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  • If there is no empathy or sympathy being exibited, i. e., if you aren't taking into consideration even the parties that disagree care as much as you do, then your attemps at 'tough love' will have you coming across as preaching., not as reaching or teaching...

    Some things I leave to those who are better qualified to, and others respect their right to, as well...

    Some people say that I come across too hard, and I hit this subject matter with too much ferocity. But the truth of the matter is that intelligent Black men like myself have been silent for too long! We are only going to stop the nonsense when we take a firm stand; and articulate exactly what we expect and why we’re displeased in no uncertain terms.
    Good morning, and thank you for your reply, but I did and do get your point(s)...If others didn't or haven't...That should easily reveal something undeniable and regrettable about them too...FYI...
    I. e., what is working (for some) is on the immediate side, but in the long run will undermine the status of their children...What you are gettting back are denials (as to the future status of their children) and excuses (how heavily they are into denial about it all)...A case study of the 'miseducation of the negro' ala 2011...FYI...
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