Black Spirituality Religion : Why Does God Of The Christian Bible Maniplate Human Thought ?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2004
To answer this question one would be committing themselves to the belief in A God or The God Concept . When in actuality , What would God be Without Man ? What Would Man Be Without God ? The first has no answer and the second is quite simple . They are not separated at all in all existence , Now look . Morals are just another animals who Evoluted to an intelligent level that succeed most other animals , And in realizing Homo-Sapiens Superiority . Their fears compel them to create A God in their image and after their likeness , Who states created in his image and after his likeness according to Genesis 1;26 .

So in fact , God did not create man . Man created God . Man wrote the books and say they come from God . They make the mistake when it says . And God said '' . NOT AND I SAID . How Do I Prove There Is No God ? By your own existence . For God only exists in and through man . NOT BEFORE AND NOT AFTER AS HE NEEDS HIM . It's this concept of God being and OLD WHITE MAN Sitting IN HEAVEN WITH A LOT OF WHITE WINGED ANGEL AROUND THAT DON'T EXIST . God came into existence with each individual's Awareness of God . Terms like '' God The Father '' . And '' Our Father ''

Help to create the God image . The day that you became aware of God was the day that God began to exist . So In Fact . God Only Exist as long as man existed . and God cannot exist after man except in concept . Remember , You made this God A Man . God is A part of Man's intellect as an Assurance that he is Superior to other animals ; A way of feeding his Insecurities . Such as having pets . Is there A God that puts anything anywhere ? This is an interesting question because PROPAGANDA and INDOCTRINATION has made the very people responsible for the MONOTHEISTIC . BELIEF IN '' A God Force ''

Guilty of Ignoring The Very Scripture That The Christian Declare Infallible . For instance , The Word Eloheem , Which Is Being Translated As God In Genesis , In The Translation Is Read As A Singular , But Grammatically Could Be Read Plural . In fact . In the language that the theologians of Judaism claim it was revealed in Hebrew , Such as the word Eloheem . In fact , it is plural in this language So . The Question '' Is There A God ? Leaves room for Questiong . Are they ready to face the fact that their Holy Book Begin With '' In The Beginning Gods Created'' And Not , '' In The Beginning The God Of A God Created ?

Where Did The Concept Of God Come From ? The concept of God came out of the loneliness of the intelligent Homo-Sapien . When this being evolved to the point where it could separate hate from love , fear from courage . Be decisive , make decisions . become possessive , It bred desire . need , want . Jealousy .. And loneliness . When human creatures feel . that no other human quite understands them or can't satisfy their craving . They created the God concept . A Universal father or grand father type that is ever forgiving and most merciful , even to the point of justification for wrong doing through confession and forgiveness . One of the first signs of this is in The Bible Genesis 2;18 ..

Genesis 2;18 , And I Quote ; And The LORD God Said , It Is Not Good That The Man Should Be Alone ; I Will Make Him An Help Meet For Him .

The word '' Alone '' And '' Not Good '' Tells You That This God Knew What Loneliness Was . Giving God Human Feelings . To have a better overstanding of this loneliness .Is to explain the Secret meaning of the 112th Chapter Suratu 'l Al -Ikhlas of the Quran , The degree of '' pure Faith '' When we look at the 1st 2-verse '' Say Allah Is Alone He Allah Is Needless ''. I Explain to you how you have placed within you the divine by way of the breath of life Thereby You Are God ( Psalms 82;6 and John 10;34 ) .

Yet you lack all the experiences to bring you back to the fulliness of its realization . Homo-Sapiens would have to get past the point of fearing being alone , Not alone as in lonely alone as in need of A Crutch to praise or blame for events in one's life . And feeling without need thereby , needless . Not needless as in wants of material things . But instead needless as in complete within oneself by the realization that once union with God is made . There's nothing you need . Desire . want . Etc . For which you don't Already possess . The Potenial to Manifest through the power of thought ''

So Religious Scholars Knew This And Used These Fears And Needs Against You ? That is correct . They know that if Homo-Sapiens even realize his full potential . There's Nothing He Would Be Unable To Do Genesis 11;6;.. Did God Start The Concept Of Beginning ? No . God according to them wouldn't have A concept of beginning and ending because christian declare God The Alpha And The Omega in Christianity . The Awal and the Akhir , In Islam and the Reeshone and Akheron in Judaism . All meaning The Beginning And the Ending .

