Virtual reality, we are told, is a way of simulating the real world. One, or more of the senses is sent electronic signals that replicate an illusory world. But things are not that cut and dried. Virtual reality is reality for reality is, itself, always illusory. We do not apprehend the world directly, only perceptually. And so all reality is virtual. Before Europeans invented electronic versions, Africans had long, long ago created the first, and still the greatest, virtual reality. African virtual reality is “nommo”, the power of the word in all its forms. Africa gave the world speech. And the spoken word ignites the mind. Say it, and those who hear it, see it in their mind’s eye. Think and then speak, and the listener is given your thought. The listener replies and, in turn, ignites sounds, pictures, tastes and touches in your mind. Isn’t that telepathy?
Africa gave the world writing too, another form of nommo. Thoughts cut into stone speak volumes five millennia later. Words printed on a page are studied for decades. And messages sent through the net are read instantaneously. Television and the movies, though not referred to as such, are, in fact, forms of virtual reality. Specific sounds and visions, bright, loud and mesmerizing. On the other hand, the African virtual reality called reading, stimulates the mind. It does not merely imprint it. You pause, at will, halting the stream, to think on what you read, to accept or to reject, or just meditate upon it, and perhaps create something new, that you, in turn, pass on. So there you have it, nommo in all its forms. African virtual reality is, and will always be, the Real Thing!
by Dr. Arthur Lewin, author of Africa Is Not A Country: It’s A Continent,
Every language originated in Africa (including English, German, Mayan, Incan, Chinese, etc.)

Source: The Week news magazine of 5/6/11:

The world's 6,000 languages are all descended form a single ancestral tongue that developed in southern Africa between 50,000 and 100,000 years ago. That's the intriguing new theory developed by University of Auckland psychologist Quentin Atkinson, after he sorted 504 modern languages by the number of phonemes - basic vowel, consonant, and tonal sounds - they use to convey meaning. He found that in Africa - where humans originated, according to fossil and DNA evidence - some languages contain more than 100 phonemes, compared with about 45 in English. Languages in the last places settled by humans have the fewest phonemes; Hawaiian, for instance, has only 13. That linguistic pattern parallels what evolutionary geneticists call the "founder effect" - the tendency of smaller groups to keep narrowing the diversity of a larger population when they move away. Atkinson's approach is a radical departure from historical linguistics, which can trace languages back only about 9,000 years.

"What's so remarkable about this work is that it shows language doesn't change all that fast," Mark Pagel, a biologist at the University of Reading in England, tells The New York Times. "It retains a signal of its ancestry over tens of thousands of years."

So, yes, my brother: Africa gave the world speech
Every language originated in Africa (including English, German, Mayan, Incan, Chinese, etc.)
Source: The Week news magazine of 5/6/11:

The world's 6,000 languages are all descended form a single ancestral tongue that developed in southern Africa between 50,000 and 100,000 years ago. That's the intriguing new theory developed by University of Auckland psychologist Quentin Atkinson, after he sorted 504 modern languages by the number of phonemes - basic vowel, consonant, and tonal sounds - they use to convey meaning.

He found that in Africa - where humans originated, according to fossil and DNA evidence - some languages contain more than 100 phonemes, compared with about 45 in English. Languages in the last places settled by humans have the fewest phonemes; Hawaiian, for instance, has only 13.

That linguistic pattern parallels what evolutionary geneticists call the "founder effect" - the tendency of smaller groups to keep narrowing the diversity of a larger population when they move away.

Atkinson's approach is a radical departure from historical linguistics, which can trace languages back only about 9,000 years.

"What's so remarkable about this work is that it shows language doesn't change all that fast," Mark Pagel, a biologist at the University of Reading in England, tells The New York Times. "It retains a signal of its ancestry over tens of thousands of years."

So, yes, my brother: Africa gave the world speech
Would you believe that I’ve read something very similar to this about genetic variation, as highlighted by their being more genetic variation within comparatively small African communities, than across vast tracts of Europe and Asia [they are ALL literally quite closely related]?

Geneticists can link certain genetic groupings/relationships worldwide and subsequently find similar types in Africa, however Africa has a multitude of totally unique genetic groups due to the fact that most of them never ever left Africa, though one would have thought that hundreds of years of Slavery ripping the heart out of Africa would have made a more significant impact on genetic diversity, wouldn’t you?

Isn’t ANYONE who genuinely believes they are not programmed
graphically illustrating that their programming is COMPLETE?
According to Blackroots Science there are two conditions that is needed to be fulfilled in order for Yahweh to come back- 1) There have to be atleast 1Billion 8 million black people present on Earth and 2) there needs to be a mental and then a physical separation form the corrupted sexual deviant world that we live in.

