Black Relationships : (Adult topic) I read this morning on a blog that women....

You are trying to reinvent the wheel here. The fact that you would call proven traditions and norms bondage speaks to that. Thinking outside the box historically DONT work. Just look at the divorce rate since this has happend. It directly coincides with the advent of liberation theology. This isnt rocket science here. If we dont agree to your version of tweaking, it's doomed to fail. And WE have to agree. All the we's have to agree. Thus, it is a requirement of everyoine. Relationships historically work because of the tried methods. Because when something challenging happens, as it often does in life. That tweaked version has no measured response to fall back on.
You obviously like to FOLLOW rather than lead. No judgements there, however your point of view is limited by your perceptions of so called "right and wrong" and LIFE doesn't work that way. Obviously for you it may though? Relationships are between 2 people, not a NATION. smh

Dear, if there is one thing I dont give you the impression of, it's me being a follower. lmao. Oh yes, you are being quite judgemental. My view is based on history and experience. And I do believe your defensivness is showing. What you described would not be limited to the two and you know it

I have been a jock all my life. In the military. A mason and in a frat. The one thing I know and can speak on in generalities are males and men. There is a thread in here that defines a man. You should look it up. Men dont want to embrace your inner child. We want the woman. A child is a dependent and has no right to ask for or demand respect. As an adult you are required to put away childish things. You seem to want it both ways. The facts dont agree with your premise. Balanced men dont find that attractive at all. We tolerate it up to a point and then move on. Thus the reason relationships and marriages fail. You seem to want the respect of a woman and the treatment of a pricess. That IS childish! And duplicitous!

The first line of this so called "come back" says it all, why you think the way you do. LOL.. No, you can't speak for all men, not all men think like you or are like you and don't see the world as you. So, that is not true at all. You are speaking for YOU and I can't even say your speaking for these so called men you have shared "hoo rah" ego drenched moments with. You are so unenlightened that trying to even take you too school would be a waste of my time. FACT is you don't GET WHAT I AM SAYING cause you don't know what it is I am saying. Your LOCKED in a closet and can't find the door to open up your mind to a new way of being and seeing a different perspective. How can a man who does not have an open mind, comment on someone being "balanced", you have not done the studies, seen the men, spoken to every single one of them, or have you? lol "The treatment of a Princess!? You can't help yourself can you? Your just a walking contradiction and naturally insulting! It seems to me by your words and the manner in which you are constantly attacking, that the childish one's are not the women but it in fact may be you? Remember for most of us, we ARE WHAT WE ATTRACT.

See, more judgement. I doubt if you will find any man that views things very different than I have outlined. Which is why you havent seen any chime in with your views. Moreover, it's rather obvious that you like your males, fat, dumpy and outta shape, unpatriotic, losers. lol I get exactly what you are saying. Thus my response. You dont respect tradition(s). You think all relationships have no defined template for success. You think that life follows a fairy tale like plot. You need to get Anita Bakers song on the topic. lol Furthermore, you dont get to elect yourself as Keeper of Balance, President of the Box/Closet, Definer of Open Minds. I can only imagine what you attract.

This isnt about me. These definitions have been there for centuries. It worked for just as long. I can only point you to what is currently going on in our community to show you your beliefs dont work and are quite detrimental. Just look at the family structure today. It wasnt broke until you wanted to go princess lol All that started with liberation theology. The minute sisters bought into that, our families started failing. So the facts say, I'm not speaking for me. Btw, a >70% oow birth rate says it IS a movement. Or as a group sisters have chosen to overwhelmingly mate with losers that dont want them. The 'right person', aka, Mr. Right follows Prince Charming Syndrome. Guys dont read harlequin novels. Thus, you concept of romance doesnt match theirs. Thus it is false
OH trust the way you speak .... it is about YOU. You can't speak for all men. How boring. If it ain't broke don't fix it?! LOL... that is so archaic. Why are you speaking to me as if I am part of the problem and not the solution? "It wasn't broke until YOU wanted to go princess?" You don't know me, so when you speak to me, don't talk to me AS IF you do. Humm wonder if that princess syndrome has to do with our culture (society) and how girls are conditioned in this country? I wonder if dear ol dad could have instilled that notion in his daughters head cause he loved her and wanted her to feel special? Not all black women take on the "princess" nature, your making gross generalizations, to the point where you leading me to believe you in fact don't really like black women do you? Black men don't read Harelquin novels? That may be true, BUT most (not all) are too busy listening to Jay Z and Lil Wayne call black women all kinds of B*tches and H*oes etc. Buying into THAT Hype instead of trying to actively heal their communities! Does that make it a better?

Nope, it isnt and you know it, by your defensive posture. Now you have degenerated into tawdry put downs and name calling. You couldnt help yourself obviously. Whats boring is this insistance that a failed philosophy of new age 'do your own thing' has worked. You cant give examples of where it has on a large scale. I have history, data and facts on my side. Which may be why you have refused to look up the existing threads already posted on this site. Thus, "You cant handle the truth!" So the only guys you hang with are only into J-Z and Lil Wayne? Enough said. I see your problem. lol

I am a parent! I belonged to and have led many parent organizations. I dont know any parent that didnt try to get their kid(s) to listen to them. Even if they were raising them outside the box, as you like to say. Yes, that statement was str8t up BS! You obviously arent a parent. Btw, the stats are there. Look em up. Parents are and have always been the 1st responder and role model for their children. And dont get me wrong, I know that there are some folx that never should have been allowed to spawn. But they tried to get their kid to listen, learn.

