Chief Elder Osiris : Transitioning Of The Spirit

Chief Elder Osiris

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2002
Transitioning Of The Spirit

By Chief Elder Osiris

The Spirit of the body life is the most misunderstood connective action of the body life action, as a matter of fact, it is the Spirit of the Body Life, that is most confusingly defined when an attempt to explain the Spirituality of the Body life.

The Spirit and religion has only an expressive relationship and not a natural connection to such an expression, because the two are only an expression guided by the quality of your Mind, so what is religion and what is Spirituality?


Religion is a mental perception and concept of God, expressed by by how you have been told to believe about God and the Duty you have to perform in your body life living, all of that which "God," through religion, has so commanded you how you are to believe and to live your Body Life.

Religion is a mental qualification of the Mind that has been transitioned to a action of believing that which you should know about, concerning The Divine Essence (GOD) and such a Mental transition have you to be committed to that which is only a belief, which is set in Lies and Deception about God, and what your Life responsibility is to God, and not to your Body Life.

Religion is set up in Fantasy, giving an illusion about God, and through your belief, it having you to make a commitment to a God you are required to believe in but not to know of, a mental state that is not common to the action of a Mind that is qualified to Know and not to believe about the Divine Essence.(GOD

Religion is based upon uncertainties, which based upon a belief that require for you to live your Body Life in such a way, based upon a promise of a everlasting Life in Heaven with the "Son of God, Jesus," requiring you to project such a belief to the world, in defense of your belief about God and the Spirit you reveal in your Body Life Living action of religious expression, which is grounded in belief and not Knowing, because of a Mental transition that has taken place in your Mind activity.


Spirituality, that which is based upon the Knowledge you must have about the Divine Essence, (GOD) in order for you to be able to express a spirit that is Divine and is not Religiously based.

Divine Spirituality is a way of expressing yourself in your Body Life Living, that is guided by a Mind that is Divinely qualified to Reason Rationally and Logically about the Divine Essence,(GOD) a God that does not Demand nor Command nor require for you to believe in its Existence, such become common Knowledge to a Mind that Think, and does not Believe its way through the Body life.

Spirituality is no more than an expression of a Attitudinal Behavior that Reflect a Mind that Think, and not Believe about the things you are required to know of, in your Body Life living activity.

Something happened to the Mind of Black people, a Mind that came to this planet in a Divine state with the Divine Beings that first came to this so call Earth planet, the Ancient Cosmic Divine First Way Ancestors, first of the Black Race upon this Planet call Earth, such knowledge is required for you to know about and not to believe, because believing is religious in its action and it prevents you from knowing what you are required to know about your Body Life.

The Mind of Black people has experienced a transition from being Divine to become Religious, and it is such a Mental handicap that prevent Black people from knowing the Divine Meaning and Essence of Reparation.

So when a Divine Mind make the statement that come from internal Revealed information, that without Reparation, the Black World is Doomed to remain a Believing World, it is the believing Mind that can not know why such a Divine statement is Divinely True.

All because the Mind of Black people has gone through a transition and now is a Religious Mind that now believe everything that Lucifer has taught such a Mind to believe about its God and the Black Body Life Self, so the Spirit that is now being expressed by Black people, is that of the Human Being Lucifer, the Devil, Satan of the world.

So with a transitioned Mind from being Divine to becoming Human, there is in no way Freedom is to revisit the Body Life Living of the so call Black Afrikan World, a Race Of People Who Have Been made to be believers and not able anymore to Know that which is required to know, in order for Freedom to re-enter the Body Life of a once Knowing Free Minded Black People, a people now gone to be Religiously Spiritual in your Body Life Living expression.

There has been a Transition of the Spirit of Black so call Afrikan People, evidence that the Black Mind has Transitioned to become a Mind of Lucifer and is no longer the Mind of our Cosmic Divine Ancient First Way Ancestors, a People out of their Loins did we come and now no longer can remember.

All because of the Mental Transition that the Mind of Black people have undergone and now experience, such is a Mind that project a spirit that is weighted down in Belief, so much so until we no longer have a relationship with our Divine Mind, the only quality of Mind that is qualified to express a Divine Spirit, which act on that which is Known and not believed, and it is the Spirit that know, that is relative to Freedom.

Something happened to the Mind of Black people that caused the Black spirit to experience a Transition into the lower realm of the processes of the Mind and when the Mind is not Divine, in no way can you project a Divine Spirit, and it is a Divine spirit that know what it is that Black people must do to save the Body Life of Black people, and it has nothing to do with Community development in America, nothing to do with having progress in America, seeking a better life in America, or performing Religious Duties in order to make points with Lucifer God.

Afrika Is Where You Come From On This Planet And It Is Afrika Where You Must Return, Regardless Of How You Black People Been Conditioned To Believe Otherwise!!!

