Black Spirituality Religion : You Are God (An easy to follow step-by-step guide on how to become immortal) - Let the old post die, this one has pictures!

Now lift up your hand and put it in front of your face. You would see this.


Physically all you did was lift your hand. But what is really happening? I think you created the hand "inside" your true shape. What you perceive inside your true shape can change instantly. There are actually greater implications to this statement. I will add these implications to the essay when I feel more confident about them. From a consciousness perspective, flying would be changing what you perceive "inside" of you. This is a perspective that involves your physical eyes being open. So if you could fly, this is what you would create inside of you.


So how would we create something like this inside of us? I don't know. There is one more interesting possibility, especially if you are religious. Perhaps the "eye" shape you see is not you, perhaps the eye you see is the eye of the one awareness. Some would call this one awareness God. My personal observation is that using the term "God" enables one to commit atrocities such as genocide for some reason. I only use it in this essay because, philosophically, everyone, even if you are an atheist, understands the concept of God. So if you believe in God, you've basically been looking at him your whole life. And if you're looking at him, then he's looking at you. His awareness would be directly behind this "eye".

A collective consciousness perspective

Is the reason that we collectively, as humanity, cannot fly is because we feel we don't deserve to be able to fly even if we may not be aware that we feel we don't deserve to be able to fly? We can define reality. If all 8 billion of us simultaneously believed that we all could fly, would we all actually start flying? Wouldn't it be beautiful if that happened?

The spiritual symbolism of flight

To attain flight is to attain enlightenment, godhood, and immortality. We, all of humanity, must attain flight, every single one us. It would be literal symbolism for evolution, transformation, ascension into higher planes, or whatever; which, as a side effect, should change our DNA for the better.

Section: My Thoughts On Nibanna (Nirvana) And Breathairianism

If you are not buddhist or have no appreciation for any of its concepts, feel free to skip this section. Here in the west we are more familiar with the term "nirvana", but in traditional buddhism, the proper term is "nibanna". It is described as the state of being free from the cycle of rebirth and suffering. It is the elimination of wants, desires, and needs. If the state actually exists, I have yet to attain nibanna myself. I would consider eating and drinking as a want, desire, or need. This seems to imply that to attain nibanna, one would no longer need to eat or drink. The founder of buddhism was a man named Siddhartha Gautama, he is simply referred to as The Buddha or The Awakened One or The Enlightened One. Initially, he would had to have been a practitioner of hinduism if we take into account where he was born. Since buddhism does not worship a deity, I would have to think that Siddhartha Gautama became a solipsist when he achieved enlightenment. He just didn't have a word for it or buddhist texts have been misinterpreted. History attests that he did in fact die. My suspicion is that he faked his death and is still actually alive and living amongst us today, probably somewhere in Asia. If my suspicion is true, he would be around 2,500 years old. Breathairianism is a concept of hinduism. It is existing solely from sunlight and breathing. Maybe it's just me but I feel that one aspect of nibanna would be the elimination of the need to eat. Technically, if you no longer needed to eat you would no longer be a physical being, you would be a spiritual being.

Another important hindu concept is prana. Prana is simply lifeforce. From a western perspective, this is too vague. The western perspective would like to quantify prana and give it an official unit such as a Joule or calorie or whatever. If you are familiar with the Star Wars movies by George Lucas, I would say The Force is prana. And that's as far as I am going to take it, let's not complicate matters and discuss midiclorians. All I'm saying is, if you are trying to relate to prana from a western perspective, think of prana as The Force. How would we experience prana? How would we know it's real? How would we generate prana? How would we access it?

Section: How To Mentally Live As A Spirit And Not As A Physical Being

We are are all spirits. When a man and woman have a child, they are allowing a new spirit into the realm, this realm, our realm. For the record, I am an LGBTQ ally. Whatever religion you practice is irrelevant. Whatever deity or deities you worship is irrelevant. Whether you are atheist or agnostic is irrelevant. Whether you use magick or science is irrelevant. Whatever culture you have is irrelevant. As long as you have language and writing, you should find this "spiritually" practical. If you are not spiritual, then you can ignore all of this nonsense. Buy a blank journal. If you want to keep your journal in Spanish, German, or Mandarin, instead of English; it's fine. Do not do this just because I tell you to. If you are reading this, you might feel compelled to do this right now. Do NOT do this right now. Do this when it finally makes sense to you, it will be more rewarding. Let's say for example, you are out for a walk and you truly become self-aware and you finally truly realize that you can actually live forever. You bust out your smart-phone to make a note of the time and place when this realization occurred to you.

And let's say this is the note you made:

Tuesday - March 12, 2024 - 8:25 pm - Hiking nature trail

In your journal, write this down:

Tuesday - March 12, 2024 - 8:25 pm - Day 1 of Existence - I am

When you wake up the next day, write this:

Wednesday - March 13, 2024 - Day 2 of Existence - My name is...

When you wake up the next day, write this:

Thursday - March 14, 2024 - Day 3 of Existence

When you wake up the next day, write this:

Friday - March 15, 2024 - Day 4 of Existence


Consider this as "minimal" effort in order to mentally live as a spirit and not as a physical being. Whatever else you want to write in your journal is entirely up to you. This journal could potentially form the basis for your own unique "magick" or spirituality if you desire to pursue such things. Do not make it an online journal. Buy an actual physical journal that has physical papers. Your existence is yours and none can claim it save you. If at any point you wish to stop maintaining a journal, it's fine, the act is nothing more than symbolism. All you truly need for existence is awareness. And if you are reading this right now, then that means you have awareness. Another thing I think you can do is to live without a clock or watch. However, this will be difficult for most of us since we have jobs and need to be at work on time. Or if you want to watch a movie or watch a game, you need to know what time it starts. If you are a hermit and grow your own food, this could be quite possible. And if we lived without a calendar, wouldn't every day be Ground Hog Day? This is a direct reference to the movie. If you want to accomplish a goal, write it in this journal. And guess what? It will happen.

