Black People Politics : United Colored Action Network 'You'are the future. You are the ones that will lead us out of the pol

Tony Harod

New Member
Jun 8, 2017
'You'are the future. You are the ones that will lead us out of the political,educational, and economic abyss and into the 21st century with class,style,and grace;with 'black cool':that hard -to-define-but-infinitely mesmerizing quality that has carried black people threw crazy hard times. It's a mixture of audacity, determination, genius,authenticity, dignity,style,and a dozen of other elements that reveal themselves and create their own moment of truth.Black people cool is being yourself,fighting for whats right and looking crazy good or at least solidly righteous while doing it.
But in order to take the lead,we must first end the quarrels of the past because if we don't,we will continue to loose the future.So let's quit blaming others for our circumstances. We cannot continue to live a life of reaction a life of reaction is a life of slavery;intellectual and spiritual. The ones that get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want and if they cant find them, they make them. The day we begin to take responsibility for our economic and educational ills,will be the day we begin tobget on and move towards the top.
This is why i am writing this. To get you to learn the absolute rules of the game and play the game better than anyone else. This is not coming from some white man or black elitist. This is coming from a man that has been fed the same bull crap all my life as you have.This is coming from a man of the hip-hop generation.But i am tired of settling.I am tired of us being at the bottom of the barrel by our own hand.No one else but our own!If we continue to do what we've always done, we will get what we've always gotten.
Before i go any further, please let me run this by you;as blacks,we have a leadership problem.Our leaders are stale and complacent. They are whiners and complainers.And i am not afraid to say it,we need a new generation of leaders in our cities.It seems our current leaders educate themselves in order to whine and complain eloquently instead of being bright examples on of how to be economically free;on how to conquer not only Washington,D.C.,but also silicon valley,Madison avenue,and Wall Street.Those examples will trickle down into our neighborhoods.Our current leaders play on our misery, keeping us emotionally unstable and angry and they actually get paid for it!.
We have very few leaders that do lead by example and the ones that do,the black intellectual elite will come out in their articles and t.v. commentary to whine that they are leaving us behind but the truth doesn't change according to our ability to stomach it emotionally. The truth is that we are being left behind.The truth only changes when we begin to understand, like the ones that do lead by example,that being colored does not stop can't continue to sit in this world and say,"well,the white people held me back,and i can not do this."This is just not the case. You can have anything you want if you make up your mind and you want it.And there is no one else who can play a game better than us once we learn and understand the rules.
Now lets move forward and create an environment and the tools that will allow us to compete at our highest levels.This is where we minimize our strengths to often:courage and audacity.The Democratic Party does not offer us these tools.Remember,if we continue to do what we've always done,we will continue to get what we've always gotten.The Democratic Party had only our 'welfare' at interest and not our economic or educational interest.It is time for us to take hold of our own destiny.We have t poo become'problem solvers'instead of always concentrating and celebrating 'problem tellers'.
Only we can be the architectures of our future and the best way to recognize our economic and educational superiority is to aggressively debate and push for solutions.This will force us to use our strengths to our advantage;not just our brawn but our brains and shrewdness. Our audacity to survive and strive!

