Brother AACOOLDRE : 20th Anniversary of the MMM 1995-2015


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2001
20th Anniversary of Farrakhan’s Million Man March:

Smell the coffee or drink the Kool-Aid

By Andre Austin

In 1995 Louis Farrakhan was able to pull off the incredible feat of assembling almost 2 million black men to come to Washington DC to symbolically atone for their sins and address their grievances against the white man. On October 10, 2015 they plan on replaying the march and adjusting the theme of Atonement to “Justice: Or Else”. My question is this: Will 2 million more people follow the sunglass wearing Farrakhan to the nation’s capital and take another shot of the Nation of Islam (NOI) Kool-Aid?

Just like in the strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Farrakhan presents himself in two ways to attract blind sheep into his traveling plans of a two edge sword. One side is a hook and the other side to shear the fish that got on the hook. The same scenario is to be found his theme “Justice: Or else”. The Doctrines of the NOI that “It was the prophet Muhammad…who brought the basis of Western jurisprudence” to the Whiteman (Warning to the Government of America p.8). The NOI reject that America courts can bring Justice to African-Americans. So we are left with “Or Else”. The call for Justice was just the honey to attract the flies to the spot or central location so that you can put your bread in the Chief ramble rouser’s basket. Farrakhan is just a pied piper or a maestro conducting a flock of pigs on his Animal Farm. Just like the Greek goddess Circe with whom we get the NT name for church who transforms men into animals of hate. The “Or else” is a phrase taken from the NT in military context of first requesting terms for peace or else military action of turning your lights off (see Luke 14:31-32 & Revelations 2:5)

Farrakhan Typecast himself as a Messiah or Moses like figure who leads black people into an Exodus but can’t get to the Promised Land and have to use Joshua and the black youth of America. The NOI and Farrakhan literally believe this because they claim they are the authentic and original Jews:

“I say to those who call themselves Jews, who have gone out to steal the history that is written in the Bible of the people of God to make themselves what they are not, if that Scripture is not referring to you, and it is not, then what people is there in the annals of history who fulfill the prophetic picture given in the bible and the Qur’an as a people going into bondage? Moses is the key man of the OT…Moses is the most significant to the events of our time today” (Warning to the Government of America p.22)

In reality the Exodus was a combination of Egyptian mythology and the expulsion of the Hyksos from Egyptian territory but the ignorant will follow into the Farrakhan Trap and drink the bitter cup of his Kool-Aid and go nowhere. I will direct you to two books that will shed all the ignorance of the Exodus: Did Moses Exist by D.M. Murdock & 101 Myths of the Bible by Gary Greenberg.

OR ELSE: What???????

Farrakhan wants to use the unaware youth to be led by a Joshua figure to invade a land and kill white people with the help of God because they refused to bring Justice to people of color. Its almost like the reversal of the 1969 Charles Mansion murders of white people trying to blame it on Black people to bring about a race war (Helter Skelter?). This isn’t a joke or hyperbole, it’s the NOI doctrines. “The Nation of Islam teaches that the judgement will first take place in America and that it will be carried out; by a space ship called the Mother plane. It teaches that this circular plane will save the African-American people from the Caucasians…up into space. Meanwhile, smaller planes will drop bombs on the earth” (The Religion of Islam and the NOI: What is the difference p.25By Mustafa El-Amin. This is poppy ****, God doesn’t need bombs and planes he can just command it by a thought and word and it is. I was stupefied by President Barack Obama’s book Dreams from my Father who just praised, adored and had Farrakhan and the NOI in deep reverence all up and down his book. Obama attended the MMM and as a result had to switch publishers. The president changed his tune on Obama when he debated Hillary Clinton and had to denounce Farrakhan in a pragmatic Machiavellian mask.

Meanwhile, Farrakhan is touring inner cities throughout the USA drumming up support for his 20th anniversary march of the MMM by tapping on the frustrations of the current media phenomenon of cell phones capturing the abuse of police on our black youth. Unwittingly the media is feeding upon the masses to march on Washington playing into the Oligarchy hands of keeping America divided. As long as they keep the human family divided both black, white, brown, yellow and red will suffer. Because the role of our legal system is as a whore to the social, political and economic exploitation of the masses by the perpetuation of inequality. Along with the allusion of Democracy where you have the vote but the corporations bribe and buy the laws to keep 1% owning 90% of the wealth.