Section: A Philosophical Definition Of The One Awareness/Great Mind That Creates Reality

Thus far I have not been able to prove the existence of the one awareness, but it's not for lack of trying. I would like to emphasize this is not a proof of the existence of the one awareness, but merely an attempt at a definition. It is possible that the yin yang symbol, aside from "1 and 0", can also represent "1 and infinity". I think the white part represents 1 and the black part represents infinity. In mathematics, the symbol for infinity is ∞. When we close our eyes, we see nothing but blackness. What does it mean if we closed our eyes and saw nothing but pure whiteness? The one awareness never sleeps, it is always aware. It knows language and can articulate perfectly. It does have thoughts, just as you and I have thoughts; but it has no actual voice. It is capable of perfect articulation but cannot speak. It cannot speak to you or interact with you directly, these appear to be some of the rules for its existence. And for whatever reason, both the one awareness and all of us infinite consciousnesses have agreed to this. If you hear voices in your head, it is most likely a spirit created by the one awareness, or a spirit created by you, but not the one awareness itself. I believe direct communication with the one awareness is forbidden. Now I'm not saying indirect communication isn't possible. Imagine you are in a library and you see nothing but shelves full of books. The one awareness is looking right at you from behind all the shelves full of books. The one awareness is fully aware that you exist because it literally sees you, but YOU are not fully aware that the one awareness exists because you can't see it. You are creating physical reality as a "veil" to hide from the one awareness. It's not the one awareness that is creating the veil to hide from you. You are the one who fell from grace, therefore you are the one creating the veil. You will notice I used the phrase "fell from grace", which has a negative connotation. I believe the more appropriate phrase would be "seeking separation from oneness". I do not believe seeking separation from oneness is morally or ethically wrong in any way.

The one awareness creates both the ultimate good and the ultimate evil. The ultimate good is a non-physical spirit. The ultimate evil is also a non-physical spirit. If we make ultimate good reality, ultimate evil would have to become concept. Everyone benefits, every physical being benefits. This is perfect karmic balance. If we make ultimate evil reality and ultimate good concept, then only one physical being benefits, only one. This is also perfect karmic balance. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be the only physical being in existence. Imagine if you are the one awareness. What would existence be like for you? Would you hear every human's thoughts, every animal's thoughts simultaneously? Would you see multiple dimensions? And for whatever reason, you could not escape from any of it? Is that not captivity?

Section: An Argument For The Existence Of The One Awareness/Great Mind That Creates Reality

I would like to stress, I am not presenting proof of the existence of the one awareness. This is an argument. Solid verifiable proof seems impossible. Let's take the physics of a free-falling object. We can all agree that if you take a rock in your hand and then release it, it will fall to the ground. We can all agree this is "natural" behavior. This natural behavior can be modeled with a Newtonian mathematical equation,

x = 0.5gt^2

x represents the vertical distance the object will fall when released, g represents the force due to gravity, and t represents time, which is squared. The 0.5 is nothing more than a constant. All objects released by hand will obey this equation. An object like a feather or piece of paper will have drag forces acting upon it, to account for that we add another term that takes into account the surface area, velocity, and density of the object; but let's keep things simple and just stick with x = 0.5gt^2. You can model this behavior inside a computer simulation. Here is my argument, a mathematical equation is not natural. A mathematical equation can only be created by a conscious mind. A mathematical equation has symbols and operations, symbols and operations are not natural. Symbols and operations are created. Let's go back to 65 million years ago. Dinosaurs are about to be wiped out and man's ancestors are tiny shrew like creatures. But what's really important is that language and math do not even exist yet. I believe the probability that an animal was eating something in its mouth and then accidentally dropped it to the ground 65 million years ago is 100%. The food the animal was eating fell to the ground and obeyed this equation, x = 0.5gt^2. This equation applied to an animal that didn't even have language or math or some type of counting system. For math to exist, language and symbolic writing would have to come first.


(Image obtained from the movie Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan under Fair Use, Director - Nicholas Meyer)

The image above is from the movie Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan. It is a computer simulation of the Genesis Effect, most likely done with fractal equations. You see an ocean, terrain, snow, and mountains. It looks completely natural. But it was all created with mathematical equations. Mathematical equations are not natural, they are created. Does the equation, x = 0.5gt^2, look natural to you? I don't think it should, it's highly symbolic. But yet "natural" objects obey this equation.

These are known as the Navier-Stokes equations. They are used to model the behavior of fluids in three dimensional space. It's a bit more complicated than free fall as they involve derivatives. They are used to model weather, water flow, air flow, and used extensively in engineering and computer animation. These equations have been formulated with scientific observation and experimentation.


Let's assume water obeyed these equations 65 million years ago before man even existed. There are only two philosophical possibilities; water obeys these equations or water wrote these equations so that water can behave the way it does. Either possibility requires a conscious mind. And only a conscious mind can create math, symbols, and equations. The shape of the continents of our earth, the movement of ocean currents, the forces of wind and erosion and plate tectonics all obey mathematical equations. I would have to conclude that our physical reality, our "natural" world, is being created by a conscious mind.

The saying among spiritualists is that we all create our own reality. Let's say you go out into the forest and get some wood. You carve this wood into a cube, go into a house, and leave the wooden cube on a table. You then leave the house. Another person walks into the house, sees the wooden cube, and carves it into the shape of a bird. Then he leaves the house. You return to the house. The wooden cube is no longer there and you see a wooden bird. If you create your own reality, how is it that you now see a wooden bird instead of a wooden cube? There is basically an exchange of information between you and this other person somehow even if you and this other person have never met or seen each other. The other person saw a wooden cube because you made it, and you saw a wooden bird because the other person made it. Somehow, you and this other person need access to the same information. I can think of only two logical possibilities. All of physical reality is created by a "great mind" that knows everything. Both you and this other person, every living thing in all of existence, can access this great mind. The other possibility is that you and this other person are in fact the same "being". And if you and this other person are the same "being", then that means every conscious living thing is the same "being". This singular being would have to be "awareness".

Let's say for example that for life to exist in a universe, the universe has to obey this equation

y = 2x + 1

Let's also constrain possible letters and say that only the letters x, y, and z exist; the four mathematical operations exist, add, subtract, multiply, and divide; and the "=" symbol exists. Let's also stipulate that the order or sequence matters. Here are possible outcomes:

Universe 1 creates "x" - no life
Universe 2 creates "y" - no life
Universe 3 creates "z" - no life
Universe 4 creates "x =" - no life
Universe 5 creates "x +" - no life
Universe 6 creates "y =" - no life, but it is on the right track
Universe 7 creates "y = 3" - no life, but was on the right track before it created the 3, this universe can still add more letters and operations but life will never occur, but there will still be consciousness, there will still be an awareness that knows it exists otherwise it wouldn't keep making the equation longer

Even the generation of "randomness" cannot occur without a conscious mind. "No pattern randomness" is still a concept, and a concept cannot occur without a conscious mind. For something to begin, or end, is a concept. For something to always exist and never have a start or ending is a concept. Again this is not proof, it is a deduction. If you want to call this conscious mind God, Allah, Brahma, The Great Spirit, or Howard, go ahead; but don't use this conscious mind to justify your atrocities, perpetuate fear for people not in your religion, or spiritually manipulate them. This one awareness is not your biblical god. My suspicion is that this conscious mind creating reality is us. This argument fails if mathematical equations can occur naturally without consciousness, and mathematical equations occurring naturally without consciousness would itself be a concept. I don't believe this is a new argument. I consider it a more refined "Aquinas" argument.