IMO I think a mental separation can easily occur by entering a virtual reality world. This virtual reality world can be used by us to finally experience a sane and moral society founded on the teachings that is present in Black Roots Science.

the physical would have to follow as well....mental is first then physical.
quote="Amun Nubi Ankh-El, post: 828727, member: 28674" As of 2014 A.D. The non black races will no longer be protected. The energies of evil that they have build over the past 6 thousand years will be no held back any longer.

Also the Eloheem and great masters of Africa will come out in the fore front for the black race.

When you calculate this plus the DNA 's of our people going off then you will see how atleast 144,000 will be raised mostly amongst the blacks in the west.

Religion want be a factory...many are already tired of it. peaceMaybe, maybe not, where are YOU getting this information from [please don’t SAY voices in your head] and why aren’t YOU answering questions in the direct manner [like this] possible with this medium?

quote="Amun Nubi Ankh-El, post: 834423, "I" am getting this wisdom from blackroots science....I do not know how much more direct one can get!As written, recorded, or published, projected and promoted by whom? By the brothers and sisters working with the South African tribal brothers and sisters in distributing the lessons of Blackroot Science. Giving you their names will do you no good and they are not on the enternet. AND!

Why not name them anyway, and what are their sources, have they done verifiable by their peers research as exemplified by the works of our historians like Che Ante Diop, Asa G Hilliard III, Dr Henrik Clark, Dr Ivan van Sertima and other luminaries? I do not consider these people "Luminaries", I consider them to be inspirational people, and my point still remains, knowing their names will not solve anything.

Don’t YOU think our enslaved African ancestors [and their siblings who were tortured, mutilated and murdered for refusing to ever submit/be broken] tried to wish and pray the ongoing African HOLOCAUST of over 500 years duration, away?Well! Of Course because they were going through the hardships of this 6 thousand year cycle so yes they were doing so especially being in a forgetful state of consciousness.

How well did those aspirations work for them, and can you be specific as to how/why wishful thinking wouldn’t FAIL for us too?Are you that far in the slum? I have never ever been in any slum [by the grace of the Creator] but does that mean that I’m supposed to be at ease with non-whites in general, peoples of African ethnicity specifically [like myself] constantly being manoevered/repressed by the current status quo into a permanent underclass, not that far removed from the chattel Slavery they inflicted on my ancestors [and their tortured, mutilated and murdered siblings who refused to EVER bow, be BROKEN]?

We have not always been in this state!! Many came like Honorable E. Muhammad but the problem with religious minded people is that when they hear prophecies they feel as though they will happen in 24 hours. This is not true. A lot of these prophecies happen over a 30, 60 and even 90-100 year periods! They are so gradual SOMETIMES that religious minded people cannot comprehend them or miss interpret them.Why are we supposed to sit around awaiting divine intervention as opposed to embracing the most obvious lesson of the ongoing African HOLOCAUST of over 500 years duration; THE CREATOR HELPS THOSE who HELP THEMSELVES [just look around]? No one is "sitting around". You might be but "we" are not. We are working hard to reawaken our consciousness and to awaken others but not giving them just doctrine but application.

Also, just because a person gets "voices" in their heads does not make it untrue or religious.Maybe not, but would YOU even think of taking seriously the revelations/perspectives of someone so very obviously stressed/distressed by the diverse array of mental illnesses/psychiatric disorders currently bombarding humanity?No because not everone one the planet is "without". Without what? Without that ancient wisdom to live in their true diety selves. This knowledge of course has been kept in secrecy to keep it away from the non black races and will come in the open for black people in 2014 a.d. Have you heard of intuition? Why not just leave those substances alone, aren’t they illegal opiates?

It is never wrong and there is a thin line but big difference from feeliings and intuition. Intuition is never wrong and with that tool have many validated black roots science. If YOU are genuinely of African ethnicity, let us just agree to differ or can you highlight how this particular science isn’t just as baffled and confused as when the RASTAFARIANS refused to believe Haille Selassie [RAS TAFAR I himself] when he told them that he was not the Creator/worthy of their worship

Everybody does not "reason" the same way on the planet. Some brothers and sisters rely on other things.Such as; and why are you being as consistently evasive as the PALEFACE CURTROLL BATTERING RAMS who infest Internet message boards in general, Black message boards specifically?huh? I do not understand the question. Let me say this, I don't care what they are reading only that my brothers and sisters get it! Isn’t your difficulty centred around the fact that you only have somewhat confused misinformative GARBAGE to impart as opposed to any real spiritual/intellectual sustenance? Peace

BTW, are YOU ever going to address assertions/answer relevant questions [like those below] in the direct manner possible with this medium?”I told you where I was getting the info from. I told you how I validate it as well. Intuition never lies!!! REALLY!

When was the real world EVER that simple?

