Black Women : Abortion

I thought about it and you know what philly I kinda see your point. Nothing happens without The Creators permission. And everything has a Karma and a purpose. So maybe the wouldbe child served its purpose by raising the concious of its killer.....Maybe. I still say the forfit of plesure during sex in exchange for termination of a God-child would raise awareness. And.

Information over Opinion

There really is so much information that needs to be revealed, to bring to light the truth of this industry. Believing that something is wrong is anyone's privilege, being able to convince others of the morality / immorality takes knowledge.
And the depth of the rabbit hole is very deep; including vaccines, cosmetic products, breast cancer, and the millions of dollars made in revenue from the biological product, to name a few more linked connections.

In relation to vaccines the following excerpt was taken from a Canadian Pro Life website:
"...cells taken from fetuses aborted in the 1960's, 70's and 80's were used to develop what are known as Human Diploid Cell Strains (HDCS). Several HDCS were then used to develop and are still used to manufacture a number of childhood and adult viral vaccines. In fact, HDCS are quickly becoming the 'growth system' of choice for viral vaccines, over and against cell strains derived from monkeys, chick embryos, and others"
How many Pro-lifers still receive vaccines built upon the structure of aborted fetuses? How many Pro-Lifers question the source from where the vaccine was created?

As this Barbadian website points out, abortion is a multi million dollar industry that targets the "lonely, frightened and betrayed". With Barbados being the "Stem cell capital of the developed world" WOW
"Aborted fetuses that were once a liability with a cost to dispose of them, have been transformed by Stem Cell clinics and cosmetics manufacturers into an abundant source of revenue generation. This has significantly increased the profits potential throughout the abortion industry"​
I was truly unaware of the immense numbers of late term abortions, some of which include c-section abortions for the perfected harvesting of organs. I am disgusted that Sen. Barack Obama supports the practice of still live abortions, and has no concerns with this industry whatsoever.
Unfortunately, I cannot write any further on this area of late term and still-lives as it truly disturbs my soul far too greatly.
But what I will comment on, is that in ancient times babies were burned alive at the altar to Baal, (see the thread Secrets of a Secret Society)
and that the abortion industry is a high tech version of this satanic worship.

And lastly, there is a definitive connection to breast cancer from abortion, one that is denied almost completely. For the full scoop check this article:

I think that if there is to be a change in our attitude towards abortion, then womben and men must be made aware of the true practices behind the industry, and not just be made to feel it's about God's judgement. Religion has been used as a distraction to blindly lead womben and men into a two sided debate when the reality is not at all about God, it's about the values we place on our hue-manity
I'm PRO-CHOICE. I think abortion is very much necessary. It sickens me to see so called mothers and fathers who breed babies that they won't take care of. Why should a child have to suffer because of irresponsible "parents".

Some people aren't deserving of children. For example, why should a child born to an addict mother have a retched childhood and possible deformities because of drugs. It's better for that child to not have been born than to go through the bull ****.

I'm PRO-CHOICE. I think abortion is very much necessary. It sickens me to see so called mothers and fathers who breed babies that they won't take care of. Why should a child have to suffer because of irresponsible "parents".

Some people aren't deserving of children. For example, why should a child born to an addict mother have a retched childhood and possible deformities because of drugs. It's better for that child to not have been born than to go through the bull ****.

We still need to view death through an African perspective, including those which would be considered untimely. Just because the child no longer has a body to descend into doesn't mean they don't go through "bull****".... in fact there is evidence to quite the contrary that the spirit of these children may be greatly disturbed, and not many of the aborted fetuses belong to drug addicted mothers. Even for those that do, crack addiction is more easily weaned and overcome than FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome) which affects the child for life!

If some people as you say are not deserving of children, then nautre will not provide them the ability to produce any. The reality is that many children are selectively aborted more out of fear for lack of resources than for health concerns. As I discovered, there is a disgusting industry performing c-section abortions on women in developing countries to harvest organs.

And many womben who find themselves with a surprise pregnancy are not being given the proper channels of support to encourage them to give birth... it has become a very evil chain of body part trades / market.

I do understand the pain behind seeing neglected children though... my eyese were opened the first time I ever went through project housing and was visiting someone's family. I thought I would never ever stop crying...
There has to be a better way for everyone involved.


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