Black People : Why is RACIST HATRED STILL standard in the Modern Era?

We are those leaders, we should return to our respective homes and build them back up. May take time hard work and commitment but its a possibility. Another thing that can be done is black supremacy but in reality that is simply supremacy of all colorful people and of cousre this means war on all front to protect and do for ourselves. All in all the freedom and independence we want/ working for wont arrive without a war and when we fight we must be united.

Justice will never be served to us, we must service ourselves.
[QUOTE="kidkhuti33, post: 939059, member: 56354" They do this because it is what they are programmed to do, they are the destroyers.

When you can not create or connect naturally, you might find an artificial way to do so and in turn cause the destruction of what your connecting to or attempting to create.

You can not expect barbarians to treat others with love when you know very well they will kill, rape and eat their own family. /QUOTE] I KNOW exactly what you mean as so very spectacularly highlighted by the manner in which Europe’s feudal nobility [still running things in the 21st century] only started paying serfs [who had to do exactly what their Feudal “Lords” wanted] wages post the Black Death killing so many serfs/peasants that they subsequently had to offer money/bribe the serfs owned by other Lords to come and work for them; to this day seem very very focused on pressing their own lower echelons back into the gutter.

[QUOTE="kidkhuti33, post: 939256, member: 56354" Nah, not the gutter just as they would call it "haven camps" to assist you during the "transition" in thier minds its nazi Germany and we are "on the lose" /QUOTE] Why ALL the MADNESS, focus on turning this planet into a very REAL HELL when there's much more than enough available for Humanity and ALL of Gaia to comfortably SURVIVE?

[QUOTE="kidkhuti33, post: 939315, member: 56354" I was jus expressing a perspective, not mines but theirs. I believe that everyone must focus on building themselves up from within so in turn this hologram universe projects the same./QUOTE] My question was directed at THEM as opposed to YOU, in that what is so great about MASHING everyone and thing up [99% of computer games involve blasting someone or thing to smithereens or cutting and slashing it to ribbons], which surely begs the question, DO LUNATICS KNOW THAT THEY ARE somewhere between being profoundly UNWELL and MAD?

[QUOTE="kidkhuti33, post: 939394, member: 56354" Ah ha ha...sociopaths, the worst especially when in power.

Will they ever see this is my question./QUOTE] Isn't our primary responsibility doing whatever is necessary to PROTECT ourselves/stay out of harms way/eventually disarm them as opposed to simply hoping they'll snap out of it [some just don't WANT TO, feel being murderously maliciously EVIL is somehow arch]?

[QUOTE="kidkhuti33, post: 939422, member: 56354" I am working towards having an active group of activists in my city. Other than that cant be an uneducated "activist" running around thinking I sound smart. /QUOTE] My connections with the leadership of the Pan African organisations here in the UK are very very good, we are in the process of widening the support we give our people generally, youth specifically [I taught maths to 3 classes {8 – 11 – 14 -16} for 5 years, the basis of our programme] in this so very very competitive environment.

QUOTE="kidkhuti33, post: 939590, member: 56354" Well Im in America but oceans cant stop Global Movement. Im aiming to teach the truth of Africas Riches and the Truth about White Origins.

As much as I wish they were aliens black people need to that white people just raggedy versions of us. How can you be a real human but the sun, our natutal God, kill you? /QUOTE]

Isn’t it also a FACT that melanin is to people what chlorophyll is to plants in that no member of the human family could live without theirs, which makes their success with regard to convincing the African collective and themselves that us naturally having more melanin in our skin and internally than any other member of the human family is a blight as opposed to a truly profound blessing, easily THEIR greatest success?

However isn’t our primary objective the uplift of OUR PEOPLE as opposed to wasting any time/thought on the European collective’s so very very diverse range of inadequacies [they’re OK, living very comfortably in the paradigm they’ve created whereas aren’t our people STILL under attack in every area of human activity]?

[QUOTE="kidkhuti33, post: 939603, member: 56354" Yes I do say that is their greatest success and Yes we need to, as community shun and permanently boycott them to generate our own wealth and identity. Not saying we dont have an Identity the truth is whites still dominate all forms of media and are the face of pretty much all major corporations. So who is there to see... a white man and the proof of his conquest.:brickwall:

I say Yes it is our primary objective to uplift our people and parallel to that create are own civilization, independent of them in the process the rest will flock and flourish or die as the result of staying in theirs. /QUOTE] Maybe, maybe not, in that isn’t it very very challenging to completely stay out of the way of the so very massive juggernaut ongoing African HOLOCAUST of over 500 years duration; especially while the African collective are STILL in totally lost and leaderless chaos as highlighted by the ongoing GRIEF in our communities in the USA, UK and the rest of the Diaspora along with the chaotic MADNESS in Africa as the UNREAL countries created by the Berlin conference’s colonial carve up continue to struggle to become viable nations in the 21st century?
[QUOTE="kidkhuti33, post: 939768, member: 56354" We are those leaders, we should return to our respective homes and build them back up. May take time hard work and commitment but its a possibility.

