Black Spirituality Religion : Alien Agenda. Revisited.

Even if Collier is making this all up, his message is clear. It's gonna take love to keep people on this planet from going hungry and from being neglected in any kind of way.

My thing is, historically, the same white people who have preached love, they are the same ones who then turn around to steal, rape and murder those people who decided to trust them. One can not hope but to wonder, is this all a set up. I do believe that there are other beings who occupy this space that our planet Earth shares, I just have a hard time believing that white people know what they are talking about when it comes to such matters and if they do know what they are talking about, why should they be trusted?

Actually it's quite the opposite Bro. Seneb. Alex Collier's information ties in with allot of data I've heard first from Black Lectures in the metaphysical realm. He is not speaking about the The Andromedans as beings that use fear at all. I can say personally that there is allot that he could say about the "alpha draconis" that would put fear into the people, or even the Orions. But he is really speaking about the Andromedans and the interviewer was asking him to qualify some information about the other ETs as well. He explains there is a hierarchy in place.

Either this Man is super crazy, insane- and completely out of his mind- or what he has experienced really happened. The same can be said as well about Baba Mutwa, or anyone for that matter that has made this type of information public. Elder Delbert Blair to be included as well. In his talk "Close Encounters of the 4th Kind" he mentioned being visited by 2 Men that told him they were from another planet and give him information that confirmed this. He would have to be a deceiver also, because many of his tales sound even more fantastic and deceiving than what we might hear coming from the UFO "scientific" community.

What many of us do not know- many of our "Black Leaders" have been contactees also- in the very same manner than Collier speaks of. Both Elijah Muhammad and Min. Farrakhan were contactees. And let's not get started on Dr. York.

The sincere individual can look at this information for what it is, take it or leave it. We are all pulled into different directions based upon what we believe we know to be true. What I know to be true is that those that believe they know- don't. Myself included. So this means the regular world is a still a complete mystery. Hence the ones that believe they have solved the mystery- continue to be the fools and fooled.

You cannot build a strong doctrine upon 100% lies that's not possible,you have to put truth in your arguments,so this is not a surprise to find some truths in Collier's claims.But the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that this science is called tricknology,mixing lies with truth and this is my humble opinion that most of them cats use this science,as well as psychic science,the science of imagination when the power of the human mind can deceive many people.Basically it would be very pretentious from me to think i know how the universe is ruled,Elijah Muhammad as well as many other prophets hid some infos voluntary,because it would afraid many,but what is important about truths is the intent and the the purpose of the person who who share a "truth" with the people,when one know the deeper motives things become clearer.

The other illusion is that "black" people are all from Africa. There are "dark skinned" people in all the natural races of earth. Some people can't even tell when they are looking at a dark skinned Asian.

I totally agree with this!

But has anyone really wondered why so many plans to completely destroy Black people have failed? As if Black people are forming armies around the world and trying to take over and dominate the planet?

We are the designers of our destiny.Our downfall as well as our rebirth was designed by US.
Some answers about the possibility of an artificial Moon can be found here.

Ancestor Elijah Muhammad really knew what he was talking about. The question is, how did he know if Science is saying this now and he was saying it so many years ago?

The Moon did not form with Earth. The chemistry of the Moon's rocks and other evidence indicate that the Moon was once part of Earth. When a huge asteroid hit Earth early in our planet's history, a huge volume of rock literally splashed into orbit. The young Earth had been a parched, steaming world of volcanoes and oozing rivers of molten rock, with an unbreathable atmosphere of carbon dioxide and virtually no surface water -- in short, an inhospitable, lifeless world. The impact shattered Earth's tenuous crust, sending superheated gas and water vapor out into interplanetary space. At the same time, large quantities of the Earth's mantle and crust (its outer layers) went into orbit around our planet. This material quickly coalesced into the Moon. This impact has been reproduced successfully in computer simulations.

Goddess Astrologer4U- I myself have asked those same questions. In fact I continue to ask them, repeatedly- even after all the information I get myself through physical and psychic research. I ask those questions because the answers themselves are very hard to swallow.

But then I look at science for what it is, and the answers science is coming up with is hard to swallow too. And then I realize such answers are not hard to swallow because they are not true. They are hard to swallow because we are trained to think in a certain way- period.

To better illustrate this, we can think back to anything we once believed was untrue that later become true because either we researched it and saw it was, or experienced something that confirmed it's truth. For some people that might be "love at first sight" or people with no sense of humor.

When I was a child I believed all people had the ability to draw and create artistically. That illusion is still with me somewhat today, but a time came when I realized that was not true. Some people can create artistically some can not. While all people are indeed artists, we do not all create in the same manner. Some people create stories with their mind without writing them down, and distribute those stories orally and telepathically.

