Black People : Problems Between Pastor Ray Hagins and Ashra Kwesi

Bro. H0rnet:

Whether they care or not about burned CDs and DVDs, it is going to happen. It would take a serious Federal investigation to end it. Either that, or you will have to take all blank multimedia items off the shelves of every store throughout the country. Even still, you will have people trying to “get over” on everyone else. It is the nature of the Western world. There is great money and benefit in it. Not that I defend it, because to date I have never burned and sold anything; I only copied for myself. Just like hacking and cracking – regardless of how right or wrong it may be, people are going to do it, and the more popular technology becomes, the higher the likelihood of it happening.


We could be in a much better place without them? Really?

Well seeing it outside-in, that would and would not be possible. You see, very many of us are so used to persons being in leadership positions standing out and serving the masses, not to mention representing the masses. In a nation like this one, if you ask me, it would be utter chaos is there was no one to stand out and serve the masses. How would people make a living in a capitalist environment?

Point is – some people need leaders. We could always say that they are just like any normal human being, and should be noted as contributors to a cause, but that is never the perception when said persons become used to doing what they do. For example, a minister may start out as “I am just any normal type of man,” but then graduate to the mentality of “I have a certain degree of power and control over the masses.” What is even worse, is the masses simultaneously begin to perceive them as a voice over the masses. If we should really, really, really get rid of this leadership phenomenon and mentality, then shut down all the churches, mosques, public offices, schools, and let everyone live their own lives doing their own things for their own causes. Let us all see how far we get. Some societies are not set up for folks to be out on their own; they need someone to serve over them. This just happens to be one of those places.

As for Groupthink, I will touch on that later...

Ok, I didn't say that without Congress, Executive Departments, Commander in chiefs and National leaders that we would be LEADER-LESS. If all of these "pseudo" political departments were to go under, Black people would have no other choice than to come together and form our own governments - WHICH IS WHAT WE NEED TO BE DOING ANYWAY... but we don't do it because we are trying to fix our oppressors system. Which we will never do. This is the point that I was making.

I await for your response on Groupthink.

Let me start by looking at the big picture-

Pardon my ignorance (actually don't pardon it), but we as a people make ourselves sound so silly at times. Two men serving in a position of influence have this one dilemma, and now all of a sudden they they should forever be ruled out as influential beings.

Nobody is ruling these people out as "influential". But they should not be our Leaders. Certainly not to the point were a division happens in the community when they have differences. They are messangers/master teachers & even mentors. But that doesn't make them suitable to lead the masses of people.

Do you know what this tells people who wish to serve in similar positions? This tells them they must be perfectly careful of what they say and do, as well as how they say it and do it at all times, because one wrong move would forever destroy their impact on people. This is most certainly the case with us as a people, from a psychological viewpoint. In some cases we will outright deny it, while in others we will keep it lying dormant in us.

If you are a leader (especially trying to lead us out of this mess we are in), then you have to be careful of what you say and do at AAALLLL times. That is the class that you sign up for when you become a leader. And that is the class that WE sign our scholars up for when we anoint them as leaders. Kwesi and Hagins have shown that they didn't pass it.

My question is- How will this help us as a people? We had and have more than enough time to sit together, work together and decide how we will collectively go about living our lives to the point where we do not need a “messiah” or anyone looking to play that role. If we collectively choose not to work together and be on our lonesomes, then that is our choice, and we should all be ready to face the consequences for those actions. We have proven over and over that we can not handle things on our own, and we know it. We need collectivity, and do not know how to reach it. We need to work together and show each other the way, but that can not work because of our ego complexes; People like Hagins and Kwesi realize this, and this is what they take into consideration as they do what they do. The actions speak for the words, Brotha.

I don't agree that we don't know how to reach collectivity. As I look around I see a collective movement towards higher consciousness. Yes, some people are upset and offended by some things that have gone down, but I don't see nobody stoppin what they are doin. I don't see anyone saying, "Well, I used to believe in Black Power... but now that Hagins and Kwesi are actin a fool, I think I will go back to White Jesus & Greek Philosophy" Sometimes I think that the biggest thing that divides us is the perception that we are divided. At the end of the day, we are all still here trying to do what we have to do. Families Fight... but they are still family. And that's it.

