Black People : REAL PIMPS


Da Street So'ja- you sparked up a good topic!

It's very true. If anyone could hold the title as the "Biggest Pimp" it would be the Federal Banking System.

Still, the methodology is the same. Money is part of the illusion. I've been saying something for years that many people still don't get: Money is an illusion of power, because we don't need money, never did, never will. The fact that we "think" we need money is all part of this mainframe we are part of.

If you don't belong to this planet, and I mean that exactly like I said it- If you are an Alien to this planet, how can you survive here? You do so by creating illusions.

People of "light" are creators of illusions, that's what they are here to do. Money is an illusion of power. Logically, the idea is- Money transfers worth. Since you can't carry a house in your pocket, or 100 camels - its better to have coins or paper that represent the value of your house or camels right?

But wait. What happens when those coins or paper represents something that is gone? Who corrects that? These are things people never think about. Based upon the prices of products, services, resources, life and death - the value to which money represents is arbitrary.

Has anyone ever really took the time out to notice these things? Why do we kill and slave over diamonds when diamonds by themselves are worthless without the value people give them?

For that reason alone, America should hold the title for the biggest Pimp on the planet in general because America is a country of illusion salesmen who bring value and worth to the things they define.

Don’t get me wrong, the illusion itself is ingenious. It’s also a double edged sword. An illusion salesman can inflate the price of say….a pen, by claiming certain features and benefits. So a pen that really costs a penny, can be sold for $5,000. While that might sound fantastical, it’s a reality- its done every single second in the world. You’ll get trapped in the illusion either way. On one end you can say. I can’t afford to pay $5,000 for a pen, that’s too much, only rich people can afford that. Or you can say. I’m rich, and to show how rich I am I’ll buy this $5,000 pen to show off my wealth.

No matter what door you’ve chosen, you’ve fallen for the illusion. We create our prosperity and our poverty with our minds. You will never be rich enough or poor enough to solve the problems your mind invents when it is under the spell of someone else’s illusions.

Pimps have no power, but the power given to them. Governments have no power but the power given to them. White media has no power but the power given to them. Banks have no power, but the power given to them- by US. We surrend our "will" to the Gods we create, and as long they can justify themselves as our Gods, that surrender is justified also.

Personally I've never seen a Pimp who couldn't be killed off easily by his/her own employees. The same is true for America and the Federal Banking System. Like the Wizard of Oz we all know some of the weakest people on the planet hide behind great illusions of power.

But what will happen when people realize the Banks are the biggest Pimps, and that “the system” behind money is arbitrary etc.,? The same thing that should've happened thousands of years ago. People will start relating more and become Governed by the Earth and the Universe and not by weaklings who need illusions to preserve themselves in this world.

We forget as Africans that our bartering system worked for thousands even millions of years. Money was used only for delicate situations. What a Man needed he got because of what he had to trade for it. If a Man has nothing to trade, he gets nothing. It’s a simple law. It’s the law that kept this world balanced. If you have nothing to offer the world and your community you shouldn’t be here. No need for population control.

But look around you. We have a world filled with people who have absolutely nothing because they believe in the illusion of money, or there are people in so-called power who can sustain themselves while having no real tangible gifts to offer the world. That's mind control at it's best.

Some if not most of the poorest people in the world are stuck on the illusion of money. The methodology behind the banking system can be traced to every Zionist -Secret Society-Illuminati- theory we have. It's still big Pimpin. In order to capitalize on the weak minded, you have to invest in the very system that creates them and keeps them that way. This is the way of the world. You can't have Pimps or Prostitutes without this formula. Meanwhile, we are living in an age of real internet democracy- and it hasn't hit us yet.
MetaSaience said:

Da Street So'ja- you sparked up a good topic!

It's very true. If anyone could hold the title as the "Biggest Pimp" it would be the Federal Banking System.

Still, the methodology is the same. Money is part of the illusion. I've been saying something for years that many people still don't get: Money is an illusion of power, because we don't need money, never did, never will. The fact that we "think" we need money is all part of this mainframe we are part of.

Yes i agree it's all the same basis

thank you for your depth

Human sex trafficking has been a reality in this world for thousands of years. However this does not excuse us in the black community from perpetuating that reality. Especially since it is not servicing us, it is actually serving our enemies.

I've always heard some black people say this. Well, White people do it, Chinese people do it, Japanese people do it. Why is it such a big deal when Black people do it? Why do black people make their celebrities more accountable for their actions than any other group of people?

Because any black person in the limelight, somehow becomes a reflection of us.


Because our images themselves are constantly being raped and scrutinized by White Media. If we could ask the world affected by American Media- "Is a Black Woman a prostitute or a Queen?"


What do you think the answer would be?

If we asked the question, "Is the Black Man a thug gangsta or a King?" What would that answer be?


If you are saying, well it's more important what we think of ourselves, you may be right…..but try getting a bank account with "what you think of yourself” alone.

We cannot function properly in a World where our images are tarnished and dehumanized 24-7. For that reason alone, it's easy to kill black people without a second thought.

