Black People : Seth & Nephthys [THYS-SYTH, Reverse Script]; the Loveless Marriage?

I hope that you won't jump to conclusions on me and give me a chance as you have done this morning. I really appreciate your words.

I never said the 18th Dynasty was not 'all in the family' but, as you hinted at the first time, Ahmose and Kamoses did NOT have any heirs. As I did say, the TUTMOSIS man assumed the throne by marriage.

I do appreciate your kindness and words of sincerity. Thank you.

I hope you understand that in the previous post, I did say that I know my research needs to be confirmed. I'm not trying to be definite about certain research because I feel like it might be somewhate controversial.


We are both right sister, Thutmoses did marry into the family
but Ahmose did have sons, so we art both right.:)

The children of Ahmose
Merytamun - eldest daughter of Ahmose-Nefertari (died young)
Tair - daughter of Kasmut
Satamun - 2nd daughter of Ahmose-Nefertari (died infant)
Sapair - eldest son of Ahmose-Nefertari (died young)
Saamen - 2nd son of Ahmose-Nefertari (died infant)
Aahotep - 3rd daughter of Ahmose-Nefertari (Queen)
Amenhotep I - 3rd son of Ahmose-Nefertari (King)
Satkames - 4th daughter of Ahmose-Nefertari (died aged ~30)
Henttameh- daughter of Thenthapi
Ahmose - daughter
Great Topic

This the article used a little biblical reference I'm going to use a lot more to show how the biblical stories is really a story about Set, Nut and Geb.

This has been covered before on this site if I'm not mistaken but its a good topic. Set was not an evil deity in ancient Upper Km.t (Southern Egypt) but was demonized by those who which to distort history. Set also known as Seth was the supposed 3 son of Adam and Eve just as he was the 3 child of Nut and Geb. Seth was supposed to be the 3 and holy child of Adam and Eve which is again the story of Geb and Nut (Adam and Eve).

Geb represents the Earth just like Adam[ah]. The word Adamah means land which is what Adam was created from. Adam is the representation of earth because that's what his body is (humanity or humans physical body is comprised of earths elements). The word Adamah also means husband which is the representation of the masculine Adam. Nevertheless, biblically Adam is male and females so Geb represents humanity. Nut represents the sky which is to say 'wind', ' breath' aka spirit biblically. Eve (Chavah - pronounced ka`fa) means life bringer and without the wind man (aka Adam - Humanity - male and females) could not have life or create life. According the the first Christians which were Gnostic (Egyptians) Eve was the Wisdom herself and transformed herself into a serpent. Remember Eve's Hebrew name is Chavah pronounced Ka`fa is liken to the ancient Km.t/Kemetic Kefa who was the sacred serpent often times called the Kundalini in India theology. She's (Eve) the spirit (spirit by definition is wind aka sky) Nut. She enters and exit our bodies with every breath thus Eve was taken from Adams rib which is to say lungs under the ribs at every breath.

When Geb (Adam/humanity/male & female) and Nut (Eve/sky/wind/spirit) came together they created their third child Set or Seth who held the essence of humanity and spirit. Set/Seth or Sat, represents a people and as we know when you are speaking of people they usually add and [an] at the end of the word. The Kemetic word 'Set[an]' means 'royal' but the English word 'Satan' mean opponent or opposes. The Upper Egyptians (Southern Egyptians) opposed the northern Egyptians and thus the battle between the Uncle Set (older) Southern Egyptians against the Nephew Heru (younger - invaders) Northern Egyptians took place. The South lost and thus Set/Seth was made to be the bad guy in all of modern and ancient mythologies. Remember the first time that Satan was mentioned was in 1 Chronicles 21:1 but never before then.

Satan was a military power that caused David to number his people. Menmaatre Seti I was a dominate military man that didn't play but he was from the south which is where Set or Seth was worshiped. King David as I will abbreviate because they didn't use vowels was 'DvD' which is interchangeable with the 'TwT' a Northern Egyptian Pharaoh. King David often spoke about Zion which is actually the ancient Egyptian city Zoan currently called Cairo, Egypt.

I've done an extensive study on the Hebrew patriarchs and the 18th dynasty Lower Egyptian (Northern Egypt) Pharaohs and they are one and the same. That's a different study for a different day but the point that I making here is that King David was an 18th Dynasty pharaoh and Menmaatre Seti I was a 19th Dynasty Pharaoh. The power shifted back to Set/Seth and biblical he was demonized through the suggestion that the Hebrews were enslaved by the follower of Set & Ra (Ra`mesis/moses and his father Seti).

Heru represents the Eagle which is why the American flag is represented by the Eagle as they try to emulate the ancient Northern Kemetic invading peoples. Please note that I am not suggesting that Heru wasn't ours because he was without a second thought ours. The American people try to emulate those who conquer but as history repeats itself until people wake up, the south will prevail again.

