Black Astrology : Your Childs Health and Psychology through Astrology


Sun in Cancer
This child has an emotional nature. He probably cries a lot. Just know that when he does this, it is usually a sign that he is not secure. Maybe you handed him to a friend, or you left him with someone he is not familiar with when he does the crying. Always keep in mind, Cancer also rules the mother. There is no Cancer child that doesn't crave his mother over anyone. Mommy is always his choice of person to be with, even over Daddy. Family is very important to this child as well. So if mommy and daddy are not together, they must do all that they can do to assure the cancer child that he comes first and that whatever it takes to help this child feel safe and secure about family, it will be done. Cancer children have very good memories so you want to be careful of what you expose them to, then again, they are psychic so even if you hide something from them, they know that something is up. Keep in mind though, that you are the parent and you are the number one influence in their life. Back to the memory, this child is the kind of child that if he gets lost in a supermarket, he will see that incident as a sign of rejection from the mother, he will never forget it and that memory will be something that he will bring up years from now. Cancer children are very clingy so at times, the parent can feel like a host while the cancer child clings to them like a parasite. Don't worry though, because I can see that your son will probably like sports because he has mars in the first house. When this child begins to develop his own interest, he will then spread his wings, just a little bit... hehehe

Mercury in Cancer
Again, emotional patterns are being repeated. This child will let his emotions tell him how to think. So at an early age, you want to teach this child that other people are not like him and that he is not like other people. You want to teach him that we are all different people in this world. He is the kind of child that if he is outside playing with other children and another child accidentally bumps him and keeps going, he will take it as an insult and something that was done on purpose in an effort to hurt his feelings. This is reinforced because his moon is oppose to his mercury which will make him a bit more confused about what he should be feeling and thinking. It will be okay, you just have to work with him at an early age. Cancers have excellent memories so anything you teach him, when he discovers that you were right, he will take note and then he will become comfortable with changing the way that he thinks.

Mars in Taurus
This child loves good food, the love of food is reinforced because his rising sign is Taurus. You want to start him on healthy eating habits. Being that he is a cancer with a mercury cancer, during those times when his emotions kick in, he could start something called emotional eating. If you start him on good eating habits, and he decides to emotionally eat, at least the food will be good for his health. Try telling him that when he is upset, if he feels like eating, eat as many apples as he wishes because it will make him get happy over the years. Or, you could tell him something like, when you get upset, if you feel that you want to eat, eat a big bowl of colorful salad because the colors will fill you with happiness. This child likes to be touched and rubbed. When he cries, try rubbing his stomach, back of his neck and his back, for Taurus influenced people, the art of touch is a mojo worker. Taurus love good scents/smells as well, they are very sensual.

Also, Cancers are ruled by the stomach so you want to make sure he gets plenty of fiber because cancers suffer from constipation.

Venus in Gemini
This child will like people and always like to be with friends as he grows older. He has Venus in the 1st house, plus his rising sign is Taurus. So he must be a very handsome child and will grow to be even more handsome with age. He will probably like art and he will probably pick up on drawing, painting and things like that.

Moon in Capricorn
This child is probably going to be a very serious child, probably hang around older kids or no kids at all. Then when he becomes a teen, all of his friends will be much older than he is, perhaps adults. As time goes on, he will probably become a mentor for people his age and younger.

Emotionally, he may struggle with hiding his feelings and the obvious burst of emotions that tell on him. Always talk to him like he was a comprehensive adult. I'm not saying talk to him about adult things but when explaining things to him, explain them to him in an adult fashion, not a child fashion because he is going to be pretty mature and it will insult his intelligence if you treat him less than mature.

Aspects of interest...

Sun in the 3rd oppose Pluto in the 8th

Do you see signs of fussiness in your son?

Mercury oppose Moon

Do you pay close attention to signs of communication from your son?