Another thing that can be done is black supremacy but in reality that is simply supremacy of all colorful people and of cousre this means war on all front to protect and do for ourselves.

All in all the freedom and independence we want/ working for wont arrive without a war and when we fight we must be united.

Justice will never be served to us, we must service ourselves. /QUOTE] Isn’t one of the most obvious lessons of the still ongoing African HOLOCAUST of over 500 years duration the fact any ethnic clan or nation that isn’t both intelligently organized and led, along with being fully industrialized with their own nuclear arsenal, while living on territory laden with strategically vital natural resources; is just a VICTIM in WAITING [as highlighted by Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Lebanon, despite the fact that Iran is still THEIR primary target in the region], who won’t have to wait long?

Sadly isn’t it also a fact that the peoples of African ethnicity in Africa and the Diaspora are still in severe trauma/ catastrophic SHOCK due to the so all pervasive scale/range of our so totally devastating collective defeat due to the WAR that has been waged against us for over 3000 years, that has peaked with the ongoing African HOLOCAUST of over 500 years duration, now?

Wherever we live in the Diaspora (whether in Jamaica, Brazil, USA, UK etc) regardless of what our current nationalities are, at least we know that we are not really at home, because our original home is Africa (even though some of us consciously repress that fact).

However what about the comparatively debilitating manner/FACTS with regard to the manner that the peoples of African ethnicity in Africa have had to cope with the totally emasculating trauma of being completely dominated by our enemies during Europe's Imperialist/colonial stage of the onslaught [started by Semites 3000 BCE] on their own land/ancestral home, as their valiant efforts to defend our motherland were thwarted/they completely lost control of Africa?

I compared it to a total stranger walking into your 20 bedroom mansion and subsequently [having the means of]forcing you to live in the smallest room; an African friend of mine corrected my assertion; he said “When they came to Ghana they didn’t make us live in the smallest room; they told us the toilet is where we belonged and made us stay there”.

Isn’t it standard procedure for military combatants to be debriefed after combat operations or wars, due to the fact that without debriefing it would be virtually impossible for the combatants to regain their psychic balance/ equilibrium after a prolonged traumatic experience?

Don’t the more obviously severely wounded/damaged also subsequently receive whatever psychotherapy psychoanalysts deduce is required to make them whole [though some are so badly scarred that they can NEVER ever regain their psychic equilibrium]?

Contrast those facts with the non-existent psychotherapy we peoples of African ethnicity (in Africa and the Diaspora which includes the USA, UK and Caribbean) have received to date (in conjunction with the fact that as opposed to acknowledging the wrongs, saying sorry and making reparations, aren’t our enemies making the same play again in the guise of their WAR ON TERROR) after surviving the so maliciously EVIL, sadistic Genocide/HOLOCAST perpetrated by our White Supremacist Racist enemies ancestors against our ancestors [and their siblings who were tortured, mutilated and murdered for either refusing to ever BOW/BE BROKEN or to traumatize the rest of us into total subservience] over the last 500 years, so why would anyone be surprised that our communities display such a wide array of socio-economic dysfunction, TODAY?

What do you think we can really expect to achieve in our communities in the USA, UK and the rest of the Diaspora and in African countries when we haven’t done a significant amount of debriefing of of any of our people, especially our leaders with regard to the so all pervasive onslaught of negativity in every area of human activity that has so very very efficiently poisoned both their individual and collective knowledge base with Euro-centric GARBAGE?

If European whites in the USA invented and constantly NEED psychotherapy [with regard to the so very maliciously evil manner they’ve placed themselves at the top of the food chain] why/how could non-whites in general, peoples of African ethnicity specifically EVER hope to escape even marginally spiritually and intellectually unscathed [as opposed to being in far more critical need of therapeutic debriefing] from the ongoing African HOLOCAUST [that enslaved our ancestors and their siblings who were tortured, mutilated and murdered for either refusing to be BROKEN or to traumatize the rest of us into total subservience] of over 500 years duration, which as opposed to being over is actually getting worse TODAY, as highlighted by the GRIEF in our communities in the UK, USA and the rest of the Diaspora and the so murderous chaos in the resource rich regions of Africa?

However the chaos in our Countries in Africa and our communities in the USA, Brazil and the rest of the Diaspora shows that we are still making serious mistakes, the worst of which is not being collectively focused on building up our own socio-economic networks and infrastructure, which is what everyone else does as standard, isn't it, whereas isn’t our ongoing failure to do so the main reason why there are so many truly lost and confused Coloureds, Negros, Blacks as opposed to fully conscious Africans in our communities in the USA, UK and the rest of the Diaspora or even more critically our countries in Africa?

