- Sep 27, 2005
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The law of attraction brings the truth to those who seek it out. And the truth is that WE WERE ALREADY HERE ON 'TURTLE ISLAND' --going back to Africa, is therefore:some groups of people lack compassion and benevolence.
i do not honor them with the term African. i consider them as reptiles.
a. n/a (non applicable)
b. null
c. void
d. No longer up for discussion
Yes, it is true ---some groups TRULY lack compassion and benevolence. Yet all peoples come from Africa --so whether or not you honor them is of no consequence. The primary topic of discussion here is that those who are inhumane are telling the original, natural people of this continent to go back to Africa. This statement is based upon a false perception of history. And truthfully, it is they who need to leave America and return to Europe. There was a time when WE 'indigenous' people had no answer for this false statement. Yet WE live in the age of information. Nothing is hidden.