The First And The Last . And for God To Be The Author of The Concept of . The Beginning And Ending would subject him to the Ultimate Question Of Begining OF WHAT ? And why do you say that ? Because the concept of in The Begininng in Genesis is followed ny the statement , A Group of Gods / Eloheem created the heaven , and the earth , The next question would be FROM WHAT ? But the third part of the statement of Genesis verse 2 clears it up when it states .''And The Earth Was Without Form And Void And Darkness Who Upon The Face Of The Deep '' .

That means clearly that something existed , But it was as stated without form and void and darkness was upon the face or surface of the deep .And the spirit of Gods / Eloheem moved upon the face of the waters . So This Couldn't Possibly Have Been The Very Beginning Of All Things Because Water Is A Compound Element H2O .Which Reveals The Existence Of At Least Eight Elements ; 1. Hydrogen, 2. Helium , 3 . Lithium 4. Beryllium 5. Boron 6. Carbon 7. Nitrogen and 8. Oxygen .

In order to have Carbon , which in itself is A Substance Produced By Burning Or Deterioration . Tells Me That Not Only Did Water Exist . But A Substance Or Matter Existed . So There Is No Way On Can Declare The Statement In Genesis Chapter 1 As The Beginning Of All Creation And Of All Things .

If God Is The First And The Last , Who Established His Time Zone & What Was It Based Upon ? To address it based on The Alpha Omega theory , if believers believe their God . Be It Jehovah , Allah , Or Theos to be The First And The Lsst .This would be the foundation for their laws of time . Even though their Holy Book Establishes Time After Their God Was Already here when it states in Genesis 1;14 . And I Quote . And God said let there belight in The Firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night ; And let them be for signs . And for seasons , and for days , and years .

At this point in The Bible . Time is being Established by Lights in the firmament . The Hebrew word used for firmament is Raqeeya / Raw - Kee '-Ah meaning '' The Skies ''. They are talking about what all Astronomers know as The Sun . The Moon And The Stars . As Its States In Genesis 1;16 .. So it is plain to see that time existed before thecreation of Time In The Bible. AndEven Genesis4;3 Adds the Word Time . When in fact in The Hebrew, The Word Yowm . Is There For Day . What I Am Saying Is Based On The Bible . There Is No Accurate Calculation Of Time .

Does Time Go Forward & Backward ? Time Doesn't Go . TimeIs Not A Process Of Motion . But The Confirmation Of Existence.

So Does That Mean That It's Not Possible For Time To Traved ? The Word Traved In Itself Implies From One Point To Another Point Appears To Move From One Point To Another BecauseMan Has Numbered Existence , To Create Once . Moment , Moments , 60 Moments , 60 Seconds . 6 Minutes, 24 Hours, Days , 7 Days, A Week . 29/30 . A Month , Years . 10 Years ( A DECADE ) . 20 Years ( A Score ) . 50 Years A Jubilee , 100 Years ( A Century ) . 400 ( A Generation ) . 1,000 Years . A Millennium , 25,000 Years , An Equinox , 26,000 Years , A Precession And Eons .

Man Took Existence And Declared It From One Point To The Next And Called It Clocking Time . Man Numbered It Into A Repeated Mathematical
System And Thus , People Who Are LQQking At A Flat Circular Concoction Called A Clock . Then , They Watch A Hand Go Into A Complete Circle , And Think That They Are Moving Forward . When In Actuality Time Just Is . If Time Was In Part Moving . Then The Whole Solar System Would Be Moving And It's Not . The Earth Is Moving Around The Sun . And The Earth Is Rotating On Its Axis . However . The Whole Thing Isn't Moving

And A Clock On The Wall Is Not Moving Time Travel Is Another Form Of An Illusion From Travailing . To Make You Think You Are Going Forward And Backward . When In Fact You Are Not .

If Time Does Not Move Backward Or Forward , Then Explain How John Prophesied The Book Of Revelation , Because The Book Of Revelation Speaks Of Things Happening In These Days And Time ? By The Statement . '' As It Was In The Begining So Shall It Be In The End '' Matthew 24;27 , Which Is The Same Thing . The Book Of Revelation Is Merely Talking About Things That John Saw . If John Saw All Of These Catastrophes . Them They Were Already Happening As They Were Being Revealed To Him . God Was Merely . As You Say . Opening A Gate . Making It Possible To See Here And There At The Same Time . The Point Being . If John Saw These Things Happening .

