Black Spirituality Religion : Now its time to ruffle some feathers

I listened to this sister's arguments. I followed what I could until I felt like I was experiencing mental whiplash! I find myself able to accept *some* of what she argues/adheres to; yet, there is *some* of what she adheres to/argues that leaves me recognizing that she wants the Black Man freed (to choose Sisters as his life mate) IF she acknowledges that HE is a Black Woman's LORD AND MASTER (and not SHE, herself). Well, for me, it is when she attempts to lay out how that freed Black Man shall thereafter function as A MAN/Lord and Master over her, and her childrens' lives that I think it important to consider HOW such a relationship would *flow*. The *day to day* kind of consideration.

See, a Black Woman with children to nurture and a household to perfect HATES ALL THREATS targeting not just her children, but for a certainty her LIFE MATE too, so...this Sister's EMPHASIS on a freed, naturally ordered Black Man as WARRIOR/PROTECTOR of his woman and children is kind of *one dimensional* and actually fails to take into account the BLACK WOMAN'S instinct-to-conscious FORETHOUGHT brought to bear against ALL THREATS she picks up on, in order to PROTECT what is HERS!

I feel much respect for what this Sister felt compelled to say, but in terms of building, too, she states that the Black Woman played no role in building? I admit I don't know what the so-called conscious community presently teaches about this, which means I don't know why this Sister felt compelled to speak on the matter more than once; still, when I heard her assert this, my immediate instinctive response was something along the lines of "I don't think so. Not correct." So in this assertion of hers, it doesnt sound right to me. Unless someone can explain/show me something in support of what she had to say on this, well (me shrugging).

Gender. I wonder what this Sister (or anyone) can think represents gender-GENIUS, and how the freedom to exercise gender-GENIUS produces *flow* from the mundane to the higher dimensional?

One Love, and PEACE
Your comment was a great comment - and I see it as a comment that should be applied to the actually youtube video as well - but with that being said.

She wasn't undermining the woman but she was actually trying to uplift the brotha. I think her wording was off in that she said that sistas didn't build anything - as I'm most sure that she knows that the black woman was responsible for civilization, birth of a powerful people, etc ... so I'm sure it wasn't her intent to insist that women play no part or equal part.

She was trying to drive home the point of letting a man be a man and for women to get out of the mans place and let them be who they were born and designed to be.

Example: Years ago when I was married - - I was in Walmart with my kids and my ex - some dude was in there acting crazy real close to us - so my kids naturally being scared got right behind me instinctively (my daughter 5 at the time grab my leg and held on for dear life) but my ex - she started talking crazy to this man and walked in front of me like she could whoop him or something. First this dude wasn't taking to her so she drew the attention to us, secondly she was talking to an angry brotha, and third I had to go off on her and make her stand down which she turned on me and started flying off the hook. I was embarrassed and ashamed all in one instance because white people, Asians, etc ... was looking at us and watching my ex act stereotypical (so was the brotha). Once he seen me talking to her and now I'm getting upset - I'm sure he could see the rage I was going in because now I have to possible beat this man down because she thought she could challenge a man which she put my kids and herself in harms way. The funny thing is - that dude had something to be upset over (I think they shorted him ... ) but I turned and looked at him after I addressed my Ex ... and I gave him that look like I'm ready to get it in - are you because now I'm in it. He turned and went on about his ranting and raving - and didn't look back our way.

These are the points that I think this sista was hitting on ... in the situation I gave as an example: the man wasn't talking to us but I had my eye on him watching his moves which means I had everything under-control when it came mine and me - we could have left the store without any altercation - and he would have just been a mad brotha in the store.

I think this is a basic level of what she was pointing out - but even on a mental level - the black man has become feminine - and our sistas have become masculine - as though their was a role reversal and we weren't warned about it.
Your comment was a great comment - and I see it as a comment that should be applied to the actually youtube video as well - but with that being said.

She wasn't undermining the woman but she was actually trying to uplift the brotha. I think her wording was off in that she said that sistas didn't build anything - as I'm most sure that she knows that the black woman was responsible for civilization, birth of a powerful people, etc ... so I'm sure it wasn't her intent to insist that women play no part or equal part.