Oh my goodness!! This is so accurate already! Yes, my child is VERY fussy and cries alot around other people. He has had many stomach problems and ALWAYS strains, grunting and pushing, to have a bowel movement even though it's not solid due to him being breastfed. He has a hard time getting gas out and spits up often. He has a temper too! When you take something from him that he's playing with (like a dangerous electrical wire), he will scream and yell. He is very clingy to me above everyone and when he's not in my arms, his eyes follow me everywhere, no matter what else or who else is trying to distract him.

Now that you mention his importance on family structure, I have a concern: I am not with his father; I have been with another man who has been in his life since the pregnancy and the birth. He sees himself as the father, even though not the biological father. Unfortunately, the biological father has re-surfaced in my life and wants to be together again. This makes for a quite complicated, awkward situation. How do you see this affecting my son now, and how in your opinion could it best be resolved?

As far as eating, I myself have lately become an obsessive emotional eater. I;ve never been this way until after I had the baby and it has increased dramatically during the past month. Even with my milk, my son is a greedy eater. He will keep drinking until he is past full and has painful gas and has to spit up-- and still wants more! He drinks hard and loud and lately grabs at me insistently when he wants to nurse. I could already see he would be a food fanatic and your analysis of his chart has confirmed it :)

Thank you very much for this chart. It has truly opened my eyes as well as let me know alot of what I was intuitively picking up on in him was in fact true. This was a blessing for me.

Oh my goodness!! This is so accurate already!
I am so grateful that you are pleased.

Yes, my child is VERY fussy and cries alot around other people.
He has had many stomach problems and ALWAYS strains, grunting and pushing, to have a bowel movement even though it's not solid due to him being breastfed. He has a hard time getting gas out and spits up often.

You want to make sure that you are eating the right foods when breast feeding your baby. You need to drink lots of water and eat as many fiber foods as possible to prevent him from being constipated. He is getting close to turning one, you can start introducing him solid foods. If you have a blender, you want to try and buy all of his vegatables fresh, then you can cook them and blend them in the blender. Jar foods will not be good for him, he needs fresh foods. Look into vegatables that have lots of protein because this child should eat less meat as possible. His emotions will play a large roll in his constipations as well but cancer is s water sign and should be fed lots of water or teas to keep that stomack running smooth. Of course, you should still keep breastfeeding him until you are ready to stop but the snacking on other foods will decrease his appetite a bit and give you some time to rejuvenate.

As for his being fussy when you leave him with people, he is going to do that with practically everyone other than you. That is going to be a tuffy but it will not be a good idea to spoil him because Cancers are very smart and they catch on to how easy it is to have their way. Many of the times, the fussines is them enforcing their will. You are going to have to do your best to know the differance between when he is enforcing his will and when he really needs for you to be by his side. Talking to him early and giving him eye contact when you do so will help in this matter.You can start immediately with verbally comunicating to him that things will be okay that Mommy wouldn't leave him in an unsafe place. Also start now with telling him to be honest with you at all times, to let you know if anyone violates him in any way but be careful how you say this to him. Never give him the impression that you want to hear something bad.

He has a temper too! When you take something from him that he's playing with (like a dangerous electrical wire), he will scream and yell. He is very clingy to me above everyone and when he's not in my arms, his eyes follow me everywhere, no matter what else or who else is trying to distract him.

How is he getting holed of electrical wire...LOL He is only a baby, not even one year yet.

The Temper is what I was touching on when I said this

Sun in the 3rd oppose Pluto in the 8th

Do you see signs of fussiness in your son?

I didn't use the word temper at first because I didn't want to startle you but since you used the word first... we can keep it real.

This aspect, sun in the 3rd oppose Pluto in the 8th is something to watch for because it is an anger aspect. His feelings are easily hurt so it is hard to know if his anger will be justified. You will have to pay close attention to him, this is why I asked you this?

Mercury oppose Moon

Do you pay close attention to signs of communication from your son?

He is always specifically trying to comunicate with you in some kind of way, Moon represents the mother. You said he follows you with his eyes. I am sure he is even doing some other things but I don't see him so I can't help you figure that out. He is trying to tell you stuff that he doesn't realize at this moment he is trying to tell you but when he gets around the age 3, you will be able to see things a bit more clearer.

