Black Spirituality Religion : The Hebrews were NOT *Black* or even *African*...

mardukson said:
The biggest problem all of us have in trying to discern and understand what those who had gone before us tries to tell us about the past is that we simply don't listen or we don't comprehend when we read. We have this Idea in our heads that we know more about the past than the people who were back there writing about it.

But discerning the truth about the past isn't hard because nothing ever changes. People don't change. As the saying goes: the more things change, the more they stay the same.

To discern the truth of the past all we have to do is look around us and see what is happening today.

To understand the bible--which tells the truth--we have to acknowledge one important fact. That is,the bible, like all other such written meddling were written by priests/Magicians. Whether you want to call them Initiates, Shamans, sorcerers, Elders, or whatever, the point is this kind of stuff is always written by the Crowleys, Thoths, or La veys of the world--people fancying themselves to be magicians or the keepers of secrets and mysteries.

Keeping this in mind we can be sure these kinds of writings on the past or history, are the only kind where you're going to find the truth. Magicians don't lie. Whether they are "black" magicians or "white" magicians they don't lie because you can't change or create a new reality, which is the purpose of such scribbling by lying about what is real, although you can by lying about the perception of what is real. A Magician might try to deceive or trick you into worshipping a false god, but he's not going to lie about anything. He's just going to try to fool you into lying to yourself. Even then he's going to tell the truth

"The whole world is deceived" (bible)

"Satan is the ruler of the world(bible)

The whole world lies in the power of the evil one(bible)

People who try to force the reigning, acknowledged Big god of this world down our throats--who is the god of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Hinduism, as well as numerous offshoots, don't seem to comprehend those statements. The bible say the big god of this world is the devil. Yet people want to use that same bible to try to get us to worship who they consider to be the big god of the world. No comprehension skills whatsoever.

The bible is of the forces of good and the forces of evil--good magicians and evil magicians--our Ancestors, and other people's Ancestors. None of them are lying. They are just telling the same story from different perspectives. Or simply telling their own genesis or writing their own magic.

Another important thing to consider when reading these kind of "religious" works is that Magicians don't write locally or regionally, they always write universally.

For example, the Israelites, in the bible, were never meant to represent a specific race, group, or tribe of people. They represented all of Mankind.

This thread is about who the Hebrews were. The bible told us who they were. To collaborate what the bible said, all we have to do is look around us today. The bible said they were a mixed crowd--or of every race. That's exactly what we see today.

People like to say the Akenazi Jews are not the people of the book. Wrong. They are. Everybody who is claiming to be the people of the book are correct--the white ones, the black ones the Semite ones, the Asian ones. They are all correct.

But here's the stickler. Most people, when they talk about the Hebrews, or Israelites, or confusing them with Yahweh's chosen ones. They are wrong. The bible makes it clear that most of WoMankind/Israelites, never became Yahweh's chosen people. Most of Mankind refused to accept Yahweh as their god. And they died without ever accepting him. Read the book.

The chosen people were those who chose to accept the god. They were the Priests, the Leaders, the military men, and the Dobermans(Police etc,). In other words the Elite and their enforcers. These are the true chosen ones of Yahweh. These are the ones who chose to do Yahweh's bidding, dragging the reluctant rest of WoMankind along behind them. That's what the bible tells us. We can collaborate the truth of it just by looking around us today. Who is blessed in this world? Who is robbing, killing, enslaving, attacking and destroying entire peoples and lands? It's not the bulk of WoMankind of any race. It's the same ones that accepted Yahweh as their god back in the bible, and they weren't of one tribe, people or race. They were of everybody. We can see the truth of that by looking around us today. The black chosen ones are no less Yahweh's people than the white ones or yellow ones. They are all imperialists--slaughtering and robbing mankind, as ordered by their god.
And just as told in the bible, the bulk of the people are always against this stuff, but feel powerless to do anything about it.

