Black Spirituality Religion : The true teachings of Jesus...


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2005
Hello Family,

any thoughts on the quote below?

Jesus came 2,000 years ago in order to re-introduce, among other things, the concept of the holy trinity.
Soon after he passed, the light-skinned races latched onto this concept and corrupted it beyond recognition. Today it is no more than a useless mystery, causing untold confusion as to who God really is.
But He taught other lessons as well. The events associated with his teachings are recorded reasonably accurately in the bible, but the teachings themselves are no longer discernible in the events. As I mentioned before, Jesus came into Palestine at a time when the misery and oppression of Black people living in the middle east was at an all-time high, coming from the Romans, Persians and every race that ever conquered Egypt and the middle east in those days.
He came to offer comfort to Black people, his people, and to remind them of their origins and everlasting glory, which they had forgotten over the passage of many centuries.
One thing he did not come to do was to start a religion or to be worshipped. Yet that was to be expected of the light races, as they have done the same thing with the four other mahdis or messiahs that came before him.
The first lesson he taught was that true love is mind and heart unity. True or divine love happens only when two or more people unite in mind and heart as one person. There is no other kind of real love. Any other kind is material or physical love, of which animals are also capable. He taught this by means of the statements, "I and the father are one" and "I will be there only when two or more of you are united in my name (i.e. in mind and heart unity)."
Jesus, as well as the 6 other mahdis that have been born, are said to have had a "virgin" birth.
Every person born on earth is born with two types of minds; a conscious and unconscious (or subconscious) mind. The unconscious mind is called ancestral memory by our people, and is called the "collective unconscious" by modern psychiatrists. This unconscious mind is not to be confused with suppressed memories. Suppressed memories, or what Freud mistakenly called the subconscious mind, is really part of the conscious mind. It was conscious at one point and became subconscious by being suppressed for various reasons, chief of which is self-preservation in the case where such memories cause trauma.
This type of suppressed memory is not subconscious or unconscious in all people. There are people who have what is called total recall. They never forget anything they have ever experienced. In Africa, such people are called griots, or reciters of tribal history.
True unconscious memory is a gift from our ancestors. It is a record of the lives of our ancestors going back to the beginning of the universe. In the case of the light races, their gift of ancestral memory, or their collective unconscious, only goes back 6,000 years, to their beginning point.
This unconscious mind or ancestral memory is always unconscious in each individual. On the other hand it is always conscious in the 24 Elders, who are the conscious mind of the Nation, or the custodians of eternal consciousness. But it is always unconscious in individuals. It was unconscious when it entered the individual's mind at conception, and remains unconscious until it is kindled by rituals of initiation.
Now it so happens that there are seven individuals who were born on earth with their ancestral memory being conscious from conception. These individuals, when they are born, are said to have had an immaculate conception, or a virgin birth. The gift of ancestral memory, also called the mind of God, comes directly from the 24 Elders. When every individual is born on earth, the Elders send this incarnation or mind of God into that person by "detaching" it from themselves. When the Elders send the incarnation into a newly conceived baby without "detaching" it from themselves, then that ancestral memory becomes conscious in that individual, who is then united with the Elders. The person spontaneously becomes aware of it as soon as he reaches puberty. In Jesus' case this happened when he was 12 years old. Such an individual is sent on a mission by the Elders. By being born in unity with them, he is said to have had an immaculate or virgin birth. Jesus was one of seven such people in the last 6,000 years.
By divine love he meant this unity with the 2 Elders of his tribe, whom he called the Father and Mother. In teaching about true or divine love he said, "Be one with your neighbor even as I and the Father (Mother) are one." That is, people can experience divine love only by being united as one in mind and heart. He did not say, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself", but rather, "Love your neighbor as yourself", meaning you literally become your soul mate, and he/she becomes you, the two as one in divine unity. That was his first lesson.
The next lesson he taught was that in order to reach heaven, or the eternal state of mind in which the Elders live, the individual can only get there through the Son and by the help of the holy spirit, and no other way.
The Judges, the Chiefs, and the Elders form the steps of a pyramid of ascendance, with the Elders being the pinnacle or capstone, the final point of eternity. To climb to this pinnacle during the rituals of initiation, it is necessary that individuals do so with the help of the Judges and Chiefs. In each of the seven great rituals of the Black Nation, the people unite first with the minds of the 144,000 Judges, then with the 144 Chiefs, and only then are they able to reach the state of mind of the Elders. Any other direct way would result in failure, as the divine state of the Elders is too far up to reach without the help of the Chiefs and Judges, who are called the Son (Daughter) and the holy spirit. That is the meaning of the second teaching that one can enter heaven (divine unity) only through the Son (Daughter) and by the help of the holy spirit.
The third fact that Jesus came to remind Black people of is that the Black woman is God, just as perfectly as the Black man. Two thousand years ago Black people who lived in the middle east (especially in the region today called Israel and Palestine) had been under the influence of the light races for so long that they had adopted some of their oppressive customs, especially the evil custom of oppressing women. They believed the lie that the woman was made from the man’s rib. People such as Paul "the apostle" and his followers did the most damage, after Jesus was gone, in furthering this lie. Jesus not only taught that the Black woman was the Black man’s equal and soul mate without whom neither one is complete, but he actually demonstrated this truth in his relationship with Mary of Magdala. He developed a relationship of equality with this Black woman and elevated her to a status beyond even his male disciples. They were initially outraged by his attitude, but soon learned the truth they had forgotten.
Because of his unity with the Chiefs, Jesus also had what is called "supernatural" power, or power over the elements, as in the case of turning water into wine, quieting the seas and so on. He made use of these "miracles" to teach the lesson that Black people are not subject to the laws of nature, but rather the laws of nature are subject to, and originate from us. Our ancestors of his time, in the midst of their misery, had become superstitious and turned to worshipping natural forces in order to placate them. Such behavior was the result of centuries of ignorance and self-forgetfulness. By demonstrating total control of nature, he reminded them that all the laws and conditions of nature originate from the minds of the 144 Chiefs, who are the custodians of all universal conditions.
His fifth lesson had to do with the renewal of the laws of Moses, who came before him as the fourth messiah. Moses established many laws and customs that had been lost. After he passed, the light races turned his laws and customs into oppressive superstitions. Their leaders turned them into religious rituals with which they ruled and oppressed the masses, even as they do today in the superstitious religion called Judaism.
Jesus said he had come to fulfill the laws of Moses, meaning to re-establish them and explain their purpose. Their main purpose was to promote a clean, hygienic way of life, whereby people avoid disease through the proper treatment of their bodies, food, and animals. In addition, the laws served the purpose of promoting peaceful co-existence through the so-called "ten commandments". These two things, proper hygiene and proper social relations, lead to a healthy mind and body, and to peace, both of which are essential for the attainment of divine unity, which is the purpose of life. These simple laws had been corrupted beyond recognition, and Jesus simplified them in his fifth teaching. His sixth lesson was about the origin, nature and destiny of the light races. He described to his disciples all that will happen when the rule of the light races comes to an end. His description of the end times was taken by the races and turned into the scenario of armageddon as it is well known today. He also taught a seventh lesson which completed his mission on earth. I will discuss it at some other time, as it has to do with the process of ascension. [END QUOTE]
Peace Brother Jflex....It is good to see you have continued the work and have made the conscious decision to reintroduce and share this information with us. Two questions:

1.) What is the most effective way, according to this system of information, to tap into (i.e. elicit information from) the subconscious?

2.) Presuming this term 'soulmate' is not just a general term meant to describe any 'close' relationship, how would an individual man or woman recognize their 'soulmate' ......meaning life mating/marriage partner?

Peace and thanks again! :)
Blaklioness said:
Peace Brother Jflex....It is good to see you have continued the work and have made the conscious decision to reintroduce and share this information with us. Two questions:

1.) What is the most effective way, according to this system of information, to tap into (i.e. elicit information from) the subconscious?

2.) Presuming this term 'soulmate' is not just a general term meant to describe any 'close' relationship, how would an individual man or woman recognize their 'soulmate' ......meaning life mating/marriage partner?

Peace and thanks again! :)

What's up Blacklioness? :hi:

1.) "The 2nd level of Blackroots Science is a way to reach the absolute truth by establishing communion with our first Self. To do this, we must gain control of our conscious minds, especially our power to recall. If you want to take part in exercises that will help you re-gain control of your mind and perception, and ultimately establish conscious communion with God incarnated in you, then join us in the 2nd level"...

Basically Blacklioness, In level 2 there are very simple observation and recall exercises that are done on a semi-regular basis. For example I'm going to remember typing this reply to you as a part of my observation and recall for today. It's pretty simple, and very effective.