Now that you mention his importance on family structure, I have a concern: I am not with his father; I have been with another man who has been in his life since the pregnancy and the birth. He sees himself as the father, even though not the biological father. Unfortunately, the biological father has re-surfaced in my life and wants to be together again. This makes for a quite complicated, awkward situation. How do you see this affecting my son now, and how in your opinion could it best be resolved?

The child awlays comes first and it is always best for the child to know who their real parents are. On the other hand, the father who has been taking care of him should not be pushed out of the way either just because the other father wants to come back. Something will have to be worked out so that the child can enjoy love from both the men who want to be in his life. It is not really important to communicate to the child who his real father is because the only thing that is important right now is that he is loved. Later on when he can comprehend, and you will know he is ready, then you can explain things to him. At that point, he will probably want to know why momy and daddy couldn't stay together but then he will be okay with the way things are because everyone showed him love and no one left him out.

As far as eating, I myself have lately become an obsessive emotional eater. I;ve never been this way until after I had the baby and it has increased dramatically during the past month. Even with my milk, my son is a greedy eater. He will keep drinking until he is past full and has painful gas and has to spit up-- and still wants more! He drinks hard and loud and lately grabs at me insistently when he wants to nurse. I could already see he would be a food fanatic and your analysis of his chart has confirmed it :)

I breast fed for two years and the baby takes a lot from you so that is why you eat a lot after having the baby. The baby is literally a parasite when it is in you and when you are breast feeding, it is still sucking the nutrients from you. Being that he is a Cancer with Taurus influence, this increases his parasite tendencies...LOL It's not so bad that you are eating a lot, just eat the right foods. As for controlling his eating habits, you want to start him with that now. He is geting old enough to snack on finger foods like baby cookies, apple sauce, sweet potatoes, cheerios and I can email you a list of other things. You will have to put him on an eating schedule and no matter how much he fusses, you will have to wait till his scheduled time. Added after posted: If he is fussing before eating time, try sitting down with him and reading to him in a clam soft voice. While you do this, rub his stomach, ear, or the back of his neck, that should calm him. Befoe you know it, it's time to eat.

Otherwise, he could develop unecessary eating habits. As long as he is gaining appropriate weight, which the doctors will tell you, you will know if you are doing everything right.

Thank you very much for this chart. It has truly opened my eyes as well as let me know alot of what I was intuitively picking up on in him was in fact true. This was a blessing for me.

This is not the actual chart itself, this is a short interpretation of the chart. I can post the actual chart if you would like to see it but it will take me a minute to do it because I have to leave right now. Let me know if you would like to see the chart and I will post it. I plan to look at your chart as well and tell you what I see in your chart. It will help me with your son as well.

Before I go, here is a reading for the anger aspect your son has in his chart. This reading applies to adults but signs of it are in children. Remember, children grow up to be adults and astrologically speaking the child is already born with it's personality. Keep in mind, all challenging aspects have their positive side.

The Aspect in your sons chart...

Astrology aspects - Sun opposition PlutoThis suggests that most of your problems and challenges will arise in the area of interpersonal relationships, often created or stimulated by your own unconscious expression of this energy, which requires a deeper understanding and inner adjustment to be achieved before you can consistently benefit from its power.

Your temperament can be assertive, aggressive and extremist, tending to use your powerful will like a sledgehammer to achieve objectives. You prefer to force situations so that you are ready to take the advantage before anyone else can, or will act through impulse without fully considering the consequences of following your desires and aims. To others, your will and personality can seem a little overbearing, provocative and dominating, especially as you always prefer to be in control of all situations, and hate to feel unsure of your ground or realise there is nothing you can do to influence circumstances in your favour. This is why you desire to be in a position of authority, calling the tune and writing the rules, yet are so rebellious when roles are reversed; you then use your influence to be subversive and manipulate others to resist authority.