We can try to blame all white people for what the chosen ones has done to black people throughout history, but the undeniable fact is 90 percent of white people never left their spot. They never left Europe. And didn't have to. We can see today with Somalia how Africa was defeated and how She is kept poor. And it's not just the Ethiopian Elite. It's all of them.
Some of them even had the gall to send soldiers to help prop up white supremacy's revenge on Somalia. But it's not White supremacy's
revenge. It's the "family's" revenge. They hate for their class and kilt and kin to lose.
They are going to hand Africa over to white supremacy again because white supremacy is really elite supremacy, and in Elite supremacy the black ones get to be "gods" over the masses too.
It's the same thing over and over again and until we face up to the truth, everything we say about ourselves and Africa, is bull****. Meaningless bull****.

One day the WoMan race is going to wake up and stop falling for the age old divide and conquer ,rule technique. The Tower of Babel story was saying something. The Ancients didn't tell that story in all the ancient scripts for nothing.

If 50million Africans were tortured and slaughtered in the slave trade and ravage of Africa,--200 million whites,300 million Asians and untold millions of browns and reds were slaughtered during the same 400 year period.

Somebody needs to take the blinders off and see what's really happening on this earth.

We can say that Caucasians benefited and did nothing to stop the robbery and genocide, but then we'll have to ask ourselves what are we doing to stop the robbery and genocide that our Nation is perpetrating today. There's really nothing we can do. And so it has been with other people around the world. Yahweh's chosen does whatsoever they want.

That's because a Yahweh is real--just like the Ancestors say. And these Entities are empowering their chosen ones.

The bible is a remarkable book, but so are most magical writings. They tell the truth. You just have to know which voice is speaking . The bible has been tampered with--yes, but not in the way we would think.

The two voices don't tamper with each other's word. They simply write new words/magic, to try to cancel out the first spoken words which is why there is always two of everything-- saying the exact opposite. Two gods. Two prophecies. Two philosophies. etc. A bloodthirsty, picking and choosing Jesus, who is going to rule with an iron rod
and a Pacifist, impartial Jesus who says his kingdom is not on this earth.. All in the same book.

Our Ancestors wrote magic, or prophecy to conjure a future outcome, and our enemies simply wrote their own prophecies and magic to cancel it out. Both outcomes are possible. It just depends on whose Initiates puts in the most work to make a written prophecy come true. Or who can claim the collective will of the people to empower a certain god or energy force to bring about the written outcome.

That's why they work so hard to deceive us into worshipping their god or energy.

Understand this. And we will have no problem discerning what we as Cu****e peoples have to do if we want to ever live free and valued lives.

Only in an insane lopsided, bewitched world/reality, would a Mugabe be considered wrong just for trying to take
back a land of millions from a handful of descendents of robbers and torturers. And the sad thing is not only do Caucasians
see nothing wrong with thinking a handful of whites are supposed to Lord it 0ver 12 million blacks, most Blacks see nothing wrong with it--even in Africa. It's all black magic. In a correct reality this kind of thing would not even be imagined, much less accepted,tolerated and expected as the natural order of things.

We have some hellova fine minds amongst us. I make no claims to have everything right . But I would like the great minds we have in some of our people, to forget the past and all preconceived notions. Put those minds towards researching and coming to a collective agreement as to who our greatest Ancestor/God is. Quit trying to claim, own and profit from things. Come to a conclusion and just put it out there for the people like freeware.

I understand the great Creator is above all this stuff and [It] is the only thing that is truly worthy of worship and thanks, but still on this earth there are Beings and Entities who has somehow made themselves very powerful and they have chosen to help some people and destroy other people. We need to find out who the Ancients say are for us--the poor and sheep of the world. We need to distinguish the true from the imposter. The bible tells us who that is too, but we still need to come to a collective agreement about which voice is telling us what about who. I'm talking to the great minds out there--basically secular--not y'all disciples and gurus.

I'm a self-proclaimed disciple, myself, but I'm not talking to me either. I want to know what the real scholars come up with. Secular don't necessary mean Atheist. The so-called "gods" are real energy forces and I know a lot of genuinely intelligent people knows this.

I harp on the bible, but there isn't anything out there that's saying anything different from what the bible says. Neterus, demons, Aliens, Nephilem, Apep, tiamat, nagas leviathan. Abraham Brahma, Ra, Rama.Trample the lesser men. Curse Canaan . It's the same story.Same agenda.