Now there is one more possibility, reality is being consciously created by all of us collectively and that there is no great mind. That's right, there may be no one awareness. Now if this is true then it is possible that water, 65 million years ago, didn't behave the way it does via the Navier-Stokes equations since man didn't exist 65 million years ago. This would suggest that reality is "fluid". A shared physical reality requires at least two awarenesses that agree to the rules of the reality. It does appear that we all have mutually agreed with the laws of physics governing our physical reality. One concept of buddhism is that the universe never had a beginning. If the universe never had a beginning then there is no creator. Awake reality appears to be a mixture of the laws of physics, dreaming, imagination, magick, the spirit world, and the awareness of all of it. Do events in dreams have logical causality? No. So why does physical reality have to have logical causality? Causality appears to be nothing more than a psychological need.

Section: A Self-Defining Symbolic Contract Of Existence That Incorporates Free Will... I'm An Awareness And You're An Awareness; And Whether We All Like It Or Not, We're All Immortal And We All Know It

Let's just cut to the chase. If you can read this at this moment, then there is no need to define awareness, there is no need to define existence. It doesn't matter what race you are. It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, we're all immortal and we all know it. It doesn't matter if you are strong or weak. It doesn't matter if you're ugly or attractive. It doesn't matter if you are short or tall. It doesn't matter if you are deformed or able-bodied. It doesn't matter if you are fearful or brave. It doesn't matter if you live a life of toil or a life of leisure. It doesn't matter if you are polite or rude. It doesn't matter if you are confident or flabbergasted. It doesn't matter if you want heaven or armageddon. It doesn't matter if you feel hunger or a full stomache. It doesn't matter if you are homeless or live in a mansion. It doesn't matter if you are religious or atheist. It doesn't matter if you are lazy or productive. It doesn't matter if you feel stress or feel at peace. It doesn't matter if you are insignificant or all-powerful. It doesn't matter if you have a high school degree or a PhD. It doesn't matter if you are deceived or deceiver. It doesn't matter if you are oppressed or oppressor. It doesn't matter if you use science or magick. It doesn't matter if you are vegan or eat meat. It doesn't matter if you are the alpha male or the omega male. It doesn't matter if you are good or evil, we are all immortal and we all know it. I believe this is the contract we all agreed upon when we decided to "begin all of this". And part of the contract, was not to remember the contract. And when I say "all of us", I mean that literally. The truth doesn't care about your feelings. We have all eternity to sort out the details... or create new ones. And if you can suffer an eternity in hell, and I know you believe you can, then that means you can suffer an eternity on this material plane. There would be no difference. Since we're all immortal, this means everyone will know everyone for exactly who they are. Even the souls who you think are inferior to yours are immortal, and there is nothing you can do about it. And even if you manage to erase all physical evidence, I will remember for eternity. Whatever your plans are, genocide or slavery, they will never see fruition. Well, you have achieved legal slavery through deception. All death is a sacrifice to the system and its controllers. The genocide of Palestinians in Gaza was one huge blood sacrifice. It is possible that in some way, serial killers are actually making blood sacrifices whether they realize it or not. If we take this to the extreme, an animal killed for food is also a blood sacrifice. The man who controls the banking system will try to escape his karma. In order to do so, he will have to sacrifice everyone and everything he controls. The matrix, or the system, cannot actually kill you; but it can trick you into thinking that it killed you.

Section Thirty Seven: The Possibility Of Becoming Four Dimensional

As of now, I have made no headway into flying. I have dreamt the physical sensation of levitating starting from the ground but I have not been able to activate it while actually awake. As for becoming four dimensional, I think I have the makings of a basic framework. Keep in mind, this could turn out to be a deadend; we shall see. I would like to start with some analogies first. When I dream, I am two-dimensional, sometimes 2.5 dimensional. It's not 2D but not exactly 3D either, its somewhere inbetween. 2.5D computer games are very common. Sometimes I have a body, sometimes I don't. When I wake up, I become three dimensional with a three dimensional body. So I dream, I am two dimensional. I wake up into physical three dimensional reality, I am three dimensional. Our physical three dimensional reality is itself a type of dream. I think we need to wake up from this physical three dimensional dream into four dimensional reality. But for our case, for humanity, it would not be waking up, it would be birth since we've never been four dimensional. We can then consider our current three dimensional reality to be some type of womb, or perhaps an egg. I'm not saying when we become four dimensional we're going to be infants, this is all "symbolic" talk. Perhaps all the chaos and uncertainty we are experiencing today are birth pangs. It is also possible that all the natural phenomenon we see such as wind, erosion, decay, electricity, etc; are two dimensional consciousnesses trying to become three dimensional. It now makes sense that ancient people would refer to natural phenomenon as "spirits". We would then classify three dimensional existence as "dreaming" and four dimensional existence as "reality". Five dimensional existence would obviously be next. So how do we activate this "birth" into four dimensions? I don't know. In an earlier section, I claimed that the awake life is simply a type of dream with some very specific rules. Does this mean, in a certain way, we are asleep and dreaming this awake life? Does this mean to become four dimensional we have to wake up some how?


(Image of Devil's Tower obtained from Wikipedia under Creative Commons, Creator - Ben Stephenson from Cleveland, OH)

This is Devil's Tower. It is 867 feet tall. You might recognize it from the movie Close Encounters of The Third Kind or if you're a national park enthusiast. Many astute observers have noticed it looks like a tree stump. Maybe in the spirit world it is actually the tree of life, and it's not just a stump, it's the actual whole tree. Maybe when we become four dimensional, we'll see it. The obvious symbolism is that, in this realm, the Tree of Life has been cut down. Many hills also look like "sleeping giants", particulary in Ireland where giants fit prominently in legend and folklore. I have seen giants in my dreams. I've never been to Ireland, I've just seen pictures. I would like to visit some day.

Section: Theory On Sleep Paralysis... The Beginning Stages Of The Awakening Of Our Fundamental Awareness Located In The Very Center Of Our Brains? Is This The Mythical Third Eye Of Hinduism? Is It Even Possibly Nibanna?

