Black Christians : REVELATIONS 8:12--The 4th Trump!

Chevron Dove

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2009
REVELATIONS 8:12-- The 4th Trump!
One-Third Judgment [1/3rd]; The Earth Split Again

And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise [REVELATIONS 8:12].
(1)----- 1/3rd SUN smitten
(2)----- 1/3rd MOON smitten
(3)----- 1/3rd STARS smitten [constellations and etc.]
(4)----- 1/3rd DAY darkened
(5)----- 1/3rd NIGHT darkened [no moon nor sun]

THE POLAR LANDS; Artic and Antarctica
Before Jesus was Crucified in the year A.D. 33 [35 R.T.]*, the geography of the earth was different. Based upon the authors that recorded the Crucifixion, Jesus endured ‘a hanging’ and suffered on the cross for three (3) hours marked by a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE. Now how can an eclipse last that long!? It has been scientifically proven that any eclipse involved with the planet earth causes significant disruption such as earthquakes so certainly, a catastrophic occurrence would be expected for a 3-hour eclipse. Specifically, it was also written that the eclipse caused the whole entire earth to be darkened and this would be one very important clue to the fact that the geography of the earth was entirely different at that time of the Roman Empire rule than today! The Bible states that there was a previous GREAT EARTH SPLIT that occurred during the days of Noah [before the end of 2016 B.C.] this would be about 2000 years prior to the Crucifixion. History and geography supports this phenomenon especially in relation to the ancient recorded history that revolves around the ancient Greeks and the Greek Isles and etc. Legends of the Lost City of Atlantis were recorded by the Greeks as well. Now though, with this new-found information to consider, it does not mean that the earth’s land mass separated and moved to the Polar Regions at that same time! In fact, not only does the Bible records disprove the secular ‘Gondwanaland’ ideology in reference to time but, there are other records that also disprove this. If the whole earth was darkened by this phenomenal eclipse at the Crucifixion for 3-hours then obviously, the earth masses had to be all conglomerated near to the earths’ equator at that time:

And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst [ST LUKE 23:44-5].

At 6:00 P.M., the day changed for the Israelites from the 14th to the 15th [October 15]. Also, the actual Roman ‘feast’ mentioned in the Bible in which Jesus was adorned in ‘a costly robe’ and mocked was once known as ‘the Saturnalia feast’ [festival]. Although there are many other titles for this festival and the dates for its observance have been changed from time to time, it was an ancient feast of antiquity in which was once always observed during ‘the month of infinity’ [the 8th month; ‘Oct’ means ‘8’] until the Roman Empire changed the dates and times. This ritualistic pagan observance became apart of cultures all over the world and can be recognized by certain specific customs such as having a designated ‘god Saturn’ (1) wear a royal robe, (2) hold a scepter, (3) wear a royal crown, (4) march through a parade as a captive and etc. The Jews’ PASSOVER actually became synchronized within the same month that year [a Leap year], and although the Bible records this pagan ritual in marked detail, it has been overlooked by many Bible scholars! The Roman pagan feast occurred on October 14, the first day after the October 13th moon ritual. So, the Jews became written to participate in this Roman holiday on October 14 and became the blame for the release of Barrabas and in exchange for Jesus to become the ‘god Saturn’ [Saeturn]. This shows the contradiction in regards to the Pharisaic Jews of whom portrayed themselves to be so religiously righteous yet, they were so hypocritical at the same time. They felt so obligated to prepare for their PASSOVER FEAST of which included ‘the Sacrificial Lamb’ of which occurred after the ROMAN FEAST . . . of which included ‘the Sacrificial god Saturn’! This synchronization was no coincidence . . . this was a setup that unfolded over the course of thousands of years! . . . the miraculous work of JEHOVAH-the-Creator! . . . The evil practice of Human Sacrifice by a pagan government against Hamitic-typed people of color has been going on for thousands and thousands of years . . . marked by the innocent blood of the lamb! So, about thirty (30) years after the appearance of a new moving star and at 6:00 P.M. on October 15, there was a major solar eclipse marking a great time of change. The First Resurrection had come . . . and the Polar lands received a one-third judgment.