You will feel a desire to change the world into your image, reflecting the way that you think it should be. As virtually everyone else is attempting the same in small or large ways, inevitably you may experience conflict with others who do not agree with your panacea for the world's ills. If you attempt to dictate to people, by forceful expression, you may easily fail to get the right kind of support and co-operation, especially if it is made clear that you intend to be the kingpin and final arbiter. The problem with dominating and forceful personalities is that usually they insist on having their own way, and are rarely, if ever, wrong. This usually ends in relationship conflict which leads to their more creative supporters quitting, leaving behind 'mere followers' who remain with the 'leader' in sycophantic acquiescence.

Without proper awareness and understanding, these tendencies can become negatively expressed, eventually to your detriment. Yet equally they can become extremely positive qualities to be used in socially creative ways once excess self-interest is transcended, and you move towards the higher solar path of your individuality rather than just satisfying lower egoic needs and desires. You will need to undergo a period of self-regeneration, to acknowledge the needs of others to be themselves, not as mere adjuncts to your dictates, but people equally able and right to assert themselves. More harmonious and successful relationships are possible, especially when your need for self-assertion diminishes through self-understanding and confidence in your own worth. This can involve learning to be self-reliant in achieving your own aims, rather than having to manipulate others into unconsciously aiding your private intentions. Inner changes leading to a less aggressive attitude and less suspicion in working with others, more co-operation to achieve mutual goals, and a degree of compromise in your attitudes, will certainly bring more benefit to you and others. Gaining an understanding of the elements present in your psychology which desire for you to become an authority and leader can help to bring about an inner adjustment, and an ability to work with others can then emerge.

And here is the other aspect...

Astrology aspects - Moon opposition MercuryWith the opposition, friction between Moon and Mercury results in emotions, instincts, and feelings pulling in one direction, and rationality, logic, and conscious mind moving in an opposite direction. This inner disharmony is then reflected through projection onto the external world, influencing your relationships. While this inner division remains unresolved, relationship conflicts will persist. Decision-making can prove difficult, and you may rely on others deciding for you, as you cannot determine which path to follow, whether to choose instincts, emotions, or rationality. Inner unity, when both messages coincide, is a rare experience for you.

This situation can stultify actions and choices, distorting perceptions and judgement. Confusion often results, with regular changes of mind or heart wihch disturb and disrupt relationships. Sometimes attempting to break through an impasse may force you to act impulsively and instinctively with variable results. Equally, responses can be emotionally biased, devoid of rational evaluation or common sense. Alternatively, Mercury can dominate, with an extremely cold perception which succeeds mainly in temporarily denying any emotional feeling at all; choices from that perspective can fail once feelings wake up again and decide to react against the current situation which Mercury has brought about!

As a consequence of private confusion, you are often irritated by social life; and inner friction evokes external friction by provoking arguments. You can be insensitive and offensive to others, unaware of a lack of tact, sensitivity, and diplomacy, although you are quick to rise to others who criticize you personally. Like everyone else, there are times (many, many times) when you will be 'wrong' in life, as no-one is infallible. You may need to learn how to admit mistakes, however.

Intimate relationships and partnerships need greater awareness, concessions, and compromises for them to continue satisfactorily. Otherwise, emotional friction and damage are likely as conflicts intensify through clashes of attitude and values. Family life can generate considerable agitation and worry, exacerbating inner confusion, unless you can resolve innate conflicts. Nervous emotional excitement can be activated; and this can have negative health consequences. Compulsive talking can occure as a compensation for effective relationship, although what is often noticeable is that this lacks depth and content. Increasingly imbalanced, unconscious emotional patterns can distort inner messages and life perceptions, diminishing your ability for clear thinking and clear communication.

What is required is self-understanding and integration between your emotional and rationa nature. Clarity and awareness is needed regarding these lunar patterns of emotional need, dependency, and the reliance of security and stability. With the Mercury influence, rationality and objectivity are required to help rebalance inner disharmony. THe challenge is to integrate these two opposing messages. Until some progress is made, self-expression can be restricted and distorted. Favouring either planet creates conflict; honouring each planet is the route to wholeness, and the key to resolving this psychological imbalance.

