor do we seem to have a desire to conversate, or discuss;
regarding the healing of our communities and then uniting our economic resources for our survival,
then politics, US politics on one level can be seen as an opiate of the masses,
however when taken from the discussion level to the level of BOYCOTTING, and then block voting it can be usede as a tool to influence political positions here regarding the motherland , in favor of our ancestors heritage, IF WE TOOK THE TIME, AND FOLLOWED THE POLITICAL STRATEGIES DELINEATED BY Amos Wilson, Malcom X and Kwame Toure'

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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