We have only been involved with one party,politically,and even though we have a black president,we are simply not moving forward but we do have a major upside. We must spread our hustle! And as we push a hard line on our economic and educational issues,our social ills and our problems of feeling inferior,will begin to solve themselves.
So with respect to the two party system,it will be very shrewd of us to spread our hustle and barter our vote instead of being beholden to either party. As young colored men and women,this is the lane i see us in.Not all of us, of course. After all, we are free to think for ourselves, open our eyes and change our attitude,this is the lane I see the new colored leaders of the hip hop generation taking. And we do have value. One example:the stars of Texas,Michigan,and California do not want colored students on their colleges unless they are athletes (their are anti affirmative action cases in the U.S. Supreme Court and California had already passed a ballot measure. Check out the next freshman class after)and our athletes are a major reason that the American college and university system is the best in the world. The economic wealth that the football and basketball programs bring are virtually done on the back of colored athletes. Thats power! And our colored student athletes should be turned towards HBCU's so they may receive t.v.and corporate money and become able to build The best facilities and hire the best teachers. That's us harnessing our power and pulling ourselves up by out bootsstraps!
All politics are local-act locally and think nationally-so lets start exercising our political muscle in our neighborhoods. Effecting change with ideas and influence. There are people out there in this country like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet that a t are just waiting for us to take control from our out-dated leaders. Can u imagine what a t kind of schools we can have with Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey's resources??
And we will not be working with feelings! We are going to be working on solutions to the economic and educational problems that plague our neighborhoods. We do not want to make a big fuss over class and race,only success. Our educational success will take care of the race and cladd issues colored people face;we should care less about anyone's racism once we are in a position of power.
Our mission is to be effective with our policies and our path in implemening them. But lets get this clear,if you are content with your neighborhood and children's school,then you ate content with your local leaders. So,obviously these words will be like a fart in the wind to you. But i pray that you are a rebel and of open mind or at least willing to debate on these issues. We desperately need young men and women who can articulate what we are about and how we ate coming to shake things up. We will challenge the Republican Party on their'top down rhetoric because we need prosperity to trickle down into our neighborhoods. And we can't do this from the outside. We have to be involved in the system,and we will forcefully,strategically,powerfully,and eloquently disagree with anyone who dowsnt have the best interest of our people. Most importantly,we will be standing next to them,in there faces,when we do!
We are strong! We are confident! We no longer need our hands held. We possess the power to walk into uncharted territory and carve out our own lane. A lane that we will stand tall in. We will demand respect not just with our rhetoric, but with how tall we will stand;how solid and determined we are;with our 'black cool'. Just imagine us in a crowd of white men standing tall and solid with plenty of swag. All hip and cool. Very very fly and sharp. Imagine that!

Our time has come now! Lets leave the fights of the past to the old guard:the Jesse Jackson's, Al Sharpton's,Tavis Smiley's,Cornell West's,etc. Lets carve out our own lane in to the future. Into a future of economic and educational prosperity. We are winner's by nature. Out true place is with the party that see's education OK n as an economic issue-meaning a better education creates more tax payers. Its a virtual win-win situation and thats what our aim should be toward. The Hip-hop generation getting political!
You have a lot of good ideas. Let's start with education. I think that colleges have their own agenda. In my opinion politics in college weakens the students as leaders, because they are instead used as Marxist pawns. That doesn't mean we should avoid college, that means we should be aware while we get our education -- all races.

First book, The U.S. Constitution.
Second book Karl Marx Communist Manifesto. It's important to have this book so that you can learn the language so you can identify who it is that is teaching you.

This is how freedom in democracies interprets Marxist words.
Patrician refers to one of a monarchy, nobility or great wealth and power of certain inherit names of aristocracy. [Or in democracies, the "wealthy notable."]

Bourgeoisie refers to those of the middle income. [And also includes those fortunate who have studied and worked hard to earn a large financial income. When the middle income class is independent and "free" to govern themselves, they become the inspired achievers, motivated with great strength for much philanthropy and progress. The bourgeoisie can also gain great wealth, because in democracies, we can use our ingenuity in the free market of "capitalism." If in capitalism some seek to unethically or criminally gouge the consumer, then the bourgeoisie sets regulations and laws.]

The label proletariat is historically classified to the lowest denomination of wage earners. [In democracies, the so-called proletarians seek to rise to bourgeoisie capability; this is done by working for a career through required training and education for it. The American bourgeoisie consider the proletariat as potentials to be like themselves and are willing to give grants and help them reach a higher income.]

Communists/Socialists have targeted the low income or "victim" proletariat as being the molding clay which they will use to build their puppet for political power. The Communistic/Socialistic elite will give the proletariat their march and will exploit their perceived weaknesses, organizing world-wide.

Here's the plan of Communism: "Formation of the proletariat into a class, overthrow the bourgeoisie, conquest of political power by the proletariat" for the purpose of the communistic elite. The Communist Manifest. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles. Signet Classic. 1998. p. 66.
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Another name called by Marx is the Lumpenproletariat. In his words these people are "scum". These are the people who are the non-worker bees in all possible scenarios. Evidently welfare, student loans, state provided school lunches, state provided vaccinations for students, HUD, etc. would all be out. However there would be people disappearing in the night for not keeping up with expectations by the Communist government.

