Black Spirituality Religion : The Audacity of "Hocus Pocus."

Mystic1974 if your journey is along the lines of magick and the occult- then lucky for you the right people are on Destee to help! I'm not local to Virgina- but you can't find anyone online to study with putting a flyer up at your local library or bookstore will help. My journey started in the public library.

Some of the first books that closed the door to the illusion for me and opened up the door to my higher self and spiritual potential:







Thank you so much brother. I need to revisit Behold a Pale Horse and Shakti Gawains book. I will also check out the other books listed.

Only in America could Whites take the names of our Deities and use them for their own wealth. Well..America, Europe, Canada, China...

I wonder how we are meant to react when this wealth creation is done with the aid and indeed blessing of the Deity? Case in point..

Samedi Energy Drink & Rum anyone?


Further to my concerns raised about the launch of Samedi Energy Drink by Frucor, the kind people at Clemenger BBDO got in touch and revealed the details of their deal with Baron.

“Hello Jonathan,

The Baron is no shrinking violet and certainly loves the spotlight.

As you would have seen within the documentary we made several offerings to reimburse the Baron for his services - cornmeal, gin, unsalted peanuts, two black birds, money, Samedi energy drink, chilli rum and some very fancy cigars (we also had to do a bit of dancing). I don’t think he felt exploited.

Since our return to Australia, on the instruction of the Baron we have set up an altar in our office with the things he told us to bring back with us – Haitian rum with 21 chillis, a painting of St Gerad, white candles and Ghede candles. We continue to make offerings of cigars, peanuts, cornmeal and money and carry out weekly libations.

The Baron told us that if the product was a success we must return to New Orleans in one year with the client to thank him.

You are very intune with Baron Samedi - he also suggested that in the long term we should make a donation to benefit the Vodou community, either here or abroad. It is something we are looking at.”

It is often said there are no spectators in vodou. Whatever the original commercial and promotional intent, I am feeling comfortable that the Clemenger and Frucor team are treating their experiences very seriously, are showing respect to the Lwa, and in their own way may have inadvertedly contributed an element of evolution to Vodou. While some may believe the material world and spirituality are quite separate, Vodou is a living evolving tradition, is in touch with modern culture and utilises the imagery, foods, music and fashion of the time. It is not a ‘museum’ tradition stuck in another age.

It is not inconceivable that the Baron, or another Lwa, would not grab an opportunity for self-promotion by linking to a part of modern culture, to further emerge into popular consciousness. The measure of its legitimacy may be measured in how this has occurred. In this case Clemenger BBDO rightly credit the Baron as a creative partner in this process, and are paying him accordingly to his requirements.

But with tag lines like “It tastes like a woman”…well that’s what you get when you employ Baron as a creative director……


Ahaha..@tastes like a woman..

DarkGod GeorgeM you have certainly mastered that level of "self-mind control" I was speaking about in the other thread seeing that you know how to use your music!

I've been followed lately by different animals in my astrals, so I'm beginning to understand how animals play a major role as far as indicating to you what level you are on as far as your magick is concerned.

I've been flipping through this book here- and has provided me with allot of very interesting explanations.

Animal Magick: The Art of Recognizing & Working with Familiars
By D. J. Conway

This book states that in Egypt the Dog was a symbol for Amenti- the Great Mother. I used to see black dobermans all the time in my dreams when I was younger. Animal spirits are treated as magicians also. Religions speak about Angels but these beings aren't the highest of the mystical creatures out there. Angels are only messengers and most people think all beings that work interdimensionally are Angels.

D.J Conway also has another one called "Magickal, mystical creatures."

I saw in my astral a giant serpent made of gold or colored orange with a black feather in it's mouth. There's even magick in the very names we give things. Consider the name "Damballa" which is for the serpent Deity in Vodou.
The is for virus protection. "Targeted protection against targeted attacks."

Only in America could Whites take the names of our Deities and use them for their own wealth. Well..America, Europe, Canada, China...What? Jesus isn't powerful enough to fight computer viruses?

The good thing about magick is that all magick is tailored for the individual based upon our level of understanding and the power of our will.

I guess it would be kind of worth asking....why would our deities be allowing them to do so? Forces that should be working on our behalf are cooperating with our enemies....why? Just how far back are we needing to go?:?:
Blaklioness, Goddess Alex and I both know those questions have been the center of intense debate lately, especially now as more dark magicians are awakening, white ones too and are calling up these older Deities by their names.

There's a cartoon called "Chaotic" that DG TY may be more familiar with that seems to explain allot of what we are speaking about.