Astrology aspects - Moon opposition MercuryWith the opposition, friction between Moon and Mercury results in emotions, instincts, and feelings pulling in one direction, and rationality, logic, and conscious mind moving in an opposite direction. This inner disharmony is then reflected through projection onto the external world, influencing your relationships. While this inner division remains unresolved, relationship conflicts will persist. Decision-making can prove difficult, and you may rely on others deciding for you, as you cannot determine which path to follow, whether to choose instincts, emotions, or rationality. Inner unity, when both messages coincide, is a rare experience for you.

This situation can stultify actions and choices, distorting perceptions and judgement. Confusion often results, with regular changes of mind or heart wihch disturb and disrupt relationships. Sometimes attempting to break through an impasse may force you to act impulsively and instinctively with variable results. Equally, responses can be emotionally biased, devoid of rational evaluation or common sense. Alternatively, Mercury can dominate, with an extremely cold perception which succeeds mainly in temporarily denying any emotional feeling at all; choices from that perspective can fail once feelings wake up again and decide to react against the current situation which Mercury has brought about!

As a consequence of private confusion, you are often irritated by social life; and inner friction evokes external friction by provoking arguments. You can be insensitive and offensive to others, unaware of a lack of tact, sensitivity, and diplomacy, although you are quick to rise to others who criticize you personally. Like everyone else, there are times (many, many times) when you will be 'wrong' in life, as no-one is infallible. You may need to learn how to admit mistakes, however.

Intimate relationships and partnerships need greater awareness, concessions, and compromises for them to continue satisfactorily. Otherwise, emotional friction and damage are likely as conflicts intensify through clashes of attitude and values. Family life can generate considerable agitation and worry, exacerbating inner confusion, unless you can resolve innate conflicts. Nervous emotional excitement can be activated; and this can have negative health consequences. Compulsive talking can occure as a compensation for effective relationship, although what is often noticeable is that this lacks depth and content. Increasingly imbalanced, unconscious emotional patterns can distort inner messages and life perceptions, diminishing your ability for clear thinking and clear communication.

What is required is self-understanding and integration between your emotional and rationa nature. Clarity and awareness is needed regarding these lunar patterns of emotional need, dependency, and the reliance of security and stability. With the Mercury influence, rationality and objectivity are required to help rebalance inner disharmony. THe challenge is to integrate these two opposing messages. Until some progress is made, self-expression can be restricted and distorted. Favouring either planet creates conflict; honouring each planet is the route to wholeness, and the key to resolving this psychological imbalance.


WOW, that last section sounds alot like me-- you sure that wasn't my chart? lol :))

I am integrating much more fruits and vegetables in my diet. I have come completely off of dairy and wheat. I still eat a little chicken/turkey and fish. Very rarely I'll crave beef but feel horrible afterwards of course. I've been off of pork for 8 years now. I am working towards complete vegetarianism, with mostly raw foods because I know how important food is in shaping emotions and consciousness and overall physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Earlier, you mentioned to be careful what he is exposed to because he has a good memory..this has been one of my major concerns. I personally don't want any television and don't listen to mainstream, brainwashing music. I try to keep my words as positive as possible and try not to feel frustrated or angry so he won't pick that up. The man I am with understands my views on these things and is improving his lifestyle in the same way. However, other family members do not understand or support us, most importantly my mother. Also, his biological father has much negative energy around him and is quickly frustrated, uses profanity, drinks, and smokes. He does not understand or agree with my holistic view and living. I am concerned he will want to raise our son in direct opposition to how I want to, and expose him to things I don't want him exposed to. What do I do about this?
WOW, that last section sounds alot like me-- you sure that wasn't my chart? lol :))

I just looked at your chart, you don't have that aspect in your chart but you do have some challenging aspects to the Moon as well as some not so challenging aspects. Keep in mind, there are positive sides to challenging aspects.