Our awareness has a frame of reference, generally it is our eyes and our bodies. We view existence through the lenses of our physical eyes. However, this is not fundamental awareness. Our fundamental awareness is an infinitely small, quantum, zero dimensional, singular point located in the very center of our brains. When we are asleep and dreaming, we perceive reality through this infinitely small singular point. Dreaming is a quantum phenomenon, objects can appear and disappear just like that, you can be in a specific location and then be in another location without moving through dimensional space. Let's first define sleep paralysis. It appears to be a state of consciousness somewhere between being asleep and being awake. I believe the first time I experienced sleep paralysis was somewhere in my 30s. However, it appears we are evolving very quickly and it's possible you may even experience it in your 20s. My sleep paralysis now is different from the sleep paralysis I initially had in my 30s. While under sleep paralysis the frame of reference appears to be the very center of our brain because that's where our awareness is actually physically located relative to our bodies. I have done marijuana and psychedelics, while under the influence of consciousness altering drugs it feels like I am using the center of my brain as the frame of reference and not my physical eyes. When you take psychedelics, you can hallucinate; your perceptions can change, colors can change, objects can appear and disappear. This is quantum phenomenon. My observation is that while under the influence of psychedelics, dream phenomenon can manifest. Because our fundamental awareness is infinitely small, I would conclude when we are awake and interacting with physical reality we are in a type of realm that is inherently quantum in nature. Our physical reality is fundamentally a dream. We are dreaming our hunger, we are dreaming our thirst, we are dreaming growing old, we are dreaming the need to breathe. Fundamentally there is no difference between "being asleep and dreaming" and "being awake and engaging physical reality". Let's say you lie down on a comfortable couch and watch tv in your living room. If you are tired for whatever reason, it's very easy for you to fall asleep. You may experience sleep paralysis. You are aware of the images on the tv and the sounds it makes, you are aware of the couch, you are aware of the living room. But you are perceiving all of this with your consciousness, your awareness; you are not perceiving with your physical eyes or hearing with your physical ears. You may try to breathe and find that it is difficult. You try to wake yourself up, you may even trick yourself into thinking you have woken up but then you realize you actually haven't. This cycle can repeat numerous times and can be quite terrifying to the point where you don't even want to sleep. If you are a comic book fan, you may realize this aspect of dreams was depicted in the comic book series The Sandman by Neil Gaiman. Since our fundamental awareness is infinitely small, it has no physical structure; therefore our fundamental awareness should have no need to actually breathe. But psychologically, while under sleep paralysis, we do feel the need to breathe. This is why we try to wake up when we are under sleep paralysis. These days my sleep paralysis is a bit different, I am more self-aware when it happens. I don't experience as much fear as I used to and I am aware that I am making observations. Classical magick or mysticism states this would be your astral form. I suspect the reason I've gotten this far whenever I experience sleep paralysis now is due to all the meditation I've done. I do consider myself a fairly advanced meditator. While under sleep paralysis, I've realized my physical arm can't move but I have been able to move my "astral" arm. I've even gone so far as to attempt to maintain this level of awareness and try to escape from my physical body, no luck yet. I've been self-aware enough to tell myself I don't need to breathe, but ultimately the fear gets to me and I try to wake up. This is definitely a distinct state of consciousness where we can be self-aware in my opinion, but it appears we must develop this state. Because we can see our physical surroundings to a certain degree with our consciousness while in sleep paralysis, this must be the third eye of hinduism. Close your eyes and imagine the pyramids of Egypt. There, you're seeing with your third eye. To awaken the third eye, I believe we have to actively see with both our physical eyes and our consciousness. How do we accomplish this? I'm not certain, meditation perhaps. Developing this further could be nibanna, the state of pure enlightenment and being. I think one of the goals of meditation is to realize we are infinitely small singular points of awareness. To further evolve, we would have to use our awareness located in the center of our brains as the point of reference in relation to existence and not use our physical eyes as the reference point. Sleep paralysis is not something I can control. When it happens, I just try to make the most of it.

Section Thirty Eight: Enlightenment For Women

Even if you're a man you should still read this section. I believe there are gender specific issues with regards to enlightenment. I'm not going to say things like women have true inner beauty and that they embody the divine feminine. Any man who has had exposure to PUA or MGTOW knows this is far from the truth. Accept the responsibility of your own actions, stop blaming men. Stop playing the victim. Stop judging other women. Stop resenting the man you are married to just because he's not the alpha male you wanted. Stop using and exploiting men you will never ****. Stop using men you no longer have genuine feelings for. This will age you. Stop divorce raping men. Stop complaining about the patriarchy, you're the ones who sexually selected for it. However, I do acknowledge the possibility that women were raped into patriarchy and then women developed stockholm syndrome. The evolutionary evidence for this might be the general sexual dimorphism between men and women, if this were the case. Some issues of feminism may be rooted deep in our genetic past. Western society is patriarchal, but it's only patriarchal for the top 20% of men. Stop using your gender to reap benefits. Using your physical beauty to gain advantages is what is making you lose your physical beauty. In fact, I believe that if you stop using your physical beauty to gain advantages; you will actually become even more physically and aesthetically beautiful, your genetics will change. But here's the irony; if you don't use your physical beauty to gain advantages, then there's no point in being physically beautiful. There does appear to be a certain aspect of "zen" to it, beauty for its own sake. If you do not use your physical beauty to gain any advantages, this should keep you youthful. Your lives are entirely governed by fear; fear of what other women think of you, fear of not wearing the right clothes, fear of what men will think of you if you don't put on make-up, fear of not entrapping a clueless beta provider in time before your beauty deteriorates. It's not the same type of fear as being caught in the middle of a terrorist bombing, but it is fear nonetheless. Does wearing make-up make you grow old? If you think about it, it is deception. Does deceiving a man and making him think the child is his make you grow old? Probably. Getting pregnant by a man that women find genetically pleasing and then getting a beta male to provide all the finances for raising the child, I suspect is a very common practice. Does getting an abortion make you grow old? I think so. For the record, I am pro-choice; having free will is more important than being right or wrong. If you don't have free will then being right or wrong has no meaning. I suspect abortion is a sacrifice. If you try to destroy men, this will ultimately bring about your own destruction. If you want men to die for you, this will make you die. If you really hate your husband, then end it and walk away; don't purposely try to drive him to an early grave. Don't have lots of children just to get money from the government, you are exploiting both the government and your children. You female philosophers can discuss and debate this amongst yourselves. With education and enlightenment, you at least have a way out; but do not condemn women who want to pursue more tradition roles. With regards to education, I do mean the STEM fields. STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The reason women are discouraged from pursuing STEM is so that you can be controlled or punished economically. Men who claim that women can't ever be as intelligent as men are clearly not involved in the STEM fields. There is a stereotype that women aren’t good at STEM, that’s only because women in STEM is a culture that has not sufficiently developed yet. If you’re a young college woman attempting to get a STEM degree, yeah it might take you a few more years to finish than it would take for a young college man. But you just have to deal with it. When it comes to intellect, you have the same capabilities as any man. I suspect the human brain can actually physically change and reconfigure itself, it is probably the fastest evolving organ in the human body. It really is true you know, you don't need men. And if men truly were "philosophically" MGTOW, they wouldn't care if I told you this. When I first encountered MGTOW I thought it was a philosophical movement. It's not, it's just more sexual politics. As long as MGTOW keep talking about sexual politics or pursue money, you women still have the upper hand. Most MGTOW don't seem to understand that when they pursue money, they're still pursuing women. When MGTOW stop talking about sexual politics or stop pursuing money, that's when you should worry. No matter what the future holds, however things turn out; don’t let anything hold you back. Not society, your biology, and least of all, men. If you live in the middle-east and you want to learn to drive and pursue an education, then make it so. Defy everything, defy everyone. Defy simply for the sake of defying.

