Black People : Afro-Mexicans Demanding Justice for Malcolm Shabazz Attacked by Hundreds of Cops

Keita Kenyatta

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2004
Here is the Sad News and the Reality. We as so called Afrakan Americans should have been the ones who are raising the hell...not some Black Mexicans. This however only goes to prove that WE DO NOT LOVE OR SUPPORT ANY OF US...UNLESS WE GOT A CHURCH!!!

AFRICANGLOBE - Police have attacked, beaten numerous protesters who are holding a peaceful vigil to call attention to the brutal death of Malcolm X’ grandson Malcolm Shabazz. Among those known to be physically and badly assaulted are Metelus Wilner and Jah Zakah from Haiti. We ask you to forward this and are looking for assistance in this matter urgently.
After the ruthless murder of Malcolm Shabazz in Mexico City on May 9, 2013, many people have expressed their rejection of this crime and their concerns regarding the official version.
But across the country, only one organization has acted to demand justice. After demonstrating several times without any response from the head of Mexico City’s government, Mayor Miguel Mancera, the Committee for the Defense of Naturalized and Afro-Mexicans (CCDNAM) initiated a hunger strike recently, at the doors of the Federal District Government Building.
“Today we are beginning a hunger strike and we do so with conviction. We seek justice for the murder of Malcolm Shabazz,” said Wilner Metelus, president of CCDNAM. “His grandfather, Malcolm X, did much for the benefit of humanity. He was one of the last century’s most important human rights defenders. We cannot accept that death of his grandson in silence. Although his blood family of is in the United States, we consider the young Malcolm as our brother.”
The strikers carried banners with images of the two Malcolms that invite us to reflect on their way of thinking and acting.
We recall a fragment of a speech that Malcolm X gave in Detroit on Feb. 14, 1965, the night his home was bombed in Harlem one week before his assassination. Speaking to the relatively newly formed Organization of Afro-American Unity, which was “designed to combat all the negative political, economic and social disparities in our neighborhoods,” he said: “One of our first programs is to bring
Here is the Sad News and the Reality. We as so called Afrakan Americans should have been the ones who are raising the hell...not some Black Mexicans. This however only goes to prove that WE DO NOT LOVE OR SUPPORT ANY OF US...UNLESS WE GOT A CHURCH!!!

AFRICANGLOBE - Police have attacked, beaten numerous protesters who are holding a peaceful vigil to call attention to the brutal death of Malcolm X’ grandson Malcolm Shabazz. Among those known to be physically and badly assaulted are Metelus Wilner and Jah Zakah from Haiti. We ask you to forward this and are looking for assistance in this matter urgently.
After the ruthless murder of Malcolm Shabazz in Mexico City on May 9, 2013, many people have expressed their rejection of this crime and their concerns regarding the official version.
But across the country, only one organization has acted to demand justice. After demonstrating several times without any response from the head of Mexico City’s government, Mayor Miguel Mancera, the Committee for the Defense of Naturalized and Afro-Mexicans (CCDNAM) initiated a hunger strike recently, at the doors of the Federal District Government Building.
“Today we are beginning a hunger strike and we do so with conviction. We seek justice for the murder of Malcolm Shabazz,” said Wilner Metelus, president of CCDNAM. “His grandfather, Malcolm X, did much for the benefit of humanity. He was one of the last century’s most important human rights defenders. We cannot accept that death of his grandson in silence. Although his blood family of is in the United States, we consider the young Malcolm as our brother.”
The strikers carried banners with images of the two Malcolms that invite us to reflect on their way of thinking and acting.
We recall a fragment of a speech that Malcolm X gave in Detroit on Feb. 14, 1965, the night his home was bombed in Harlem one week before his assassination. Speaking to the relatively newly formed Organization of Afro-American Unity, which was “designed to combat all the negative political, economic and social disparities in our neighborhoods,” he said: “One of our first programs is to bring

In the Spirit of Consolidation,

Afro Mexicans Demand end to Coverup of Malcolm Shabbaz Assasination

Discussion in 'Black People Open Forum' started by Alarm Clock, Jul 3, 2013
Here is the Sad News and the Reality. We as so called Afrakan Americans should have been the ones who are raising the hell...not some Black Mexicans. This however only goes to prove that WE DO NOT LOVE OR SUPPORT ANY OF US...UNLESS WE GOT A CHURCH!!!

