Black People : Why is sex, drugs, and violence glorified in young people's music...

Peace, family,

I wanted to ask why is sex, drugs, and violence glorified in young people's music,

The better off, affluent/upper middle class/better educated/ mostly white, being catered to by the media attacks on less well off/poor/working class/blacks, is nothing new!

but when they engage in sex, drugs, and violence, they are hated for engaging in those activities?

Disappointing, yes!

But hated by whom?!?

Sources of white attacks on all of us, ( even though we condemn and don't condone their backwardness), up to and including white preps fronting like black gangers as they mock such folks fronts etc., in their college campus frat houses, i. e., just another means/ways/etc. to flaunt their egos ad naseum..

Nothing or little different than poking fun at our forebears folk culture aka blacks ministry....

Though the Occupy and Tea Party factions easily reveals there's no 'one size fits all' notion of them either!

Then is: Cowards need scapgoats....

As in, make fun of others, misdirect criticisms of themselves....

You also wrote:

I believe that the music industry purposely gets artists to glorify drugs, sex, and violence.


To undermine the black conscious movement of the sixties and seventies?

Of course!

But, these days we just make noise, whereas in the past folk made moves, i. e., such as boycotts and protests, i. e., our deeds backed up our words...

Simply put, our regression and retreat, which our young people are a case study of, has to be replaced with a rebirth of our desire to be the two equals of whites and/or all other ethnic/racial groups, in this nation....


Peace, family,

I wanted to ask why is sex, drugs, and violence glorified in young people's music, but when they engage in sex, drugs, and violence, they are hated for engaging in those activities?

I believe that the music industry purposely gets artists to glorify drugs, sex, and violence.

Yes, it's on purpose. They're hated for it because it affects more than just themselves, much like music and things like it, and does a lot of harm.
The reason these things are poisoning our children music because, the Parents are lousy and have no clue how to raise children. The Parents themselves buy and listen to these foolish music.

Yes, you do have a right to direct criticisms at the parents/guardians who also buy such crap, then expose their young family members to it as well, but you undermine both the intent and purpose, i .e., by your kneejerk reaction and/or overgeneralizations, etc.

Also disturbing and revealing, once factoring in the african american in the white house, who claims to be cool with the likes of Jayzee etc...

most all the responses here blame and shame the victims. black people.
black people blame and shame themselves. we do the white man's work for him.

the premise is that we all have free will. we do not.

black people are brainwashed and programed. that is the root of self destructive behaviors.
what else could have black people turned against themselves?

Isn’t ANYONE who genuinely believes they are not programmed
graphically illustrating that their programming is COMPLETE?


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