check out that author's post on PERCEPTION, and you will see the reason for this postWhat is this all about?
A shadow man from the Princess and the Frog (a fool), a nganga and a Ghede?
Scary stuff...
wait a minute, where did the brother go?![]()
The Wonderful Fascist
World of Disney
A commentator once said that the three premier graphic designs of the 20th century were Mickey Mouse, the Coca-Cola logo, and the Swastika. What this refers to, however, is the suggestability of modern mass man, and his vulnerability to being deceived using slogans and archtypal imagery. Even while the institutions of mass society manufacture icons for the worship of the masses -- and mourn the downfall of icons whose mortality shows through -- few people examine the shortcomings of a social system in which independent thought is criminalized.
A few years back there was a short-lived television show called "Max Headroom," in which a television network basically ran the world. Oddly enough this image seems to be evolving from a far-fetched product of a fevered imagination into full-fledged three-dimensional reality, in the guise of the Disney empire. While a hundred million Americans are distracted by the carnival of the presidential election season, few recognize the emergence of the World of Disney as a key power-player. While we are conditioned to separate and distinguish political from commercial institutions, what separates them is paper thin: A clause in a legal document.
The origins of the Disney Company are semi-legendary deriving from the mythic man, Walt Disney. Of course, it doesn't hurt to own a motion picture company if you want to create yourself as a mythic cultural icon. The fact that Walt Disney was an FBI informant didn't surface until nearly three decades after his death. Before his death, Walt laid out the foundation for his ideal world in what became Disneyland in Anaheim, California. The ideal of the planned city that was at the center of Disneyland became the guiding principle for Irvine, California, the model "planned city." The portrayal of the modern "planned city" as a product of the evolution of man makes it sound inevitable, and it makes the idea of the control of a centralized bureaucracy appear progressive; the underlying infrastructure of the police state is dismissed as necessary for hygenic purposes. Anyone who has strolled down Main Street at Disneyland can readily witness the value of a massive police force, because there is no crime there.
Customers who use Disneyland, however, are private citizens accessing the private property of a commercial firm, which has broad powers in regulating and policing its use. Individuals can actually lose their civil rights while on the private property of the Disney Company, to the extent that they are informed and agree to such waivers as conditions of their use of the facility (this is in fact a standard term for theme park operations). But it also reflects the near absolute power the law conveys to private property owners, sometimes to the detriment of the public interest.
The line seems to be clear when we attempt to distinguish between private and public institutions, but what happens when that line is fudged? What happens when a business is "deputized," and turned into a government? The English literally colonized India using the East India Company, a private for-profit firm. This was the end-result when the Disney Company set out to develop its second great venture, the now-famous DisneyWorld, on the condition that the Florida state legislature agree to create the properties of the Disney Company as a county, with the full municipal authority and police power of a county government. This is not discussed today, but every now and then a media pundit will mention the fact that there is no crime in DisneyWorld, and that maybe it might not be such a bad idea to "hire" the Disney Company to offer government services...
To show that the Disney Company is patriotic it attempted to purchase a historic battlefield site of the Civil War, earth soiled by the blood of Americans who perished at the behest of institutions that devoured them, in order to "improve" it by converting it into a Civil War-theme park. The verb Disney-fication came into its own as a synonym of despoilment, as the country recoiled in horror at the thought of another Anaheim taking shape beside the pastoral blood-soaked historic acreage. Anaheim today is a ghetto of 1950's motels (with names like "Atomic Motel"), full of disenfranchised Americans; it is a city of decaying suburbs with drained swimming pools built when the American Dream was still alive. Today, those back- yard barbecues of yesterday have fallen into disuse, because the happy American families that used them are dismembered. Some of the most powerful and lethal gangs on the west coast of the United States control the streets just outside of the Happiest Place on Earth, where Mickey Mouse is King. Every now and then a hapless tourist never makes it out to tell the story, because no one tells tourists anything about the really dangerous conditions that exist in Anaheim, California: IT WOULD BE BAD FOR BUSINESS .
The Disney Company virtually controls the City of Anaheim. It gives gifts to the City Councilmen, it gives money to the campaigns of city politicians, and it is the biggest employer and land owner in the City of Anaheim. When it wanted