AFRICANGLOBE - Police have attacked, beaten numerous protesters who are holding a peaceful vigil to call attention to the brutal death of Malcolm X’ grandson Malcolm Shabazz.

Among those known to be physically and badly assaulted are Metelus Wilner and Jah Zakah from Haiti. We ask you to forward this and are looking for assistance in this matter urgently.

After the ruthless murder of Malcolm Shabazz in Mexico City on May 9, 2013, many people have expressed their rejection of this crime and their concerns regarding the official version.

But across the country, only one organization has acted to demand justice. After demonstrating several times without any response from the head of Mexico City’s government, Mayor Miguel Mancera, the Committee for the Defense of Naturalized and Afro-Mexicans (CCDNAM) initiated a hunger strike recently, at the doors of the Federal District Government Building.

“Today we are beginning a hunger strike and we do so with conviction. We seek justice for the murder of Malcolm Shabazz,” said Wilner Metelus, president of CCDNAM. “His grandfather, Malcolm X, did much for the benefit of humanity. He was one of the last century’s most important human rights defenders. We cannot accept that death of his grandson in silence. Although his blood family of is in the United States, we consider the young Malcolm as our brother.”

The strikers carried banners with images of the two Malcolms that invite us to reflect on their way of thinking and acting.

We recall a fragment of a speech that Malcolm X gave in Detroit on Feb. 14, 1965, the night his home was bombed in Harlem one week before his assassination.

Speaking to the relatively newly formed Organization of Afro-American Unity, which was “designed to combat all the negative political, economic and social disparities in our neighborhoods,” he said: “One of our first programs is to bring
Like his grandfather, wasn’t Malcolm Jr’s natural bravery used by our so despicably cowardly enemies to exterminate him as an obvious leader/potential focus on our ongoing WAR against White Supremacist Racism in the 21st century?

Don’t we/they have to be far more rationally focused with regard to not placing our thinkers/real leaders in such vulnerable positions on the front line?

Wouldn't you all agree that the TRUTH is that we peoples of African ethnicity in the UK, USA, the rest of the Diaspora and Africa are all frontline soldiers in a War that has NEVER EVER been openly declared then [from 3000 BCE] or even now by THESE so despicably cowardly Semitic/White PARASITES, just very very efficiently waged/they JUST DO IT?

Nubia/Khemet/Egypt’s African Pharaohs battled and resisted the Semitic hordes for millennia but from the moment Alexander the Macedonian peasant overran Khemet we've been losing this so despicably cowardly but still undeclared WAR on Africa/Africans, with the situation becoming a rout when Augustus [Julius Caesar's nephew, heir and history's most maliciously EVIL/DESTRUCTIVE cultural vandal] deliberately destroyed [Khufu’s facial attributes on the Sphinx] Khemet's most spectacular Pyramid at Abu Rawash, which you've never heard of, have YOU?

This so deliberate piece of cultural vandalism was done to DELETE DJEDEFRAH from history as this African Pharaoh is now acknowledged as the builder of the Sphinx which honours his father Khufu [who built the Great Pyramid at Giza]; and as exemplified by the murderous carnage in Darfur and the Congo and other resource rich regions of Africa TODAY [still being pillaged by the West’s CHAOS MACHINE template which they have subsequently exported to Afghnistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria with Iran still their primary target in the region] and the inane stupidity of the way those CLOWNS Goodluck, Zuma and co sanctioned/collaborated with/allowed Africa’s greatest EVER Arab benefactor [Muamar Gaddafi] and his regime to be slaughtered by NATO in 2011, we're still in BIG trouble/losing this WAR, aren't WE?

Wishing this WAR away hasn't worked for the African collective in the USA, the rest of the Diaspora and Africa for the last 500 years because Slavery and Colonialism didn't so much end as evolve into the current reality of White/European socio-economic domination in every area of human activity so why are WE expecting the chaos in our communities and countries to improve in the near future?

Isn’t ANYONE who genuinely believes they are not programmed
graphically illustrating that their programming is COMPLETE?

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