Black People : Black Wax Museum- Baltimore MD-The Symbol of the Lynch Rope...and then some

Goddess Auset333

Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2007
Each display is presented chronologically, highlighting ancient Africa, the Middle Passage, the Antebellum and Postbellum periods, Reconstruction, the Harlem Renaissance, the Civil Rights era, and the present

A friend of mine took the pictures in this post that are not seen on the Black In wax Museum site.

How is the Black womb-genders being whipped today?

How is the black babies being ripped from the black Womb genders (females) today?How is the black male
being castrated today?

How many ways can we think of that lynches blacks today?

The Brand that most of our people wear now is the european Human being mind-set. Many of us look and act like them. Many of us have been made in their image.


Can we list the ways all of this is happening to us now?
History is being repeated.
What Time :time:Is It.:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: As we sit idle, comfortable, complacent, having no complaints, what makes us think that all this will never happen again?


If we can not stand to look at these pictures we are fearful of Reality.
Mother Goddess. I wonder, who can leave this museum without a sincere plan to change the world for Black people. I can’t. Just by looking at the photos I am angered and enraged. We need these images in every City were our people exist and multiply. The Jews have never allowed the world to forget about their Holocaust, why should we allow anyone, even ourselves to forget? Especially since, our Women are still being raped, Black babies are still murdered by White Doctors, Black Men are still castrated economically and socially. We are still in bondage.

I can almost smell the stench of blood from these images, its only wax, but as an Artist we know that images help to retrieve memories of things that have actually happened that are stored within our memory, our cells, our DNA. I can smell it, and I am angry because of it, because I was perhaps angry back then, as I saw it taking place. But our Ancestors with their blood sacrifice have positioned us where we can make a difference. We can annihilate this system is we chose to do so. For all that has been done to us, for every White hand that has touched black skin for negative purposes, and for all those who still rejoice in our death, they will suffer a fate of their own making, a fate that would make the greatest Demons tremble. Because more of “US” are coming into consciousness of who and what we really are.
Beloved KGMW SEER MS writes: Mother Goddess. I wonder, who can leave this museum without a sincere plan to change the world for Black people. I can’t. Just by looking at the photos I am angered and enraged. We need these images in every City were our people exist and multiply. The Jews have never allowed the world to forget about their Holocaust, why should we allow anyone, even ourselves to forget? Especially since, our Women are still being raped, Black babies are still murdered by White Doctors, Black Men are still castrated economically and socially. We are still in bondage.

I can almost smell the stench of blood from these images, its only wax, but as an Artist we know that images help to retrieve memories of things that have actually happened that are stored within our memory, our cells, our DNA. I can smell it, and I am angry because of it, because I was perhaps angry back then, as I saw it taking place. But our Ancestors with their blood sacrifice have positioned us where we can make a difference. We can annihilate this system is we chose to do so. For all that has been done to us, for every White hand that has touched black skin for negative purposes, and for all those who still rejoice in our death, they will suffer a fate of their own making, a fate that would make the greatest Demons tremble. Because more of “US” are coming into consciousness of who and what we really are.
:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:
Beloved KgMW Divine SEER MS:

I Am so One with you.

MS: We can annihilate this system is we chose to do

With The dagger of Truth/Reality as Our weapon and Swords.

So we can return to our Divine Status below.

When a friend of mine sent these pictures to me, I could no hold back the tears, the gut wrenching anger inside of me...and then some. I too smell can smell the foul stack of stench the blood from our Ancestors.

My friend who took these pictures said there is a viewing room, at the Black Wax Museum where the Odor is so bad many people can not stay in it.

My thoughts was the same as yours. Put these pictures on Tee Shirts and walk throughout the Diaspora with the Tee Shirts on us. Especially when those who march and protest. It would have been right on time during the Jena march/Protest.

I will send this information to the Below organization and see if they are willing to create Tee Shirts during their organizing.

Visit the InPDUM Convention website: http://www.inpdum. org

Beloved MS, I recall several years ago, I was reading a book By Dalani Aamon, titled I MUST LET MY PEOPLE KNOW.

