Black People : "Focused"/"Passionate" or OBSESSED?

As a result, obsessive people are hard to get to know and trust – they share little of themselves and they exhibit minimal interest or curiosity regarding the needs or feelings of others.
The members and readers of are not fools

Nor can these folks of African descent be fooled either.

There is a permanent record on the internet of everyone who has posted on this website, and what their focus is
when they log on

Are they obsessed with service to Black people,

or are they obsesed with causing strife amongst the members of Destee,

personal gripes

old animosities

hearts full of negativity and hate or a desire to share information

Look at the past 20 posts of each person here

The evidence is here

and to understand what all of this is about, take a look at the posts on this website going back 5 to 6 years and look at the concersation and the focus

what is in a persons heart and what is in a persons mind

to they come to build?

or do they come to destroy?

When 4 people are face to face

what type of grade of character, waits to make snide remarks when one leaves???

what type of grade of character would take hours to dig up old posts to denegrate other members???

Those who seek to hate and disrespect have a TRACK RECORD



watch each day at what folks post or do not post

watch each day at what people focus on

to help and inspire, zealously or fanaticly is one thing,

but to hate

even to burn a persons house down one time, is enough

but to constantly try to burn and pillage each day with hearts filled with negativity,

that is an obsession!
A. When one loses that focus and becomes driven by their passion (emotions) as well as their personal egotism.

B. When one's fouces and passionate behaviors, the line is their "id" or as i see it, their identity/self-identity and when they project their egotism onto others is when and where they "cross" the line.

just my opinion

..... According to Freud, the mind had three levels of awareness, the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious. The conscious mind is akin to what we've called "working memory"; basically the current contents of your conscious awareness. The preconscious mind consists of items that are not in your consciousness at the moment but can easily be brought to mind; akin to the idea of "long term memory". The unconscious contains elements that by definition cannot be brought into conscious awareness due to active processes which keep these contents out of awareness.

In the Freudian view, human personality consists of three components the id, ego and superego. According to Freud, the id operates on the pleasure principle. In other words, the id wants to feel good all the time and not feel badly, without regard for anything or anyone else; loosely speaking, "if it feels good, do it." The only concern for the id is that its needs get met to its satisfaction. The ego operates on the reality principle. The ego understands that the needs and desires of others also have to be met and dealt with. The role of the ego is to meet the id's needs with the bounds of practicality and the consideration of others. The superego operates on the ideal principle. It is the moral part of us and arises from moral and ethical considerations placed on us by our parents and society; loosely speaking it's our conscience. In a normal person, the ego is constantly working and negotiating to simultaneously satisfy the needs of the id and the superego within the bounds of practicality. The ego and superego have access to the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious. The id is confined to the unconscious.

The conflicts between the id, ego and superego occur in the unconscious mind and are the result of the work in reconciling sexual, aggressive and other morally or socially unacceptable impulses of the id.
Nor can these folks of African descent be fooled either.

There is a permanent record on the internet of everyone who has posted on this website, and what their focus is
when they log on

Are they obsessed with service to Black people,

or are they obsesed with causing strife amongst the members of Destee,

personal gripes

old animosities

hearts full of negativity and hate or a desire to share information

Look at the past 20 posts of each person here

The evidence is here

and to understand what all of this is about, take a look at the posts on this website going back 5 to 6 years and look at the concersation and the focus

what is in a persons heart and what is in a persons mind

to they come to build?

or do they come to destroy?

When 4 people are face to face

what type of grade of character, waits to make snide remarks when one leaves???

what type of grade of character would take hours to dig up old posts to denegrate other members???

Those who seek to hate and disrespect have a TRACK RECORD



watch each day at what folks post or do not post

watch each day at what people focus on

to help and inspire, zealously or fanaticly is one thing,

but to hate

even to burn a persons house down one time, is enough

but to constantly try to burn and pillage each day with hearts filled with negativity,

that is an obsession!

look at the focus of the posts

it says alot!

Well here we go again!

Whats in thier hearts whats in their minds?
The conflicts between the id, ego and superego occur in the unconscious mind and are the result of the work in reconciling sexual, aggressive and other morally or socially unacceptable impulses of the id.

This is an interesting topic since I have been working on a trilogy since last March. The main character has several internal conflicts which are a result of this struggle between the ego (reality principle) and id (self-identity, pleasure principle).

Some people seem to think that "politics" and their own self-interests are what should guide and direct the rest of us. This is why they are always obsessed with the focus of others. I will just increasingly ignore these kinds of people because when doing so they typically end up "collateral damage" (in more ways than one) because at some point they "snap" when they fail to elicit the type of response they tend try to instigate.

Oftentimes we mistake these tendencies as "egotism" when it is something else quite deeper. It is actually a lack of positive self-concept.


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