She was trying to drive home the point of letting a man be a man and for women to get out of the mans place and let them be who they were born and designed to be.

Example: Years ago when I was married - - I was in Walmart with my kids and my ex - some dude was in there acting crazy real close to us - so my kids naturally being scared got right behind me instinctively (my daughter 5 at the time grab my leg and held on for dear life) but my ex - she started talking crazy to this man and walked in front of me like she could whoop him or something. First this dude wasn't taking to her so she drew the attention to us, secondly she was talking to an angry brotha, and third I had to go off on her and make her stand down which she turned on me and started flying off the hook. I was embarrassed and ashamed all in one instance because white people, Asians, etc ... was looking at us and watching my ex act stereotypical (so was the brotha). Once he seen me talking to her and now I'm getting upset - I'm sure he could see the rage I was going in because now I have to possible beat this man down because she thought she could challenge a man which she put my kids and herself in harms way. The funny thing is - that dude had something to be upset over (I think they shorted him ... ) but I turned and looked at him after I addressed my Ex ... and I gave him that look like I'm ready to get it in - are you because now I'm in it. He turned and went on about his ranting and raving - and didn't look back our way.

These are the points that I think this sista was hitting on ... in the situation I gave as an example: the man wasn't talking to us but I had my eye on him watching his moves which means I had everything under-control when it came mine and me - we could have left the store without any altercation - and he would have just been a mad brotha in the store.

I think this is a basic level of what she was pointing out - but even on a mental level - the black man has become feminine - and our sistas have become masculine - as though their was a role reversal and we weren't warned about it.

That scenario! I was talking with MsInterpret about that same thing yesterday. Sisters see Angry Brothers and just beef up, dragging you into an unnecessary altercation! I don't understand it. What ever happened to "cross the street for crazy?"
I listened to the video twice and did not hear her say the Black woman played no part in building.

What I did hear her say is that the Black man built monuments in honor the the Black woman and child as the Architect, or Master Builder of Black culture or civilization.

This is why when people have asserted that our ancient monuments have been built by Black women I have asked for proof considering gender roles in most African societies, some of which had highly specified guilds based on the organization of secular society, which I have shared in regards to one of the oldest remaining societies, the gadaa system of the Oromo in Ethiopia.

I'll listen to it again in a little bit.

Omo, I haven't taken a look to see for myself before, but I do wonder if there are widespread *analogs* of the guild systems that were developed by the women of such cultures. I want to do this because I do agree with you, that the guild system (organization) that Afrikan men developed IS a manifest example of gender-GENIUS (and thus directly speaks to my question).

I am not familiar with any teaching about Black Women as the actual *physical builders* of our ancient monuments. At least, I don't remember coming across info like that. As such, I couldn't relate to what the Sister argued against in the video in regards to this issue--but only inasmuch as I couldn't relate based on *how* she argued her points against such teachings. IONO. At the same time, based on how I perceive the issue, such a teaching *can be true*, and with no gender-GENIUS conflict arising.

This issue about building was one point whereby I felt I was being mentally whiplashed. But again, I intend to listen to the vid again and maybe I'll pick up on something she said that I didn't get my first go-round.

One Love, and PEACE
Your comment was a great comment - and I see it as a comment that should be applied to the actually youtube video as well - but with that being said.

She wasn't undermining the woman but she was actually trying to uplift the brotha. I think her wording was off in that she said that sistas didn't build anything - as I'm most sure that she knows that the black woman was responsible for civilization, birth of a powerful people, etc ... so I'm sure it wasn't her intent to insist that women play no part or equal part.

She was trying to drive home the point of letting a man be a man and for women to get out of the mans place and let them be who they were born and designed to be.

Example: Years ago when I was married - - I was in Walmart with my kids and my ex - some dude was in there acting crazy real close to us - so my kids naturally being scared got right behind me instinctively (my daughter 5 at the time grab my leg and held on for dear life) but my ex - she started talking crazy to this man and walked in front of me like she could whoop him or something. First this dude wasn't taking to her so she drew the attention to us, secondly she was talking to an angry brotha, and third I had to go off on her and make her stand down which she turned on me and started flying off the hook. I was embarrassed and ashamed all in one instance because white people, Asians, etc ... was looking at us and watching my ex act stereotypical (so was the brotha). Once he seen me talking to her and now I'm getting upset - I'm sure he could see the rage I was going in because now I have to possible beat this man down because she thought she could challenge a man which she put my kids and herself in harms way. The funny thing is - that dude had something to be upset over (I think they shorted him ... ) but I turned and looked at him after I addressed my Ex ... and I gave him that look like I'm ready to get it in - are you because now I'm in it. He turned and went on about his ranting and raving - and didn't look back our way.

