Black Christians : King David~The Red Brother & The Philistines

Chevron Dove

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2009
King David~ The Red Brother & The Philistines --

4000s bc-------3500s-------2356----2000s-----1516---1436---1030---1000-------Roman Empire

4000s BC --------- Creation of Adam
1516 BC --------- The Birth of Moses ~ Pharaoh Amenophis II ~ his daughter Bithia
1436 BC --------- The Exodus ~ September 14 ~ around Midnight ~ Pharaoh King Tut
1030 BC ---------- The Birth of David
1000 BC ---------- David becomes King

1~Before David Becomes King

And the LORD said unto Samuel, How long wilt thou mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? …I will send thee to Jesse the Bethlehemite: for I have provided me a king among his sons.

And he sent, and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to. And the LORD said, Arise, anoint him: for this is he.
1SAMUEL 16: 1, 12.​

The Adversaries to the Bible has brought confusion in regards to the presence of the Hebrew Israelites, but the words in the Bible define them from their very foundation. From the time of their ancestor Abram [AbraHam] and for about the next four hundred (400) years, the Hebrew Israelites became suppressed along with the original people of Africa, the Hamites, based upon the Color Caste System that became apart of Egypt’s history. Because the Hebrew descendants of Shem and AbraHam inter-mixed with the Hamitic people of the lands for about 400 years, they would be defined from then on as an Hamitic-typed people. Because of their experience of being suppressed within an environment in which Color Supremacy was prevalent, just like us today, they continued to manifest conflicts with these issues within their own cultures after they left from the Egyptian system and onward. The Bible records these Color conflicts, Color Messiness, that the Hebrews manifested from the very time they were made to leave Egypt up through the very time they went back into Captivity and were eventually scattered from ‘the Middle East’ byway of the Assyrian Empire in the 600s BC and up through the time of the Roman Empire. Starting from the Northern Nation of Israel in the 600s BC, the Hebrews began to go through a Diaspora and were scattered all over the world. Back and around the time of David’s birth in 1030 BC, which was about four hundred years before the Diaspora began, the Hebrews had been in ‘the Middle East’ for about another four hundred (400) years. David was born in a time that also became known as ‘the Dark Age’ as a result of what actually happened due to THE EXODUS and the subsequent collapse of the 18th Dynasty Tuthmosis Kings. David’s first notable mark in time came when he was given the right to challenge Goliath, a giant who fought for the Philistines, and David slew him. It would be this story that sheds more light on the continued Color problems that plagues this world as a result of White Supremacist of whom migrated into the western world in ancient times to set up their systems. And the Bible gives detail to the fact that David was defined as being ‘ruddish’ in his appearance for a reason and this truth has been suppressed over the course of thousands of years.

A. THE 1st DARK AGE ~ 1300s B.C.
There were two Dark Ages recorded in history; (1) the first Dark Age happened after the downfall of the 18th Dynasty Tuthmosis kings and, (2) the second Dark Age happened over a thousand years later after the collapse of the Roman Empire. Both of these time periods are written from a White ‘Eurocentric’ perspective, but nonetheless it was a time period that needs to be understood in order to understand Black History. After the last ‘king’ [inherited ruler] of the 18th Dynasty died, King Tut, there were two recorded rulers that ruled over the once powerful system. When secular scholars’ records are considered in contrast and comparison to the Bible timelines, it becomes obvious that there was a deliberate attempt in our modern age to ‘change the dates and time’ and bring confusion to the actual happenings of this time period when the 18th Dynasty ended and the 19th Dynasty began. Research shows that these time alterations were made, for the most part, and targets the end of the time period of the 12th Dynasty up until the time of Alexander-the-great in 332 BC. But because of the advent of the Star of Bethlehem, this time discrepancy becomes easy to correct. The 18th Dynasty began in the year 1662 BC, but most secular scholars date it to be exactly a 100 year difference and in the year 1552 BC and cover up their debauchery by presenting confusion. So in regards to the 18th Dynasty, 100 years needs to be added to the dates presented and this would put time back in sync with science and the proper measurement of time and in regards to this time in history.