Also you as well as your son, have some not so challenging aspects in your charts as well for which I will point out later on. After I finish this post, I will also go to my other thread "Self consciousness through Astrology and post your Moon aspects.

I am integrating much more fruits and vegetables in my diet. I have come completely off of dairy and wheat. I still eat a little chicken/turkey and fish. Very rarely I'll crave beef but feel horrible afterwards of course. I've been off of pork for 8 years now. I am working towards complete vegetarianism, with mostly raw foods because I know how important food is in shaping emotions and consciousness and overall physical, mental, and spiritual health.

I am very happy for you, and yes, I agree. The foods that we eat play a significant role in our mental and spiritual health.

Earlier, you mentioned to be careful what he is exposed to because he has a good memory..this has been one of my major concerns. I personally don't want any television and don't listen to mainstream, brainwashing music. I try to keep my words as positive as possible and try not to feel frustrated or angry so he won't pick that up. The man I am with understands my views on these things and is improving his lifestyle in the same way. However, other family members do not understand or support us, most importantly my mother. Also, his biological father has much negative energy around him and is quickly frustrated, uses profanity, drinks, and smokes. He does not understand or agree with my holistic view and living. I am concerned he will want to raise our son in direct opposition to how I want to, and expose him to things I don't want him exposed to. What do I do about this?

I think you already know what to do. Of course you have to protect your child. You won't be able to control his actions of course. All you can do is do your best. There is no such thing as a perfect situation. Continue to be attentive to your child, when his father does negative things, talk to your son about it. Tell him that not all people are conscious of what they do and sometimes we just have to accept people as they are while we protect ourselves in their presence.

As for your mother, your situation reminds me of what I went through with my mother. My mother and I used to argue a lot when my baby was small so I moved out with and moved in with another relative until I was able to get on my feet. I didn't want my childs first year of life to be spent hearing her grandmother and I argue everyday. My mother didn't care if we argued, it was her house and if she stopped arguing with me because I now had a baby, in her mind, she would be letting me rule her in her own house. I saw it was a no win situation, so I packed my bags and left. All before I had my baby, I had been tolerating the arguing but after my baby was born, that all changed. I haven't lived with my mother since and that was almost 18 years ago.

Sometimes for the sake of our children, we have to cut other people that we love out of our lives. Im not saying that I don't speak with or visit with my mother because I do, but what I am saying is, I did what I had to do for my child and as time went on, my mother began to show some changes in her attitude.

I can't tell you what to do about your sons father or your mother, I can only share some things with you based on my experience. However, like I said, I think you know what you need to do.

Your 12th has Pluto in it, after you read this, you will know why I said I think you know what you need to do... The first paragraph should cover it...

Pluto in 12th House

*You have a deep interest in secrets, the underworld or unconscious, and anything hidden and mysterious. Psychoanalysis, investigating your dreams, and other methods of uncovering secrets are very interesting to you. You may be exceptionally perceptive intuitively or psychically. Your emotions and subconscious energies are complex, and periodic transformations and personal crises are sprinkled liberally throughout your lifetime.

#Death has played a large part in creating doubt about your abilities. Use private time to examine your present knowledge and skills, and you may find that confidence replaces doubt. You need the quiet moments to build your power.

^Since you have Pluto in your 12th House you may be tempted to repress your emotions, particularly those which have to do with those deep needs which spring from the shadowy side of yourself. You may even have problems with depression or addictive behaviors which create a kind of emotional trap until you learn to delve into the depths of your being and clean out the ghosts and dragons from your past which still haunt your dreams. Old resentments can also act like a potion which poisons your imagination and undermines your ability to trust your inner self. Once you've conquered your own demons, you may feel driven to help others confront their own, and can become an extremely effective healer.

I will come back later and post your Moon aspects in the "Self consciousness through Astrology" thread, be looking for it.



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Sis Cherryblossom,
hoping that you are at peace where ever you may be.