The job is not to keep on with a whole lot of arguing and debating about the past, or getting bogged down in trying to be like and live like some dead people did thousands of years ago. We are people ourselves--living people--with minds and bodies and the Creator--given freewill to write our own destiny. The real job is to find out who or what can empower us like Yahweh empowers his chosen ones. We have a champion just like they do. If we don't--collectively-- we can create one just like they did. All we have to do is come to an agreement and put our collective energy towards channeling some of that energy of the most high One into creating a collective force to empower us.

That's how it's done.

It's all magic and sorcery(manipulating energy) and always has been. But it's not done by killing chickens or hoarding information. The bible/Jesus, told us how it's done. Every Magician whoever wrote a book tells how it's done if you get past the mumbling and sacrificing B.S. That's what it is B.S. I don't care how many Ancient Africans did it. We didn't start doing that kind of stuff until after the TowerofBabel was destroyed and we were infiltrated, divided and indoctrinated..
Before then we weren't worshipping anything. We were an advanced secular people and society, worldwide.
Our history don't peak with groveling before, and trying to appease everything that crosses out path. That's how it ended.
We wrestled this earth from monsters, giants, dinosaurs and dragons.

All the ancient scripts tells us that too.

Btw, Babylon, as written of in the bible never represented a city. Magicians don't write locally or regionally. Babylon represented an Age or Era. The Era of the Cu****e peoples, (or WoMankind, whom the Cu****e peoples were the predecessors of) dominion over the earth.

WoMankind no longer has dominion over the earth. Humankind(the Elites or chosen ones of Yahweh) has been given not only dominion of the earth but dominion over WoMankind.

The bible tells us that too. Those prophets weren't railing against a city, they were magically writing to destroy for all time the Ascendancy of Cu****e peoples(WoMankind). We can look around today and see the truth of that too because the beat goes on. We've been suckered into willingly burning Babylon, and our ***** has been on fire ever since.

All this is just my oppinion, based on some research and some internal, I guess intuition. I'm not going be dogmatic here because one of these
kemetian bruhs are liable to tear me up. Whole nutha level with those peops.

Some smart, smart people in these circles, but that's what seeking out our own image and place in the universe does no matter what path we choose to travel in our search. I'm amazed a lot lately at the high intelligence of these brothers and sisters who look for god in their own image. There really is something to that. And it really is the answer. .

Are you speaking of leviathan as yaw weh? or are you going deeper that tha and stating tammuz or enlil as yaw weh? Are you a student of Dr york murdok son? A have personally came to the same conculsion via research. We are definintely looking at an emergence of a yaw weh in the by bill. One filled with arogance anger lust and a killing streak for those whom does not obey nor submit to the entity. Thanks your your submission. wadu hotep
(Music Producer) - Tuthmosis I married princes Ahmose who was daughter of Ahmose I. At this point the royal bloodline from the Hyksos war is sustained through princes Ahmose. Tuthmosis I had two elder sons that died before him.

there is both a matrilineal and a patrilineal bloodline. this is why brother's would "marry sisters" and fathers would "marry" their daughters. both bloodlines needed to be rule. tuthmose i was not a crown prince or a prince at all. tuthmose i was a general. the patrilineal bloodline ended with amenhotep i. only the matrilineal bloodline propagated after that.

(Music Producer) - Tuthmosis III married Hatshepsut-Merytre who is to become mother of Amenhotep II.
Amenhotep II becomes that Immaculate Birth or full-blooded royal bloodline.

immaculate = clean.
my interpretation is that the "god's wife" title and role reflected the fact that the patrilineal bloodline had ended, and suggests that the true father is the great god imin, through ritual possession of the queen's husband. not tuthmose iii, as tuthmose iii also did not have the patrilineal bloodline.

(Music Producer) - As I said, Akhenaten’s bloodline can be traced all the way back to the Hyksos war.

not his patrilineal bloodline.

