Black People : Young Voters!


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2006
Why does the government want to push young voters away? Why do they keep building us up that are vote counts, and this time is different? When in reality it's all the same, money always equals power. I no longer believe that Obama is gonna win. Cause their already talking about THE SUPER DELEGATES possibly still being able to vote for Hillary even if he's ahead in the count.[For the record I have nothing against Hillary] Why the **** would they do that? Would they not see how many millions of voters they are turning off, and tuning out their opinion and voice. Shouldn't we have trust in our government? Why are their even super delegates, what makes their vote more important than any one person?
BallOfConfusion said:
Why does the government want to push young voters away? Why do they keep building us up that are vote counts, and this time is different? When in reality it's all the same, money always equals power. I no longer believe that Obama is gonna win. Cause their already talking about THE SUPER DELEGATES possibly still being able to vote for Hillary even if he's ahead in the count.[For the record I have nothing against Hillary] Why the **** would they do that? Would they not see how many millions of voters they are turning off, and tuning out their opinion and voice. Shouldn't we have trust in our government? Why are their even super delegates, what makes their vote more important than any one person?




hmmm..looks like the younger generations really made a difference the last twenty years.

My friend it is like the story of Santa..eventually reality takes the place of fantasy and naivety. After weaving through the 'feel good' stuff about voting, you start to see the truth. I started paying attention to politics during the 2000 U.S coup..voted for the first time in 2004, and i'm already cynical about the whole dang system. When we read about things like redistricting, gerrymandering, rigged polling stations, 'think-tanks', powerful lobbies and lobbyists,financiers, bankers ( or banksters, thugs in suits), and the electoral colllege we realize that there are certain forces at work that take it out of our hands.

I'd like to believe that my genreation can make a difference, but currently don't think so. The electoral college alone kills any type of excitement for me. We already learned our lesson in this State of Indiana when we came out in droves to vote for Kerry, but it didn't mean a thing because of the winner take all electoral system. The system is seemingly set in stone..imo the best we can do is get informed and try to educated our future generations the best we can.


You've done a poor job educating if we're counting on guys like this to get our young to vote or get informed.

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