"Amun Nubi Ankh-El, post: 828416, member: 28674" You are the creator and the unconscious part of you is the real you.Which means what [the LIFE FORCE/part of the CREATOR in us is in every living creature, including paradoxically LUCIFER] aren’t we literally star stuff made manifest [as underlined by the fact that every atom in the solar system were created either in our or another sun], the Universe attempting to fully understand itself through our growing/evolving knowledge? Wrong, the life force and all things are radiated from the mind of The Creators Ba Dimo. Force, Laws do not predate the gods. The thing in you and me that we spoke about is the real is not something different. Ba Dimo means what exactly, where are you getting this drivel from?

I see how conscious you are by the statements that you make. There is life force in all creatures but this does not make them identical to you and I. There is more within your than just life force. The mind of God....for one..... Which is discernibly different from our LIFE FORCE how exactly?

All things come from the mind of the Gods or 1 billion 8 million...7 substances in which all things are created from nothingness. The universe is not trying to understand itself. Those are "YT's" concepts. In your opinion or could it be that YOUR intuition is failing YOU as you become more and more confused [while attempting to confuse ME/US], have YOU rationally assessed my tag/at the end of my posts?
Isn’t ANYONE who genuinely believes they are not programmed
graphically illustrating that their programming is COMPLETE? The answer is not everone. Some can say that they are not and really are not, others are. It depends on the person.

It is the Gods and Goddesses who know all yet have not experienced all so they/we/us create what we already know in order to experience what we know. The Most High knows all yet have not experienced all. IT/THEY told you this absolute drivel did they, or are YOU one of CARE in the community’s more high profile/obvious failures? ????HUH?????

You made choices that you are not even aware of for the betterment of yourself. The questions and doubts that one makes are of the lower self. Follow the instructions of the higher self or the first self and it will never lead you astray. Where are YOU getting this gobbledygook/drivel from and why does it carry/have a very similar vibe to Plato’s so very very spiritually and intellectually alienated “Higher mind/Limbic brain/separation/GARBAGE as opposed to the REALITY of the fusion of body and mind integral with being both physically and mentally healthy?I have already told you that, Blackroot Science.

It sounds similar because Plato was an initiate of lower schools of thought that taught similar but different things based on how creation relates to the non black races.How/why would CREATION be relating differently to different ethnic groups/races [as opposed to just being perceived differently] or are you genuinely unaware that this so fundamentally flawed but still dangerous Plato’s higher mind/limbic brain dross is/a combination of rampant ego spliced with a truly staggering degree of spiritual and intellectual alienation/maybe melanin deficiency really is the CREATOR’s CURSE? You take creation as if you are not the creator. They were made 6 thousand years ago So that "God" could experience evil in the form of a man ....a made man on the planet which is "Lucifer" the non black races. I am not concernd with what these so called scientist findings are about or how the do their calculations. The only scienctiest that I give a true listening ear to us those of the high African tribes. They are the real scientist.

The non black races have a time limit. What they have done to us during these 6 thousand years will be undone and they will have to "reap what they sowed" beginning in a few months.Maybe, maybe not, what are we supposed to be looking out for?You should be working on developing yourself. There is much self development applications in the lessons of Blackroots Science given to you by the brothers.Maybe, maybe not where exactly does Blackroots Science come from and what has it done for its practitioners in contrast to the manner in which Khemet was the World’s first technical culture, is its antiquity comparable to the Khemetian Book of Coming Forth by Day aka The Book of the Dead? Khemet was not the worlds first technical culture!! Thats white man's BS.!

At this point you will have a choice, whether you want to be god conscious or you want to continue to have sympathy for the non black races. If you do decide to have sympathy for them and do not want to separate from them then you will suffer as they suffer until you remove yourself from them. In the so very Globalized 21st century, how do YOU suggest we peoples of African ethnicity remove/totally separate ourselves from the rest of the Human family in general, specifically restrain the socio-economic manacles of the current White Supremacist Racist POWER ELITE and their lackeys/cohorts of many hues? Open your eyes! Do you see all of the things that are going on? It's getting worse and they don't have time to check up on you to see what you are doing. WHATEVER!

In the meantime there are blacks that are relocating in Israel as we speak having their own communities and culture. Its a gradual process...look at it with the first eye instead of the two physical ones. There is only 144,000 needed and that number is potentially here if no already. Why are YOU embracing that so elitist GARBAGE in that would you really want to be a part of that so obviously very very deluded flock which is actually 44 000 up on the Jehovah’s Witnesses isn’t it [I’m not sure] which doesn’t tie in that comfortably does it, with the fact that there are several million of them worldwide? This is not "Garbage" and the religions of the world got those figures from teachings spoken in ancient times about us or to 6 thousand years ago. It is not ", it is ,144,000.
Isn’t ANYONE who genuinely believes they are not programmed
graphically illustrating that their programming is COMPLETE?



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Chevron Dove wrote on cherryblossom's profile.
Sis Cherryblossom,
hoping that you are at peace where ever you may be.