Until we use an updated with the TRUTH [with regard to African contributions in every area of human activity over the last 5000 years] Afro-centric History curriculum to de-pollute our collective knowledge base aren't we very very likely to remain totally socio-economically dysfunctional from top to bottom; due to our Boulé dominated socio-economic elite [have YOU read Steven Cokely's {who joined the ancestors in 2012} exposé of these CLOWNS] being in the main even more genuinely CLUELESS/LOST [or genuinely treacherous] than the lower echelons who [are usually just AUTOMATONS in any case] they so consistently fail to adequately guide/lead/support in this so very very hostile environment?

Isn’t ANYONE who genuinely believes they are not programmed
graphically illustrating that their programming is COMPLETE?
Yes, what can we do without our own country, military, arsenal, agriculture, education, medicine, and pretty much everything else it takes to be a industrialized nation in this century.

Yes, our masses our uneducated and unskilled all around the globe in areas of history of white supremacy, truth of our ancestors and the miseducation of the world.

Yes, the so called "black elites" are just tap dancing monkeys. Who do nothing to truly advance us into a spiritual, economic, mental, social, revolution, in the U.S. that would be the civil rights movement, somewhere during all that energy THEY FORGOT WE ARE NOT EQUAL TO THEM AND SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN REPARATIONS AND HEADED FOR AFRICA OR START AN ALL OUT CIVIL WAR but I digress. Yes black elites are just puppets leading us on.

Yes, all of suffer some trauma to our mind, body and spirit today that was done at the hands of white supremacy. Do they know they are messed up and need education, transitioning and counseling probably not...

What can we truly do on a global scale to wake up our people? :thinking:
Some things Im not comfortable posting anywhere but I have a few theories.

I am a descendant of a scientist and I am becoming one myself...

On this planet what I know to be an absolute truth NOTHING ON EARTH
Until we use an updated with the TRUTH [with regard to African contributions in every area of human activity over the last 5000 years] Afro-centric History curriculum to de-pollute our collective knowledge base aren't we very very likely to remain totally socio-economically dysfunctional from top to bottom; due to our Boulé dominated socio-economic elite [have YOU read Steven Cokely's {who joined the ancestors in 2012} exposé of these CLOWNS] being in the main even more genuinely CLUELESS/LOST [or genuinely treacherous] than the lower echelons who [are usually just AUTOMATONS in any case] they so consistently fail to adequately guide/lead/support in this so very very hostile environment?

[QUOTE="kidkhuti33, post: 939841, member: 56354" Yes, what can we do without our own country, military, arsenal, agriculture, education, medicine, and pretty much everything else it takes to be a industrialized nation in this century.

Yes, our masses our uneducated and unskilled all around the globe in areas of history of white supremacy, truth of our ancestors and the mis-education of the world.

Yes, the so called "black elites" are just tap dancing monkeys. Who do nothing to truly advance us into a spiritual, economic, mental, social, revolution, in the U.S. that would be the civil rights movement, somewhere during all that energy THEY FORGOT WE ARE NOT EQUAL TO THEM AND SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN REPARATIONS AND HEADED FOR AFRICA OR START AN ALL OUT CIVIL WAR but I digress. Yes black elites are just puppets leading us on.

Yes, all of suffer some trauma to our mind, body and spirit today that was done at the hands of white supremacy. Do they know they are messed up and need education, transitioning and counselling probably not...

What can we truly do on a global scale to wake up our people? :thinking:

Some things Im not comfortable posting anywhere but I have a few theories.

I am a descendant of a scientist and I am becoming one myself...

On this planet what I know to be an absolute truth NOTHING ON EARTH


However when WE don't program ANY/ALL of our people to consciously acknowledge our African ethnicity [as opposed to alleged Blackness/how BLACK is Halle or Barack] as a blessing as opposed to a curse; aren't we extremely unlikely to even begin to fulfil our main responsibility; to deduce and construct the socio-economic vehicles that will allow us to collectively advance and compete with the rest of Humanity in the 21st century?

Shouldn't ALL of OUR schools in general, especially the traditionally Black Schools in the USA the rest of the Diaspora and Africa in particular be teaching our own truthfully updated History Curriculum highlighting our so diverse but efficiently marginalized contributions to Civilization; thus reprogramming the minds of the people of African ethnicity with our TRUE history [as unearthed by our own historians] as a truly superlative therapy for the trauma of the ongoing African HOLOCAUST, for which both an apology and reparations are STILL missing, aren't THEY?

Isn't an Afro-centric History Curriculum also strategically vital in Africa in general, in the already industrialized South Africa in particular, or won’t their children's knowledge base continue to be as polluted as Ours, could YOU name 10 African monarchs [I still struggle whereas I could name 30 European monarchs easily]?