The only real division that I see is that once again, we are anointing "SCHOLARS" as "MESSIAHS" So there are some that feel that they must now choose sides. In the case of Sara Suten Seti, I understand him defending his master that way. Anyone in his position would/should. But Me... I am familiar with Kwesi and Hagins. I respect both of their works. But I don't Follow either one. Where would they take me? They are messengers. They are not leading massive movements that will destroy the current system of White Supremacy. And they should be viewed as such. They are humans with egos just like us, and we should know this. These scholars are not the solution, they are there to raise our collective consciousness and empower us, so that WE can come together and solve this puzzle.

So whatever personal beef they have is theirs.

I could also say they are Messengers, but I have to ask: When will we as a people understand that?

Hopefully this incident will help us to understand it.

He was a baptist minister with a congregation just like popular Christian ministers are today. His Kemet video brought on more people who wanted to seek Knowledge of Self and Knowledge of their home-land.

Yes, I'm familiar with Ray Hagins being a baptist preacher and where his audience came from.

Obviously at the time, Bro. Kwesi was already doing it, so it would be fair to say one came after the other. However, although we should give credit to where credit is due, we should not take matters into our own hands when things do not turn out that way. 6-8 pages and hundreds of posts, not to mention an Open letter are the result of people taking matters into their own hands, when they feel they should get the credit. This is something that should be worked on on a personal level, then from there a collective one.

I agree

I agree with your last statement. I've said it before – two wrongs don't make it right. However, it is not like he just outright said “stop supporting Kwesi” and closed the message right there. He asked people to not support him, and mentioned reasons, and we should at least take into account the reasons and not just the statement. The way I see it, most if not everyone is fueled over the statement, and some did not even see the reasons why he said what he said. This is typical of our people, then we allow our emotions to get in the way. Yes, both of them were in the wrong, but where do they explain their reasoning behind being 'in the wrong?'

We ALL see the reasons why Hagins said what he said. What I am saying is that he just took it too far. The statements that he made about "not supporting Kwesi" and "If you keep talkin stuff about me, I will have you prosecuted to the full extent of the law" was not for the benefit of the community, THAT... was for the laying of the smackdown to Kwesi (because he was mad about what Kwesi was doing). He was using his influence to try to harm Kwesi. This is where he went wrong.

But if Kwesi was making injurious statement about Hagins, then Hagins had full right to write a letter, but the pimp slap was too much.

Based on what Knowledge Seed said about him being money hungry, and what truetothecause said about her experiences, it seems as if Kwesi's actions are already taking away from his credibility. So people are ALREADY moving towards not supporting him. Why? Because we are grown Afrikans and as conscious people we can tell when someone is not practicing what they preach. Karma is already taking place. The masses are already beginning to hold him "accountable"

We didn't need Hagins to try to influence us not to support him because he had differences with him. Because I betcha if Kwesi wasn't beefing with Hagins, Hagins never would have written the letter (regardless of all of the other things that Kwesi was doing). If it was strictly about the community, the letter would have been written long ago.

All in all, it just shows that we as a people have a lot to work on, and the more we prove that we can not handle things collectively as a people, the more Hagins' and Kwesis' there will be rising up and thinking that they speak to the people, but at the same time for the people as well.


I agree 100%
Bro. H0rnet:

Ok, I didn't say that without Congress, Executive Departments, Commander in chiefs and National leaders that we would be LEADER-LESS. If all of these "pseudo" political departments were to go under, Black people would have no other choice than to come together and form our own governments - WHICH IS WHAT WE NEED TO BE DOING ANYWAY... but we don't do it because we are trying to fix our oppressors system. Which we will never do. This is the point that I was making.

I await for your response on Groupthink.

So long as it is understood that we need to come together, and refuse to come together, nothing more to say about that. I remember a few years ago a professor of mine during my freshman year of college used to always say something to the effect of “black people will never come together as a people, so drop the attempts to unite [Americanized] Afrikans nationwide. I’d get upset and tell him “just watch…we will rise above our circumstances and unite.” It kills me that today I can feel him saying “I told you so.”


Nobody is ruling these people out as "influential". But they should not be our Leaders. Certainly not to the point where a division happens in the community when they have differences. They are messangers/master teachers & even mentors. But that doesn't make them suitable to lead the masses of people.

Understood – and on that note, let me ask you this:
Do you feel as though we as a people truly understand the meaning of Leadership, let alone having the knowledge necessary and sound judgment to the point where we can choose Leaders? Whether it affects Afrikans or not, there have been a number of people who have said, “the masses are never right.” Think about that, and tell me what qualifies the people to decide who should lead or not lead, especially when they are so disorganized to the point where they cannot even lead their own street blocks!

