
  1. Clyde C Coger Jr

    Black History : Could Reparations Help Close the American Racial Divide?

    ... Yes, of course Could Reparations Help Close the American Racial Divide? The racial divide continues to plague America. It is well worth spending a large amount of funds—if it can finally be healed Specific suggestions for reparations tend to involve large sums of money being allocated to...
  2. Clyde C Coger Jr

    Black People Politics : The white élites who fund Black Lives Matter

    In the Spirit of Finance, The white élites who fund Black Lives Matter The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement began in 2013 with the use of the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media, after the acquittal of half-Latino George Zimmerman in the shooting death of black Trayvon Martin. In...