Black Spirituality Religion : Blacks and Occult Power

rasembi aunk said:
Yes I do. Many years ago I was told by a voudon priestess through divination that I had an ancestor that was trying to tell me things in my dreams about certain practices but whenever I awoke I never remembered what he said. I've always had a strong interest in things metaphysical and I guess he was the influence that pushed me to certain books, mainly on natural healing. The vision that she told me she saw seemed like to her was that of a rootworker or hoodoo man. Through contacting him I found that this was true. She also said that he was not a bloodline ancestor but still had taken an interest in me.

In the physical I've never had any teachers although I would would love to have one, but throughout the years I've read books on voodoo, hoodoo, ceremonial magic and a whole lot of other stuff and I practiced doing rituals and spells for things beating tickets, getting loans, grants, business increase, money, women ect. Somethings I don't mind trying but somethings I won't ever do (again) like trying to work with hot spirits like Zarabanda without the proper training. Palo ain't no joke!!

My basic practice is what you would call hoodoo with heavy use of the psalms. Even though I don't consider myself a christian, the bible has a lot of power in it. Think about the millions of people praying every saturday and sunday dumping all of that emotional energy into those words on the astral plane, and you think a brothah ain't going to tap into all of that raw energy..ssshhh!! I'm nowhere near an adept because it's only so much one can learn through books but I hope to find a teacher one day.

"Many of them also which used curious arts brought their
books together and burned them before all men and they
counted the price of them and found it fifty thousand pieces of
silver. So mighty grew the word of God and prevailed."

Acts 19:19-20

A good way to dispose of junk mail, bills and letters from former lovers. Thinks that bind us to the past are best tossed to the fire. Recite the proper scripture and see the results.

Ever have a failed relationship and your significant other left you with momentos you want to discard or items they left behind?

I once was in a situation with a sister who used to profess being a voodoo "priestess" and she had a male friend that was into a yourba "sect". She spent the night with me a few times and would purposely leave things around my house, near my bed especially. I didnt really want to get involved with her on a sexual level but she pushed the issue with me. She was a spoken word artist and it was after spending one evening with her that I later did some reading and came across the legend of Isis and Ra. It tripped me out because the story explains how Isis [Auset] obtained her power from getting Ra to reveal his "holy name". Well, this sister is the only one who I shared some of my song lyrics with, and also some of my writings which I use a name that not even my closest relatives know of. Its also a name I use for most of my internet passwords. Well, I soon found myself haveing difficulty sleeping swhenever she left so I had to start doing purification rituals.

Soon after that I ran into her at a community event and we went to her place to hang out. Later that evening she revealed to me that she had several operations and was unable to have children.

Again, this was odd because it brought me to the point of going back and studying those pictures of Isis trying to revive the phallus of Osiris.

After that I was celibate for the next 7 years. I think she cast some kinda spell on me that I was not able to break until a specific Lunar cycle that occured in November 2005. And it had to do with the conjunction of the planets. And she was a "Virgo".

This is a very interesting thread. I just found this site tonight as this will be my first post.


Your post speaks volumes and I always delighted to come across other black individuals other than myself who have an interest in the occult.

My background over the past few years has been reading & researching the occult, metaphysics, and paranormal and parapsychology.

I've recently gotten into Chaos & Experimental Magick, experimental grimoires, theory, sigils, serviteur creation, paradigm shifting, ectera. I can honestly say I'm having a blast and I've been quite successful at my endeavors.

I'm usually on various occult forums and messageboards learning techniques and what new spirits & grimoires to try out and include in my rituals.

What books have you been reading lately? and what magickal paradigms or systems to you ascribe to?

I've been interested in getting initated into voudou, palo, quimbanda, macumba, or makaya, but not much luck there . . .

I have read books about individuals going through self-initiation, but I'd rather not get myself involved with spirits of a system that I'm not equipped enough to deal with.

. . . In the meantime, I'm reading The Lesser Key of Solomon
Peace Chaos Magician,

I've done rituals and have been successful with the following books and grimoires: The Voodoo Magic Course(Lwa) by Brother Moloch, Voodoo Sorcery Grimoire(Lwa and Necromancy) by Brujo Negro, The Miracle Of New Avatar Power(Celestial Spirits) by Geoff Gray Cobb The Mystic Grimoire Of Mighty Spells and Rituals by Frater Malak, The Voudon Gnostic Workbook(deals only with Guede Lwa) by Michael Bertiaux and the Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course by Catherine Yronewode. I'm telling you bruh that all of the spirits that I worked with in all of the above delivered.

I mainly work with Lwa(in a hoodoo/AJA framework) and the books Voodoo Magic Course, Voudoo Sorcery Grimoire, and Voudon Gnostic Workbork show you how to work with the 10 Families of the Guede LWA with each family governing different aspects of life. They have veves for these families also and you don't have to be initiated to work with them either.

You can do minor self-initiations like summoning Papa Legba for three nights in a row asking him to help you in you magic and after the 3rd night take the remains of the ritual(candle wax, ashes ect.) to the crossroads. I was also thinking about initiation but things haven't fallen in the right place yet.