OUTER DARKNESS--The South Pole and the North Pole
For exactly one-third of the year the sun is completely smitten in one Polar region while the other receives light. That means that for the sum of four months the sun is hidden below the horizon and it is continual darkness. At this same time there are obviously certain stars and certain constellations that cannot be seen as well. For four months out of the year too, there are times when the moon does not shine in the Polar regions and therefore, the night is completely darkened. So that means that for one-third of the year and as the earth rotates on its axis tilted away from the sun, the day becomes darkened continually. Yet in the other eight (8) months of the year, it will be daytime continually as the earth rotates on its axis tilted towards the sun. This great visual occurrence can be appreciated due to modern day explorers. The sun can be seen continually and for months yet, it sometimes rises high for months, then it sinks low just above the horizon for months and then it rises high again. It never sinks below the horizon causing continual sunlight for eight months. When the sun begins to go below the horizon the skylight gradually diminishes until it becomes completely dark. And when the moon also disappears from the horizon, it becomes total outer darkness.

At the bottom the planet earth in Antarctica, fall time begins on the Spring Equinox in March [March, April, May] but, the period of Outer Darkness begins to occur from May to August [4 months]. By the end of August the sunlight begins to emerge gradually, however, the actual sun does not rise high on the horizon until in the month of November and into December. The beginning of the four (4) seasons are always based upon the Spring Equinox but in Antarctica, the seasons are reversed with March being the beginning of Fall time. The warmest time of the year would be in December. The science and measurement that concerns this REVELATION 8:14 are so exact in these cold regions of the world that it can be confirmed in so many ways. For example, the very treks of explorers are based upon this one-third time period. From December until February [summertime], it marks the best opportune time the explorers can make their treks away from their stations but if they do not make it back by March, they would not be able to survive the cold. By May, preparations must be made in order to prepare for the time of Outer Darkness.

John-the-Revelator wrote the Book of REVELATIONS in A.D. 90 [92 A.C.E.] and wrote about what the Spirits of heaven dictated and what he saw in the vision. This would be 56.5 years from the time of the Crucifixion [ A.D. 33.5] and the birth of the Holy Spirit [Pentecost] until the time of the Consummation of the Seven (7) Churches of God set up in West Turkey [Asia Minor]. The verse, REVELATIONS 8:14, astonishingly would be just one small epoch of time described in this whole of chapter eight. The entire book of REVELATIONS is power packed and covers thousands of years. It encompasses events from the Book of Genesis up through our times and way beyond. Another major point would be that REVELATIONS describes judgments that occurs in cyclic patterns and repetitive periods of judgments, so it becomes important to study this book in relation to World History and timelines. It reveals that the earth split once before; (1) in the days of Noah, (2) after the Crucifixion and (3) will occur yet again one more time and all three times are about 2000 years apart! In chapter eight John writes in the first verse that when the Seventh Seal was opened, there was ‘silence in heaven for ABOUT THE SPACE OF HALF AN HOUR. This would be the TIME MAKER that describes the birth and maturity of Jesus Christ of whom was written in ST LUKE 3:23 to be ‘ABOUT THIRTY YEARS OLD’ when he began to spread his passion. So, the appearance of STAR OF BETHLEHEM [the Planet Saturn] marks the opening of the Seventh Seal [the 7th Seal] and the planet Saturn takes ABOUT THIRTY YEARS to circle the sun! After this period of silence chapter eight describes the sounding of ‘Seven Trumps’ [7-forces] and the fourth trump [4th-Trump] describes the polar regions of the world signifying that the earth had split yet again after the Crucifixion and the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE written to have lasted for 3-hours!

