Black People : Untold Black History: The Moors & Myths Surrounding The Slavery Holocaust Pt.1

Sundiata Keita, Sundjata Keyita, Mari Djata I or just Sundiata (pronounced: soon-jah-tuh) (c. 1217 – c. 1255) was the founder of the Mali Empire and celebrated as a hero of the Mandinka people of West Africa in the semi-historical Epic of Sundiata. Sundiata is also known by the name Sogolon Djata. The name Sogolon is taken from his mother, daughter of the buffalo woman (so called because of her ugliness and hunchback), and Jata, meaning "lion." A common Mande naming practice combines the mother's name with the personal name to give Sonjata or Sunjata. The last name Keita is a clan name more than a surname. The story of Sundiata is primarily known through oral tradition, transmitted by generations of traditional Mandinka griots. Sundiata was the son of Nare and Sogolon Conde. Growing up, the Mandinkas were conquered by king Soumaoro Kanté of the Ghana Empire. He devoted his life to building an army to overthrow the king and liberating his homeland. When he was older and had a strong army, Sundiata did overthrow the king and became king of the Mali Empire. He understood that if he were to have a kingdom, he would need it to be prosperous as to keep strong. He had crops such as beans and rice, grown and soon introduced cotton. With the crops selling, the Mali Empire became very wealthy. Sundiata supported religion and soon took the title Mansa. After he died, many rulers also took the title mansa, to show their role and authority in society.

The Keita Dynasty ruled pre-Imperial and Imperial Mali from the 12th century into the early 17th century. It was a Muslim Dynasty, and its rulers claimed descent from Bilal. Bilal was a freed slave who accepted Islam and became one of the Sahabas of the Prophet Muhammad. Bilal bears the distinction of being the first muezzin in Islam. According to Mandinka traditionalist accounts passed down by djelis (oral chroniclers), Bilal had seven sons of which one settled in Manden. This son, Lawalo, had a son named Latal Kalabi, who later sired Damul Kalabi. Damul Kalabi's son was Lahilatoul and the first faama of Niani. It is through Lahilatoul that the Keita clan becomes a ruling dynasty, though only over the small area around Niani. There would be nine Faamas of Niani prior to the founding of the Great Mali Empire. Its first mansa would be the famous Sundiata Keita. A couple of generations after him his great-nephew, Mansa Musa I of Mali, made a celebrated pilgrimage to Mecca which established his reputation as the richest man of his day. The Dynasty he belonged to remained a major power in West Africa from 1235 until the breakup of the Mali Empire around 1610. Rivals from within the clan founded smaller Kingdoms within contemporary Mali and Guinea. Of the members of these modern daughter dynasties, the late politician Modibo Keita and the musician Salif Keita are arguably the most famous.

As far as the Mayans or Aztecs are concerned they were descendants of the Malian Moors, also known as OLMECS. This means that there were Malian Moors about 1000 years before the advent or rise of Islam.

Te point is thus. Far from being an "Untold Black History" there is actually an abundance of historical data which gives evidence of these various historical connections but one has to do extensive research in order to straighten out the multitude of lies which are told to obfuscate the truth.

In fact the word "Moor" was later referenced became identified with "Morocco" but that is not the etymology of the word which existed long before the nation now known as Morocco.

A Muur is a Moor is a Mor.By the etmology of the word Muur what does it mean?Mu Le Murie was the land and we "moors" are the indigenous people of the land.There is no government or society that predates ours.We are the first.We populated this entire planet and through us came all that is.This is not hate but on the contrary it is supreme love.We as indigenous peoples of Moorish descent have been robbed of our knowledge of self,who and what we are to the Earth and all of its inhabitants.We are the parents,we are the progenitors,blood relations to all of the aboriginal.Simple science bears witness to the fact that all life begins in total triple darkness.To the so called Black,Red,Brown and Yellow...Man,we are blood, we are one.Through the use of artful words 99% of the worlds population is in bondage and the shocking part is...." they know not". At the conclusion of the instructions on "HOW TO MAKE A NEGRO",its author stated that,"once the slave masters the language all of our secrets will be revealed and they (slaves) would no longer exist on the level of a slave."To give an example of this knowledge and how it can be useful I offer the following text from
American: The term "American" according to U.S. history was supposedly taken from the Italian navigator, Amerigo Vespucci. The truth is that the term, "America" is a two part word (Amer) taken from the French word, "Moor" which were the inhabitants of West Africa (Morocco, Mali). These Africans were also referred to as, "Muur, Mor" and "Morenos" in Spain to mean, "Black." The term, "Moor" is the root word of the Latin term, "Amor" which means, "Beloved" and was the term used in reference to the Moroccan kings who sailed via Spain and became religious leaders of the Vatican. The original Vatican priesthood was African! (Catholic = Cat Holistic or "Holy Cat" of Egypt symbolized by the Sphinx.) The Moroccan priesthood oversaw the Papal government. The term, "Rica" derived from the Middle English word "Ric" to mean "Power realm." Power was determined by bloodline and by wealth, thus the term, "Rich" or "Reich," and referred to the wealthy Moroccans that was depicted in the films, "Casablanca" and "The King and I". The term "American" literally refers to the early inhabitants of this land who wore gold in their noses.