(Music Producer) - It is indeed a mess because we use to marry our half sisters and even in some cases our daughters but we did these things to intentionally sustain royal blood.

these things were done because aishat (isis) is the seat of power. the matrilineal bloodline is the true owner/controller of the land, and the king is the executor. if the queen, the king must take that crown princess as his wife as she is the true seat of power. similarly, a crown prince must marry the next princess in succession, (sister/half-sister) and the queen becomes queen mother.

there is both a patrilineal and matrilineal bloodline.
(mardukson) - excellent post...i have a couple points of disagreement

(mardukson) - Whether you want to call them Initiates, Shamans, sorcerers, Elders, or whatever, the point is this kind of stuff is always written by the Crowleys, Thoths, or La veys of the world--people fancying themselves to be magicians or the keepers of secrets and mysteries.

we're putting crowley and la vey in the same company with tehuti? that's an interesting perspective...

who actually began writing this stuff down, and why? historically, these traditions of esoteric knowledge were largely passed down through familial ties based on the loose caste system structure. with techniques to access direct divine knowledge, there was not a great need to write down these principles.
the people that did the majority of the writing, collecting and interpretting of esoteric knowledge are those that did not have their own traditions; and were usurping the knowledge of others.

(mardukson) - people fancying themselves to be magicians or the keepers of secrets and mysteries.
Magicians don't lie. Whether they are "black" magicians or "white" magicians they don't lie

we can question how much these "magicians" actually understand of what they are conveying. ignorance presented as truthful accurate knowledge is essentially a lie.

(mardukson) - Another important thing to consider when reading these kind of "religious" works is that Magicians don't write locally or regionally, they always write universally.

For example, the Israelites, in the bible, were never meant to represent a specific race, group, or tribe of people. They represented all of Mankind.

a) this is an interesting perspective that is undermined by the fact that the isrealites are only a subset of people, that descend from a specific individual (shem) who himself is intended to symbolically represent a specific race of people. the shem/ham/japeth representing asiatics, africans and indo-europeans is pretty clear.

you use the term "cu*****e" yourself to refer to african people., kush is a reference to the descendents of ham...etc. these are not represented by the israelites.

b) the 12 tribes of israel (including dinah) also represent the 12 constellations; as do the 12 disciples of yeshua (including mary). we should question the level of understanding exhibited by those that wrote themselves into a "history" that was symbolic in the first place.

(mardukson) - The bible makes it clear that most of WoMankind/Israelites, never became Yahweh's chosen people. Most of Mankind refused to accept Yahweh as their god. And they died without ever accepting him. Read the book.

the bible simply cannot be our only source. ShemsiEnTehuti has done excellent work in this thread exposing that the original levite priesthood and god of the bible are those of akhenaten; their doctrine of atenism. the people that "rejected" that doctrine likely had no understanding of it. yahweh and the followers of those semitic gods wrote themselves into african history, and supplanted the aten with their "gods".

this issue of who yahweh is is broader than simply interpretting the biblical claims. yahweh was written in after the rejection of the aten.

(mardukson) - If 50 million Africans were tortured and slaughtered in the slave trade and ravage of Africa,--200 million whites,300 million Asians and untold millions of navys and reds were slaughtered during the same 400 year period.

Somebody needs to take the blinders off and see what's really happening on this earth.

indo-europeans have always slaughtered themselves, and asiatics also have a barbaric history. it's misleading to say "look at how many indo-europeans have suffered" when the truth is they suffer at their own hand and are themselves the source of the suffering.

(mardukson) - We can say that Caucasians benefited and did nothing to stop the robbery and genocide, but then we'll have to ask ourselves what are we doing to stop the robbery and genocide that our Nation is perpetrating today.

who exactly does "our nation" reflect? you can't hold a mirror to the faceless and expect them to take accountability for the actions of those they do not influence.

(mardukson) - The bible is a remarkable book, but so are most magical writings.

who exactly created the idea that divine knowledge was found in a book? that isn't an afrcian concept. that's an indo-european concept; a concept from a people that lack their own indigenous spiritual knowledge and traditions.
i wouldn't call the bible remarkable.

(mardukson) - I understand the great Creator is above all this stuff and [It] is the only thing that is truly worthy of worship and thanks

above or within?

worship - adoring reverence or regard

we should not be superstitious about the meaning of worship; ultimately, the list of things that are undeserving of worship is short. namely anything/being corrupted and desecrated.