A significant clue to the fascination of mankind in regards to this phenomena of the earth splitting would be in the contents of ancient Greek records. For thousands of years it was the Greeks that had mastered the art of mapmaking as they chartered expeditions to faraway places. In the earliest of times ancient Greeks reveal that they were very well aware of the far away continent of the Americas. Amazingly too, their maps show that both North America and South America was still ONE MASS even after the history of their many Greek Isles! So after the formation of the Greek Isles of which signifies that the earth had split, the Americas had been recorded to be one mass! Did it split after the Crucifixion!? Did the land masses form around the poles of the earth before the Americas split or around the same time? The Pole lands are not one mass so, did they form by and by? This question correlates to John-the-Revelator’s prophecy in REVELATIONS 16:19 and other prophecies of the third and final time the earth will split. John describes the Great City in which will split in three parts and one-third of it will move towards OUTER DARKNESS . . . where there will be weeping and the gnashing of teeth and, another part will become a lava bed! Ultimately, both the description of OUTER DARKNESS and the Lake of Fire define eternal hell. Today, the Polar lands receive some light but, will there ever come a time in which the earth, moon and sun change so that there will be total outer darkness!? . . . The Second Resurrection is nigh!
“Four Months of total darkness”—“Winterover”,+darkness,+penguins&aq=f&oq=&aqi=
3.8.12 - Revelation 8:12

the sun, . . . the moon, . . . the stars
Isaiah prophesied the darkening of all three of these sources of light during the Day of the LORD:

Behold, the day of the Lord comes, cruel, with both wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate; and He will destroy its sinners from it. For the stars of heaven and their constellations will not give their light; the sun will be darkened in its going forth, and the moon will not cause its light to shine. (Isa. 13:9-10) [emphasis added]

In Joel’s vision of the Day of the Lord, the darkening of these same heavenly bodies attends the advance of His army (Joel 2:10-11), which are probably the demonic forces unleashed in the next chapter. The darkening of the sun, moon, and stars will be relatively frequent during the various judgments of this terrible period (Joel 3:15).

The sun became “black as sackcloth” as a result of the sixth seal judgment (Rev. 6:12+). During the plagues of Egypt God brought complete darkness during the day (Ex. 10:21-23), but only a partial darkening is described here. The darkening of the sun, moon, and stars at this juncture is most likely due to cloud cover—either by smoke or other physical disturbances (Isa. 5:30; Eze. 32:6; Zep. 1:14-15; Rev. 9:2+). As in Genesis, the language may reflect the perspective of the earth dweller so that cloud or dust could obscure these cosmic bodies. Others assume the sun, moon, and stars themselves are directly affected: “Somehow, the visible luminaries in the heavens for a time, maybe a day, maybe several days, slow down their internal reactions in such a way as to reduce their power by a factor of one-third. The day and night, as a result are only two-thirds as bright as normal, even though the skies are completely clear of haze or anything else to obscure the light.”1 Although the text does not say that the skies are completely clear , it is certainly within God’s power to tinker with the internal mechanism of solar power since at a later date the sun’s burning will be intensified (Rev. 16:8-9+). See also Jeremiah 4:23-28; Matthew 24:29; Mark 13:24; Luke 21:25; Acts 2:20. See commentary on Revelation 6:12. See The Plagues of Egypt and the Tribulation.

a third of the day did not shine
The previous description implied the possibility of a continuous reduction in light, possibly due to intervening clouds or dust. Here, the implication is an eclipse or other supernatural phenomena where all light from the sun, moon, and stars is blocked for one-third of the time. It is almost impossible to estimate the means by which God could bring about this phenomena. However it occurs, it will be dramatic and unmistakable in its unnatural origin. “How the fractional darkening of the heavenly bodies can produce a reduced duration of daylight, moonlight, and starlight is a puzzle (Swete). Yet man’s ability to grasp the ‘how’ or the cause and effect is no basis for attributing inconsistency to the author.”2
3.8.12 - Revelation 8:12

the sun, . . . the moon, . . . the stars
Isaiah prophesied the darkening of all three of these sources of light during the Day of the LORD:

Behold, the day of the Lord comes, cruel, with both wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate; and He will destroy its sinners from it. For the stars of heaven and their constellations will not give their light; the sun will be darkened in its going forth, and the moon will not cause its light to shine. (Isa. 13:9-10) [emphasis added]

In Joel’s vision of the Day of the Lord, the darkening of these same heavenly bodies attends the advance of His army (Joel 2:10-11), which are probably the demonic forces unleashed in the next chapter. The darkening of the sun, moon, and stars will be relatively frequent during the various judgments of this terrible period (Joel 3:15).