Then They Were Happening . Prophecy Is Merely Carrying The Thought To The Event . Or Carrying The Point To The Event . Prophecy Of What Happened Today . Happened Ten Years Ago . I Remember A Man Saying . '' I Was There Which Is Here . When They Asked '' Let There Be Light '' .
John Had A Vision Of The Future . He Saw And Witnessed The Vision . He Woke Up And Cried As If It Was A Nightmare . He Saw The Animals , And He Saw The Beasts . If It Happened In His Head . Then It Happened These Is No Prophesy That Is Coming From The Past Forward . They Are All Here .

So Does That Mean Time Is Based On Experiences ? Yes . Today Is Like Trying To Catch Tomorrow . When Tomorrow Comes . You Call It Today . And Today Becomes Yesterday . There Is Not One Yesterday . And There Is Not One Tomorrow . So You Are Not Going Anywhere . This Is A Part Of The Illusion That The Planet Moves Around The Sun And That Is True . But They Are Really Not Going Anywhere .

Is The Universe Going SomeWhere ? Scientist Also Want To Know If The Whole Universe Is On A Journey Somewhere . The Answer Is Abslutely Not . Motion Is Defined By Moving From One Point To Another . There Is Here And Here Is There . However . That Doesn't Mean That There Is No Such Thing As Motion . It Takes 25,000 Years For The Whole Universe To Make A Complete Revolution . It Works With The Equinox . Which Is 25,000 Years . Thus I Say . That Is What Time It Is .

How Is Here There , And There Here ? Realize That They . By Adding A Letter , Have Us Under The Illusion That There's A Difference . Take These Words ; 1 . WHERE , 2 . THERE . And . 3 . HERE . What Is The Difference ? If We Remove The Letter '' W '' From The Word '' WHERE '' , We Have HERE , And If We Remove The Letter '' T '' From THERE We Have HERE , So In Reality They Are One And The Same . It's Just A Play Based On What You Are Being Misled To Believe , Which Is Only An Illusion .
Hello Brother Issa and WELCOME BACK HOME!

I have a question. If homo-sapiean created God, Who or what created homosapien?

I've read where you said that the compounds that existed in the water manifested into man. Then what created those compounds. Did those compounds just simply exist? If time doesn't exist, and homo-sapiens is the manisfestations of those compounds in the water, could one say that those compounds have evoled? If so, can evolution be interpretated as a process and that process delved in time?

I understand where you say time has no beginning or end. That man created a method to determine the calculation of time, but if man can expire, to repeat life again, then wouldn't that mean that time does exist for man?
Hotep Ala Antut < Purple Moon >

PurpleMoons said:
Hello Brother Issa and WELCOME BACK HOME!

I have a question. If homo-sapiean created God, Who or what created homosapien?

I've read where you said that the compounds that existed in the water manifested into man. Then what created those compounds. Did those compounds just simply exist? If time doesn't exist, and homo-sapiens is the manisfestations of those compounds in the water, could one say that those compounds have evoled? If so, can evolution be interpretated as a process and that process delved in time?

I understand where you say time has no beginning or end. That man created a method to determine the calculation of time, but if man can expire, to repeat life again, then wouldn't that mean that time does exist for man?

Two Question If I May Ok Then I'll Try To Answer Your Question Ok
( 1 ) Do your Accept Life Forms Of Timat = Earth ?
( 2 ) . Do You Accept The Evolutionary Process ?
Two Question If I May Ok Then I'll Try To Answer Your Question Ok
( 1 ) Do your Accept Life Forms Of Timat = Earth ?
( 2 ) . Do You Accept The Evolutionary Process ?

I'm not sure if I'm understanding your questions Brother. I will answer it to my understanding.

1. I am a life form on earth, so I have accepted that but I am not limited to such a form.

2. Yes, I accept the evolution process. I was born a child, then I evoled to a teen, and know I am an adult. I don't think evolution can be denied.
A different perspective

I have read your post and have questions about your reasoning. Much like the question Purplemoons asked, even if all life evolved from a single cell organism, where did the organism come from and what gave it life? Also if the "God concept" was invented in the minds of men then are you saying that when man dies there will be no judgement or afterlife for that matter? Are you saying when we die we will simply cease to exist or will the true reality of God be revealed to us dispelling whatever notions of God we have? You know as a christian I do not believe we evolved for apelike caveman dispite the unsubstanciated fossil evidence that clearly has a missing link between man and ape. I still would like to hear your perspective NOT for my amusement but for the exploration of a different perspective.

Peace Brother

Radical Faith


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