(mardukson) - I harp on the bible, but there isn't anything out there that's saying anything different from what the bible says. Neterus, demons, Aliens, Nephilem, Apep, tiamat, nagas leviathan. Abraham Brahma, Ra, Rama.Trample the lesser men. Curse Canaan . It's the same story.Same agenda.

i couldn't disagree more vehemently to this :) different people, different stories, different agendas.

(mardukson) - All we have to do is come to an agreement and put our collective energy towards channeling some of that energy of the most high One into creating a collective force to empower us.

That's how it's done.

when we study the meaning of names and symbolism, we can see that that is how it should be done. it is only when we look at names as mystical and magical and ignore the meaning, that we forget how it should be done.

(mardukson) - It's all magic and sorcery(manipulating energy) and always has been. But it's not done by killing chickens or hoarding information.

killing chickens is releasing and manipulating life energy. information was kept secret from those that hd no right to it and would abuse it, and hoarded by those that abused the little they got their hands on.

(mardukson) - We didn't start doing that kind of stuff until after the TowerofBabel was destroyed and we were infiltrated, divided and indoctrinated..
Before then we weren't worshipping anything. We were an advanced secular people and society, worldwide.

that is a very interesting perspective that is not supported by recent historical evidence and can only speak to a timeframe 100k years ago if not much much earlier (millions of years).

(mardukson) - Our history don't peak

our history will never peak :)

(mardukson) - I'm amazed a lot lately at the high intelligence of these brothers and sisters who look for god in their own image. There really is something to that. And it really is the answer.

there i agree 100%. originally, god was portrayed as an anthropomorphous being as man was known to be an anthropomorphous being. someone later convinced men that god was in the skies, and men were nothing more than human beings.
emanuel goodman said:
Are you speaking of leviathan as yaw weh?

"I wasn't"

or are you going deeper that tha and stating tammuz or enlil as yaw weh?

"Wasn't doing that."

Are you a student of Dr york murdok son?

"No, but like the khemetians and Rastas, I respect the Nuwaubians to the upmost. I don't agree with anybody, but to me the diamond isn't about being right about everything, it's about creating a mindset. The truths and rewards will eventually follow. "No luv for York though, unless he innocent"

A have personally came to the same conculsion via research. We are definintely looking at an emergence of a yaw weh in the by bill. One filled with arogance anger lust and a killing streak for those whom does not obey nor submit to the entity. Thanks your your submission. wadu hotep

"Your'e welcome"
Music Producer said:
We have historical and archeological evidence that Egypt became extremely depleted of knowledgeable Priests. It became so depleted that the new government opined up recruitment centers for anyone and everyone to serve as a Priest to Amun.

This information is written on the Restoration Stele of Tutankhamen. It shows clearly that Egypt after vanquishing the population of Akhetaten had no real priestly bloodline to serve as Priest of Amun.


Can you show an ounce of corroborated proof of this claim?

Here is an excerpt from TwtAnkhAmen's Restoration stele:

"...Now when his majesty appeared as king, the temples of the gods and goddesses from Elephantine [down] to the marshes of the Delta [had... and] gone to pieces (or fallen into neglect). Their shrines had become desolate, had become mounds overgrown with [weeds]. Their sanctuaries (or chapels) were as if they had never been. Their halls were a footpath (or trodden roads)...."
It is clear that these temples had been closed for some time with weeds growing and the places becoming "footpaths". The young king was reopening, or restoring, the temples after several years of neglect by Akhenaten. Akhenaten forced these temples to be closed, which is totally different from all the priests picking up and leaving. If that were the case, the temples would not have been in such neglect and need "restoration" to begin with.

Music Producer said:
We also see another strange event take place after the exile of the population of Akhetaten. This would be the discontinuation and use of the Star Calendar which was a basic practice for thousands of years. Time calculations and reading the stars and knowledge of the stars was a priestly function.

Even if it was the case, could the reduction in productivity be the effect of the civil war in the nation at the time? I mean America's cotton and tobacco production was down significantly during and after the American Civil War...does that mean all the plantation owners were exiled from America? So seriously, where are you getting this crap from?


The rest of your post was just built off of the prior false premises.


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