2.) "We were also saying every Black person has a complement. A complement is a person who completes you. You may think as a man or a woman you are a complete person. But we are taught otherwise.
We are taught the true meaning of the childish story about Eve coming from the rib of Adam. Although Adam and Eve refer to the light races, the part about the rib points to the way in which people are born on earth.
Every two people of opposite gender are united as one in mind before birth. When they are born, they separate, one being born as a baby boy and the other somewhere else as a baby girl. To the immature mind of white people, who are but yesterday's children compared to the eternalness of Black people, the story of the separation of one mind into two was explained to them in a sort of picture-book manner appropriate to the level of their mentality. They were taught that Eve came from the rib of Adam (or Adam from the rib of Eve, because the separation can be looked at either way).
Every man is incomplete without a woman, and every woman is incomplete without a man.
Each one becomes complete when he or she unites with his or her complement. This is Divine Love, as opposed to fleshly or material love. Now I'm not passing judgment on love. I'm not qualified to do that, nor is anyone else. I'm simply stating facts as they are known to me, so please bear with me. This question of complements is important for the understanding of why the ancient society was organized the way it was."

Blacklioness, my understanding of the above is that prior to the creation of the non-blacks, (6000 yrs ago) we had no problem identifying our soulmates, it was an important aspect of our continuos nation building, as a result of our "induced" self-forgetfulness, during this current cycle, we can no longer easily I.D. our mates. This however, is a temporary problem that will end soon.

How much did you read and what other questions do you have?
Jflex! said:
What's up Blacklioness? :hi:

1.) "The 2nd level of Blackroots Science is a way to reach the absolute truth by establishing communion with our first Self. To do this, we must gain control of our conscious minds, especially our power to recall. If you want to take part in exercises that will help you re-gain control of your mind and perception, and ultimately establish conscious communion with God incarnated in you, then join us in the 2nd level"...

Basically Blacklioness, In level 2 there are very simple observation and recall exercises that are done on a semi-regular basis. For example I'm going to remember typing this reply to you as a part of my observation and recall for today. It's pretty simple, and very effective.

2.) "We were also saying every Black person has a complement. A complement is a person who completes you. You may think as a man or a woman you are a complete person. But we are taught otherwise.
We are taught the true meaning of the childish story about Eve coming from the rib of Adam. Although Adam and Eve refer to the light races, the part about the rib points to the way in which people are born on earth.
Every two people of opposite gender are united as one in mind before birth. When they are born, they separate, one being born as a baby boy and the other somewhere else as a baby girl. To the immature mind of white people, who are but yesterday's children compared to the eternalness of Black people, the story of the separation of one mind into two was explained to them in a sort of picture-book manner appropriate to the level of their mentality. They were taught that Eve came from the rib of Adam (or Adam from the rib of Eve, because the separation can be looked at either way).
Every man is incomplete without a woman, and every woman is incomplete without a man.
Each one becomes complete when he or she unites with his or her complement. This is Divine Love, as opposed to fleshly or material love. Now I'm not passing judgment on love. I'm not qualified to do that, nor is anyone else. I'm simply stating facts as they are known to me, so please bear with me. This question of complements is important for the understanding of why the ancient society was organized the way it was."

Blacklioness, my understanding of the above is that prior to the creation of the non-blacks, (6000 yrs ago) we had no problem identifying our soulmates, it was an important aspect of our continuos nation building, as a result of our "induced" self-forgetfulness, during this current cycle, we can no longer easily I.D. our mates. This however, is a temporary problem that will end soon.

How much did you read and what other questions do you have?

Ok...thanks and congratulations on your status as a premium member!! :)

Another question (and I'll add more as they occur or re-occur): If we cannot typically readily identify them, what kind of steps do we take to prepare for their arrival into our individual lives? Peace!
he had come to fulfill the laws of Moses, meaning to re-establish them and explain their purpose. Their main purpose was to promote a clean, hygienic way of life, whereby people avoid disease through the proper treatment of their bodies, food, and animals. In addition, the laws served the purpose of promoting peaceful co-existence through the so-called "ten commandments".

My thoughts to this is that His fulfilling wasn't exactly a re-establishing, but a freedom for His faithful that would follow. For His sacrifice in the Body for our iniquities, and His Resurrection in the Body on the 3rd day, the Way we live, those who believe and have faith as they should, is justified of the Son before our Father because of that very faith He has brought us.

He has indeed taught us to have a clean Body, or Temple, as He does, but not exactly how some have thought. With keeping His commandments, keeping the 10 commandments, in faith, we can live knowing we do righteously before our KING.



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Sis Cherryblossom,
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