Black Nobility Cover-up
riveting! Informative! Astonishing!

It is so true that 'Black Indians' were sold from America to Africa!

And it is so true and such a trick in regards to the term 'asiatics' being applied to Black Africa especially as was brought out that 'the ancient Kemet people called their stauchest enemies 'asiatics'. For the people of Morroco to began calling themselves 'non-black asiatics' is so amazing when the history is so well documented that ancient Kemet regarded the Asiatics as their WORST ENEMIES BY FAR! Man! What a trick!!!

But, I would like to address some issues in this blog;

*I think it was said that some of the 'Black' [Negro 'Indians'] that were sold from Americas to Europe and Africa had names like 'Juan' and 'Ali', but it is to my understanding that both of these names 'originally' applied to 'White' [Asiatic-typed] people of the east [Mongol people].

*I think it said something about the Mayans and how they related to the Moors over here in America, but based on my research 'some of the Mayans are also considered to be Moors too'. i think Hannibal was mentioned and during that ancient time period, certain Moors attached to the name of and dynasty of MAGO [MAGOG] also journeyed down into West Africa too, not just during the time after 1000 ad and they intermixed with the inhabitants at that time too.

About 4.42 minutes into this blog, I so appreciated the history about how it was said that 'the Moors in Spain sold Black women like commodities but they called the White women 'perfection of beauties' and that 'Moors had an affinity with blond haired blue eyed women...' Based on my research this is 'the Worship of Ashteroth' that goes way back in time and comes from the 'Blacks' that migrated from the east with the white [Asiatic] people they worshiped.

About 5.13 minutes into this blog; it was said that 'the Moors tortured the Black people they enslaved into saying we were Asiatic Moors as opposed to Black Afrikans' and this movement was dated to happen in 1591 and I appreciated hearing this 'conditioning' and absolutely agree. I also hope that it will soon be brought out and STRESSED that many of these kind of Moors were 'Blacks that came from the east with White [Asiatic] people that they worshiped'. And they came in migratory waves from the east over the course of time that stretches back thousands of years even way before the time of Hannibal [Channibal].

*The very name 'Khan' and 'Chan' and 'Ghan' is connected to some history from the kind of 'Black' people [Mixed Black people] that came from eastern lands with similar names that can be seen in names today like 'AFGHANISTAN' [AF-GHAN], and Ghengis KHAN. Some of these Moors called themselves 'Black Asiatics' because that probably what they were, and they forced this on the indigenous people of Africa. So yes, as the blog revealed, these kind of moors and even today, Moors try to trick us into saying that 'we are Moors'. Wow! Amazing!
This blog stated that in 1000 ad Moors bonded with Whites to conquer west Africa, and I so believe this. Therefore in this blog two or three significant dates were offered about Moors operating against the indigenous people of Africa; (1) the time of Hannibal, (2) 1000s ad, and (3) 1591, and maybe more.

I think it's important to also remember that 1000s ad was THE CRUSADES, a time when White 'Christians' were competing with the muslims and etc. and what i recognize that there was a agreement going on between the White 'Christians' and the 'Red government' and some Moors were helping the cause on both sides.

*Lastly; I absolutely do not agree with the author cited in his definition of the Hyksos including 'Israelites' because the Hyksos people were attached to history FIRMLY in regards to their technology in connection with 'horse and chariots' and this puts apart of their history in the northeastern Hittite civilization where this trade was situated, and the israelites had no connection with it at tthat time period. I do agree that the hyksos were a mixture of people as they migrated from the northeast into the west into certain areas and intermingled with certain 'Black' people.
And, I don't agree with the information about 'the Hashashins' being postive in relation to the moors, because their history goes all the way back to being 'infiltrators' into 'Black Babylon' [Kemet] in which they acted just like the Moors and cut down those Black kings and men of Black Babylon. So they maybe against the Moors, but they have a similar history. Based on my research the Hashashins come from the northeast area of South Russia and were a system of White Supremacist of whom used their 'Blacks' to take down 'the Sumerians' [Black Babylonians] and, they have a history in which they exploited little 'Black' boys and raised them to be 'assassins' hence 'hashashins' and they got the infiltrators 'high' on 'HASHISH' [Hemp, marijuana...] to infiltrate, befriend the Sumerians, inter-mix with them and then overthrow them...