The 19th Dynasty, under Rameses II, was presented to us as the time when Moses led masses of people out of Egypt, but this can easily be seen as a deliberate falsehood for certain reasons. Moses was named after the 18th Dynasty kings, the Tuthmosis [Tuth-MOSIS], of which he shares the same ethnic name ‘MOSES’, and obviously if the Hebrews were in about 400 years of captivity, then it would have been during the entire time of the 18th Dynasty and under the prior Hyksos rulers as well. It was the Death Plague that really marks the beginning of the downfall of the 18th Dynasty, and this phenomenon matches the Biblical Exodus and the written records of the 18th Dynasty as well as other systems in the region with regards to mysterious plagues at that time period. An high dignitary in Egypt, Smenekakare, the one who sat on the throne of King Tut, died that very year. And a few years later, King Tut died as well, leaving no heir to the throne. So by the time the 19th Dynasty formed, there were also two other rulers of the 18th Dynasty and then Seth I [Seti I] and Rameses I ruled, even before Rameses-the-great [Rameses II] ever came to power. Moses would have been 120 years old at that time. These happenings that occurred between the time of the downfall of the 18th Dynasty and the rise of the 19th Dynasty and the rise of Rameses II, a period of about forty (40) years, marks the beginning of the Dark Age.

During the forty (40) years in the Sinai Peninsula, the Hebrews developed their post-captivity culture and then Joshua-the-Warlord came forth at around the same time that Rameses II did and began to fight against the people of Levant and etc.. Thus, this would be around the beginning time of the First Dark Age for the many, many, white people that had previously lived in Black lands and elsewhere and had benefited from the powerful Egyptian system that provided them with the wealth of Africa for hundreds and hundreds of years. Black people rose up everywhere and overthrew White Supremacist systems ran mostly by puppet kings. This time was also marked by the Fall of Troy and the later story of this account known as ‘the Trojan Horse’. Like the Hebrews, the Black Greeks became violent and overthrew their captivity from the Mycenaean Greeks and other White Greek systems as well. But a couple of hundreds of years later, white people began to migrate back into the Black lands with their Black relations and with the quest to regain control as in the past. And the Philistines were one kind of Black people that were sought out once again to support this cause, thus David the Hebrew arose during these times to repel these aggressions towards his people. And in order to suppress this history about the Hebrews, White Supremacist have worked diligently to exploit.

So from the time of Moses and Joshua up until the time of David, it was about 400 years and during that time of the Dark Age, it was also known as THE TIME OF JUDGES for the Hebrews, and Samson became the last judge for their system. After the death of Samson, the Hebrews appealed to their priesthood to set up another system, a kingdom, and therefore, Saul and then David became appointed as kings for the Hebrews and thus began a new time period that became known as ‘THE TIME OF KINGS’. The Hebrews were constantly being harassed byway of the Philistines and the reason has to do with a new movement to reset up old White Systems. This time can be marked to occur just after the abrupt overthrow of the Kassites in Babylon. Where did many of these Kassite go?

Today, tradition refers to a supposed ancient rift between that of the Philistines and the Israelites and of which caused an eternal hatred between the two that will never end, but however, this would not be truth with regards to the original Hebrews and the original Philistines. The conflicts that did arise in ancient times as well as modern times has to do with the presence of White Supremacist that took the opportunity to cause dissention between the two civilizations. In these modern times, this falsity was advanced due to the white presence in Philistine and ‘the Israeli State’ that concerns their modern day conflicts that has arisen as a result of a 1945 ‘Israeli State’ created byway of the western powers. Though the original Philistines conflicted with the original Hebrews, their were times that they were on friendly terms as the story of David reveals. Furthermore and as a matter of record, this bond of friendship that occurred between the Philistines and the Hebrews has been confirmed with the very story of AbraHam and a Philistim man [Philistine man] as they both made an oath on that very basis. It was recorded with much detail in the Bible and in addition, this man even allowed AbraHam to actually live in his land, his borders for many years. AbraHam did not even live in ‘the Promised Land’ [Canaan land] for most of his life in ‘the Middle East’ but lived in the land of the Philistines because he was allowed! At any rate, when certain white people began a movement to reset up their ancient white dominated cities in the land of the Philistines, this kind of exploitation of the original Philistines did cause conflicts between them and the Hebrews.

