Amun-Ra : The Bible (What else do we read?)

Anthony Pinn

There is a sinilar cooment from a slave captured in Anthony's Pinn's book Expressions of African American Humanism. In the book a slave master asks the slave why he quit believing in God and the slave aswered saying that the Christians in Alabama treated him so bad, that he firgured when he got to Mississippi he wanted to make sure he didn't take sides.


nothing is wrong with the bible if it's used right and explained correct god siad I'm am the beginnin;g and the end alfa and omega (now is a person or group studied the book of genesis which formed the world most of the answers are there such as marriage, sex and the job of the evil one (then study the book of revelations which shows how man lost control and started worshipping computers and other men on the religious order which are not holy such as crooked preachers and false prophets the wrld would be much better to live in (plus after studying these two books you will understand everything else in the bible very easy all the answers are there and remember the love of money is the root of all evil
Too Much Work

Normally, I'd give a long repy, but as many times as I've read the Bible, versions of the Bible and translations the Bible, I know two things--one, it is filled with errors, contradictions, horrific morality and bad science. The second thing I know, is never try to change anyone's mind about it. So, I'll let this one pass.


Kemetic and Arabic

"Assalamu Alaikum" is an Islamic greeting which mean "peace be to you." I am unfamiliar with "Absalom" other than as the 3rd son of King David in the Bible and that would make it Hebrew. Hotep is Kemetic or ancient Egyptian for "peace" and that's the simple answer. In Arabic there is also "Assalam."

Amun-Ra--God of Kings and King of Gods. The oldest and longest venerated ruler of ancient Egypt, Amun, meaning "hidden" and Ra meaning "light" translates to "hidden light".


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