How Dare You Learn How To Master Your Own Reality! The Nerve!
What is this "magick" so many people are speaking about these days all over the internet? Why does it seem so important now to the Africans in America- more than ever before? Two words.
It works.
The new found spark in occult topics and pagan ideologies has even bought mainstream christian media to ask the question "Is Christianity Dead?" As well, it has promoted the idea that we are indeed living in the last days. The question is- this last days for who?
But really, what is this magick? For many Africans in America- it is a return to our true spiritual rites on this soil called Earth. It is the power that was denied from us. For many it is a medium for embracing the spirit world and our hidden Gods and Goddesses within. It is a means of controlling the powers of the physical Universe as they were designed for our minds to interface with them.
There are many forms of magick, as there are interpretations of what magick is or what it should be used for. Yet most common forms of magick are very practical and ritualistic. It is the science of mind as well as a spiritual science of psychic deployment. Some believe that true magick is accomplished through a recipe of key physical ingredients, while others work their spiritcraft by will alone. There is really no such thing as weak magick, but there are weak minds that use magick.
The stronger the mind, the more likely even the most practical and simple forms of magick will work. Such people have the audacity to use those methods to change their lives and the reality around them.
Those of us who are very religious, committed to our ideas about God, Jesus, Allah, Yahweh- etc., would be displeased by the subject of magick in the sense that it goes beyond our current belief system. Again, there are many levels of magick. When we absorb the true meaning of what magick is, we may find that magick is used in just about everything that concerns the mind and spirit. Praise, worship and even prayer are forms of magick.
We may not want to accept that in order to section ourselves off from the rites that appear Satanic or against God. But this thread is not about what religious people believe magick to be. We are all free to decide what our reality is all about- so there is "The Audacity of Hope" as well as "The Audacity of Hocus Pocus"....everyone has a "rite" to master their own reality.
Now. Some of us have been studying African history for a very long time. Yet even knowing that our true culture and spirituality was raped from us and the false Gods of our oppressors were put in it's place- such Scholars of study still have the nerve to ask- what will all this magick do for African people?
The same thing it has done for the Afrocentric that has no idea why he has an African drum in the corner of his room. He watches as all his friends lose their jobs and houses but he still has his job and his house. He will find himself going to an Afrocentric Christian Church without realizing that it is the energy of his Ancestors that are being magnetized and attracted by that drum in the corner of the room. They visit him and watch over him- they aide in the influence of his reality making sure he is provided for and sheltered.
What the Asians would call Feng Shui, for African people is "geomancy"- a form of magick and divination that interprets patterns on the ground and drawing, how objects are laid out can attract certain types of energy into our space. So many African people practice this and don't even know why. Ironically the Bible gives no so instructions about placing the Bible on the dashboard for protection. Also a type of magick. Fa and Ifa are also forms of geomancy. Astrology would be cosmic geomancy.
Even speaking, talking, writing and reading are forms of magick.
We worship sounds and symbols. Everything that is "read" makes a sound. And this is also another way that we are deceived, reading might be fundamental but it is designed also to deceive the mind into working unconscious magic and mind control. Take the fact that millions of Muslims all around the world worship the Goddess of Death- Ala.
Harmonic speaking as a mastery for great orators is a form of hypnotic magick.
Are we here in this world to worship the Magicians-Moses, Jesus, Prophet Muhammad, The Buddah- without learning magick ourselves? Who has come to be called "prophet" without the use of magick?
If the Kabbalah is the dark side of Judaism, what then- is the dark side of Christianity and Islam?
Christian Magick