These conflicts that occurred off and on between the Philistines and the Hebrews became marked around the time of Samson. But in order to understand how these ancient Black peoples became exploited and conflicted, a better understanding of the origins of the Philistines becomes necessary. According to the Bible, the Philistines [Philistim people] are descendants of Ham [Cham] and Mizraim-Ham, and they inherited this land from Noah. However, the Bible also records specifically how they became dominant in the region along the Mediterranean coast situated between the Amalekites [Celts] on the south and the Canaanites to the north of them, also along the sea coast. The Philistim people came from an earlier man, named ‘Casluhim’ and this would be the key. He was part white and connected to the Canaanites, meaning Mizraim bonded with a white woman from the Canaanite experience. The Philistine people then came from this man but history shows that many of them retained their Hamitic ethnicity apart from other descendants that came from Casluhim. The Philistines that retained their identity with Ham, intermixed with other Black people living around them such as ‘the Ethiopians’ of Cush Ham and other Mizri people. Nevertheless, they were continually exploited due to the kind of white people that were attached to their connections with their ancestor Casluhim. And from his root name ‘Cas’ [Casluhim], well, the history becomes extensive and seemingly never ending. He becomes the origins of the term ‘GAZA’ [also ‘Khazites’, Khasi, Khazakhstan…Ghazi, Cassite/Kassite…] and the reason why Philistine history was continually flooded with the presence of white people in ancient times setting up in these lands of Ham. Casluhim was also the ancestor of ‘the Caphtorim people’.

Again, one major reason why some early Philistines retained an ethnic presence was due to early bonds that they made with other Hamitic men, especially with Kush Ham [Cush]. The uniqueness about the original Hamites, especially Kush Ham, that sets them apart from other early Black civilizations was that in their origins, they initially set up on the basis of ‘a BROTHERHOOD BOND’ that consisted predominantly of other Hamites. It would be for this reason that prophecy reveals that the Cush Hamites are the best of the best. Their beginning works dictate their end and they will be forever the leaders. During the first generations after the Great World Flood, Hamitic men that became apart of the Kush-ite cultures, formed Brotherhood bonds and as result, their early generations that came forth were men and women of their own experience. Not only that but, because of their ancestor, Ham [Cham], early Hamites became masters at many skills. It was Ham, the third son of Noah that learned most of what Noah had to offer, and Noah was a genius. Therefore, one of the main definitions of the very name of ‘Ham’ means ‘GREAT BUILDER’. Specific Hamitic men became known for being masters at city building, masters at engineering irrigation systems, masters at shipbuilding, masters of applied sciences, masters at math and calculations, masters of script and so many other skills and it was all because they had respect to their father and to Noah and therefore, they received formal training from the best at an early time. They formed such strong cultures in their beginnings and for this reason, they were appealed to from the early descendants of Shem; the original Greeks. For this reason, the land of the Philistines also became apart of this time period and eventually, they became incorrectly defined as ‘a Greek Civilization’ due to the Greek peoples that became apart of the Philistine history. And this confusion can be marked by the time of the collapse of the Greek Minoan Civilization of which began to occur due to a cataclysmic occurrence of which just happens to be in 1662 BC, the same year that the Moses Brothers overthrew the Hyksos rule and began the 18th Dynasty.