The sun became “black as sackcloth” as a result of the sixth seal judgment (Rev. 6:12+). During the plagues of Egypt God brought complete darkness during the day (Ex. 10:21-23), but only a partial darkening is described here. The darkening of the sun, moon, and stars at this juncture is most likely due to cloud cover—either by smoke or other physical disturbances (Isa. 5:30; Eze. 32:6; Zep. 1:14-15; Rev. 9:2+). As in Genesis, the language may reflect the perspective of the earth dweller so that cloud or dust could obscure these cosmic bodies. Others assume the sun, moon, and stars themselves are directly affected: “Somehow, the visible luminaries in the heavens for a time, maybe a day, maybe several days, slow down their internal reactions in such a way as to reduce their power by a factor of one-third. The day and night, as a result are only two-thirds as bright as normal, even though the skies are completely clear of haze or anything else to obscure the light.”1 Although the text does not say that the skies are completely clear , it is certainly within God’s power to tinker with the internal mechanism of solar power since at a later date the sun’s burning will be intensified (Rev. 16:8-9+). See also Jeremiah 4:23-28; Matthew 24:29; Mark 13:24; Luke 21:25; Acts 2:20. See commentary on Revelation 6:12. See The Plagues of Egypt and the Tribulation.

a third of the day did not shine
The previous description implied the possibility of a continuous reduction in light, possibly due to intervening clouds or dust. Here, the implication is an eclipse or other supernatural phenomena where all light from the sun, moon, and stars is blocked for one-third of the time. It is almost impossible to estimate the means by which God could bring about this phenomena. However it occurs, it will be dramatic and unmistakable in its unnatural origin. “How the fractional darkening of the heavenly bodies can produce a reduced duration of daylight, moonlight, and starlight is a puzzle (Swete). Yet man’s ability to grasp the ‘how’ or the cause and effect is no basis for attributing inconsistency to the author.”2

Thank you for the scriptures.

In my research, I define the science behind eclipses, whether solar, lunar, partial or etc.

When the Bible describes the sun, moon and stars in phrases such as 'as black as sackcloth of hair' and 'red' [red moon] all in one verse, this is a scientific description of the differences between 'a Solar Eclipse' and 'a Lunar Eclipse' and both cannot possibly occur at the same time. So, this means that there is a significant 'Time factor' that is not being understood.

In a lunar eclipse, the moon can appear 'blood red' and in a total solar eclipse, the sun appears 'as black as sackcloth of hair' but there would be at least 13-14 days difference between them if it were to happen consecutively.

In 2012, there will be such an occurrence. Also in about 2036-40[?], it will happen again in sequence in which a solar eclipse will occur and then a few weeks later, a full lunar eclipse will occur. The rarity of certain kinds of total solar eclipses are thousands of years apart.

Scientist say that on November 13, 2012, there will be a total Solar eclipse over Australia and a few weeks later on December 21, there will be a total lunar eclipse and perhaps these two events might cause the planet earth to endure great instability. At any rate, this very occurrence correlates to John-the-Revelator and other prophecies about a consecutive occurence of 'a Solar eclipse and then a total lunar eclipse'.

Both the destruction of the great city and the Battle of Armageddon occur at different times about twenty or so years apart and both are described in relation to eclipses.

The Total Solar eclipses defined in the Bible during certain times out of a 6000 year history of the earth whether it is believed to be at the Crucifixion or not or, whether it will be as in the Book of Joel for the Battle of Armageddon or not, I understand your doubts.

As far as the fact that eclipses with the earth affect the earth in regards to the earth splitting was another specific point that I expounded upon.

The face of the earth on the globes, maps and etc. show the obvious past phenomena that it was once one mass and that it did split.
4 months of total darkness, -79°C winter temperature and 10 months of total isolation.

*Also, In Antartica, another specific confirmation of the scientific darkness for one-third time of the year would be in THE EMPEROR PENGUINS.

These Penguins lay their eggs in the 4-month period of total darkness, during the months from May-to-August.
Ah, the Book of Revelation. :) Full of mystery, only to be understood by those faithful and believing to the Father and the Son, for the Son's sacrifice for our sins and His resurrection from the dead.

So long as we keep searching for the Father's face, and looking into the matters of revelations as the Father will have us, in faithful works, the mysteries will be revealed.


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