Even in Christian and religious lore they say that "Man" was created to be even higher than the Angels. That God favored Man giving him "free-will" in the movie "Constantine" the Angel Gabriel goes on a rant about that very notion.

All the elements are alchemical symbols of Gods. Fire, earth, water and air all have to feed in order to continue. Thus even spirit must feed in order to continue to be spirit.

What I gather from this, the Deities- Angels/Demons etc, are only shells. They are only as real as the energy that occupies them. So what happens when African people stop occupying their own Gods? Those shells become empty. And can then become used by others that study and learn how to use them. In darker forms of esoteric magick there are methods that are used to create Deities. In fact, sex that is done right- almost always creates a Deity, but it withers away after awhile.

Sex may be important for most relationships because that Deity is fed by the sexual union of it's Creators, and that Deity is also the God or Goddess of the relationship. Now, an "orgy" is not the only way for people to create a powerful Deity using collective energy, it is however the most popular. This is how Greeks took some of our Deities and renamed them. We don't have orgies for this purpose, not as a people. But Whites do all the time, and if we know that some of these Gods and Goddesses are very sexual how else would they be swayed?

The movie "Eyes Wide Shut" was about that very thing. The other orgy is what was supposed to happen in Church. That doesn't happen anymore. Because the God most of us have our spiritual orgies for is Jesus and Allah. Next time you see that Christian Woman dancing in the isle as if someone has accidentally set her bloomers on fire- noticed that she is having a spiritual orgasm. These are sexual energies that we use to fed our Gods. The club is another place where such orgies take place. Sex, drugs, alcohol and music also feeds our Gods. The God of the Club is actually a Demon. Most people in the music industry refer to them as Demons, sex demons, gambling demons, drug demons etc.


Note also that in "Constantine" Papa Midnight ran a club, it was a neutral zone between Demons and Angels. We should ask why would Demons and Angels even hang out in the same place? It could be because they are only different sides to the same coin.

So the truth is, the Gods and Goddesses do not concern the majority of Africans as they used too, even though millions of Africans still practice the honoring of these Deities in most causes they have been "worshipers" and not commanders. Let us ask why the word Guard and God sound the same. Because they are. A Guard is a servant and a protector. So is a God. They are "locks" that are used to channel certain creations energies that are compiled between the Creators. Baron Samedi and all the loas are real in the sense that they hold certain energies within an astral or etheric fusion. Inside these shells are also real spirits, real people that have lived and now occupy them. Just as spirits can live inside our bodies spirits can also live inside of their Gods. And this is why the most vicious animal alive is a Mother protecting her children. Guards.

Most Dogs are actually Guards, which is why Dog is God backwards. And if your neighbor feeds your Dog much better than you do, and one day that neighbor offends you and you tell the Dog to attack- will the Dog attack?

A Master not only gives commands but he/she rewards the "created" for carrying out those commands. And I don't mean at all to imply that our Deities are slaves, but we do become slaves to our Deities when we fail to realize that we are the created as well as the Creator.

Whites have no problem in this regard. They see themselves as Gods over us away, so there is no problem with them taking our Deities and feeding them accordingly with "our" blood. That's just about sums up what Crowley learned how to do.

I still hear people in the Metaphysical community saying that hurricanes take the same path as the slave ships. But the totaling deaths from these hurricanes have already been black and brown people in the Caribbean. Now this is what native people used to do. If they had a problem, they would create a God to fix that problem. In this case hurricanes is a problem for people living in the Caribbean and along the coastlines. It would make sense that we used Deities that protected us from them? Note also there were just as many slaves dumped in South America, so there is no reason for Hurricanes to target North America alone.

If our own Deities are being turned against us as in the case of Katrina- it could be our configuration that is attracting them. We are not African until we realign ourselves again with African consciousness, and by that I don't mean the consciousness of Africans in Africa. I speak of the house of God's soul. Because Africa is only a cauldron where cosmic and native energy can mix- heated by the fires of the sun. It is a recipe that can be used wherever we are. Gods can be created that eat and feed off other Gods, but we haven't reached that level of science yet, at least not all of us.

As long as we continue to feed our creations they continue to serve us. We are the very same way. Stop feeding a Man or a Woman and watch what happens. And I'm not speaking about just material food. Attention and psychic energy is one of the highest forms of food for most beings.
Thank makes perfect sense...look forward to more...

Blaklioness, Goddess Alex and I both know those questions have been the center of intense debate lately, especially now as more dark magicians are awakening, white ones too and are calling up these older Deities by their names.