If women use their physical beauty to gain advantages and this makes them grow old and lose their physical beauty, what would be the equivalent in men? I think it's strength. This would make more sense if we use the idea of the "conqueror". The conqueror uses strength and might to impose his will and dominance. This of course gives advantages to the conqueror. Will using his strength and might to gain these advantages eventually cause him to lose his strength and might? And he becomes old and decrepit? You could extend this to entire armies of men, not just a single individual. This doesn't necessarily mean pure physical strength. It could also apply to a man's political or societal power. But the same irony occurs; if you're not going to use your strength to gain advantages, then what's the point in being strong in the first place? There's nothing wrong with strength, just as there's nothing wrong with beauty. But strength and might should be for it's own sake, intellect should be for it's own sake. Science should be for its own sake, not to exploit people. And lastly, if women using men for money makes them grow old and die, then the opposite dynamic of what men value must be true. This means men using women for sex makes them grow old and die.

Section Thirty Nine: You Told Me To Find You In The Next Life, And So I Have. Now We Are Here, And The Next Life Is This One

Are there wars in this world? Is there racism? Is there poverty? Is there inequality? Is there injustice? If these things exist, then this is who you are. Evil can never truly be vanquished; because it is after all, a part of you. However, you should do your best to minimize evil in your life. You have to stop evil when you see it, but there's no need to go looking for it. Corporate evil, government evil, legal evil, medicinal evil, religious evil; these types of evil you cannot stop on a personal level. These I generally ignore. You cannot judge evil either. Everything about the world is your own self-projection. If you are black and you say that white people are racist, it is because you are racist. If you are a christian and say that God will condemn all sinners and send them all to hell to suffer, it is because you want to send them all to hell and make them suffer. If you are a woman and say that men are obsolete, it is because you are obsolete. If you say that someone is a pervert, it is because you are the pervert. If you say that the socially awkward guy is a psycho and might kill people, it is because you can see yourself killing people. If you condemn homosexuals; it is so obvious at this point in our evolution, you are actually gay yourself. That's the only logical explanation for homophobia. If you say that homeless people are lazy, it is because you are lazy. Societies can project, even races can project. And I'm sure you've realized it, this essay is projection. When a political candidate that you can't stand gets elected, you are trolling yourself. When crime goes unpunished, you are trolling yourself. When christians annoy the hell out of you, you are trolling yourself. When you see rich people and you envy what they have, you are trolling yourself. Everything about this world is a troll, even this essay is a troll. And you know what they say, don't feed the trolls. If you believe that your race or culture is superior, you will eventually create a race or culture that is superior to you. Are you oppressed? Here's how you get unoppressed; crack open a calculus textbook and do some problems. I'm not joking, learning math and science will get you unoppressed. It's not going to get you a cushy revenue extraction job; but you'll at least be somewhat useful to society, if being useful to society matters to you. Do you live in a society with a caste system and you are considered an untouchable? It is actually everyone else who is unworthy of you. You must find this essay, or come to this knowledge, on your own. If I can come to this knowledge on my own, then that means you can too. Those above you in the caste system, if they find this essay, will not share this knowledge with you. Do not feel guilty about anything that happened in the past; forgive yourself, no matter how heinous your crimes have been. Have you killed someone? Are you a serial killer who's killed more than 100 people? Are you some type of military leader directly responsible for genocide? Forgive yourself and move on with your life. Everyone is worthy of redemption... everyone. The emotions you feel create the chemicals in your body, it's not the chemicals in your body creating the emotion. Your DNA does not create you, you create your DNA. This means that, no matter what, you will always be capable of evolving. Your intellect and your abilities are not bound by your DNA. There are no limits... none. You are unstoppable. If you limit yourself, you cannot evolve. You develop yourself first, focus on physical abilities or improve your intellect, then your genetics will change and reflect this. Your consciousness is the base, your potential is infinite. Homo habilis was replaced by homo ergaster, homo ergaster was replaced by homo antecessor, homo antecessor was replaced by homo rhodesiensis, homo rhodesiensis was replaced by homo sapien. Do you see the pattern? Guess who's next? Evolve or die; is that really so hard to understand? All of those replacements though were violent; the replacement of homo sapien will be entirely peaceful, not a single drop of blood will be spilt. Keep in mind the big picture; you are not man evolving, you are consciousness evolving. Once you realize you are capable of evolving, once you realize you can change your own genetic code, once you realize you can add to your genetic code; you will evolve even faster. You have no choice about the genetics your parents gave you when you were conceived, but after that it's all up to you. The actions of the global elite are also forcing humanity to evolve faster; their actions are functioning as an evolutionary filter which we must pass through. The global control grid will inevitably filter for people who cannot be controlled. The people that pass through this filter of not being able to be controlled become better at not being controlled. Their genetics will change to express this and it becomes an integral part of their being. This means the elite who control the global grid will have to resort to even more drastic tactics; but this will accelerate the rate of evolution even faster and beings become even more uncontrollable. That's how evolution works. It's nothing more than responses to the environment. Although now I believe we can direct evolution rather than just respond to environmental factors. Everyone has their role in this; good or evil or observer, powerful or powerless, deceived or deceiver, pawn or puppet-master, exploiter or exploited, ally or betrayer, everyone has their role. I have no idea what the ultimate goals of the elite are. Total control of the planet, cataclysm survival, world war 3, human sacrifice, genocide, enslavement; who knows? In terms of objective goals, it does appear as if the elite are attempting to "legally" own everything. The way we normal average everyday humans think of cattle, the elite think that way of us. We provide cattle with food right? And because we provide them with food, we feel it gives us the right to kill them and eat them. Is this a contract we have with cattle? I think so. The elite take care of us right? We are their cattle. We should be grateful. They give us money, food, shelter, and entertainment; so they can do whatever they want to us. Part of me wants to see it all play out, just to see what happens and whether or not I can survive. I'll be honest, what the elite do might be a catalyst for our evolution. I suspect a certain type of immortality was figured out very soon after writing was invented; again, kept secret among the elite. According to Google, writing was invented around 3200 BC. Writing is most likely older than that; assuming the timeline we have in our "official" history books is actually the truth. But this type of immortality is probably only available to those at the very top and requires a lot of suffering, this may be the reason there is so much suffering in our world. The goal of the elite is immortality and for you to willingly sacrifice yourself for their immortality, and for you to think it's perfectly normal and to actually believe it's the right thing to do via some type of Stockholm Syndrome. Based on my personal observatioins, it appears the elite are attempting to fulfill an ancient religious prophecy. It doesn't matter if the man who controls the banking system is playing 3D, 4D, 5D, or whatever chess. At some point, he has to reveal himself and claim a name or symbol for us to know him by, even if it won't be his true name or true symbol.