Most people paint pictures with their minds. The most powerful artists may in fact be the ones that never commit anything to any physical medium beyond the mind itself. When I was about 2 years of age, I remember coming up with a theory that my Mother was a super powerful Witch that didn't really give birth to me, but she was appointed my Ruler by a world committee. My Father was in on it too. I believed the entire world was an illusion and that everyone knew who I was, but pretended when I was around. They were all part of a grand plan to keep me deceived about who I really was.

As I grew up I realized there was some truth in that theory, as I've met others that have had the very same feelings. About the illusion. About the hidden rulers. And about our Parents - this society- being in on it as well, but not consciously. You see we have feeling, and then we seek out the information to confirm or deny those feelings. There is also a struggle to either let go of or accept certain ideas.

Many of the answers I've gotten about what both Whites and Blacks are saying about "the Alien agenda" does not fit into the model of what we know, because we live an illusion. How we apply ourselves in our daily lives will not adjust well with those answers. Why then are they important?

Like David Icke, perhaps Alex Collier is speaking so he can mix truths with lies Bro. Seneb. How do we know which is which? We can't know unless we study the information. But we have to know some of it is truth because our esoterics have been talking about these very same things for a longer time now- we just haven't been listening.

The other thing about most "White" lecturers on the circuit of metaphysics or ufology- they are not speaking to us. They are not even speaking as if we are listening. This is true for Jordan Maxwell and others. So if they are deceiving, it's there own kind they are out to deceive.

It could be that they've found something that has rattled their cage, so they have no other choice but to speak on it- as most emotionally injured Whites often do. David Icke on the other hand is suspect because he is in fact speaking to us. We aren't the ones behind Delbert Blair on his views by the way. Nor Baba Mutwa.

Fortunately most of this information is like mathematics, it either adds up or it doesn't. It doesn't add up that Whites/Europeans would be the way they are simply because of genetic makeup- when actually Asians could take over the planet at any time they chose- and there is no known system of power that could stop them. They have nukes too. Unless- there is a system of power keeping Whites in power and preserving a people that would've naturally died out a long time ago. By that I mean genetically erased.

The trick about that word "meddlesome" that I mentioned before, the psychology in the word reveals a great flaw in those that possess the desire to do so. In the family unit, the meddlesome child- the aggressor or bully does so out of envy and jealousy. In school it's very rare that you find intelligent bullies. Most bullies are the poorest students. So the act of being meddlesome sometimes is a sign of a being that understands they are missing something that appears to be inherently natural to others.

The younger Sister is often meddlesome in the affairs of the older Sister because as the youngest she feels she has less privileges. These privileges are often called "birth rights" in ancient/esoteric texts. These are not only rights that we have just from being born, this is literally the right to give birth- to create and give life. Birth rights are passed down. The right to be a God and Goddess. Such rights don't come through learning alone. They are usually given genetically.

For each Hue on this planet, there is a different birth right. And those with the most Hues, have most of those rights. Again- not as a condition of superiority but a condition of responsibility- the ability to respond on many different channels.

The Hue tells us what each being is capable of creating, and also what they attract cosmically as a physical being. There is a reason why Hitler was hell bent on creating blue eyes by experimenting with Jews. Blue is the life sustainer, where there is blue there is life. While veins are not actually blue, they appear blue as a symbol of the life blood that veins contain.

It is a vibration of conscious creation- all colors are. The Aryan theologians created a great flaw- admitting that European superiority was due to the mixing with Moors on one end- hence this is where the brown, red and black hair colors come from, and yet suggesting that blond/blue eye superior came out of that.

The truth is it was within the envy of their own Brothers where white racism really took place at first. Yet these browns, reds and blacks are mind controlled into believing their belong to the White empire. How is any true Aryan different from an Arab? They are the same. Blond hair and blue eyes are aboriginal traits not European. Establishing again what Ancestor Elijah Muhammad said many years ago. All of the hues come out of us. We should know also that the aboriginal is the White race's Father. That is their neanderthal, their missing link. Some of them have already figured this out.


The other deal is, Hue-man beings mutate- and I know we dislike hearing that word. We can also say we "transfigure" based upon our ecosystem, our diet and even by the way we think collectively. When we mutate based upon the ecosystem we have to look at what star systems are affecting us strongly at this point. Because of our different hues each race mutates or transfigures differently.

And that is where the moon comes in.

The presence of the moon filters the impact certain star frequencies have on our planet. At least this is the theory, no one knows for sure- except perhaps the elements spirits themselves that keep the history of the planet. Without the moon we would still have tides, but we would have a much darker sky. The days may be shorter as well. Hue-mans would mutate faster. And while the feminine energy on Earth has adopted the Moon as it's source, the source of feminine energy became the Moon but this was not always the case. Both Saturn and Venus were known to have a feminine influence on the planet Earth. And just as Hue-mans moved towards the most tropical climates by nature, we also move towards the stars be nature, but on an emotional and spiritual level. The stars guide us spiritually and emotionally. So where did this barbaric White race come from- if not engineered into being? And from what planet does it draw it's power as all races draw power from some cosmic body.