If you are a leader (especially trying to lead us out of this mess we are in), then you have to be careful of what you say and do at AAALLLL times. That is the class that you sign up for when you become a leader. And that is the class that WE sign our scholars up for when we anoint them as leaders. Kwesi and Hagins have shown that they didn't pass it.

If that is the case, once again, we would not have leaders. Everyone is hue-man, therefore having hue0man tendencies. They will say the wrong things, do the wrong things, act the wrong way; this will happen on occasion. We even thought Barack Obama was that type that would be careful of his speech, communication and overall delivery style, only to find that he’s been using Hypnotic techniques on people. So again, as far as I am concerned, unless we get an alien or robot (well-programmed at that), we will never see or have an actual ‘leader.’ As for those who fail the class…ditto…

I don't agree that we don't know how to reach collectivity. As I look around I see a collective movement towards higher consciousness. Yes, some people are upset and offended by some things that have gone down, but I don't see nobody stoppin what they are doin. I don't see anyone saying, "Well, I used to believe in Black Power... but now that Hagins and Kwesi are actin a fool, I think I will go back to White Jesus & Greek Philosophy"
Hold up – that is kind of outlandish – no there may not be people deciding to shift to Greek Philosophy. Then again, let us let the actions speak for the words. We love to say we are making progress, but time and time again the opposite is right around the corner, right up the road, and in some instances, right in front of our n
Sometimes I think that the biggest thing that divides us is the perception that we are divided. At the end of the day, we are all still here trying to do what we have to do. Families Fight... but they are still family. And that's it.

Actually, there are those of us who have found that family can be as disloyal and distrustful as we are to each other as a whole. Now granted – I lay that to rest the very minute it comes to my attention, but that does not heal the problem. I’ve known people who made it crystal clear they want isolation and separation from their own family for such-and-such a reason. Yes, they’re still family, but how do they prove it?

As for the perception that we are divided – that goes back to our psychological enslavement. For too long have we been given deception goggles to wear and told to see things through the deceptive goggles. With them on, we see division where they is unity, and even told there is division when there is really unity. Some of us have taken the goggles off; others have not.

The only real division that I see is that once again, we are anointing "SCHOLARS" as "MESSIAHS" So there are some that feel that they must now choose sides. In the case of Sara Suten Seti, I understand him defending his master that way. Anyone in his position would/should. But Me... I am familiar with Kwesi and Hagins. I respect both of their works. But I don't Follow either one. Where would they take me? They are messengers. They are not leading massive movements that will destroy the current system of White Supremacy. And they should be viewed as such. They are humans with egos just like us, and we should know this. These scholars are not the solution, they are there to raise our collective consciousness and empower us, so that WE can come together and solve this puzzle.

Again – in all actuality, what qualifies us to have the power to anoint people, let alone anoint ourselves? We like to dream and imagine that we have power we do not have as of yet. There is work we must do as a people if we truly want to reach the point where we can have that power.

Whether they are scholars, evangelists, messengers or whatever – bottom line is they have jobs to do (just like we have) and need to do it. By the way, who gives them to titles they wear – us or a higher power/authority?

We ALL see the reasons why Hagins said what he said. What I am saying is that he just took it too far. The statements that he made about "not supporting Kwesi" and "If you keep talkin stuff about me, I will have you prosecuted to the full extent of the law" was not for the benefit of the community, THAT... was for the laying of the smackdown to Kwesi (because he was mad about what Kwesi was doing). He was using his influence to try to harm Kwesi. This is where he went wrong.
Not to change the subject (actually I feel it’s quite relevant) – but as a Messenger, do you feel that the Hon. Elijah Muhammad “took it too far” and brought on division and is not a leader for saying “white people are a race of devils?” I ask this, because it is relative to this case.

A brotha/sistah comes on the scene speaking words and wisdom that we all feel great energy from. With that same person, we begin to call them “Elder/God/Messenger/Teacher” so on and so forth, then when they do something “hue-man-like,” we come back and say they are not whatever title we give them; they are such and such. What does that make the masses of us look like? The last time I explained this, it was taken the wrong way, so I had to be specific.

