Thanks Kem. First I want to reveal my ineptness in not realizing one has to unmute the volume control to actually hear what's transpiring in these videos. Now upon hearing the constant whining, crying, asking nonsensical questions to uncaring cops pointing loaded guns at the object of their scorn, veiled threats and the usual obviously impotent bleats from the gaggle of so called enraged Black family members, friends and others in close proximity to the blatant lack of law enforcement de-escalation techniques does one not grow weary of why the pendulum of justice has been standing dead still in the middle of either do something in the name of real rage akin to our "**** the torpedoes and take no prisoners" grassroots sheepdogs of the 60's or just don't interact with the occupationist however right or wrong it may appear in their so-called lawful execution of their duties but record, document then force the hand of our officially established yet lackadaisical religious, organizational of political representative leadership that supposedly gets paid to exact justice for an injustice? In my personal estimate in the last decade and a half our situation has not changed one iota for the better and it's not staying the same either, it's getting progressively worst. We have our cause which will mean not one thing without our truly committed leaders forming a groundswell of protest that will force the hand of the powerbrokers. I see no other way. Thanks for reading.

I'd Rather Die On My Feet Then Keep Living On My Knees: James Brown-One hot day in August 1968

We mistakenly assumed that a couple of votes and the fact that they were looking at other minorities meant, we were ok. The facts are, they want us all out and taken out. We must create our own economic agenda and train ourselves to shoot back



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