Black People : White Anthropologists Say they were Here Before the Indians


Watch Her Flow
Mar 22, 2004
Where the Niger meets the Nile
Now I HAVE heard everything. These supposed to be respectable anthropologist are reaching for straws in their pathetic attempt to absolve themselves from their cosmic debt

!!!Camped on an ice island to wait out an Atlantic storm??!!!POLEEEEEEEEEEASE.

Now let's see when did the Native Americans arrive here and when did the Europeans arrive inn Europe

If Europeans came here 18,000 years ago they would have had to come here before they went to Europe so where did they come from? Let's see, we know all civilization began in Africa. So the Europeans left Africa and came to the Americas before they went to Europe. But a funny thing happened on the way to the Americas. Somewhere on the Atlantic ocean they lost their color. Hmm maybe trying to cross the ocean in a tiny boat made of animal skins will do that to you.
River, correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding of the article is, not that Europeans were the first to inhabit America. The article is saying that, Europeans had colonized America long before Christopher Columbus (another white man) set out on his voyage to America. In other words the article is saying that Christopher was not the first white man to so call "discover" America.

"LONDON — Stone Age Europeans were the first trans-Atlantic sailors. Columbus and the Vikings were mere ocean-crossing latecomers, according to a leading American anthropologist. Dennis Stanford, of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, says Neolithic fishermen and hunters sailed the Atlantic in tiny boats made of animal skins 18,000 years ago and colonized the eastern United States."

Also, it looks like the person who wrote this article is making an arugement that just as Asians colonized ancient American, Europeans also played a colonizing role in ancient America as well. It's almost as if the author of the article is presenting a who colonized America first arguement, between Asians and ancient Europeans and Christopher Columbus.

"The theory that prehistoric Europeans colonized America was first put forward in the 1950s by archaeologist Frank Hibben, but was discredited by evidence supporting the notion the continent was populated 20,000 to 15,000 years ago by Asian migrants who walked across the land bridge then linking Siberia with Alaska, and who then trekked south through the continent.

Stanford does not disagree Asian folk colonized ancient America, but argues current genetic and archaeological evidence shows an influx of Europeans must also have taken place. The prime candidates for these migrants are the Solutrean people who lived in Spain 23,000 to 18,000 years ago and later colonized parts of France and Ireland."

Not only that, I think the title of the article says it all...

"Evidence grows N. America's first colonizers were European"

A Fool will tell you Anything that is Foolish*


It is said by our great wise men and women..."That a Fool is a person who "Never" changes...but a wise man and woman...changes often".

We know today that the "Fools" who have oppressed Us have...never changed. We have been the ones who have 'Changed'! All of the Crazy-Laws that they have come up with over the centuries are still on their "Racist-Books"...but we will not allow them to enforce them on us today...even though they would certainly love to. So...all they do is try and re-arrange their racist thinking and come at us from a different direction until we discover that and stop them again. We are the ones who make 'Change'!

What is a fool? A fool is one who speaks with out knowledge of what he / she is saying. A fool is one who only repeats what another fool has said with no understanding of anything. A fool is a person who don't know and don't want to know because they are comfortable with the "Rut / Box" they are in and have sold their Spirituality for a mind controlling "Religion" that tells them how to go "Sleep-Walking".

A fool will go to war as soon as what he / she said is challenged by any who don't agree with their "Ignorance". Only a fool uses "Fear and Intimidation" to make them self appear invincible and superior to every one else. A fool is one who only is concerned with pleasing his or her own pleasures at the expense of all else...even though it will cause their own self destruction in the end.

A fool is a person who does not learn from their own mistakes and "Errors"! Who needs a fool? The white race has no cultural history what so ever that they did not steal from the original black people of the "Earth"...this is "Fact"!
All of them will lie at the drop of a hat for no long as it suits their racist / insane purpose to maintain control and protect the "System of White Supremacy" from its inevitable...extinction!!

Children of the black so-called African,...Know that the so-called "White Race" has only "Stolen Your Black Cultural Legacy" from you and then put them self in your place in history but in reality...they have nothing what so ever to offer "Us"...even unto this vary day and time.

We must know that a fool in charge will get people we have witnessed. A fool teaches others to be fools like them self. Let the fools say what they will...but that does not mean that we have to listen to them speaking in crazy "Tungs"...that even they...don't understand !!



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Sis Cherryblossom,
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