Excellent work my Brother!! These are the issues that I'm often speaking about when I appear to be on my anti-male rag every once in a while. I have been able to trace the Moors back to at least the 25th dynasty of Kemet. Obviously our people were in Kemet doing some ish that they shouldn't have been doing....which may equally account for the reasons that the Dogan separated from them. So here's where I am right now. 1. Our people knew that they messed up when they began making people. 2. White people as we call them have been up in Afraka (Libya area) way before the 1st. Dynasty. Diop documents that 3 out of 5 households in ancient Kemet had white this reveals that there was intermingling going on. 3. Somewhere along the way we expel them to the caucus mountains stripped of everything. 4. Being stripped of everything in an environment that was hostile to their existence, it was there that they began to go backwards to the neanderthal state or condition. 4. The Kemites realized that they had left them there for too long without going back there to teach them but knew that they had to be taught. This is where we get the Moses story of teaching them (even though I do have another spin on this that is more realistic).

With the mystery system and way of Kemetic life under attack from Christian persecution (closing of the temples and yada yada yada), the moors who were originally Kemites, not only fled Kemet but accepted the Islamic religion as a political front that allowed them to continue to practice their mystery system and to invade European countries in their attempt to straighten out the mistake that was originally made in ancient Kemet. They knew that in order to have any "humanity" in them that they needed melanin in their systems. As such, they began having sexual intercourse with the white women who would sire melanated children. They understood then that IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SURVIVE THAT THEY HAD TO HAVE MELANIN in their systems. This is why the Queen of England the rulers of Spain, Russia and more can all trace themselves back to black ancestry.

However, white people bleached the melanin out of themselves by marrying exclusively white people till no trace of black could be found in them today in many white circles of so called nobility. Due to them building all those universities and schools up in those European countries, white people had access to all that was preserved from Kemet and the Moorish civilization that is responsible for white people being able to govern the planet today the way that they do. There were Moors on both sides of the fence Islamically speaking and in Christianity as well. History will reveal that there are and have always been two groups of us as a people. There are those of us who want nothing to do with white people and who prefer to be with our own people, for our own people and by our own people. On the other hand, as in the past....there are those of us who have no problem working with, being with, sleeping with or mingling with white people.

Right now we're fighting against systems that our people basically gave to white people and others so that they could govern themselves. The very things that we (our ancestors) designed for others to govern themselves with are the very same things that white people have flipped back upon us to control us with even though the systems came from us but were not FOR US. Now basically I see a lot of internal arguments here that we as a people are going to have to straighten out among ourselves as time goes on. Right now my main concern is in getting rid of all outside or external energies that are preventing us from doing what needs to be done.

When you see this on the internet you will know that I am behind it because I'm structuring a format to be circulated among our people to find out "just who wants to stay here and who wants to go back home" and why. From there I can make the next move because right now we need to separate as a people for real. Those that want to be around them, who can work with them, marry them and all else, should stay here with them. Those of us on the other order who don't even want to see a white person much less be in their company, should be allowed to go back home and work with our people there.

Furthermore, I advise recommended reading on this subject of the moors for those unfamiliar with them; "The Moors in Spain" Stanley Lane Poole, "The Golden Age of the Moors" Ivan Van Sertima. "The People of the Secret", Ernest Scott and "Man, God and Civilization", John G. Jackson.

Yeah, our ancestors messed up....the very day that they created them!!!....and then had the nerve to document in their writings: "Do not teach them anything for they will seek to make it their own".