I could don't put that book down. It stayed glued to me. I laid down on the couch with the book beside me, and my Mind went back to what appeared to be Slavery Day One, in Afrika. I saw one ancestor gashing her teeth, gnawing and clawing her body. I saw her arms stretched out reaching for her child after her child who was ripped from her arms by the Slave Catcher. After her child was ripped from her arms, she begged pleaded, cried, moan groaned, as the blood from her skin (see the white) from her clawing herself drip, drip, drip down her body. She pulled her hair out in Chunks as she watched her child who was also reaching out and crying for her help save him/her. I saw the Slave Catcher using whips and sticks on her already open wounds to keep her back. The Slave Catchers boarded their Jesus Ship with the child never to see its mother again. I still wonder why in this experience I did not see more of what was happening. Perhaps this was all I was meant to see for me to be angered and enraged. I get flash backs of my experience and seeing these pictures helps me in my liberation/salvation so that I will be instrumental in ways to help others.

Yes, beloved, how can one who have seen this even on Destee, not experience a change within, the change to Rise up consciously/subconsciously?

Yes we can annihilate this system is we chose to do so. Yes beloved, more of ( “US”) United SEERS are coming into consciousness of who and what we really are.

An old Church song: I wanna Be in that Number. Who in their right mind-set do not desire to be in the number, Divine Seer?

Can you see us asking blacks to wear Tee Shirts out in the opening so the world can see what happened to our ancestors?. Tell it on the mountains, highways, by ways, valleys, alleys, freeways. Tell the world what happened to us. It is an opportunity to teach our people who do not know what happened to our ancestors, many who have been told by the religious institution to forget their past.

I can see some whites and even some of the white bread inside, Black Pretenders among us saying wearing the Tee Shirt is offensive (immature lackers of knowledge), when it is really educational

MS: The Jews have never allowed the world to forget about their Holocaust

Yes beloved MS, we can learn a lot from them and others too who have been a victim of the Slave Catchers Corruptors of people minds, body, and spirit.

How many people on Destee will wear Tee Shirts with these pictures on them?
We say we desire Liberation/Salivation/Freedom/Unity but many do not even Will themselves to over stand what is meant by, By Any Means with (Truth/reality) and what all it takes to get the Divine gifts of Liberation/Salivation/Freedom.

Hon. Marcus Garvey: Up! Up! Up! You Mighty Ones. You can Accomplish what you Will.

Most of our people are fearful of Freeing Will within, which means they become the Slave Catchers Corruptors when we prevent Our Divine Will to take its Divine place within us, so we can Rise up? Is an unexamined life worth living? .

Beloved MS, if I could find just 1 million Black Afrikan Womb Genders (females) who are willing to go publicly collectively with these pictures on Tee Shirts and Banners, we will be headed somewhere. I will wash the feet of Black brothers and dry their feet with my hair, if they too would do so. In one of TTTC post, a Strength of a million Stallions (no gender preference), the grace and I add the Spirit of an Eagle, the Divine Nature within. .

In the corporate world when going on an interview for employment, they say we must advertise our selves/ Sell ourselves in order for Employers to hire us.

This same method we should use, when it comes to advertising our story, where ever we can get these pictures posted. Who is going to buy a product with no knowledge of it? Some do. Enough constant/consistent exposure (truth/reality) up in people faces, at some point they will start looking into what we are trying to show them. No one is buying because we are not telling our story.

There is a vast majority of all walks of life, and our people who do not even know what happened to our ancestors and many do not read, so what better way to do this? Tee Shirts, flyers, Posters...and the likes of.

I can see some now saying:

But they will be looking at me.

Let others look. Give them something to look at. Truth/Reality.

Black people have always been under a microscope in the eyes of others. Nothing new.

With this Tee shirt on people are looking at us with or without the Tee shirt on. This is not a Vain Glory Selfish individual thang, we must do for our selves and our people.

I recall while in basic training in the military, womb genders (females) kept putting Make-up on their face. The (DI) Drill Instructor told all of them that this is not a pretty mission we are on. I want to look pretty, because of this that or whatever. That person will just die with the Make up call Stupidity. This type of unnatural mentality is no good in what we do now and what all there is to come. They need to be called out , weeded and seeded out from those of us who know about being Natural in the wilderness of our Black Afrikan struggle. We must get the message to our people and not be concerned about how pretty we look in doing so. Our Black Afrikan, or what ever we call ourselves Divine mission is not about a worldly fashion show.