The Greek Minoan island Civilization was defined by the presence of ‘the Minoans’, but the Minoans were not original Greek people. They were Hamitic in origin, mainly Cush Hamitic, but also because of their early brotherhood formations, they also consisted of the presence of the Mizri people of Mizraim Ham. However, they became defined as being apart of this Greek civilization and therefore, this would be why the history of the Philistines also became defined as being Greek by many people. It was because they consisted of the same kind of Cush-Miszi men that built up the Greek civilizations and their history goes along with this time period. These early Hamites were sought out by the original Greeks to build up their lands and palaces and again, many Cush-Mizri people [Musri] remained in Greek lands, intermixed with the original Greeks and became apart of the Greek experience. These Black Greek Minoan men were so awesome that they soon became regarded as gods. And eventually because of flattery, they accepted into their borders, many different kinds of white pagan people, idol makers, that migrated back into their lands. This was repeated history! And it was the Mycenaean Greeks, White Greeks [White Canaanite Celtic origins], that eventually dominated this Greek-Minoan civilization. This already happened before, about 400 years prior, when the Creator God threw down the earlier Hamitic civilizations of Babylon and other civilizations that stemmed from Cush Ham men before the earth split! So as before, these generations of Black men of Greek-Minoah became so flattered by the praise, the idols, and trade items made and given to them, they became really evil and began to suppress their own people severely. More importantly, they began to worship Ashteroth and turned against their own woman kind, and by the third generations, the Color Caste system had become apart of their lives. Once again the Creator God threw them down. And this would be the background of the Philistines and why they eventually became defined as PALESTINIANS instead of PHILISTINES. And the presence of Goliath of Gath bares this evidence.

Goliath of Gath was a Mycenaean Greek, and not an original Philistine. And this brings us to the Biblical term of which has not been brought to light; THE LORDS OF THE PHILISTINES. The Biblical term ‘the Lords of the Philistines’ would be a phrase to specify that these men were ‘White Greeks’, or ‘Paleste’, and mark a new time period. Unlike the original Hamites in other lands of Ham, of whom dominated their own inherited lands by ‘kingship’, the Greek civilization did not begin in that way. Hamitic men could only have the right to dominate their lands and rule based upon their male lineage, but the original Greeks of Shem differed in that they originally set up on the basis of leagues, and as a result, many different kinds of people became apart of the Greek civilizations and took dominion over certain lands and peoples and ruled as Greeks. This too, was the reason why Greek history became drenched in a history of internal wars and conflicts. When the original Semites realized that their lands became compromised by the foreign people they welcomed and at times intermixed with, and when they were sought out to be suppressed by foreign ‘Greeks’, they would always rebel and become hostile. Nevertheless, it was their foundation. And this was the process in which ‘the Lords of the Philistines’ [Palestinians, or White Philistia & etc.] of whom had intermixed with White Greeks, came to dominate the land of the original Philistines. The original Philistines had embraced the Greek civilizations and became suppressed byway of the kind of foreign Greeks and White Philistines that had dominated their lands and set up in the Greek way, an avenue that allowed other foreign White people to become their lords.

So with a clarification of the meaning of ‘the Lords of the Philistines’, the accounts of Samson, Saul, and David might be better understood. Unlike David, Samson idolized Ashteroth, and even though he was able to dominate and intimidate the Philistines for twenty years, his downfall was based upon his earlier conflicts that involved a Timnite [ie. Timen, a predominantly tall, White people] woman he married. According to the Bible, she was later killed in retaliation of Samsun’s actions, and even though it took twenty years, the Philistines took revenge upon him again and brought him down by deceptive methods by appealing to the woman he adored. Samson had another relationship with a White woman, a White Greek woman, Delilah [as her historical name reveals], and through her, he was stocked and eventually held captive by the Philistines and he remained so until his death. As the story goes, Delilah went back and forth from Samsun to ‘the Lords of the Philistines’ and she eventually revealed to them how to overpower him. Samson trusted her because after all, she was his lover. And the contradiction was that although Samson had enough confrontations with certain Philistines, he continued to embrace the women of their culture and could not view the kind of Philistine people he accepted as they viewed him. Now though, with a better clarification of the term ‘Lords of the Philistines’, the later conflicts that occurred amongst them and both Saul and David might be better appreciated. Cont.

Then went Samson to Gaza, and saw there an harlot, and went in unto her. And it was told the Gazites, saying, Samson is come hither. And they compassed him in, and laid wait for him all night in the gate of the city, and were quiet all the night, saying, In the morning, when it is day, we shall kill him.