With much love and respect i do hear what you are saying, and I can agree that reclaiming our spiritual power is advantageous. However there is the world of spirit where the dead reside and the world of matter where the living reside. I believe we ought to spend more time training our minds in matters of science and economics like our ancestors did. Remember they did not build pyramids and universities with voodoo and incantations. Songhai's universities were built with mental reasoning, left brain activities to which some Black scholars say we are currently underdeveloped today. While we sit and meditate Norway, Sweden and Switzerland prepare for the advancement of natural disasters by building underground bunkers. While we pray for guidance our governments are handing us our heads on a platter. We need to remember how to learn, how to build, how to engineer everything from weaponry (The Ark of the Covenant), to energy grids and channels (pyramids) to irrigation canals and plumbing. These are the arts we have forgotten my brothers and sisters. It is in us, written in our DNA so if we are to ask the Eggun (ancestors) for anything I would think it would be how to reemerge our trade skills.

Imhotep was the first father of medicine, how many of us today know basic CPR or First Aid? Dozer was one of the first pyramid engineers how many of us understand the complexity of it's design and purpose. With all due love my friends, our answers must come through practical thought and labor, the same labor that built Amerikkka to a super power, the same labor the enable d Great Britain to almost conquer the world. Only this time it must be directed for our inclusive benefit.

There have been numerous insights found on these forums, areas where we could individually start to contribute our time and energy, just pick one thing that interests you and go for it. For example, I agree with Brother Keita that water is going to be a commodity, one that could be exploited like no other element / product before it. Brother Kamua Atem supports this argument and uses it as a background in his books. So, although I am not a millionaire, I can read and I can learn the difference between reverse osmosis and filtration. I can read a map and see what parts of the world contain fresh water and what areas are contaminated, etc... When our actions begin to coincide with our Spirit (divine will), God then moves all obstacles in our path, the Creator helps those that help themselves. There isn't a charm / incantation or spell that will make Yacub and his children disappear. We have to deal with what we have now. The genius is in you, pick something that you really really like and run with it, you'll see miracles and magic before you know it!

phynxofkmt said:
With much love and respect i do hear what you are saying, and I can agree that reclaiming our spiritual power is advantageous. However there is the world of spirit where the dead reside and the world of matter where the living reside. I believe we ought to spend more time training our minds in matters of science and economics like our ancestors did. Remember they did not build pyramids and universities with voodoo and incantations. Songhai's universities were built with mental reasoning, left brain activities to which some Black scholars say we are currently underdeveloped today. While we sit and meditate Norway, Sweden and Switzerland prepare for the advancement of natural disasters by building underground bunkers. While we pray for guidance our governments are handing us our heads on a platter. We need to remember how to learn, how to build, how to engineer everything from weaponry (The Ark of the Covenant), to energy grids and channels (pyramids) to irrigation canals and plumbing. These are the arts we have forgotten my brothers and sisters. It is in us, written in our DNA so if we are to ask the Eggun (ancestors) for anything I would think it would be how to reemerge our trade skills.

Imhotep was the first father of medicine, how many of us today know basic CPR or First Aid? Dozer was one of the first pyramid engineers how many of us understand the complexity of it's design and purpose. With all due love my friends, our answers must come through practical thought and labor, the same labor that built Amerikkka to a super power, the same labor the enable d Great Britain to almost conquer the world. Only this time it must be directed for our inclusive benefit.

There have been numerous insights found on these forums, areas where we could individually start to contribute our time and energy, just pick one thing that interests you and go for it. For example, I agree with Brother Keita that water is going to be a commodity, one that could be exploited like no other element / product before it. Brother Kamua Atem supports this argument and uses it as a background in his books. So, although I am not a millionaire, I can read and I can learn the difference between reverse osmosis and filtration. I can read a map and see what parts of the world contain fresh water and what areas are contaminated, etc... When our actions begin to coincide with our Spirit (divine will), God then moves all obstacles in our path, the Creator helps those that help themselves. There isn't a charm / incantation or spell that will make Yacub and his children disappear. We have to deal with what we have now. The genius is in you, pick something that you really really like and run with it, you'll see miracles and magic before you know it!


MY MY! What beautifully insightful and pleasant words of WISDOM!! THIS, is how we must address Our People for maximum effectiveness!! Somehow it has hisstorically been easy to have lost the art of persuasion also that is so vital to Our People, as recklessness and brute force has replaced vision and common sense!! And btw, 'persuasion is' an art.

I've never been a fan of Bewitched or, Superman or, Spider-man or any of those because, beyond it's value of entertainment in the real world, it has no sustenance. But I do know of something that does.....have sustenance....and I'd already posted it here a couple day's ago and have also posted it here a few times before....for your (all readers,) consideration.

We must'nt forget, that Our Hisstory (essentially,) has been stolen and sequentially (ever since,) been used against Us......on all fronts.

Yes 'witch-craft' has become a viable industry.....and for the most part, for that very reason....there is 'profit' in it. BUT.....THIS Brother has not only shown Us the reasons for any potential fears........but He has identified the foundation of any area of confusion that may also be a result.

This Brother actually shows Us the origins of 'Black Magic' which is not magic at all but knowledge!! (The knowledge of Our Ancient Ancestors.) Man has alway's looked for the answers to all Our question's as einstein did, yet has never found it.

Take a look at this and decide for yourselves.............

(btw.......EXCELLENT entry Brother? Sister? Phynxofkmt!!!!! no disrespect.....)



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