Black People : Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender: Demand for Civil Rights & Equal Opportunity


Could you please explain your point to me? I could not tell if you were being sarcastic and were PRO-GAY's, getting extra rights [i call them extra rights because as I said earlier, normal people do not have the right to get their boyfriend or girlfriend on their company health care>

Or if you were anti-extra rights for gays and just hate that gays do normal things [like neck in the park]?

I of course am against all public displays of affections between those who are generationally close in age.

By the way. I will not ban you. I have to agree with Kemet though, you mixed up so many issues, that I also think they are apples and rocks.

And by the way, if you wrote it as I suspect, meaning "so what Gays have been persecuted and murdered by varying countries, their still bad".

I disagree. The Bible says that God leaves "homosexuals" ALONE. Romans

If God leaves them alone, it is also my job to leave them ALONE.

It is a sad commentary on Christians that we are obsessed with Gays, when God is not. I think Christians do it because they get to be "excited" by the ideas of Gay sex.

I do not think you think Gay sex is "disgusting" at all.

6 or so verses about homosexuals.
1000's of verses about poverty and the poor and not oppressing people.

Sadly Christians have focused on the 6 or so verses of Homosexuality, and spent HUNDREDS of years OPPRESSING, STEALING, RAPING and PLUNDERING "poor" people.

That is a tradgedy that Christians will have to answer for.

What if a person said to you that White women face gender bias in this white dominated country [world], so thus Blacks should not be accepted until ALL whites get rights?

You seem to have observed that Gays and lesbians are more acceptable than Blacks in this country.

I submit that Blacks are the most wretched human beings on the earth. Everybody is more acceptable than Blacks in this country.

4 [approx> years ago. Black Gays walked out of a big Gay march on Washington. Because the majority white Gays were being really racist against them. Also I have heard personal stories from Gays [1 formerly Gay brother and 1 lesbian sister] about the fact that whites who are Gay are just as racist as other whites, the Gay changes nothing.

70 percent of Psychiatrists and Psychologists STILL believe that being Gay is a mental illness despite the fact that gay activists disturbed their meetings and gatherings so often that they were forced to remove that category of mental illness to get peace.

In medical circles the "Gay diseases" are talked about and they do not mean AIDS, they mean things like Hepatitus that is specific to Gay people, and other diseases that only Gays carry.

The Gay community also has a addicted to drugs or alcohol rate of 90+ percent.

Gay advocates and institutions and individuals admit that if a Gay person is in a relationship for 5 years, that is considered a lifetime. The fact is, it is well known that Gays generally do not stay in long term relationships to justify putting every current "boyfriend or girlfriend" on the employee health benefits roster.

To me these are the real issues that need to be addressed. We should not normalize something that the facts seem to indicate is bad for your mental and physical and spiritual health.

I just heard the term Apple and Rocks from Kemet. I do not know the history of the term.
Interesting arguments against...

For every argument there's a counter-argument.

CS...if you're going to compare sexual lifestyles, then you have to use equivalent factors. Homosexuality vs. heterosexuality. There's still debate as to whether a homosexual is born that way or makes a choice to be that way. In terms of discrimination and rights, the focus is on how people are treated--equity, equal opportunity--not what they do in the bedroom. But for gays who practice a gay lifestyle, that's what people will take into account. We can't pray in classrooms or public forums, can't display a nativity scene in a public building, about to remove "In God We Trust" from American currency, yet we can use a religious doctrine in the courtrooms and political arenas to deny a group of people equal rights. The U.S. Constitution--does it say that it applies to everyone EXCEPT homosexuals? If it does, I'd appreciate it if someone pointed out where.

Just as you believe there is "sick behavior" among gays, I'm sure that there are an equal number of examples of equally "sick behavior" that can be proven in the "straight" lifestyle.

Which diseases are you referring to that are only found in the gay community? AIDS? I disagree because sex is not the ONLY way that the disease can be transmitted. And, has anyone proven that the disease was first transmitted through sexual body fluid? Why couldn't it have been through drug use.

I also believe that "gay" is not solely confined to behavior because just because every gay person may not ACT on their feelings doesn't change who they are or how they feel. The same holds true for heterosexuals.

I wonder whether the depth of hatred leveled against homosexuals hurts them as much as the type of hatred that Blacks were (are) subjected to in this country just because their skin wasn't the "right" shade?

Elmo, why do you feel the need to insult and ridicule people when you post your messages? Even if you're teasing, it sounds harsh and extremely offensive. Is it necessary for you to express yourself with curse words? I would hope that you are just as capable of controlling your temper as you seem to be flying off the handle. You pretend as though you don't want to be banned from the forum, but your behavior certainly contradicts that. Please, don't exploit the privilege you have of sharing this community.

Elmo: "These particular two groups make me sick simply because it's something our children shouldn't be subjected to in the near future and a practice that should've been abolished long ago."

What do you suggest be done to abolish homosexuality? ALSO, many states still have laws on the books that abolish certain sexual activity even in the privacy of homes and between consenting adults, that many heterosexuals practice. For example, sodomy is sodomy isn't it, regardless of whether it's done between two men or a man and a woman? Does the Bible speak to the act of sodomy?


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