And Samson lay till midnight, and arose at midnight, and took the doors of the gate of the city, and the two posts, and went away with them, bar and all, and put them upon his shoulders, and carried them up to the top of an hill that is before Hebron.

And it came to pass afterward, that he loved a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah. And the lords of the Philistines came up unto her, and said unto her, Entice him, and see wherein his great strength lieth, and by what means we may prevail against him, that we may bind him to afflict him: and we will give thee every one of us eleven hundred pieces of silver. And Delilah said to Samson, Tell me, I pray thee, wherein thy great strength lieth, and wherewith thou mightest be bound to afflict thee…
JUDGES 16: 1-6.​

Kassite (Cassite) language …Genetic relations of the Kassite language are unclear, although it surely was neither Indo-European nor Semitic; relation with Elamite is doubtful…

Much is uncertain concerning the Kassites, we know little about their culture as well as where they came from. One of the most likely suggestions is that their origin was in the Zagros Mountains* in today's Iran. 1158:… This becomes the end of the Kassite dynasty.

Physical appearance of many Khasis include earthy complexions through to Anglo and other European influenced complexions. They do not possess the stereotypical mainland Indian features…

*Note: The date 1158 BC would have been around the time of the reset up of the Philistia. [Zagros: Zag--Gaz; in reverse script, Gaza]

Smenkhkare --
1336 - 1335
Smenkhkare was an ephemeral Pharaoh of the late Eighteenth Dynasty of whom very little is known for certain. Traditionally he is seen as Akhenaten's co-regent and immediate successor and predecessor of Tutankhamun and is assumed to be a close, male relative of those two kings

The Thebans under Ahmose I (the founder of the 18th dynasty) finally expelled the Hyksos and reunited Egypt for the third time in 1552 BC which is marks the beginning the period of New Kingdom.

*Note: 1336 + 100 years = 1436 BC, the same time as Bible timeline of Exodus.
1552 + 100 years = 1662 BC, same time of end of Minoa, based on my research.

dated the eruption between 1660 and 1613 with a 95% confidence. Vinther

New Evidence Spurs Fresh Thinking on Ancient Civilizations
Published: May 2, 2006

Imagine if the chronology of early American history were off by 100 years, and it was really 1392 when Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Scholars have long argued over the possibility of a time discrepancy of similar magnitude for a crucial period in the Late Bronze Age of Greece and the Aegean world.

One group of researchers, led by Sturt Manning, a Cornell archaeologist, reported in the current issue of the journal Science that the eruption occurred between 1660 B.C. and 1613 B.C.


1 Samuel 13:13-14


1. In Paul's sermon at Antioch, in which he briefly recounts the
history of Israel, he refers to the statement made by God concerning

"I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who
will do all My will." - Ac 13:22
(cf. 1Sa 13:13-14)

2. This beautiful compliment, "a man after My own heart", is one that should characterize every person who wears the name of Christ

a. For David was not only the ancestor of Christ according to the
b. But he possessed many of the attitudes that:
1) Were later perfected by Christ
2) Should characterize all those who are disciples of Christ

3. In this study we shall...
a. Consider some of these attitudes that David had
b. See the similarities between his attitudes and those of Christ
c. And encourage all who are Christians to have the same so that we
too might be people "after God's own heart"

[We begin, then, by noticing that...]


A. "OH, HOW I LOVE YOUR LAW!" - Ps 119:97
1. In this psalm, if not written by David it certainly expresses
his sentiment found elsewhere, we find one who has a great
love for God's Word - cf. Ps 119:47-48
2. This love for God's Word is due to the fact that...
a. It protects him from sin - Ps 119:11
b. It revives him in affliction - Ps 119:50
c. It gives him great peace of mind - Ps 119:165

1. As is evident from His frequent quotation of it
2. Especially at the time of His temptation - Mt 4:4,7,10

1. Do we "hide" it in our heart?
2. Do we find it to be a source of comfort in times of
3. Does it give us peace of mind?
4. If not, we should give heed to the instructions of David in
Ps 1:1-3
a. Learn to delight in the Word
b. Learn to meditate upon it daily
-- Then we will be truly "blessed"!