A Divine Mind that has not transitioned to become a Religious Mind, is a Mind that know that there is no substitute for the Beauty of Freedom and such a Mind will cultivate such a Divine Spirit that will allow you to know that there is no substitute for the Reparation, which is representative of our Enslaved Ancestors, and it is that Reparation, if not gotten, the Black Race as we know it to be today, will continue up the Path of Doom, which will serve to be the out come of a Black Mental Spirit that is no longer Divine in its action, meaning that you do not any longer Think your way through Life, using Profound Reasoning, being Rational and Logical when engaged in the activity of your Mind, evidence of your Mind being Divine in its functioning.

A Divine Mind produce a Divine Spirit and it is a Divine Spirit that know the way to Freedom for the Black World and that Freedom lead right through our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation, and No, Hell No, I will not Retreat nor will I Retract from that I do know, because such Divine Knowledge come not from believing, but from Divinely Thinking, so that you can know that which you need to know in order to fall in Love with Freedom again, and Freedom will not allow the Divine Black Mind to Rest, not until Freedom become a Companion to the Black Life again.

Can You Understand That, Beloved?

Therefore, it is the Mind of Black people that must experience a transition from the Mind we now wear today, and doing so, it will automatically transition your Spirit from the low quality of Spirit we now express today, because without such a Mental-Spiritual Transition which will have you to know the Sacredness of Reparation, the Black World is Doomed.

Now I invite you Black people to Think Long And Divinely Diligently About This I Have Shared With You, and whether you agree or not, such a Mind state of yours is not beholding to me, because the Divine Truth Stand Proudly along Divine Reality, bending not to the Left nor to the Right, verifying only the Past and the Present, taking no belief about Tomorrow, just knowing about Yesterday and Today, in term of what the Black Life obligation is to the Black Body Life Self.

The Book, Divine Spirituality Is There For You, When You Have The Mind To Involve Your Self With It, the Links Are Below.

iuniverse --Divine Spirituality Spirituality

Divine Spirituality by Osiris Akkebala

Divine Spirituality- Barnes and Noble spirituality osiris akkebala&pos=-1

LIES ABOUT GOD, by Osiris Akkebala

Also email for a copy of LIES ABOUT GOD

Be Kind To Your Self Beloved

Chief Elder
lWhat precisely is "Divine"? I've read your use of the term a number of times but have never fully understood it. What does it mean to be 'divine'?

Transitioning Of The Spirit

By Chief Elder Osiris

The Spirit of the body life is the most misunderstood connective action of the body life action, as a matter of fact, it is the Spirit of the Body Life, that is most confusingly defined when an attempt to explain the Spirituality of the Body life.

The Spirit and religion has only an expressive relationship and not a natural connection to such an expression, because the two are only an expression guided by the quality of your Mind, so what is religion and what is Spirituality?


Religion is a mental perception and concept of God, expressed by by how you have been told to believe about God and the Duty you have to perform in your body life living, all of that which "God," through religion, has so commanded you how you are to believe and to live your Body Life.

Religion is a mental qualification of the Mind that has been transitioned to a action of believing that which you should know about, concerning The Divine Essence (GOD) and such a Mental transition have you to be committed to that which is only a belief, which is set in Lies and Deception about God, and what your Life responsibility is to God, and not to your Body Life.

Religion is set up in Fantasy, giving an illusion about God, and through your belief, it having you to make a commitment to a God you are required to believe in but not to know of, a mental state that is not common to the action of a Mind that is qualified to Know and not to believe about the Divine Essence.(GOD

Religion is based upon uncertainties, which based upon a belief that require for you to live your Body Life in such a way, based upon a promise of a everlasting Life in Heaven with the "Son of God, Jesus," requiring you to project such a belief to the world, in defense of your belief about God and the Spirit you reveal in your Body Life Living action of religious expression, which is grounded in belief and not Knowing, because of a Mental transition that has taken place in your Mind activity.


Spirituality, that which is based upon the Knowledge you must have about the Divine Essence, (GOD) in order for you to be able to express a spirit that is Divine and is not Religiously based.

Divine Spirituality is a way of expressing yourself in your Body Life Living, that is guided by a Mind that is Divinely qualified to Reason Rationally and Logically about the Divine Essence,(GOD) a God that does not Demand nor Command nor require for you to believe in its Existence, such become common Knowledge to a Mind that Think, and does not Believe its way through the Body life.

Spirituality is no more than an expression of a Attitudinal Behavior that Reflect a Mind that Think, and not Believe about the things you are required to know of, in your Body Life living activity.

Something happened to the Mind of Black people, a Mind that came to this planet in a Divine state with the Divine Beings that first came to this so call Earth planet, the Ancient Cosmic Divine First Way Ancestors, first of the Black Race upon this Planet call Earth, such knowledge is required for you to know about and not to believe, because believing is religious in its action and it prevents you from knowing what you are required to know about your Body Life.