About his actions and why, you are correct, but guess what bruh – much more of this is to come. So long as we continue to give them the impression that they can conduct themselves in that manner, the use of influence the wrong way will continue. Again, we as the masses have work to do, and if we do not want to do it, then karma will do its work on us.

But if Kwesi was making injurious statement about Hagins, then Hagins had full right to write a letter, but the pimp slap was too much.

Based on what Knowledge Seed said about him being money hungry, and what truetothecause said about her experiences, it seems as if Kwesi's actions are already taking away from his credibility. So people are ALREADY moving towards not supporting him. Why? Because we are grown Afrikans and as conscious people we can tell when someone is not practicing what they preach. Karma is already taking place. The masses are already beginning to hold him "accountable"

Well for Kwesi, what I do know is Hagins is not the first person to go at it with Kwesi over multimedia sales. I will not mention who, but Kwesi has had other scenarios where he and someone were at odds over his work. That is something he needs to deal with, with them. You see, I don’t know Bro. Kwesi that well, but I seen some of his work, and I admire it. Further, some of the brothas who pointed me in the right direction as it pertains to knowing who I truly am, they started out with Kwesi, so I do not dislike him. However, I feel that if he is to continue putting his lectures out for us, he ought to be more civil in dealing with us as a people – whether it’s Hagins, Seti, you, me, whoever. Otherwise, we will not get anywhere – much work done, but will we get ahead and go backward with it?

We didn't need Hagins to try to influence us not to support him because he had differences with him. Because I betcha if Kwesi wasn't beefing with Hagins, Hagins never would have written the letter (regardless of all of the other things that Kwesi was doing). If it was strictly about the community, the letter would have been written long ago.

Bro. Omowale:

You mentioned something here that I was thinking but did not mention when you wrote concerning "Perhaps if I was out West..." You see...this is part of an ages-old struggle between "east-west" etc...something those of us even the most "conscious" still have problems bridging...

I know what you are saying, but I hope you are inferring that I am making this an East v. West coast thing. What I was meaning to say was neither of them have the willpower right now to specifically "go National" with selling their work. They may have a national audience who responds to their memos, updates, and so on, but they are not so popular on the national level as it pertains to the masses of our people. In saying that, I go on to say someone in North St. Louis may know Hagins versus the sistah in Dallas. Or, the brotha in the conscious community in Cali may know Kwesi better than people in Fort Lauderdale know him. I am on Dr. Hagin's mailing list, and many of his travels are on the East coast, whereas possibly many of Ashra Kwesi's travels are often out West. Therefore, they know him better out there, and we know Hagins better over here. How often does Hagins go to the West coast, and how often does Kwesi come East? That is what I was getting at. Maybe it is because their budgets do not afford them the constant opportunities to travel across the coast, but I could be wrong.
In any event, that is what I was getting at.

Peace Bro:

- i totally overstand what you are saying, but don't forget that it was between TWO grown men before this letter was generated! I mean even brother Seti said this in his video which you totally dismissed because of his "attitude". If you dismiss what brother Seti said about the situation (a student of bro. Kwesi who i am led to feel that this was your first time hearing him speak) then it just shows how Biased you are in this situation. The energy i felt reading Dr. hagin's letter had a lot of attitude to it but I did not dismiss it because i don't know him that well so how could i without a thorough investigation if i was to choose to involve myself that deeply.
Let me look at the big picture - what you consider to be attitude may not be what I consider to be attitude. What you consider to be biased may not be what I consider to be biased. I feel that there is always a right way to handle things. I approached the videos with an open mind, until I seen where he was going with the message. You really mean to tell me if the masses of our people were to see those videos (many of which also may not know him well) they would listen to him with a complete open mind? There is a saying, "you can be right, rude, and wrong." Hence, if I were to come off strongly in support of Hagins against Kwesi, would the masses of people accept what I have to say? There is a better way to do things, especially when you want to be understood by the masses. For those who are used to Seti, that is fine. As I said before, he reminds me of Saa Neter and Sistah Shahrazad Ali. What they have to say makes much sense, but the way in which they say it easily draws people away.

What you are implying, brotha, is no matter what the energy or intent behind what someone says, they should be listened to, and their voices should be heard. It would be great if things went that way, but that is not how it is.

