Black Relationships : Polygamy options for us?

Alaafia Ademidemeji,

You've made some excellent points and have given CLEAR outlines of how polygamy works in Yoruba culture.

THere is a saying in the Metu Neter, that Asar is yesterday, today and tommorrow. And that our Oracles' advice and guidance is relevant in ALL of our predicaments and circumstances.

In fact, it was our oracles who predicted we would be where we are today.

Perhaps this entire discourse is academic, in light of the fact that you mentioned the word IF... you were to embrace polygamy

Sometimes we become caught up on words and the implied definitions. Since 0ver 90% of African people in the African Diaspora never practiced true polygamy in our recent history. We have borrowed our ideals of this form of marriage from the media, books and hearsay.

I’m sure we all may know of some Muslim, Hebrew and/or believer in the Kemetic faith that has practiced, or is practicing polygamy, or has an insider view. But their information, though important, is no different then that of a Christian monogamist. It is still subject to their personal experiences, opinions and prejudices, which are many times colored by the success or failure of a particular relationship.

It would be problematic if this discussion focuses on the ideal of polygamy, as just an alternative lifestyle, which unfortunately has always been the case; usually misconstrued as a vehicle for multiple sexual partners, than anything. There should be a broader scope, for intelligent, futuristic and culturally aware African people. I think we should be focusing on ancestral, as well as modern, answers to relationship dilemmas and crisis’s that Africans have today; regardless of the European social boundaries and norms. Even monogamy with a more than 60 % failure rate, (lets not even talk about the same statistics as it pertains to people of color worldwide) has not been put under the same intense scrutiny and castigation that polygamy has. This is because; one of these institutions represents one man’s worldview as compared to, or better yet as related to, another man/woman’s survival (i.e., Black people). If we were, statistically, talking about any other types of lifestyles, practices or institutions, other than monogamy, it would be considered a failed ideal, at the rate in which monogamy (assumed as the most perfect way to live) is unraveling.

Africans believe in European ideals more than we see these ideals work. We mythologize, romanticize and proselytize western ideals that have never given fruit to our long term and worldwide survival. As of late, we still have not reformed these western concepts to heal our shattered pan-African worldview and we still wait for something magical to turn around our dismal condition without struggling with change

Drastic conditions need drastic change.

And believe me Black people; there will be failures sometime commingling with successes as we develop our lives.

But what scares me, about closed mindedness on this subject, is that we act like we can go forever with large numbers of single-headed households, Black women with children being the largest number of homeless in America and Black women having no proper spiritual, mental or sexual balance to their existence. Every thing in the Universe that is viable has balance. If you need an African-centered reference read the Dogon myth about the Yurugu (Ogo) sometimes known as the pale fox.

How long can African people survive outside the context of Universal law?

So I hope WE, as Africans don’t blow off this subject in an emotional and reactionary fashion. For without family, there is no village, no nation.

Originally posted by Sun Ship
Drastic conditions need drastic change.

And believe me Black people; there will be failures sometime commingling with successes as we develop our lives.

But what scares me, about closed mindedness on this subject, is that we act like we can go forever with large numbers of single-headed households, Black women with children being the largest number of homeless in America and Black women having no proper spiritual, mental or sexual balance to their existence. Every thing in the Universe that is viable has balance. If you need an African-centered reference read the Dogon myth about the Yurugu (Ogo) sometimes known as the pale fox.

How long can African people survive outside the context of Universal law?

So I hope WE, as Africans don’t blow off this subject in an emotional and reactionary fashion. For without family, there is no village, no nation.


Sun Ship, thank you for your very inspiring and insightful posts--AND, Welcome to our forums. I truly enjoy reading your messages and look forward to many more.

Truth be told

But what scares me, about closed mindedness on this subject, is that we act like we can go forever with large numbers of single-headed households, Black women with children being the largest number of homeless in America and Black women having no proper spiritual, mental or sexual balance to their existence.

Thank you my sister for some very fine points:

While there are many reasons for closed mindedness the reasons are often never about more than lack of knowledge and excuses.
Coupled with that, while speaking with my queen today and telling her that I had chosen to address another issue that she had tried to address she made a point that I had not even considered.
Yaazmyn said.. where ignorance and lack of knowledge may seem like the main reasons for rejection of polyganous relationships she believes that for the most part many people are simply trying to put up a front. She went on to illucidate and after a long discussion I understood that when women feel threatened or insecure they immediately attack what threatens them, and men on the other hand sit back and dismiss what they know not, but wish they had the courage to be about. ...LOL Moreover, often some men and women fantacize about having a harem!!! LOL thinking that its all about running from bed to bed and then being able to be in control of many women???

She said that the issues are really not about what ifa, oyo, Yeshua or what any thing/body mandates the real issue is sex, fear and control.

Here in the land there has never been a single STD, or HIV case within any of our communities whether they were in the US etc. nor do we have any children without families. We have excellent mental health, spiritual and physical health. We eat well, are intelligent, deliver our own babies, care for our own elderly, prepare our own food, make our own clothes, do our own hair, heal our own sick, do business with our own institutions. educate our own children and serve our GOD.

We worked for this for 30 yrs and it has paid off. Moreoever, no matter what anyone thinks about polygamy unless nd until our people come OUT!! of the bowels of amerikkka and begin to heal anything healthy will be foreign.

Lets be real, we need more business than the internet and venues where we can criticize what works. Polygamy makes men and women responsible and takes all of the game out of the relationship and allows each participant to relax and know that all is well.. The man has his womans hand and together they have the childrens welfare..And not a welfare check!


Again good job


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