Black Poetry : You Came to Me


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2001
Technical Support engineer
You came to me…
Said you need to get on your feet…
Asked me for a G
So you can get some weed…

Picture dhat…
How you figure your pockets are gonna get phat
How you figure that dough won’t go…
When you get picked up by the Po…lice

Now what you gonna do…
Can you still get on your feet?
Or you just can’t wait to get back on the street
….Just to sell some more weed….

You said no one will hire you..
And jobs keep firing you…
You came to me for a hook up…
And you had me fuked up…

But I looked out…got you job
At my job…something small
But surely good….With yo background…
But you got caught…smoking urb in the bathroom…

And to whom…
Do they look down upon…
I’m the one…
Because I referred you…
But you came to me..
And as a sista…
I looked out for you…
Only for you to *** me too….

I ask, “Are you sure you want to get on your feet?
Or this air that you’re just blowing me.”
And you say, “Naw…I just prefer easy street….and I can make more money standing on the street
rather than sweeping the street.”

So there I say. “True dhat B. So why did you come to me.”

I’m trying to help you do right
But you continue to do wrong…
Then you come running back to me…
Sing the same old song…
I know your background…
I know who you hang around…
Half in jail half on the way in…
Tell me…When will you let this malice
This vindictive conviction of life in this society…
Release its hold on you…
Because I know you came to me…
But obviously..I can’t help thee…

Isn't that the truth!! Especially somebody hooked on drugs,they want to be helped but they don't,they want to drag you down with them when they need some help or some more money for dope. I guess when you're strung out on drugs you don't care,especially when your habits down on you.Sis,keep yo head up,you did all you can,and that's all that matters. I understand where you're coming from. You're a sweet sistah soldier. (Smilin) Love your poetry gurl,I can surely relate!

Desert Storm

Destee: Thank you...I"m glad you like it.

Desert Storm: I'm glad you're feeling me...but I wasn't referring to drug addiction...i was referring to selling. I have some old friend back home who hussle and well every now again they want me to front them some many to help them out...and well. It doesn't get them anywhere. I have once or twice but they smoke it up before they even make a profit...but yet they still want a sista to help them out. I don't knock for their choice in living...but if I try to accept your way and help and you still fail...and then i try to change your way and make your way legit...honest... and you still fail. I find a problem...and to that its on you..and if you really want to be better than what you are. Basically, you can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves.

* Contentment is a drug addiction within itself.

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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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