Yes, others looking at us is what to be expected and should happen. Do we have something to hide within that we do not desire others to see? THIS LIFE WE LIVE IS NOT FOR OURSELVES ALONE. We are telling our story by wearing these Tee Shirts. We are showing what this White Jesus Cross did to our people. We see young whites wearing tattoos, piercing, all black with all types of skulls, and other pictures with blood on their Tee Shirts throughout the Diaspora, and yes people look at them in lack of knowledge funny ways. Do we see one of them caring about who is looking at them and what they are saying. No. Not one.

As I am writing this it is revealed to me that those whites who do the above keeps all the other people who are not like minded like them from out of their presence by how they dress and think. There are all kinds of ways to eliminate people who are not like minded.

Some will say: I can't do that, wearing a Tee shirt with those pictures on it . We can spend a life time wearing Ignorance yet we can not wear what will help bring us up out of our Ignorance. No you can not do it, because to say you can not do it (negative), the word Can’t is already the roadblock, and the other roadblocks, Won’t and Don’t stands in the gap to see to it we remain defeated.

Some will say: Oh but there must be another way? To state that there is another way means there is another way. Those that say that, You are one of the other ways.

It is 2007, what is another way? Is it the countless going around in circles Marches/protest. NOT. We have marched and protested around the Walls of what we call Evil, and it hasn't fell down yet. Is it the so called black leaders in the system, who are benefiting from the system, who have been neutralized to the point they are not a threat to the system, and surely no help to us? Is it our constantly complaining to a systems who all its agencies are immune to us and our complaints?

Is it the Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad we are still waiting on and leaving the matters in their hands?

The prosecuting attorney in Bell case said that it was Jesus that was on the side of the marchers/protesters. I heard that this Jesus/God is no respect of person. Where was this Jesus when the other black sister was brutalized for a month, and all those other terrorism done to our people? If Jesus showed up in Jena, and did not show up all over this land, as many believers say Jesus is Coming, something is twisted about that Jesus. There maybe more interpretations to this statement. Beloved MS, please share if there is.

Again, what Is the other ways?

Is it me, you, our, we? It Is Us.
There is so much Power in those two lettered, three words, and we still can not see.

What will my neighbors think?

What will our black children think if we do not? We are not in no people pleasing business. We are in the Black Afrikan Liberation/Salvation business.

What will my mate think?

When a male and a Womb-gender is working together for the same purpose and plans, that is like having a union made in Heavenly Soul-Mind. As a Divine SEER Unique Creative Thinker, sometimes we must go it alone, and that is when we learn the Art of Detachment, from that which holds us back. What happened to the to the vows for better or worse?

If we are Thinkers and our mate are Thinkers, then that mate should say, Lets GET IT ON (Tee Shirt).

Ifs, maybes, ands, buts is not a Revolutionary words, and does not lead to Liberation/Salvation, It is Cando or Can't’

These people that say the above need to come face to face with QG Harriet Tubman, she had something they refused to turn down.

The majority of our people are clueless as to what the European New World Order is all about, and we see the makings of it everyday in our lives in the many ongoing and pending wars, the misuse and abuse of people. We can flip that Script, and we can Be the New World Order, Black Shining Meteors Stars, vice running around laughing acting like a clown having fun in a Hell mind-set.
QG Divine Unique Creative Thinker, Harriet Tubman: I could have freed them all had they know they were slaves.

Beloved Ms, I know of a so called Revolutionist brother when three Qg's did what they could do to Steer him in the right direction, he told the sisters to let him stay in his sickness.

I know of another thirty something WG, who was One with me on what was being shared with her, until I gave her some Truth in chunks. She asked me, can she just stay in denial. I said, as much as I do not desire that none shall perish, precious I told her, every person has the right to stay in denial/ignorance. It would have been a waste of Divine energy to continue to spend energy on someone who ask can they stay in denial, when so many others are standing waiting for us to come rescue them out of denial. We win some. We will lose some and we will win some. It does have to be this way.

It is (RAW) Reality And Wisdom, Time. It is times for (ARMS), Afrikans Reality Manifesting Senses.

We need some serious dialog between our people NOW.

We must say to our selves:

I can smell Victory:SuN030:
I can taste Divine Victory
I can feel Divine victory:SuN030:
I see Divine Victory :SuN030:
I can touch Divine Victory:SuN030:

Divine victory is Mine :SuN030:

I AM Divine Victory:SuN030:

Keep In Mind, we are what we Think

:SuN030: :SuN030: :SuN030:

Will this be a Silent Thread?


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