The Mind of Black people has experienced a transition from being Divine to become Religious, and it is such a Mental handicap that prevent Black people from knowing the Divine Meaning and Essence of Reparation.

So when a Divine Mind make the statement that come from internal Revealed information, that without Reparation, the Black World is Doomed to remain a Believing World, it is the believing Mind that can not know why such a Divine statement is Divinely True.

All because the Mind of Black people has gone through a transition and now is a Religious Mind that now believe everything that Lucifer has taught such a Mind to believe about its God and the Black Body Life Self, so the Spirit that is now being expressed by Black people, is that of the Human Being Lucifer, the Devil, Satan of the world.

So with a transitioned Mind from being Divine to becoming Human, there is in no way Freedom is to revisit the Body Life Living of the so call Black Afrikan World, a Race Of People Who Have Been made to be believers and not able anymore to Know that which is required to know, in order for Freedom to re-enter the Body Life of a once Knowing Free Minded Black People, a people now gone to be Religiously Spiritual in your Body Life Living expression.

There has been a Transition of the Spirit of Black so call Afrikan People, evidence that the Black Mind has Transitioned to become a Mind of Lucifer and is no longer the Mind of our Cosmic Divine Ancient First Way Ancestors, a People out of their Loins did we come and now no longer can remember.

All because of the Mental Transition that the Mind of Black people have undergone and now experience, such is a Mind that project a spirit that is weighted down in Belief, so much so until we no longer have a relationship with our Divine Mind, the only quality of Mind that is qualified to express a Divine Spirit, which act on that which is Known and not believed, and it is the Spirit that know, that is relative to Freedom.

Something happened to the Mind of Black people that caused the Black spirit to experience a Transition into the lower realm of the processes of the Mind and when the Mind is not Divine, in no way can you project a Divine Spirit, and it is a Divine spirit that know what it is that Black people must do to save the Body Life of Black people, and it has nothing to do with Community development in America, nothing to do with having progress in America, seeking a better life in America, or performing Religious Duties in order to make points with Lucifer God.

Afrika Is Where You Come From On This Planet And It Is Afrika Where You Must Return, Regardless Of How You Black People Been Conditioned To Believe Otherwise!!!

A Divine Mind that has not transitioned to become a Religious Mind, is a Mind that know that there is no substitute for the Beauty of Freedom and such a Mind will cultivate such a Divine Spirit that will allow you to know that there is no substitute for the Reparation, which is representative of our Enslaved Ancestors, and it is that Reparation, if not gotten, the Black Race as we know it to be today, will continue up the Path of Doom, which will serve to be the out come of a Black Mental Spirit that is no longer Divine in its action, meaning that you do not any longer Think your way through Life, using Profound Reasoning, being Rational and Logical when engaged in the activity of your Mind, evidence of your Mind being Divine in its functioning.

A Divine Mind produce a Divine Spirit and it is a Divine Spirit that know the way to Freedom for the Black World and that Freedom lead right through our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation, and No, Hell No, I will not Retreat nor will I Retract from that I do know, because such Divine Knowledge come not from believing, but from Divinely Thinking, so that you can know that which you need to know in order to fall in Love with Freedom again, and Freedom will not allow the Divine Black Mind to Rest, not until Freedom become a Companion to the Black Life again.

Can You Understand That, Beloved?

Therefore, it is the Mind of Black people that must experience a transition from the Mind we now wear today, and doing so, it will automatically transition your Spirit from the low quality of Spirit we now express today, because without such a Mental-Spiritual Transition which will have you to know the Sacredness of Reparation, the Black World is Doomed.

Now I invite you Black people to Think Long And Divinely Diligently About This I Have Shared With You, and whether you agree or not, such a Mind state of yours is not beholding to me, because the Divine Truth Stand Proudly along Divine Reality, bending not to the Left nor to the Right, verifying only the Past and the Present, taking no belief about Tomorrow, just knowing about Yesterday and Today, in term of what the Black Life obligation is to the Black Body Life Self.

The Book, Divine Spirituality Is There For You, When You Have The Mind To Involve Your Self With It, the Links Are Below.

iuniverse --Divine Spirituality Spirituality

Divine Spirituality by Osiris Akkebala

Divine Spirituality- Barnes and Noble spirituality osiris akkebala&pos=-1

LIES ABOUT GOD, by Osiris Akkebala

Also email for a copy of LIES ABOUT GOD

Be Kind To Your Self Beloved

Chief Elder
Beloved Divine is a Mental Practice of Profoundly Reasoning your way through Life, Being Rational when examining the many events of Happening that confront your Life, and being Logical when attempting to reach a conclusion about those events of happening that affect your Life, and you desire to know the Truth about that which you seek to know.

Thanks For The Question.

Be Kind To Your Self, Beloved

Chief Elder


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