To drink or not to drink that is the Question

Then along comes the demagogues & Apostles of Hate to offer solutions of separation. They also use the honey of quoting Martin L. King to bring in the blind sheep. On one side Farrakhan states that MLK died because he had no vision. Now he attempts to fix this damage control by directing his followers and listeners to King’s last major speech to his SCLC in 1967. He cites areas that appease him saying King has awakened to the reality of white Supremacy. But if King was alive he would restate what you looked over in his speech about the violence Farrakhan wants to happen to America with his UTFO space ship. King had stated:

“Now another basic challenge is to discover how to organize our strength in to economic and political power. Now no one can deny that the Negro is in dire need of this kind of legitimate power. Indeed, one of the great problems that the Negro confronts is his lack of power. From the old plantations of the South to the newer ghettos of the North, the Negro has been confined to a life of voicelessness (That’s true) and powerlessness. (So true) Stripped of the right to make decisions concerning his life and destiny he has been subject to the authoritarian and sometimes whimsical decisions of the white power structure. The plantation and the ghetto were created by those who had power, both to confine those who had no power and to perpetuate their powerlessness. Now the problem of transforming the ghetto, therefore, is a problem of power, a confrontation between the forces of power demanding change and the forces of power dedicated to the preserving of the status quo. Now, power properly understood is nothing but the ability to achieve purpose. It is the strength required to bring about social, political, and economic change. Walter Reuther defined power one day. He said, "Power is the ability of a labor union like UAW to make the most powerful corporation in the world, General Motors, say, 'Yes' when it wants to say 'No.' That's power." [Applause]

Let us be dissatisfied until that day when nobody will shout, "White Power!" when nobody will shout, "Black Power!" but everybody will talk about God's power and human power. [Applause]

A real God doesn’t need a Plane or a bomb to bring about his will or power as the NOI teaches.

In Conclusion

Minister Farrakhan picks “Or Else” over Diplomacy. He’d rather talk to someone in a coffin box instead of a coffee table while bragging to broker peace between gangs but uses his conflicts to get publicity stunts. He invites people to try to kill to show evidence of his widespread support. He’s paranoid that people want to kill him. When in reality only the daughter of Malcolm X tried to hire a Jewish FBI informant to rub him off. With the exception of the Russians who tried giving the wrong directions to his pilot that would have smashed him into a mountain in the late 1990’s for meddling in his affairs. Farrakhan was an accessory before, during and after the fact of Malcolm X’s death by hiring some of the released killers. He denies the NOI involvement but The Black Zapruder Film produced by Karl Evanzz, an authority on the NOI, proves otherwise for your own judgement on Youtube. Some Minister of peace. So Farrakhan has wasted 82 years of his life with his dialogues and monologues of hate. In his own hate he will be finding himself in the same predicament as the character in the strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Please do not follow Farrakhan because it would be just like following Hitler into his Bunker for the last 105 days of his life. Like Hitler, Jim Jones and Jekyll/Hyde they all went out under the influence of the last of old powders mixed in a glass. Because hate on the double-consciousness of self will change and crush you from the inside and forever reindue that hated personality. He who has an ear let him avoid the sounds of the menace of hate. And he who has a tongue keep thy mouth from drinking from his bitter cup of his Haterade. And that would be an unloving fruitless end.
Notes: The theme of the 20th Anniversary of the MMM is Justice: Or Else. The cry for of the black Muslims is nothing new. I dug up a similar quote in Eldridge Cleaver’s famous Soul On Ice p.127book first published in 1968. Under the chapter of Domestic Law and International Order cleaver writes: “ The Black Muslims raised the cry, WE MUST HAVE SOME LAND!” “SOME LAND OF OUR OWN OR ELSE”. The acquisition of land is a basic foundation of freedom and money is the life blood and oxygen for survival.

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