For example, what do you know about the Greenwood, Archer and Pine St [known as the GAP] community of Tulsa circa 1920, Thomas Sakarna’s achievements in just 4 years of administrating Burkina Faso and were you impressed with the manner in which NATO destroyed Africa’s only welfare state Libya in 2011?

Isn’t ANYONE who genuinely believes they are not programmed
graphically illustrating that their programming is COMPLETE?
Until we use an updated with the TRUTH [with regard to African contributions in every area of human activity over the last 5000 years] Afro-centric History curriculum to de-pollute our collective knowledge base aren't we very very likely to remain totally socio-economically dysfunctional from top to bottom; due to our Boulé dominated socio-economic elite [have YOU read Steven Cokely's {who joined the ancestors in 2012} exposé of these CLOWNS] being in the main even more genuinely CLUELESS/LOST [or genuinely treacherous] than the lower echelons who [are usually just AUTOMATONS in any case] they so consistently fail to adequately guide/lead/support in this so very very hostile environment?

[QUOTE="kidkhuti33, post: 939841, member: 56354" Yes, what can we do without our own country, military, arsenal, agriculture, education, medicine, and pretty much everything else it takes to be a industrialized nation in this century.

Yes, our masses our uneducated and unskilled all around the globe in areas of history of white supremacy, truth of our ancestors and the mis-education of the world.

Yes, the so called "black elites" are just tap dancing monkeys. Who do nothing to truly advance us into a spiritual, economic, mental, social, revolution, in the U.S. that would be the civil rights movement, somewhere during all that energy THEY FORGOT WE ARE NOT EQUAL TO THEM AND SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN REPARATIONS AND HEADED FOR AFRICA OR START AN ALL OUT CIVIL WAR but I digress. Yes black elites are just puppets leading us on.

Yes, all of suffer some trauma to our mind, body and spirit today that was done at the hands of white supremacy. Do they know they are messed up and need education, transitioning and counselling probably not...

What can we truly do on a global scale to wake up our people? :thinking:

Some things Im not comfortable posting anywhere but I have a few theories.

I am a descendant of a scientist and I am becoming one myself...

On this planet what I know to be an absolute truth NOTHING ON EARTH


However when WE don't program ANY/ALL of our people to consciously acknowledge our African ethnicity [as opposed to alleged Blackness/how BLACK is Halle or Barack] as a blessing as opposed to a curse; aren't we extremely unlikely to even begin to fulfil our main responsibility; to deduce and construct the socio-economic vehicles that will allow us to collectively advance and compete with the rest of Humanity in the 21st century?

Shouldn't ALL of OUR schools in general, especially the traditionally Black Schools in the USA the rest of the Diaspora and Africa in particular be teaching our own truthfully updated History Curriculum highlighting our so diverse but efficiently marginalized contributions to Civilization; thus reprogramming the minds of the people of African ethnicity with our TRUE history [as unearthed by our own historians] as a truly superlative therapy for the trauma of the ongoing African HOLOCAUST, for which both an apology and reparations are STILL missing, aren't THEY?

Isn't an Afro-centric History Curriculum also strategically vital in Africa in general, in the already industrialized South Africa in particular, or won’t their children's knowledge base continue to be as polluted as Ours, could YOU name 10 African monarchs [I still struggle whereas I could name 30 European monarchs easily]?

For example, what do you know about the Greenwood, Archer and Pine St [known as the GAP] community of Tulsa circa 1920, Thomas Sakarna’s achievements in just 4 years of administrating Burkina Faso and were you impressed with the manner in which NATO destroyed Africa’s only welfare state Libya in 2011?

Isn’t ANYONE who genuinely believes they are not programmed
graphically illustrating that their programming is COMPLETE?

No just off the top of my head I can not name 10 African monarchs.

Yes, All "African American Schools" should teach an Afri centeric view of history and all of our contributions to civilization. How to recognize and combat white supremacy.

Our conscious people around the globe are in a few places organizations, (other) country(s) government or in hiding due to government interests.
The black elites do nothing to truly advance us.

I have known about G.A.P. community for some years now and I did not learn it in any school just on my own during my all whites are liars phase, not really a phase because they prove it every time. Its a shame how they organized to air bomb the community in thier jealous ways.
thanks for Thomas Sanarna- Burkina Faso and yes I know how they and even othe black people will take a positive black person to the grave just for power. My parents generation should have repatrioted to Burkina Faso and wage the revolution and a hub for all black people to become citizens.

I worked for the feds in 2011, I shook my head at workthe morning I watched my co workers launch missiles unto Libya....

Like I said, I have some theories that can only be spoken about todays state and repair of the black family world wide, which includes all melanin rich hue-mans.

We can sign on and put some people towards reparations but we can wait forever, on the other hand we got to act on our own behalf.


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