- That is not true! Dr. Hagins posted this letter without the knowledge of bro. Kwesi which seems to be bad habit he has developed over time in regards to bro. Kwesi. Again, you are dismissing what Bro. Seti stated in those videos. He is right now, the closest link you have to bro. Kwesi and he stated a lot of underhandedness on the part of Dr. Hagins that i don't see you questioning. It only seemed to get further under your skin. I don't think bro. kwesi is going to respond so what do we do keep going back and forth asking questions we know can't be answered or leave it alone altogether and let Ma'at work it out? I choose the latter which was my only point in the first place. We are really wasting too much energy trying to figure out things that were already solved before they even became problems.

Hehe...I stated way back when that we should leave it alone and let the cosmos work it out anytime we feel that someone "violated" us. Having said that, i'll move on...

- ok cool, but his student spoke and he spoke with the same fire that brother Kwesi has burning in him and you said you didn't agree with his attitude. Funny, i think i remember about a week or so ago in another thread you said you like the (forgot the exact term you used) brother from the ghettotymz (even said he reminded you of a younger me) because he was so raw with his Info.
OK. At first I was gonna say refer to what I said at the start of the post. As far as speaking with the same fire, I can not see that as possible. I can not suggest Seti vs. Kwesi in a "who will get the most responses" contest because that would not be right. However, knowing both of them the way I do, I would not say both of them would have the same response. By the way (speaking as though Kwesi will not speak up), I can only take Bro. Seti as speaking for himself, since Kwesi is a grown man and can speak for himself.

- I would never attack you brother, I simply responded to your biased energy that you were and still are emitting in your every post in this thread trying to get you to see that you must open your "eye" wider to see the unseen and the unspoken. If you say someone has said something "foolish" (which we all do from time to time) at the moment you say that you are calling them a fool, no matter how much respect you may have for them. At that time in your mind they have become a "fool" for an instant! But, that is my personal philosophy which is why i added...LOL at the end.

Fair and understood on much of what you said. Moreover, if it is your personal philosophy, that is fine. Heck - on a personal level, I have alot of personal philosophies that I am convinced most would deem "dull, weird, confusing," but if I want to be understood, I have to make myself clearer. You can sound nice and say nice things, but not be a "nice" person overall. You could say someone looks like a scholar, but are you really calling them a scholar? Albeit the Power of Suggestion, I am not "suggesting" what others may realize. Perhaps it may be because I failed to make myself understood, but that is life...things like that happen.

You are free and entitled to think I meant to call someone "foolish" if you want to - that was not my intent. As a result you are free and entitled to conclude I was being disrespectful if you want to - to each their own. You do not need me to tell you how to understand what you see or seen from me.

In any event, I do not consider you some type of enemy I consider to be against. This just may be a "difference" between us. (see...I did listen to Seti!!!...hahaha)

Bro. h0rnet:


I think you misunderstood my intentions for posting the thread with Seti. My intent wasn't to provide a solution for anything. My intent was just like I put above the videos. I wanted to provide an alternative perspective to some of what Hagins was saying, and to give some insight on what my have Ashra Kwesi upset with him.

Being a mentor who trained Seti, I know that Seti is in touch with Kwesi. Notice that Seti said, "WE had differences" with Hagins. So therefore, Kwesi has expressed what his problem with Hagins is with his followers.

Clearly understood.

Based on what Seti is saying, Kwesi didn't have a problem with him video taping the footage, his problem was that he taped it, made the "khemet nu" video and then sold it as his. Kwesi sells the video tapes of his tours, so if people start buying Hagins videos instead, then that poses a threat to Kwesi's "bread and butter". And keep in mind that now, Hagins has his own tour (which people can choose to go on instead of Kwesi's also). So, if at the time Hagins didn't have that much credibility as a Kemet-tologist (certainly not as much as Kwesi at the time), then Kwesi may feel that Hagins used him to step up, and is now taking money out of his pocket. And this could very well be true.

Now, that certainly doesn't make Kwesi's actions okay, if what all Hagins says is true, but once again, my point for posting Seti's video wasn't to solve any "problem", it was just to provide another perspective.

OK - I see what you are saying, but realize this...Bro. Hagins told Bro. Kwesi that if he had a problem with it, he would stop selling the Khemet nu" video. If Kwesi was civil enough, the problem could have ended right there. Instead, Kwesi continued on letting out his disappointment, and the saga continued. If there is something to learn from this, when you produce something and someone copies it then tells you they will stop if you don't like it, ask them to stop, and that should be that. Don't go on ignoring them and fueling animosity.



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