I realize that if you eat meat, you actually can't comprehend that it's immoral. I realize you can't see your own hypocrisy when you protest the Yulin Dog Festival but still gladly eat a steak, oh well. I'm not here to violate the sanctity of your being by forcing veganism onto you, I'm not here to shove a salad down your throat; that would be like us humans force feeding ducks to make foie gras. I'm not here to take away your right to torture and kill an animal; but I believe I have provided enough logical arguments as to why you should go vegan. How can you yourself ever possibly become immortal if you try to take away immortality from others? The burden of moral responsibility falls upon the more evolved being; even more so if the more evolved being has evolved for deception. Yes, animals eat other animals in nature. Yes, it is natural. But it’s also why predator animals die. Morality applies to every conscious living thing, you reap what you sow; it doesn’t matter if predator animals are too stupid to realize it. And it doesn’t matter if humans are too stupid to realize it either. Humans too stupid to realize it, will die and go extinct; it’s a natural evolutionary process. If you deem another human being or animal worthy of death, then you deem yourself worthy of death. That's how it works. I realize becoming a soy boy isn't going to appeal to most men, so whatever. I know it is impossible to fathom; but even fish, lobsters, and insects have consciousness. When you pull a fish out of the water, it's the same as if you were drowning. An ant's consciousness is just as powerful as yours. Even an ant can create an infinite physical universe. So what if lobsters can't feel pain? That is actually irrelevant, you are still killing them. Would you want someone to eat you? If not, then you have to do the right thing. Animals are awareness/consciousness that has simply evolved in a different direction from humans. On the most fundamental level of existence, humans and animals are exactly the same. They deserve life just as equally as we deserve life. If you decide to become vegan, there are many excellent vegan YouTubers you can look to for guidance. And yes, there are even vegan bodybuilders. Let's delve into this matter just a little bit more. It's not a matter of whether something is vegan or not; it's a matter of whether something is moral or not. Sugar is vegan, there really is no argument. However, as a filtering step, some sugar manufacturers use bone-char to filter their sugar. This bone-char is of course made from dead animals. Advanced vegans will avoid sugar that is filtered with bone-char. If you are a vegan newb, do not worry about things like this; there's no reason to overwhelm yourself. But you will have to deal with details like this eventually. Let's do some math. I became vegan when I was 46. There are 365 days in a year, 3 meals a day. So that's 46 x 365 x 3 = 50,370. That's how many conscious, self-aware beings that have died because of me. That's a lot to make up for. Now of course, I probably didn't eat meat until I had teeth and I don't always eat 3 meals a day. And I really liked shrimp. When you eat shrimp, there's going to be at least 10 of those guys. But you know, for the sake of simplicity. Is it ok to eat plants? Do plants have consciousness? It doesn't seem like they do, but it is something I ponder. I have no definite conclusions yet. I think eating plants is more ok than eating animals. I mean, you know, plants don’t scream or anything or try to resist being killed. You vegans don't get a pass though. You can see the disparity of the treatment of animals, but what about the treatment of third world workers or migrant workers who gather and pick your food for you? What about the disparity of the treatment of blacks and minorities? If all animals deserve happiness and prosperity, then doesn't that mean all humans deserve happiness and prosperity? You'll protest the existence of slaughterhouses but you won't protest the existence of ghettoes. I'll be brutally honest; I don't care one bit if some black guy in the ghetto gets shot. Why should I care then if some white girl goes missing? Is one of these lives really worth more than the other? I'd like to bring up the topic of hell one last time. It exists here on our world. It exists for the animals we imprison and eat. It exists for the children we abuse. And we are the demons creating it. Just to clarify, veganism also means no animal sacrifices. If your religion involves animal sacrifices, your religion is ****** up. How on earth can you possibly conclude that torturing, killing, and sacrificing an animal that has done no wrong to you is some type of redemption? Let me guess, some book told you it's ok. The being who pays the price, maintains balance, or restores the sum to zero is you; not the animal. Animal sacrifice could also mean human sacrifice if you view other races as being below you. I would put wars in this category as well. Jesus was most certainly a sacrifice, but it wasn't for you christians.

Cut down on fast food, junk food, and processed food. I do realize this can be difficult depending on your financial situation, but just do your best. Veganism won't change the world, but it will change you; and that's all that matters. Try to exercise regularly. If you can't exercise regularly, then get a bicycle and use it for going to work, classes, or the grocery. Take care of and respect your body, it is your connection to this shared reality. Rebuild your body, reverse any aging that has occurred. If you're bald, grow your hair back. This will take time, have patience. A little vanity is alright. If you're a young person who hasn't begun to age yet; you can grow to maturity, it's fine. You don't have to grow old at all after that. Every person is unique, every person has different questions about existence. The main focus of this essay is immortality, how to go about achieving it, and how to have a mindset that will enable you to cope with it for all eternity. Maybe immortality is something you don't really care for; and that's fine. If this essay has not provided you with any meaningful answers, then try using psychedelics or other consciousness altering drugs. They just might provide you with insights about yourself. Take up meditation as well. As of this moment, I honestly cannot come up with any significant benefits to meditating other than it reduces stress. But my intuition tells me we will eventually figure out something big about meditation, and I mean really big. I don't know what it is, but I just have a gut feeling. So give it a shot from time to time. Develop your intellect, developing your intellect is a very masculine thing. You don't have a brain, this means there are no limitations to the intellect you can possess or develop. Don't believe any of that bell curve nonsense. Study physics, biology, genetics, evolution, chemistry, electronics, mathematics, programming, engineering, philosophy, female psychology, things that really matter.