Why is it more important to find a drug-using White girl in the Bahamas?

Yet when a Black "Drug-dealer" is killed, no one thinks twice about it.

Why is that? First of all, how do we know that person was really a "drug-dealer?" But because our collective consciousness is used to the idea of a Black Man being a drug dealer, any Black Man can be labeled one, and shot in cold blood.

Any Black Man in America can be labeled a drug dealer and killed. Because that's the nature of the game right?

Doesn't that make you think more about why we should be in control of our images in the media and not them?

The Birth of Hip-Hop, according to the Ancestor Spirits happened so our people could communicate spiritual or empowering ideas and instructions to one another, without worrying about "Massa" decoding these messages. For the most part, that is what Hip-Hop used to be. Hip-Hop was our prayer to our true God.

Now those hands of prayer have become the hands strangling the life out of us. Not in all cases of course, but unfortunately - overall- the images in Hip-Hop are broadcasted all over the world, cementing the idea in the minds of billions of people that we are "negatives", still fighting for liberating on one hand, but on the other hand celebrating our oppression as oversexual, money hungry and destruction people.

But this logic doesn't matter much to the Brotha on the street does it? But I'd ask this same Brotha- when he walks up to a beautiful Sistah on the block, and he chooses the word to speak to her, are those words based upon the "uniform" she is wearing, or is based upon who she is?

If you are one of these Brothas who is a slave to media images of the Black female, then your brain will only associate what you see, with what you are programmed to see. Therefore you can never really see a person for who they are. You can never really talk to a Woman for what she is. You are only communicating with an illusion welded into your mind.

So if your mind is filled with Black Women who look like BET video Vixens, then any woman who wears those Uniforms will be treated accordingly.

While most Brothas deny it, this is true at least 95% of the time. It’s unfortunate that most Sistahs aren't as conscious of this idea. Most Brothas who "step to you" are only doing so because of the image they are seeing...they're not looking at you at all.

The more we fashion and tailor ourselves to look just like the images we see in media, the more this reality will be true. And there is not much we will be able to do about until we get a firm understanding about how our brains work. Still another problem is, we live as though we are unaffected by this reality on a personal level.

News flash. We are all affected by this on a very personal level. We live in this world as a collective not as individuals. Everyone who looks like you is a representative of your image.

As Black Men in America we are struggling too like our Women, with how our images are portrayed. I've often heard that Men are more visual than Women, so men are more affect by images, this is not true at all.

We all "eat" with our eyes first. But the eyes themselves don't just perceive the outer world.

Pay attention, even now, you are looking at the movie screen of your mind too. With your mind, you can review past recordings, did I leave the stove on? I wonder what so and so is doing? All these questions require sight. Women might be more inner visual than Men, and Men might be more outer Visual that women. But that's how we fit together as a complete unit.

So then, Women are just as affect by what they "see" as Men are, its just that what Women see are in particular part of an idea, imagination or intuitive premonition.

So when a Brotha steps to a Woman she also uses the images she has been programmed with for reference. If you look like anything she is not comfortable with, you might get a very cold shoulder. If you look like someone she is comfortable with, of course- you have a chance.

Brothas have noticed how comfortable Women have become with the "Thug" image, so they run out to replicate that image to deceive Women. And because Women use these images to visualize their future, the Thug image gives them a reference point. I can change him. I can clean him up, and he'll love me for it. I'll make him a good Christian man.


If we think the images in media are not affecting our lives on a personal level, we are sadly mistaken. Ask yourself this question:

How many Brothas do I know who are dating a Sistah because of a pair of jeans?

Oh, wait- how about this one:

How many Sistahs do I know, right now- who are with a Man who looks just like a Rapper on BET but he has yet to put out a CD?

We can't sit back and let White Media control our social and spiritual evolution. We can't continue to buy into the Emails we get from time to time about black people do this, and White people do all reinforces the same stereotypical ideals that our people in turn replicate because they believe them to be true. We make them come true by believing in them.

What are our Women Modeling anyway? African genes not jeans.


If we are going to advertise African genes, it should be done with the importance of matching these genetic traits correctly, and creating more conscious Africans on this planet ready and willing to manage this world better than their predecessors.


I think Sprite when they took on the TASK of COURTING NBA BASKETBALL UPCOMING SUPERSTARS state it best...


Those images of US show us at WORK in the WORLD. What we do best?

I remember a prominent black man mentioned that the 'N' word has spread like a DISEASE not only among US but in the CARRIBEAN and AFRICA. He mentioned that in those AREAS it was considered TOP to master the QUEENS TONGUE. Which is somewhat OK not GREAT IDEAL I say but they were not INFESTED like we are. He said now that word has INFECTED their MASSES.

I dont see any form of LIBERATION in those IMAGES.


And its bad that we have become VERY GOOD TEACHERS of SUCH.

Even though we had a HISTORY of PIONEERS who FASHION HOPE out of OPPRESSION for the PATH towards FREEDOM.

I think this one will FLY BY MOST PEOPLE'S HEADS.

Oh well.


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