There's a cartoon called "Chaotic" that DG TY may be more familiar with that seems to explain allot of what we are speaking about.

Even in Christian and religious lore they say that "Man" was created to be even higher than the Angels. That God favored Man giving him "free-will" in the movie "Constantine" the Angel Gabriel goes on a rant about that very notion.

All the elements are alchemical symbols of Gods. Fire, earth, water and air all have to feed in order to continue. Thus even spirit must feed in order to continue to be spirit.

What I gather from this, the Deities- Angels/Demons etc, are only shells. They are only as real as the energy that occupies them. So what happens when African people stop occupying their own Gods? Those shells become empty. And can then become used by others that study and learn how to use them. In darker forms of esoteric magick there are methods that are used to create Deities. In fact, sex that is done right- almost always creates a Deity, but it withers away after awhile.

Sex may be important for most relationships because that Deity is fed by the sexual union of it's Creators, and that Deity is also the God or Goddess of the relationship. Now, an "orgy" is not the only way for people to create a powerful Deity using collective energy, it is however the most popular. This is how Greeks took some of our Deities and renamed them. We don't have orgies for this purpose, not as a people. But Whites do all the time, and if we know that some of these Gods and Goddesses are very sexual how else would they be swayed?

The movie "Eyes Wide Shut" was about that very thing. The other orgy is what was supposed to happen in Church. That doesn't happen anymore. Because the God most of us have our spiritual orgies for is Jesus and Allah. Next time you see that Christian Woman dancing in the isle as if someone has accidentally set her bloomers on fire- noticed that she is having a spiritual orgasm. These are sexual energies that we use to fed our Gods. The club is another place where such orgies take place. Sex, drugs, alcohol and music also feeds our Gods. The God of the Club is actually a Demon. Most people in the music industry refer to them as Demons, sex demons, gambling demons, drug demons etc.


Note also that in "Constantine" Papa Midnight ran a club, it was a neutral zone between Demons and Angels. We should ask why would Demons and Angels even hang out in the same place? It could be because they are only different sides to the same coin.

So the truth is, the Gods and Goddesses do not concern the majority of Africans as they used too, even though millions of Africans still practice the honoring of these Deities in most causes they have been "worshipers" and not commanders. Let us ask why the word Guard and God sound the same. Because they are. A Guard is a servant and a protector. So is a God. They are "locks" that are used to channel certain creations energies that are compiled between the Creators. Baron Samedi and all the loas are real in the sense that they hold certain energies within an astral or etheric fusion. Inside these shells are also real spirits, real people that have lived and now occupy them. Just as spirits can live inside our bodies spirits can also live inside of their Gods. And this is why the most vicious animal alive is a Mother protecting her children. Guards.

Most Dogs are actually Guards, which is why Dog is God backwards. And if your neighbor feeds your Dog much better than you do, and one day that neighbor offends you and you tell the Dog to attack- will the Dog attack?

A Master not only gives commands but he/she rewards the "created" for carrying out those commands. And I don't mean at all to imply that our Deities are slaves, but we do become slaves to our Deities when we fail to realize that we are the created as well as the Creator.

Whites have no problem in this regard. They see themselves as Gods over us away, so there is no problem with them taking our Deities and feeding them accordingly with "our" blood. That's just about sums up what Crowley learned how to do.

I still hear people in the Metaphysical community saying that hurricanes take the same path as the slave ships. But the totaling deaths from these hurricanes have already been black and brown people in the Caribbean. Now this is what native people used to do. If they had a problem, they would create a God to fix that problem. In this case hurricanes is a problem for people living in the Caribbean and along the coastlines. It would make sense that we used Deities that protected us from them? Note also there were just as many slaves dumped in South America, so there is no reason for Hurricanes to target North America alone.

If our own Deities are being turned against us as in the case of Katrina- it could be our configuration that is attracting them. We are not African until we realign ourselves again with African consciousness, and by that I don't mean the consciousness of Africans in Africa. I speak of the house of God's soul. Because Africa is only a cauldron where cosmic and native energy can mix- heated by the fires of the sun. It is a recipe that can be used wherever we are. Gods can be created that eat and feed off other Gods, but we haven't reached that level of science yet, at least not all of us.

As long as we continue to feed our creations they continue to serve us. We are the very same way. Stop feeding a Man or a Woman and watch what happens. And I'm not speaking about just material food. Attention and psychic energy is one of the highest forms of food for most beings.


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Sis Cherryblossom,
hoping that you are at peace where ever you may be.