Black Relationships : Are black women planning to have children without being married

panafrica said:
[:referring to an excerpt from Sun Ship's previous post]

This would be interesting & thought provoking, if 70% of our children weren't born into broken homes...if the next generation wasn't more likely to increase that number! Indeed if the very survival of our community was not at stake, I might be convinced that maybe the change in the family structure of our community isn't that bad after all!

I noted some time ago that there is a communal acceptance of absentee fathers in our community. This is no doubt due to a psychological sickness. However I want to identify it in order to end it, not to justify it! Unfortunately mean ole Pan's harsh words might hurt some people's feelings. I don't mind wake some people up, it is necessary to throw water in their face!

H_mmm I find this interesting…

panafrica said:
"This would be interesting & thought provoking,..."
Outside of the frivolity we all have reduced ourselves to here, from time to time… I have always found your opinions, thought provoking and interesting, even when I animatedly disagreed with your approach or rational.

Now, I'm not offended, but I just find "even that preface" to your post, interesting...

Who do you suppose you are throwing water in the face of, Brother (?)… The shiftless Negroes and whorish women, who post here at

If you want to awake the shiftless Negroes (as you so eloquently call them) you need to do like Malcolm and go down to the local street corner of the Black community, (that I assume you live in) and tell those Negroes how shiftless they really are and speak to those leg-spreadin’ Ho’s they're sleepin’ with, because you’re preaching to the choir in this thread, my brother.

Like I’ve said before in other threads, I have always respected your ideas…
But with no disrespect brother…,

“I think you’re picking through my thoughts and observations, like a child picks through his food.”

Brother, I’ve seen the ones who have made mistakes, and maybe are still castigated and debased by some, show great love and have given me hope and even wisdom. And I’ve seen pillars of the community abuse their wives, disown their “outside children” and talk about all Black women like dogs (even the successful Sisters).

Like one so-called upstanding member of the community said to me behind close doors, “as far as I’m concerned they’re all Ho’s” …Let’s deal with what’s really goin’ on, Brother Pan.

It’s not just the liberal apologist or the platitudes of sociologist that have capitulated to our irresponsibility and betrayed our people, but those who fail to tell our people the truth about Black betrayal, along side white collusion; from the boardroom to the back-alley. The “Ghetto Negro”, has always been an easy target…not the sanctimonious whore-mongering Negro preachers, activist and politicians, in our community.

It’s not just the bedroom, these so-called “righteous Negroes” have defiled, but even worse, they’ve whored away our aspirations and pimped our minds, along with raising the dress hems of young and nubile black women.

I guess Jesse Jackson and Bill Cosby or even Clarence Thomas would say, “do as we say and not as we do”!

Brother Pan, the Shiftless Negro and whorish Black woman don’t need you to talk about their behavior…they already verbally insult, demean, and destroy their self-worth daily. If you want to hear someone verbally rip the emotional heart and life force out of Black man or woman…go to the Ghetto! We already think very little of ourselves.

By the way, for those who don’t know…, a lot of the upright successful brothers like those Ghetto Ho’s, …you know they’re not too quick to tell…!

Brother Panafrica, you are a good brother and I have no argument with you. But, be it good or bad…I’ll just let my posts stand on their own merits.

You know brother Sun Ship there is such a thing as over-analysis! Certainly there are those who talk the talk, but don't walk the walk...they are not my concern (I don't even know how they worked themselves into this thread). I could live my life, and hope it serves as an example. Yet in reality, how I live my life only would effect myself & my immediate family. Indeed if I was only concerned about myself and my family, then this entire issue would not be an issue for me. With every thing you've said (that I've picked through like a child picks through their food), you still have yet to acknowledge that the current state of the African American family is abnormal! You are saying that these "shiftless Negroes" who don't take care of their children have the capability of showing great love & providing people wisdom. That they should not be viewed harshly and dismissed. I have no doubt of that; however, brother Sunship: Tell that to the children they have abandoned!! I'm sure those children are more disappointed in the father that has one thousand and one excuses why he can't be around to provide for them, than they ever will be in sanctimonious whore-mongering Negro preachers, activist and politicians! A well grounded, stable home, gives children the strength to withstand a lot of harsh realities of the world. It is this that I wish to give to the children of our community. I'm not throwing dirt on the down trodden...judging those who are less fortunate than I...or judging the Ghetto Negro! If you look back on my responses within this thread, and in similar threads on this topic. I have never once mentioned class! This goes beyond class, it is an social pattern that effects the African American community in general. It is a pattern that needs to cease within the African American community in general. This will not happen until the African American community understands & acknowledges that there is no excuse to make babies and not take care of them! I wonder how effective my sidewalk preaching will be in this regard? Who knows though, maybe the community will assume I'm one of those whore-mongering Negro preachers, activist and politicians (who secretly loves these Ghetto Hoes)! That is probably why they'll walk by and ignore me!


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