Set like Anubis was seen as bad by the moderns and many of us have fallen victim to there fault ideologies not paying attention to the fact that Anubis is always sitting on an ark which is proposed to be the holy writings protecting them with his ear shot straight up in the air. Set was once known as the protector of Ra/Re - ...

We have to re-evaluate Kemetic history as well because even that was handed to us improperly.


This the article used a little biblical reference I'm going to use a lot more to show how the biblical stories is really a story about Set, Nut and Geb.

This has been covered before on this site if I'm not mistaken but its a good topic. Set was not an evil deity in ancient Upper Km.t (Southern Egypt) but was demonized by those who which to distort history. Set also known as Seth was the supposed 3 son of Adam and Eve just as he was the 3 child of Nut and Geb. Seth was supposed to be the 3 and holy child of Adam and Eve which is again the story of Geb and Nut (Adam and Eve).

Geb represents the Earth just like Adam[ah]. The word Adamah means land which is what Adam was created from. Adam is the representation of earth because that's what his body is (humanity or humans physical body is comprised of earths elements). The word Adamah also means husband which is the representation of the masculine Adam. Nevertheless, biblically Adam is male and females so Geb represents humanity. Nut represents the sky which is to say 'wind', ' breath' aka spirit biblically. Eve (Chavah - pronounced ka`fa) means life bringer and without the wind man (aka Adam - Humanity - male and females) could not have life or create life. According the the first Christians which were Gnostic (Egyptians) Eve was the Wisdom herself and transformed herself into a serpent. Remember Eve's Hebrew name is Chavah pronounced Ka`fa is liken to the ancient Km.t/Kemetic Kefa who was the sacred serpent often times called the Kundalini in India theology. She's (Eve) the spirit (spirit by definition is wind aka sky) Nut. She enters and exit our bodies with every breath thus Eve was taken from Adams rib which is to say lungs under the ribs at every breath.

When Geb (Adam/humanity/male & female) and Nut (Eve/sky/wind/spirit) came together they created their third child Set or Seth who held the essence of humanity and spirit. Set/Seth or Sat, represents a people and as we know when you are speaking of people they usually add and [an] at the end of the word. The Kemetic word 'Set[an]' means 'royal' but the English word 'Satan' mean opponent or opposes. The Upper Egyptians (Southern Egyptians) opposed the northern Egyptians and thus the battle between the Uncle Set (older) Southern Egyptians against the Nephew Heru (younger - invaders) Northern Egyptians took place. The South lost and thus Set/Seth was made to be the bad guy in all of modern and ancient mythologies. Remember the first time that Satan was mentioned was in 1 Chronicles 21:1 but never before then.

Satan was a military power that caused David to number his people. Menmaatre Seti I was a dominate military man that didn't play but he was from the south which is where Set or Seth was worshiped. King David as I will abbreviate because they didn't use vowels was 'DvD' which is interchangeable with the 'TwT' a Northern Egyptian Pharaoh. King David often spoke about Zion which is actually the ancient Egyptian city Zoan currently called Cairo, Egypt.

I've done an extensive study on the Hebrew patriarchs and the 18th dynasty Lower Egyptian (Northern Egypt) Pharaohs and they are one and the same. That's a different study for a different day but the point that I making here is that King David was an 18th Dynasty pharaoh and Menmaatre Seti I was a 19th Dynasty Pharaoh. The power shifted back to Set/Seth and biblical he was demonized through the suggestion that the Hebrews were enslaved by the follower of Set & Ra (Ra`mesis/moses and his father Seti).

Heru represents the Eagle which is why the American flag is represented by the Eagle as they try to emulate the ancient Northern Kemetic invading peoples. Please note that I am not suggesting that Heru wasn't ours because he was without a second thought ours. The American people try to emulate those who conquer but as history repeats itself until people wake up, the south will prevail again.

Set like Anubis was seen as bad by the moderns and many of us have fallen victim to there fault ideologies not paying attention to the fact that Anubis is always sitting on an ark which is proposed to be the holy writings protecting them with his ear shot straight up in the air. Set was once known as the protector of Ra/Re - ...

We have to re-evaluate Kemetic history as well because even that was handed to us improperly.



Another story goes Ausar slept w/ Nepthys Set wife which is why he got mad and chopped him up into 14 pieces his penis was never found.
Which is where the Tekhen came from.
The Bible story was written 1000 yrs after Kemetic the story of Ausar and Isis. Yes, Set was considered a Good God then he was considered evil , when the Anu people split into two groups: The Ta Merus and Ta Seti.
Then at later times Seti the 1st took over Egypt from the South and his son Ramses the 2 brought him to the forefront again.
Can someone so me proof WHERE Set and Seth are the same people?
And Nut is Eve??? It's pic Everywhere of Nut above tombs that she is the Mother of the Universe which Ra'a Passes through her Mouth and comes out her womb, and the Kemtians showed this time after time again in their history, this has nothing to do w/ the bible, Nut and Eve are 2 diffrent people. And Adam was not Geb.

You:King David was an 18th Dynasty pharaoh and Menmaatre Seti I was a 19th Dynasty Pharaoh.