You cannot live in this ecosystem without having a certain genetic makeup- regardless of what part of the galaxy you are from. The European body was designed to hold the very same Draconian/Reptilian bloodlines that were kicked out from different systems. They have continued that tradition until they were left with the very last strand of dna in the spectrum of Hues. The lightest of browns, the lightest of yellows, the lightest of reds. These are who we call White people.

The moon apparently is where they draw most of their control and programming from. Now the interesting thing about Christianity and Islam is that Christianity is based on the worship of the Sun, and Islam- the Moon. Allah is also a Moon God. All of this has been done to keep Hue-mans confused and killing each other. Because of it's attachment to the feminine, the Moon also rules over psychic power on the Earth. But that would be Venus. Venus often called the daughter of the Moon, it may very well be more than that.

Our ancients were not tracking the sun along with their sundials, but Venus. They also measured the movement of the galaxy as well. Africans invented the recording of time. Even that was taken away from us. The book called "Uriel's Machine" goes into how the energy from Venus was used for fertility.

Dr. Blair explains more about the Hue-Man being and planetary influence.
Dr. Blair disagrees with the usage of the term "Hue-Man" but he explains why.
In order to understand this "alien agenda" clearly as it relates to us on a realistic manner, we must really expose the lies told about race and races, and especially about "white" rule on this planet.
The aboriginal peoples of Europe appear to be the Pict (Caledonian), Basque (Iberian) and Celt speaking peoples who provide the cultural underpinning of the more recent Indo-European language families. The Pict and Basque cultural origin is unknown but likely dates to antiquity. The Celt, late comers to Europe are also called Galatia and came from the East (probably Mongolian) into Asia Minor around the Black Sea, then covering Europe to the British Islands. They formed a strong cultural basis for the people of Ireland, Scotland, England, Spain, France and Germany. The Germanic peoples of Scandinavia to the north absorbed the older battle-axe culture that is probably not Indo-European in nature. To the East are the Balto-Slavic peoples. The true aboriginal people of Europe are likely the Proto-Australoids and Proto-Mongoloids who evolved into the Caucasoid with a dash of Negroid.







Caucasian "race of people" is an invention in 1795 by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, a German, who based his conclusion on the beauty of a Georgian female skull found near Mount Caucasus. These people believe the Caucasian people began to fracture about 5,000 B.C. into the Indo-European set of Languages.

On the basis of his craniometrical research (analysis of human skulls), Blumenbach divided the human species into five races:

* the Caucasian race or white race
* the Mongolian or yellow race
* the Malayan or brown race
* the Negroid, or black race
* the American or red race.

One skull invented an entire race. Just one.
Because the actual truth is that whites have not honestly found "original" evidence of themselves on this planet. There is none- unless they are willing to admit that they were engineered from aboriginal stock- to which they will never admit because that throws their white theology out the window.
And even those who agree that all people are from Africa do so only to agree secretly that the Germanic peoples and Europeans are the more evolved stock on the planet, more civilized and cultured by no natural means but their own.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

If Whites were truly superior by their own will and means they would never had needed a Hilter now would they? Interesting how no one has pointed this out. Even Hitler himself was a puppet. For this Man.


Josef Mengele AKA The Angel of Death.

The recent movie called "The unborn" goes into this history somewhat. He was obsessed with identical twins. He was trying to figure out how to clone.
This Man mutilated and dissected 2,000-3,000 twins.


What planet of influence is giving birth to these monsters here? What energy is feeding them. These are questions we need to start asking as intelligent people aware of how the cosmos effects the reality on Earth.
Psychology speaking, who else would be able to preform such manners of cruelty to other Human beings besides a creature that was only occupying a Human form? They did not simply spring up in the mountains. They were placed there.

Lies mixed with truths?
Phil Schneider - The Alien Agenda

scroll for parts 2-7.
It's interesting that you mention the moon,i often have dreams about the moon,like the moon is transforming or 2 moons in the sky etc...It seem that most celestial bodies are feminine according to Mother Tynetta Muhammad,so we are surrounded by feminime energy,lol:

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad further explains that this number nine is connected to the nine months that it takes for the woman to give birth to her child, whether male or female. The crescent moon in our flag must progress through various stages until it becomes a full moon and then in her rotation becomes once again a sliver of light as the crescent new moon reflecting the light of the Sun in all of her movements around the earth. In reference to the moon on page 13 of the Flag of Islam by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, he refers to the woman's menstrual cycle as the biological connection to the female and her 28-day monthly cycle. The Star is also referred to as “She” and produces the material in her star formation that is responsible for creating the molecular material of our DNA and genetic coding.Thus, if we analyze deeply the root of the Sun, Moon, Star and Planets, they are all figuratively feminine in nature and represents “she.


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