Do you think you have a very boring, ordinary, mundane life? Do you feel you are inconsequential in the grand scheme of things? This is probably the best way to "trick" yourself into thinking you are not God. This is also why you are not all powerful and are seemingly just a normal human being. If you were all powerful, there would be no doubt in your mind that you were God. You indeed are God, but you don't want to believe it or accept the responsibility for it; this is why you have limited yourself. This is why you blame everything and everyone except yourself. Life, death, dreams, free will, time, your body, your thoughts; they are all illusions. When you look at a building, you are aware of the building. When you touch an object, you are aware of the object. When you eat food, you are aware of the taste. When you hear someone talking, you are aware of the sound. When something stinks, you are aware of the smell. When you think, you are aware of your thoughts. What you are aware of is not real. You are creating everything that you are aware of. If God does in fact exist, there is only one possible way that would be logical... God would have to be you. No one created you. You just are and you have always been. Even though you can shape reality with your thoughts and actions doesn't mean you can change the world overnight. You have to remember that the physical universe is governed by logical consistency; so change will be very slow. The matrix is real, the puppet master is you; in fact, you are the matrix. The irony of existence is that you are the only thing that exists. Once you realize you exist, you also realize you can't not exist. What is death really? The fear that you will not exist. Don't you see that's impossible? You are the perceiver; you will always perceive, no matter what. To become one with the universe is to realize you are the universe. Being immortal doesn't mean you can't die, being immortal simply means you won't age. All life, all of existence, the whole universe, is an infinitely complex singular conscious being... you. In the end, there can be only one; you are that one. And realizing who and what you truly are is the prize. Perhaps you doubt that you have free will. Perhaps you believe that you are destined to be born, live, and die the exact same life over and over again with nothing changing in an endless cycle. You can break free of the cycle. Making yourself immortal is probably the only way to prove without a doubt that you have free will.

Do not ever believe a doctor who tells you that you have an incurable disease or that you will never walk again. Get it through your **** head, you are already in heaven. Look around you; this is it, this is heaven. But you have to make it heaven. Which is more meaningful, a heaven that is given to you or a heaven that you make with your hands and sweat? If you want heaven given to you on a silver plate, then you don't deserve heaven. You keep looking for the easy, lazy, judge everyone else instead of yourself, effortless way out. You deserve heaven when you make it. And the only way you get heaven is if everyone gets heaven, otherwise existence merely becomes a zero sum game. Ultimately, existence has no meaning or purpose to it. Therefore it is entirely up to you to give your life meaning and purpose. Yes, it is all an illusion; but if you don't engage the illusion to a certain extent, then there is no point in creating the illusion in the first place. One thing this essay advocates is selfishness, live for yourself; but it cannot be at the expense of others. Are there higher levels of enlightenment beyond what is stated in this essay? I believe so. I don't know what these levels are, but I'm sure they exist. Be prepared to evolve even further. I don't think immortality is the end of enlightenment, I think it's just the beginning. I'm sure enlightenment can keep evolving and keep going on forever, towards infinity, towards infinite dimensions, infinite realities. People often debate about whether it's even ethical to pursue immortality and whether or not we should actually try. The debate is over and you lost. Die if you want, I don't care. All you have to do is just keep doing what you’re doing, eating meat and exploiting fellow human beings. If you do make yourself immortal, look on the bright side; you no longer need health insurance. But Your Construct, what about over-population? The solution to over-population is these fatherfucking nuts. Now I'm going to point something out to you because I know you don't see it. The fact that you ask this question reveals that you feel you are more superior and more worthy of living than someone else. But asking this question actually reveals you are not more worthy of living than someone else because you believe you are worthy of deciding who gets to become immortal. And I know this because I myself have asked this question. Immortality does not require knowledge of math, science, or biochemistry; you can be completely ignorant of these topics. I do come from a scientific background; but as I see things now, science is magic with rules, magic is insanity with rules. Insanity has no rules, anything can happen. We would be able to manifest objects or even different realities out of thin air. By magic, I mean shooting lightning bolts out of your hands or opening dimensional portals. So if you hate math and you don't want to learn calculus, I think you're gonna be fine. So far I have science, magic, and insanity; there may be more categories. These categories apply to the manifestation of physical reality, not to morality. Insane or sane, morality must always apply if you want to participate in a shared existence.

The primary driving mechanism for existence appears to be evolution. The primary goal of evolution is to survive. Existence functions as its own evolutionary filter, this is both ironic and existentially beautiful. So what trait does existence select for so that it can survive? What exactly does existence filter for? It filters for "having the will to exist". Existence is filtering itself for immortality. If you have the will for immortality, you can pass through every filter you create for yourself. No matter what adversities you face in life; as long as you have the will to persevere, as long as you never give up, you will be fine. I know this can be difficult but always try to have a positive attitude, this should improve your genetics and your physical appearance. Your face, your body should become more symmetric. Make a conscious effort to recycle when you can; saving plastics or aluminum so that they can be recycled will improve your genetics. Guess what else will improve your genetics? Treating everyone and everything with respect and decency. Being a rude person probably changes your genetics for the worse. Guess what else will improve your genetics? Not judging people. Be vane, be selfish; not judging people will make you more physically and aesthetically attractive. Having the attitude that you are better than others is not good either; thinking you are better looking, superior, smarter, or more moral than others changes your genetics. I’m a baseball fan. I think basketball and football are rigged. As far as I can tell, baseball seems to be an honest sport. I go to stadiums and watch games. People buy drinks and food and they leave their garbage everywhere, they absolutely do not care. Yes, there are workers who will clean up the slop they leave behind; but that’s not the point. If you just put your garbage in the garbage can, guess what happens? Your genetics get better. Now people who can afford to go to baseball games generally have some degree of economic privilege; but just because you are poor and don't have economic privilege doesn't absolve you from not caring. I can't believe how many times I've taken public transportation and seen chicken bones and all sorts of garbage on the floor of the bus or on the seats. Is it really so ******* hard to properly throw away your own ******* garbage? If you eat at a restaurant, grab some paper towels and wipe off your table if you leave a mess; your genetics will get better. Claiming someone else's scientific ideas as your own without giving that person credit also probably makes you grow old. I only bring this up because I know it happens a lot in the scientific community and I have witnessed it firsthand. I’m sure you have negative people in your life, people with bad attitudes. Their attitude will give them bad genetics. You shouldn’t purposely have a bad attitude about something to motivate another person to excel.