ME: Are you serious? King David wasn't even born then???
We are both right sister, Thutmoses did marry into the family
but Ahmose did have sons, so we art both right.:)

The children of Ahmose
Merytamun - eldest daughter of Ahmose-Nefertari (died young)
Tair - daughter of Kasmut
Satamun - 2nd daughter of Ahmose-Nefertari (died infant)
Sapair - eldest son of Ahmose-Nefertari (died young)
Saamen - 2nd son of Ahmose-Nefertari (died infant)
Aahotep - 3rd daughter of Ahmose-Nefertari (Queen)
Amenhotep I - 3rd son of Ahmose-Nefertari (King)
Satkames - 4th daughter of Ahmose-Nefertari (died aged ~30)
Henttameh- daughter of Thenthapi
Ahmose - daughter

Well done. Yes. I do remember this now that you mention it. I do remember it being said the sons died young.
This the article used a little biblical reference I'm going to use a lot more to show how the biblical stories is really a story about Set, Nut and Geb.

This has been covered before on this site if I'm not mistaken but its a good topic. Set was not an evil deity in ancient Upper Km.t (Southern Egypt) but was demonized by those who which to distort history. Set also known as Seth was the supposed 3 son of Adam and Eve just as he was the 3 child of Nut and Geb. Seth was supposed to be the 3 and holy child of Adam and Eve which is again the story of Geb and Nut (Adam and Eve).

Geb represents the Earth just like Adam[ah]. The word Adamah means land which is what Adam was created from. Adam is the representation of earth because that's what his body is (humanity or humans physical body is comprised of earths elements). The word Adamah also means husband which is the representation of the masculine Adam. Nevertheless, biblically Adam is male and females so Geb represents humanity. Nut represents the sky which is to say 'wind', ' breath' aka spirit biblically. Eve (Chavah - pronounced ka`fa) means life bringer and without the wind man (aka Adam - Humanity - male and females) could not have life or create life. According the the first Christians which were Gnostic (Egyptians) Eve was the Wisdom herself and transformed herself into a serpent. Remember Eve's Hebrew name is Chavah pronounced Ka`fa is liken to the ancient Km.t/Kemetic Kefa who was the sacred serpent often times called the Kundalini in India theology. She's (Eve) the spirit (spirit by definition is wind aka sky) Nut. She enters and exit our bodies with every breath thus Eve was taken from Adams rib which is to say lungs under the ribs at every breath.

When Geb (Adam/humanity/male & female) and Nut (Eve/sky/wind/spirit) came together they created their third child Set or Seth who held the essence of humanity and spirit. Set/Seth or Sat, represents a people and as we know when you are speaking of people they usually add and [an] at the end of the word. The Kemetic word 'Set[an]' means 'royal' but the English word 'Satan' mean opponent or opposes. The Upper Egyptians (Southern Egyptians) opposed the northern Egyptians and thus the battle between the Uncle Set (older) Southern Egyptians against the Nephew Heru (younger - invaders) Northern Egyptians took place. The South lost and thus Set/Seth was made to be the bad guy in all of modern and ancient mythologies. Remember the first time that Satan was mentioned was in 1 Chronicles 21:1 but never before then.

Satan was a military power that caused David to number his people. Menmaatre Seti I was a dominate military man that didn't play but he was from the south which is where Set or Seth was worshiped. King David as I will abbreviate because they didn't use vowels was 'DvD' which is interchangeable with the 'TwT' a Northern Egyptian Pharaoh. King David often spoke about Zion which is actually the ancient Egyptian city Zoan currently called Cairo, Egypt.

I've done an extensive study on the Hebrew patriarchs and the 18th dynasty Lower Egyptian (Northern Egypt) Pharaohs and they are one and the same. That's a different study for a different day but the point that I making here is that King David was an 18th Dynasty pharaoh and Menmaatre Seti I was a 19th Dynasty Pharaoh. The power shifted back to Set/Seth and biblical he was demonized through the suggestion that the Hebrews were enslaved by the follower of Set & Ra (Ra`mesis/moses and his father Seti).

Heru represents the Eagle which is why the American flag is represented by the Eagle as they try to emulate the ancient Northern Kemetic invading peoples. Please note that I am not suggesting that Heru wasn't ours because he was without a second thought ours. The American people try to emulate those who conquer but as history repeats itself until people wake up, the south will prevail again.

Set like Anubis was seen as bad by the moderns and many of us have fallen victim to there fault ideologies not paying attention to the fact that Anubis is always sitting on an ark which is proposed to be the holy writings protecting them with his ear shot straight up in the air. Set was once known as the protector of Ra/Re - ...

We have to re-evaluate Kemetic history as well because even that was handed to us improperly.



You have brought up some great topics. I'm going to have to digest some of this though.

I can't figure out if you are saying that Seth is negative or not. I have to re-read this.

You threw me though, on your 18th dynasty--King David issue.

If you composed a general timeline you will see that there is a huge difference in time periods between the two.


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