These are the points that I think this sista was hitting on ... in the situation I gave as an example: the man wasn't talking to us but I had my eye on him watching his moves which means I had everything under-control when it came mine and me - we could have left the store without any altercation - and he would have just been a mad brotha in the store.

I think this is a basic level of what she was pointing out - but even on a mental level - the black man has become feminine - and our sistas have become masculine - as though their was a role reversal and we weren't warned about it.

Thank you so much, ru2religious. I see your point.

When I was 8 years old, and getting into all kinds of fights and skirmishes at school, my mom got tired of all of the turmoil that would trail me back to the house (kids tattling and other mom's fired up talking trash as the screen door). After tearing my behind up again for fighting, my mom made me sit down and then she taught me two things:

To NOT take a swing at anybody JUST BECAUSE they'd called *her* a dirty name to my face, and to STOP telling kids that my big brother was gonna track em down and beat em up 'for me' (because they were bigger, usually). Same issue--and one that needed to be taken care of (how my mom saw it).

At the risk of me dealing out, or taking physical harm, my mother successfully got me to modify my behavior in just those two ways. Right away, the number of fights I had plummeted (on that dozens tip), and when I told my brother what my mother had told me to stop doing, he said (verbatim):

"Yeah, dogg. I've had more than one fool come at me over mess YOU all mixed up in. I took care of it, but next time TELL ME before you go to TELLING THEM." He explained that one brought a crowbar to the fight. He let me know that if HE thought he should check into something, he would.

Though ignoring dozens against my mother was HARD to do, I learned to do it, and when a bigger kid messed with me (I was small for my age), I either told my brother or handled it, myself (fists anyhow). But I definitely stopped *setting my brother up* behind his back.

Behavior modification complete.

It is a fact that Black Women possess powerful WARRIOR SPIRITS *as powerful operating within us* as is that same force that operates within our Black Men, and since we have no initiation systems to fall back on for guidance and influence on our expectations, culturally, it remains important that we ALL have to gather in our life lessons that'll shape us, and leave us *better selective* about when/how/why it is that we should exercise such power rightfully.

Again, thank you Brother. Because of what you've said I better see this Sister's point about how it can be the case that some Sisters will slide *out of bounds* in some unstable situations and change the risks/dynamics that may well impact/harm those she loves or feels fearful for.

One Love, and PEACE
I didn't get this from the video at all.

This Sister was saying that the Black woman has the highest/most important role of all as the "womb of civilization" and taking care of the home and teaching the children. That is her "position." The Black woman IS THE BUILDER because she molds/shapes/teaches the children.---- The Black man's "position" is to protect/provide/defend his "kingdom" and love/honor and cherish her as his "queen" and mother of his seed.

She also said that the Black woman is not "beneath" him but is his "equal" but in a different capacity. --- She said that, of course, he would consult her/confide in her about decisions in the home/family.

And, she spoke of the animal kingdom and how the "alpha male" is the protector/defender....Likewise, the Black woman will also protect/defend her man and her children from attacks as well, NOT to diminish him/undermine him/or demasculate him but to have his back if he needs it.---- In the animal kingdom, the female is often the most aggressive when protecting her off-spring; and she will "get busy" with her mate when defending their family or territory.

I didn't take what she said as the Black man being her "LORD AND MASTER." --- She said that the Black man is her "Lord and SAVIOR" because he protects her, will give his life for her.

She was basically saying that Black women need to let our men be men and we be his helper. ---- And by doing so, he will lift us up and cherish us even more as his "queen."

As I said, even from the Christian perspective, this is legit. ...

God....Husband...Wife...with husband/wife both being submissive to God's Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

cherryblossum, thanks for correcting me--not LORD AND MASTER, but LORD AND SAVIOR.

One Love, and PEACE


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