All of this is some serious man/male ish to me!!! We only hear about the Ashante wars because the MEN wanted to negotiate and work with whity but the sisters said NO!..get them out of here...thus we have Yaa Asentewa...the examples can be many as it relate to the fact that we as black men have historically been doing some ill ish that our women were not down with!! Even Harriet Tubman had to kill her own husband with his punk @ss self!!!!
Excellent work my Brother!! These are the issues that I'm often speaking about when I appear to be on my anti-male rag every once in a while. I have been able to trace the Moors back to at least the 25th dynasty of Kemet. Obviously our people were in Kemet doing some ish that they shouldn't have been doing....which may equally account for the reasons that the Dogan separated from them. So here's where I am right now. 1. Our people knew that they messed up when they began making people. 2. White people as we call them have been up in Afraka (Libya area) way before the 1st. Dynasty. Diop documents that 3 out of 5 households in ancient Kemet had white this reveals that there was intermingling going on. 3. Somewhere along the way we expel them to the caucus mountains stripped of everything. 4. Being stripped of everything in an environment that was hostile to their existence, it was there that they began to go backwards to the neanderthal state or condition. 4. The Kemites realized that they had left them there for too long without going back there to teach them but knew that they had to be taught. This is where we get the Moses story of teaching them (even though I do have another spin on this that is more realistic).

With the mystery system and way of Kemetic life under attack from Christian persecution (closing of the temples and yada yada yada), the moors who were originally Kemites, not only fled Kemet but accepted the Islamic religion as a political front that allowed them to continue to practice their mystery system and to invade European countries in their attempt to straighten out the mistake that was originally made in ancient Kemet. They knew that in order to have any "humanity" in them that they needed melanin in their systems. As such, they began having sexual intercourse with the white women who would sire melanated children. They understood then that IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SURVIVE THAT THEY HAD TO HAVE MELANIN in their systems. This is why the Queen of England the rulers of Spain, Russia and more can all trace themselves back to black ancestry.

However, white people bleached the melanin out of themselves by marrying exclusively white people till no trace of black could be found in them today in many white circles of so called nobility. Due to them building all those universities and schools up in those European countries, white people had access to all that was preserved from Kemet and the Moorish civilization that is responsible for white people being able to govern the planet today the way that they do. There were Moors on both sides of the fence Islamically speaking and in Christianity as well. History will reveal that there are and have always been two groups of us as a people. There are those of us who want nothing to do with white people and who prefer to be with our own people, for our own people and by our own people. On the other hand, as in the past....there are those of us who have no problem working with, being with, sleeping with or mingling with white people.

Right now we're fighting against systems that our people basically gave to white people and others so that they could govern themselves. The very things that we (our ancestors) designed for others to govern themselves with are the very same things that white people have flipped back upon us to control us with even though the systems came from us but were not FOR US. Now basically I see a lot of internal arguments here that we as a people are going to have to straighten out among ourselves as time goes on. Right now my main concern is in getting rid of all outside or external energies that are preventing us from doing what needs to be done.

When you see this on the internet you will know that I am behind it because I'm structuring a format to be circulated among our people to find out "just who wants to stay here and who wants to go back home" and why. From there I can make the next move because right now we need to separate as a people for real. Those that want to be around them, who can work with them, marry them and all else, should stay here with them. Those of us on the other order who don't even want to see a white person much less be in their company, should be allowed to go back home and work with our people there.

Furthermore, I advise recommended reading on this subject of the moors for those unfamiliar with them; "The Moors in Spain" Stanley Lane Poole, "The Golden Age of the Moors" Ivan Van Sertima. "The People of the Secret", Ernest Scott and "Man, God and Civilization", John G. Jackson.

Yeah, our ancestors messed up....the very day that they created them!!!....and then had the nerve to document in their writings: "Do not teach them anything for they will seek to make it their own".

All of this is some serious man/male ish to me!!! We only hear about the Ashante wars because the MEN wanted to negotiate and work with whity but the sisters said NO!..get them out of here...thus we have Yaa Asentewa...the examples can be many as it relate to the fact that we as black men have historically been doing some ill ish that our women were not down with!! Even Harriet Tubman had to kill her own husband with his punk @ss self!!!!

The beginning of Time in this era has nothing to do with Jesus, but begins with the reign of Warrior Queen Mother of Kush Amanitore

She is the Queen of the South who lived during the time of Jesus and was supposedly converted by Philip.

So, if was not the whites who suppressed the African Queens of Kush and their legacy because they took the so called Mysteries of Asar and Auset and fashioned them into their own Chronicles.

The Romans later perverted this system and most of us have lost this knowledge.

Moor relates to the Meroites and my only problem with how you present your argument, which I agree with for the most part, is that this does not begin with what you and others refer as Kemet, but Nubia, Upper Nubia in fact, which had a predynastic Culture that was destroyed by the Kemetic Pharaoh Aha, but this is why there are the two distinct lineages, one from Upper Egypt and the other from Upper Nubia, ie Kerma, Kush and Wawat.



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