Here's the hypocrisy: Marx was a proletarian. He had to rely on favors and help finically from his partner Friedrich Engles. So Marx spent a lot of time avoiding a search for employment. In other words according to his own words he was the Lumpenproletariat.

This created a sense of envy in him for those who had a least a middle class bourgeoisie life style, having a few nice things because of hard work. He didn't like the idea of people working for gain. He felt working for gain was greedy. He wanted all people to be on the same level of income. Therefore the burger guy would have the same income as the educated Tech. guy.

It is obvious isn't it? When Marx was resenting the middle class bourgeoisie guy and their skills, he felt that oppressed people like himself who are required to have ambition to gain knowledge and careers, invent things like a computer in their garage get a pass for not living up to that. So with his at home ingenuity, he figured out a way where he, the oppressed, could get in on a better life style, without so much effort. The plan is to get everyone to give what they would work for to him, or the level income. That requires that the government get the money and then distribute it to the proletarians, him.

Marx hated to see people work for extra material gain, so he insisted they would be happier working exclusively for a totalitarian government, the elite who do not hold back on their own material gain.
Beware the phrases:

A level playing ground.

Distribution of wealth.

Over achievers. (like the students who manage to squeak out an A. So they want you to go to school and work for that level grade of C or if you insist on excelling make it a B.)

Exploit. (Which is what the Marxist Professors do using/exploiting people of color as their "victim" proletariate to raise their armies to over throw the bourgeoisie.)

Hyping up images of the white supremacists. (While there are some, these people are looked down on by modern society. But every once in a while we uncover another Democrat like Don Beckel.

Negative Corporation (Of corse, it has to do with the wealth of the company -- which we get in on their lower prices and jobs. Corporations are the windmill that Don Q. (Sp?) is joisting with as far as Marxists are concerned.

God, Jesus Christ, and churches all have to go, any religion of any type as far as Marxists are concerned, and this is what your kids learn in colleges.

Capitalism (This is the dirty word for the Marxist narrative.)

Class (Profiling people into marxist classes of people according to how much money they make.)

Imperialism (Ah, America being the great imperialist, right? according to Marxists. I would rather have the might to prevent Russia, China, N. Korea, Iran, and all other imperialists Japan, Germany and Italy in the past and into the future from taking us over. Karl Marx wouldn't have a couch worth sitting on if he were in the Communist countries he dreamed up.

Socialism wears the mask of the more sensitive government who know better than the public and therefore, will in all intents and purposes tell you exactly what crayon to use when coloring in your coloring book.

Emotionalism is the hyped up weapon used for a take down cause that gets the Marxist army from the college professors out on the streets for destruction. It is a patient war that has inched forward to overthrow the Constitution and change the power to first Socialistic and then again forward to Communistic.

Patriotism, kick it out and change the word to Nationalism. Nationalism doesn't evoke love or protection, all the better to manipulate the folks.

The entire movement of Marxism is to divide up the people for civil war and then we can become a new government with a dictator. Do you think this is not true? Do you think we aren't already at the division among the people, the citizens, the children in their schools tearing apart our security.

It all started in the colleges from who is teaching there. Do you think the kids get their destructive behavior by themselves? And now a bit of it is in our high schools and lower grades. It has been a smooth waltz of social reconstruction.

American identity being auctioned; sold out!
My turn up. Hypocrisy stands all about.

The autioneer rants, ploys and plies;
Canting off brotherhood, understanding; hate buys.

"Crack!" slams the gavel "We're selling out Love!
What price will you pay to rid it today?"

I… I try to grasp the horror that's done.
"You, you promised unity. Love overcomes."

Auctioneer lies:
"Love didn't happen, didn't happen at all---
No change then no change now."

Whadalyabid-whadalyabid-whadalyabid; how?"

I see another in line with short, tightly curled hair.
"You told her we hate her, that is not fair."

Auctioneer sneers, "We know what we do.
We know better than you.

Take-it-away, take-it-away, take away race.
Whadalyabid now?!"

"But identity was us then, who brought us this near.
Race is not wrong; it's hate we should fear."

Auctioneer lies: "We love everyone,
Teaching hate for the white.
Young minds for power; "any means" the fight.


"Americans want choice, to choose what we think.
With your loveless order, enforcement's elite."

Gavel slams down:
"You had freedom, and said what you say.
Now comes America we gavel away.


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