[We next see that...]


1. His love for prayer was based upon the fact God had answered
him before - Ps 116:1-2
2. It was based upon the fact that God had greatly blessed him
- Ps 116:12-13
3. It was based upon the fact that prayer brought God close to
him - Ps 145:18

1. He made it a point to often slip away to pray privately - Lk
2. In times of greatest trial, Jesus resorted to prayer...
a. At Gethsemane - Mt 26:36-44
b. On the cross:
1) "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they
do." - Lk 23:34
2) "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?" - Mt 27:46
3) "Father, into your hands I commend My Spirit." - Lk

1. Have we found it to be a source of peace "which surpasses all
understanding"? - Php 4:6-7
2. Do we "pray without ceasing"? - 1Th 5:17
3. If not, then let David instruct us to depend upon prayer for
our very preservation - Ps 32:6-7

[In addition to the Word of God and prayer...]


1. He praised God because of His righteous judgments
2. He praised God because of His greatness and lovingkindness
- Ps 95:1-7
3. And he was determined to sing praises as long as he lived
- Ps 104:33

1. As He did on one occasion publicly in prayer - cf. Mt 11:25-26
2. As He did with his disciples in song - cf. Mt 26:30

1. Do we delight in singing praises to God in song?
2. Do we take time to praise God in our prayers?
3. Once again, David has words to encourage us in this activity
- Ps 147:1
-- Thus it is becoming for those who profess to be children of
God to praise their Heavenly Father!

[We note also that...]


1. David knew the value of good friendship and unity, as
exemplified in the relationship he had with Jonathan - 1 Sam
2. He also knew the terrible pain of division within a family
(cf. his sons, Amnon and Absalom - 2Sa 13)

1. He prayed diligently that His disciples might be one - Jn 17:
2. He died on the cross that there might be unity - Ep 2:13-16

1. By diligently displaying the proper attitudes necessary to
preserve the unity Christ has accomplished through His death?
- cf. Ep 4:1-3
2. By marking those who needlessly cause division? - Ro 16:17

[Finally, we note that...]


A. "I HATE EVERY FALSE WAY" - Ps 119:104
1. His hatred was based upon his understanding of God's precepts
- cf. Ps 119:104
2. His hatred affected his selection of activities and friends
- cf. Ps 101:3-4,6-7

1. As manifested in His driving the moneychangers out of the
temple - Mt 21:12-13
2. As manifested in His denunciation of the hypocritical
Pharisees, scribes, and lawyers - cf. Mt 23:13-36

1. Are we soft or compromising?
2. Or do we realize that we are involved in a "battle" over the
souls of men, and are not to think lightly of that which is
false? - cf. 2Co 10:3-5
3. While we are to love the sinner, we must ever hate the sin!


1. In closing, we note that it was said concerning David that he was
one "...who will do all My will." - Ac 13:22
a. Because he was "a man after God's own heart" and had all these
attributes we have considered in this lesson...
b. God was confident that David would do ALL that God asked of him

2. Thus it requires all of the attributes to motivate one to be
faithful to all that God may ask
a. We have seen where Jesus possessed them, and He was certainly
motivated to do the Father's will - cf. Jn 4:34; Mt 26:42
b. How about us? Are we motivated to do ALL of God's will?

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the
kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is
in heaven. (Mt 7:21)

1 Samuel 13:13-14


1. In Paul's sermon at Antioch, in which he briefly recounts the
history of Israel, he refers to the statement made by God concerning

"I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who
will do all My will." - Ac 13:22
(cf. 1Sa 13:13-14)

2. This beautiful compliment, "a man after My own heart", is one that should characterize every person who wears the name of Christ

a. For David was not only the ancestor of Christ according to the
b. But he possessed many of the attitudes that:
1) Were later perfected by Christ
2) Should characterize all those who are disciples of Christ







...Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the
kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is
in heaven. (Mt 7:21)

Great read!

And this is such a great reminder to keep pressing for God's approval not man:

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the
kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is
in heaven. (Mt 7:21)


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