You are a parent, that is again about YOU. How many organizations have you led? Have you led them world wide? Do you have a website speaking of your excellence and professional expertise concerning this topic of discussion?
There you go again insulting me by taking my opinions and belittling them. Smh. You've "led" organizations?? I find that hard to believe just by the nature of your comments, your attitude and the manner in which you speak! I don't need to look up any stats, you mentioned them, post them for me. I can't assume that all parents are the 1st responders. I am not a parent huh? LMAO.... you KNOW this too? I won't touch that second to the last sentence you made, but your right it speaks volumes.

It's obvious, from your naive and unknowlegable responses you arent a parent. I cofounded The Fathers For Equal Rights and been head of the PTAs at all my son's schools. Is that enough for you? Show me yours. You insulted all parents. But since you are but a waif on the topic, we shant discuss something you cant possibly know about. :)

The studies on definig maturity have actually been discussed in this forum. So again, look it up. It was emotional maturity that was dealt with. You dont physically mature quicker. As soon as we produce sperm we can impregnate. Your eggs dont follow suit. You are again wrong on the facts

No, thank you I don't need to look anything up on "maturity" I am pretty intelligent, didn't I post it?! I know what it means and how it pertains to both boys and girls and on what levels. OMG. Girls DO physically mature faster than boys do. Wait! Didn't you say in an earlier response that girls mature in every way faster than boys??!! Ok so which is it for you then?? Sigh. Embarrassing. Uh... let me share one little snippet of information with you: GIRLS ARE BORN WITH ALL OF THE EGGS THEY WILL CARRY IN LIFE!! BOYS DO NOT START THE ONSET OF TESTOSTERONE PRODUCTION UNTIL THE AGE OF 12 OR 13. In case your still lost, boys need testosterone to produce SPERM and HORMONES. Thus boys can not make a baby until the first ejaculation occurs, uh that would be around 12 or 13. smh. Class dismissed!

Translation: You dont know and you dont wanna know. Understood.

Any male that hasnt done his homework does not qualify to be called a man. And there ARE plenty of those out there today. But, you arent qualified to comment on what a man is. Just as I make no claim on knowing all about the make up of a real woman is. I can only go by what I desire and want. Furthermore what my elders have told me what comprises a good woman. My statements stand on the history and data outlined. My mother, aunts grands and great grand mothers, as well as many female frieds defined that for me. I believe their wise words
Oh WAIT A MINUTE. I am not qualified to comment on what a man is?! LMAO .. which I agree with 100% because I am in fact not one, however, I know one when I meet one. I know like you what I want and desire. So you admit it, this was all about YOU. Not all men want what you want, or desire what you desire. However, you contradict yourself, while you try to make an attempt at cleaning up all that mess you dropped against black women in this thread, The females I addressed arent women. Just because its of age and wears a skirt doesnt mske them a woman. so I ask, what makes you an authority on defining what a woman is?I outlined it in the statement you are responding to. I shouldnt have to repeat myself Do you have a vagina or a vulva? You have attempted to shred black women on this thread with your anger, your malice and lack of respect!! Yet again you go by what someone else TELLS you what a "good woman" is and that is your foundation for finding one. I say... go for it. If it works for you then whose to argue, what I am saying is you can't apply what you were taught to ALL MEN. Not all men think like you. Khem. Your words and lack of historical evidence throughout this entire thread speaks volumes to the fact that we as a community have much healing to do.

No, you are not qualified. And I dont think you know if you met one. And again, for the umpteenth time it isnt about me. And we have greatly digressed from the original premise. It's unfortunate you turned defensive.

Why? We have copied our diatribe all the way thru. lol Ok, we'll stop using all dem big wurds, so yall can keep up. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


continue juss sayin what everyone else thinks....

one love
There will always be Black women who are more sexually expressive and bolder when it comes to sex than others. There will always be Black women who will follow the crowd, to feel accepted and do despicable things that can be described as shallow and superficial. Based on my knowledge, Black women in America have historically been defined and confined when it comes to sex. Men have always had greater freedom, sexually, than women.

Since the 1960s, social mores' have relaxed about sex due to the sexual revolution led by white people that wanted to romp around in public butt naked having sex with whomever they chose. Woodstock is looked upon with a sense of nostalgia and pride by those known as 'hippies,' mostly white children who rebelled against their parents ideals which they claimed were hypocritical.

The medical community has made it easier for modern women to have sex and not get pregnant, thus increasing the opportunities to 'party' on Saturday nights and sit in the church pulpits on Sunday mornings echoing "Amen" as though they were 'pillars of the community'. On the flip side, there are many Black women, young and old, who love and respect their bodies and won't toss them around from man to man, in search of Mr. Good "D". To not judge these is a lot to ask of people who are rooted in certain traditions. But in my opinion, should they be judged? No. Judging them won't change them. As for men, I would like to believe that a man that is in search of the latter for a mate, has searched within himself first and has developed sufficient ability to discern the difference between the two types.

There are some men who would place the blame totally on women. To them I say, broaden your perspective. If more men took the time to study women prior to lying with them, maybe they could see through the surface and say no to them if it turns out that they aren't who they thought they were. Men shouldn't be objectified, as women don't like being objectified and for the same reasons. So men need to learn to say "no" too, or else they have no right to complain later.


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