Black People : You Actually Had Your Language Taken, Thats Actually Even More Wicked

Are any or all of you merely basing anything and everything on what you choose to believe or do you have means and ways to back up what you claim or say with veriable facts?

On the other hand:

Even I've come across a few youtube videos, etc., i. e., which kinda sorta also reveals noen of you have done your homework, as regards the origins of African American speech, which came long before 'ebonics' etc., as well as implies and suggests that aspect of OURstory on these renamed American continents has been more less forgotten, part if not all of the languages of our distant african ancestors hardly 'lost'!

Also you need not wait on me to repost those links etc.

Simply put:

No effort/no results...

Africans had already been trading with people of other ethnic/racial/groups long before those deceitful and hypocritical white folk came on the scene:

I. e., learning another peoples lingo etc. was nothing or news, and/or was just as true on them who wound up on slave ships/among other folk/etc./on these three continents...

Flashforward and we do tend to kick it via different means/ways/etc. when we're among our own (kind) etc.

I. e., anybody either familiar with the Gullah/Geechie/Black Seminole connections, they're already well aware of their connections to what some nowadays call 'black english':

Otherwise some things I don't say or write here, i. e., lest our peoples enemies be hip to another form of resistance, which spans past and generations, here/there/everywhere...

Simply put:

Not all of our african ancestors etc. considered themselves 'inferior'...

But why make the mistake of revealing another obvious weak point of those oh so 'superior' folk in the first place?

And you can't figure out why I only say so much from there:

Then you never will!

So do forgive me, posters, if I choose to say and write no more to this particular individual, as well...

I'm one who relates to the Lynch speech and kit differently than many I know of...


Crossbreeding completed, for further severance from their original beginning, WE MUST COMPLETELY ANNIHILATE THE MOTHER TONGUE of both the new n**** and the new mule, and institute a new language that involves the new life’s work of both. You know language is a peculiar institution. It leads to the heart of a people. The more a foreigner knows about the language of another country the more he is able to move through all levels of that society.

Therefore, if the foreigner is an enemy of the country, to the extent that he knows the body of the language, to that extent is the country vulnerable to attack or invasion of a foreign culture. For example, if you take a slave, if you teach him all about your language, he will know all your secrets, and he is then no more a slave, for you can’t fool him any longer, and BEING A FOOL IS ONE OF THE BASIC INGREDIENTS OF ANY INCIDENTS TO THE MAINTENANCE OF THE SLAVERY SYSTEM.

For example, if you told a slave that he must perform in getting out “our crops” and he knows the language well, he would know that “our crops” didn’t mean “our crops” and the slavery system would break down, for he would relate on the basis of what “our crops” really meant. So you have to be careful in setting up the new language; for the slaves would soon be in your house, talking to you as “man to man” and that is death to our economic system. In addition, the definitions of words or terms are only a minute part of the process. Values are created and transported by communication through the body of the language.

A total society has many interconnected value systems. All the values in the society have bridges of language to connect them for orderly working in the society. But for these language bridges, these many value systems would sharply clash and cause internal strife or civil war, the degree of the conflict being determined by the magnitude of the issues or relative opposing strength in whatever form.

For example, if you put a slave in a hog pen and train him to live there and incorporate in him to value it as a way of life completely, the biggest problem you would have out of him is that he would worry you about provisions to keep the hog pen clean, or the same hog pen and make a slip and incorporate something in his language whereby he comes to value a house more than he does his hog pen, you got a problem. He will soon be in your house.

...yet given the context and flow of the posts in this particular forum, I do agree with you in regards to how vital is the role that LANGUAGE definitively plays in ushering in-imping in-a foreign enslavement process or processes into the mind of a people via LANGUAGE....and how destructive has been the systemic erasure of our indigenous languages.

Over the last few years as I've studied and thought about issues linked to language very similar to what's been discussed in this forum, for now, I've come to think that in the original languages of our respective ancestral tribes, our languages CERTAINLY had the responsibility of describing our cosmological/cultural *reality*--the 'how' our respective tribespeople first understood, and then LINKED to the cosmos itself!

It was through language that eons of accumulated wisdom, spiritual as well as practical cultural knowledge, philosophical and moral development *unique* to our ancestors' experiences was transmitted to the young--I think now of transmission mostly through the ancient traditions embodied in the work of griots--transmission done orally and not just via hieroglyph or epigram.

Language (such as is being discussed in here) is HUMAN and language is *at its very best* as a human innovation when it is TRUE to us, from a standpoint of ORIGIN to PRESENT to FUTURE.....when it organically describes OUR PRESENCE and not no other.

Anyhow, given what I've so far read, I thought to post this brief passage from a book I've yet to read. The passage speaks for itself:

The Afrikan Control Of Labeling And Treatment Processes

"Paulo Freire has noted in "Pedagogy Of The Oppressed" that, "Indeed, the interests of the oppressors lie in changing the consciousness of the oppressed, not the situation which oppresses them";

"for the more the oppressed can be led to adapt to that situation, the more easily they can be dominated".

Oppressors produce a consciousness in the oppressed not only by manipulating their ecological and sociological lifestyles and possibilities but also by naming the world in which both they and the oppressed exist.

To name, to label, is to bring into consciousness and therefore to transform consciousness.

In empowering themselves to name the world and to reinforce their naming of it, oppressors empower themselves to construct the social reality and the consciousness of the oppressed in ways compatible with their interests.

The social reality and consciousness of the oppressed as forged by their oppressors, motivate them to functionally perpetuate their own oppression.

The labeling of certain aspects of reality by oppressors represents the imposition of the oppressors` choice and worldview upon the oppressed.

If this choice and worldview are internalized by the oppressed, then their consciousness may be transformed into one that confirms their oppressors` consciousness.

Through its demarcation of reality the white supremacist regime seeks to transform African people`s consciousness and behavior, as well as their self-perception of their own behavior in ways compatible with Eurocentric interests.

The Eurocentric demarcation of reality is not only designed to transform Afrikan behavior and self-perception but to manage the perception that others have of Afrikans as well...

If this situation is to be transformed to enable subordinate Afrikans to achieve liberation from White domination, then the license to name the world, to categorize, classify, or otherwise demarcate the world and behavior on the part of Whites, must be revoked.

Afrikans `must` assert their right and power of self -definition - of categorizing and classifying the world and the nature of their being in it; of prescribing treatments for their behavior and establishing the conditions of their lives - in ways which make their minds and bodies humanitarian instruments of Afrikan power and liberation as well as instruments for the empowerment and liberation from oppression of all humankind."

--"The Falsification Of Afrikan Consciousness: Eurocentric History, Psychiatry And The Politics Of White Supremacy" By Amos Wilson

Back in the late 1970's, I read a linguistic article that described a brief conversation between a linguist and two young Gullah children. The linguist asked the two children, "What color is the sky?" The two gullah children looked at each other, looked at the linguist, then back at each other.....then one asked the linguist, "What IS???"

It took the linguist a little while before he realized that for the two Gullah children, there was no such word (meaning) as IS.

After a little more investigation, the linguist leaned that if he had wanted an answer to his question, "What color is the sky", that he should have asked them this question: "Sky stun what color?" So, the linguist went back to those two children and asked this question. The children promptly responded with, "Sky stun blue!"

One Love, and PEACE


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