The assimilation of food depends on the stomach, which is astrologically ruled by the zodiac sign Cancer. Therefore, the question of the food we eat must be considered according to the nature of this sign. Two planets adversely affect the sign Cancer, and the nature of these two malefic planets has special bearing on the kinds of food that bring harm to the body. They are Mars and Saturn.
Mars, the planet of violence, is in its fall in Cancer, meaning this sign brings out the worst potential of Mars. Consequently, all foods that are inherently the products of violence must have a negative effect on the body's metabolism. This refers to the flesh foods primarily, which are all the end result of murder. (In astrological parlance the butcher’s knife is listed as being under the rulership of Mars.)
Saturn, the planet of structure, is in its detriment in Cancer, meaning this sign and planet make for a weak, ineffective combination. Consequently, unless you destructure your food thoroughly before it reaches your stomach, your body cannot digest it properly (the detriment of Saturn in Cancer). This means that you must chew your food diligently, for Saturn rules both diligence and the teeth...
Poisons are, astrologically speaking, under the rulership of the sign Pisces, which signifies self-destructive and unconscious behavior patterns. If you ingest poisons into your body – e.g., alcohol, tobacco, and dead animal flesh – you follow the Piscean path to dissolution as far as your health is concerned. Your alternative is to cease ingesting these poisons into your body, and cease using overprocessed foods, such as white-flour products, refined sugar, and nearly everything found in boxes, cans, and other commercial containers which are full of devitalized foods and artificial preservatives.
The unfortunate and oftentimes deadly habit of cigarette-smoking provides an artificial stimulus to the entire body system. This stimulus is through irritation, and any irritation to the body is ultimately harmful. Cigarette smoke causes the peripheral blood vessels of the body to constrict, causing more resistance to the flow of blood through the body. This raises blood pressure artificially, leaving a depression afterwards, which causes the desire for another cigarette, etc. It is fortunate that we do not smoke in our early stages of development, and the cigarette-smoking mother should consider the harm this habit – which is a Pisces affliction – does to her unborn or breast-fed child...
Alcohol is a poison because it is not a natural constituent of the human body. It is an irritant, a devitalizing fluid that causes death and physical destruction to the body. Excessive alcohol consumption destroys the brain cells, causing fatal strokes, and is the primary cause of sugar diabetes. It also causes cirrhosis, or cancer of the liver.
Another irritant considered astrologically is acid, which is a Libra affliction. Acidity in the body is certainly a sign of disease, especially to the skin, which is ruled by the sign Libra. This readily happens to the mixed eater when he fills his stomach daily with swine meat and other animal flesh, acid-producing foods, starch, overcooked vegetables, sweets, fruits, etc., all at the same time.
Next time you sit down to your Sunday dinner, serve enough for an imaginary guest. Empty his portion into a cooking vessel, using the same quantities as you would eat and drink yourself. Stir thoroughly, and then cook in an oven at 98.6º (temperature of the blood in the body) for about 30 minutes. Place a cover on the vessel and leave overnight. When you remove the cover in the morning, a distinct surprise will greet you!
Human actions are governed by man’s mental condition, and man’s mental condition is strongly influenced by the food that he eats. For, as St. Jerome once said: “A fat stomach never breeds fine thoughts.” As eating and drinking are the primary needs of man, it is the first duty of a religion to guide him in this respect. We are entering the dawning of the Aquarian Age, and as the Aquarian Age will be devoid of all that pertains to the animal, such things as alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and animal flesh as food will gradually disappear, for the outraged human body will no longer consent to receive what it has no use for...
The assimilation of food depends on the stomach, which is astrologically ruled by the zodiac sign Cancer. Therefore, the question of the food we eat must be considered according to the nature of this sign. Two planets adversely affect the sign Cancer, and the nature of these two malefic planets has special bearing on the kinds of food that bring harm to the body. They are Mars and Saturn.
Mars, the planet of violence, is in its fall in Cancer, meaning this sign brings out the worst potential of Mars. Consequently, all foods that are inherently the products of violence must have a negative effect on the body's metabolism. This refers to the flesh foods primarily, which are all the end result of murder. (In astrological parlance the butcher’s knife is listed as being under the rulership of Mars.)
Saturn, the planet of structure, is in its detriment in Cancer, meaning this sign and planet make for a weak, ineffective combination. Consequently, unless you destructure your food thoroughly before it reaches your stomach, your body cannot digest it properly (the detriment of Saturn in Cancer). This means that you must chew your food diligently, for Saturn rules both diligence and the teeth...
Poisons are, astrologically speaking, under the rulership of the sign Pisces, which signifies self-destructive and unconscious behavior patterns. If you ingest poisons into your body – e.g., alcohol, tobacco, and dead animal flesh – you follow the Piscean path to dissolution as far as your health is concerned. Your alternative is to cease ingesting these poisons into your body, and cease using overprocessed foods, such as white-flour products, refined sugar, and nearly everything found in boxes, cans, and other commercial containers which are full of devitalized foods and artificial preservatives.
The unfortunate and oftentimes deadly habit of cigarette-smoking provides an artificial stimulus to the entire body system. This stimulus is through irritation, and any irritation to the body is ultimately harmful. Cigarette smoke causes the peripheral blood vessels of the body to constrict, causing more resistance to the flow of blood through the body. This raises blood pressure artificially, leaving a depression afterwards, which causes the desire for another cigarette, etc. It is fortunate that we do not smoke in our early stages of development, and the cigarette-smoking mother should consider the harm this habit – which is a Pisces affliction – does to her unborn or breast-fed child...
Alcohol is a poison because it is not a natural constituent of the human body. It is an irritant, a devitalizing fluid that causes death and physical destruction to the body. Excessive alcohol consumption destroys the brain cells, causing fatal strokes, and is the primary cause of sugar diabetes. It also causes cirrhosis, or cancer of the liver.
Another irritant considered astrologically is acid, which is a Libra affliction. Acidity in the body is certainly a sign of disease, especially to the skin, which is ruled by the sign Libra. This readily happens to the mixed eater when he fills his stomach daily with swine meat and other animal flesh, acid-producing foods, starch, overcooked vegetables, sweets, fruits, etc., all at the same time.
Next time you sit down to your Sunday dinner, serve enough for an imaginary guest. Empty his portion into a cooking vessel, using the same quantities as you would eat and drink yourself. Stir thoroughly, and then cook in an oven at 98.6º (temperature of the blood in the body) for about 30 minutes. Place a cover on the vessel and leave overnight. When you remove the cover in the morning, a distinct surprise will greet you!
Human actions are governed by man’s mental condition, and man’s mental condition is strongly influenced by the food that he eats. For, as St. Jerome once said: “A fat stomach never breeds fine thoughts.” As eating and drinking are the primary needs of man, it is the first duty of a religion to guide him in this respect. We are entering the dawning of the Aquarian Age, and as the Aquarian Age will be devoid of all that pertains to the animal, such things as alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and animal flesh as food will gradually disappear, for the outraged human body will no longer consent to receive what it has no use for...