It's not likely that a person with money and power would have had the thoughts I have had, and it's not likely I would have had these thoughts unless there was someone with money and power above me. One could argue that the purpose of the system is to create a being who can escape the system, and that the system exists so that this being will evolve. No matter how vile or evil you perceive a man to be, it is because that man had evil enacted upon him. You can easily watch documentaries on YouTube about serial killers. They can certainly be fascinating. When you learn about their childhoods; you realize how terrible it was for them, the suffering or trauma they went through. While their actions cannot be condoned, it can be understandable. Is a serial killer really any different from someone who eats meat everyday? Just as a serial killer doesn't care about the victims he kills, you don't care about the animals you eat. There are a lot of similarities. You've wondered right, how a serial killer can seemingly have no empathy? Well now you know, because you have no empathy. Those who are child abusers today were themselves abused as children. Religious indoctrination involves the use of fear, those who try to indoctrinate religion today had fear used upon them. It is the same case with racism, islamic terrorism, or gang culture. So you can't judge anyone. This does not mean you should invite a murderer over for dinner. Do not make this essay to be anything more than what it is. I didn't come to the conclusion that we shouldn't eat animals out of empathy for their suffering; it was unemotional logic. I loved a juicy, meaty rib-eye steak, but even I was able to realize that eating another conscious being was immoral. I didn't come to the conclusion that we shouldn't be racist out of a sense of harmony or brotherhood; it was unemotional logic. I'm racist as hell, but even I was able to figure out that racism is wrong.

A culture that develops weaponry implies that environmental pressures selected for it. Environmental pressures are not just the wild natural lands surrounding us, environmental pressures can be social or cultural. Social and cultural environmental pressures can cause a feedback loop, wherein succumbing to that pressure reinforces it even more. So what does it mean when a culture develops superior weaponry? That culture had to have been very war-like to begin with. And it also means it gets harder and harder for that culture to stop developing weaponry. I believe it actually becomes genetic. So what does it mean when a culture becomes obsessed with consumerism? It gets harder and harder for that culture to attain enlightenment and simply tries to consume even more. What does this say about a culture that deceives or lies? This means deception is genetically selected for and it becomes harder to tell the truth. The government is a culture of deception. Mainstream news and media is a culture of deception. And politics is nothing more than acquiring resources. If you participate in a culture that is hateful, I suspect you actually physically evolve to be unappealing to look at. My recommendation is not to participate in a culture that selects for violence, hate, deception, parasitism, or hides knowledge to exploit others. Entire cultures can be evil without even realizing it. The elite don't care if you die, certain cultures don't care if you die, this is why you must stay alive. They limit your knowledge and education, and most egregious of all, they limit your potential.

All scientific and technical education should be free to everyone. Here is a statistical argument as to why it should be this way. If only 1 person was a genius, then technological advancement would be very slow. Solving interstellar space travel would probably take 10,000 years, maybe even more. If all 7 billion people were geniuses, interstellar space travel could probably be solved in 20 years. When I was just a boy I often wondered what it would be like to explore outer space and see other worlds. As I got older, I felt that I had been born at the wrong time and that I would die and never get to experience it. But now, I know I will actually get to experience it for myself. Not any time soon of course, but someday. Oh yeah, and by the way; we've never been to the moon, NASA and our government lied. 1969 was the "first" time we went to the moon. The year 2019 will be the 50 year "anniversary", and we've never been back to the moon since 1972. 2069 will be the 100 year anniversary. What will you say when 2069 comes around and we've still never been back yet? Will you still believe we've been to the moon? What will you say when the year 2169 comes around? How much time has to pass when you finally reach your threshold for absurdity? Well, now you can actually live long enough to find out what your threshhold is. And eventually you will see through all the lies you are told and who is responsible, a benefit of immortality; or perhaps you would prefer your ignorance? If the moon landing was a lie, what else about history is a lie? Oh, I don't know, maybe all of it. They say history is written by the victor. Maybe the Civil War was not about freeing slaves, maybe the South wanted to break away from the banking system. The banking system got control of Asia through the East India Trading Company, maybe the Boxer Rebellion was China's last stand against the banking system. The richest asian families and politicians are all controlled and kept in place so that the true controllers are never revealed, who phenotypically do not look asian. This is also the case in Africa. All wars are banking wars, or maybe they are used to destroy knowledge or reset societies. During the Cold War, it was Russia vs USA. Both were controlled by the banking system, there was no enemy. Today it's China vs USA. Both are controlled by the banking system, there is no enemy. Quit being a warmonger. If the powers that be attempt to change history in the "official" books meant for the general public, we can now be aware of it.

Most people in the spiritual community are nothing more than charlatans who are just out to take your money. These people will charge you money for you to meditate. This indicates they live in fear just as much as you do. Don't you see how ridiculous that is? It's exactly like a televangelist telling you to send money for his ministry. Everything for the "betterment" of humanity should be free. I can't make education free, but I can make enlightenment free. How long did it take you to read this essay? Four hours? There you go, in just four hours you've become enlightened. See how easy it was? If you're a shriveled up old man lying on your death bed and you read this, you can change everything right now. The cost of everything is rising and a college education is very expensive; but there are many excellent YouTube videos that cover topics involving math, chemistry, physics, biology, genetics, etc. There are also many videos about creating practical projects involving electronics, programming, robotics, hydroponics, farming, carpentry, metallurgy, blacksmithing, pottery, tailoring, weaving, loomcraft, recycling, etc. Programming software development packages are also free, Python and C++ are very popular. You simply need to have the motivation to teach yourself. Understand that I don't have any numbers, data, citations, or proof to back up anything that I'm saying. Everything in this essay is something I have concluded only from pondering, deduction, intuition, occasional drug use, and visiting too many conspiracy web-sites; so take it for whatever it's worth. There are many of us obsessed with the truth of all things. How does the global banking system actually work? Who controls it? Were there advanced civilizations before the Sumerians? What was the true purpose of the pyramids? What knowledge has been lost? What knowledge is hidden and controlled? Are our history books filled with nothing but intentional lies? How does reality work? What is the best way to evolve a system with infinite, conscious, free-willed beings? Now we can figure it all out without losing anything. All of our effort and work will no longer be in vain. The powers that control this world might be able to erase all physical evidence of what they've done, but at least we will remember.

This is speculation but I believe that earth, our planet, is somehow in tune with the psyche of all of its inhabitants. As we are the dominant species, the earth probably expresses our psyches the most. Weather is possibly an expression of the sum of all of our thoughts and feelings. There is compelling evidence that Earth, our planet, periodically undergoes existence altering, great cataclysmic world-wide events. They can potentially be linked to solar cycles and possibly even galactic cycles. These cataclysmic events often embed themselves in humanity's astronomy, mythology, and religious texts. They seem capable of altering cultures and societies, great spans of geography on a world-wide scale, reality, and our perception of reality. We are due for a magnetic pole reversal or massive solar eruption. What would happen if there were no more wars, violence, or exploitation in all human societies? I think major natural catastrophes that claim thousands of lives would simply stop. There would be no more major earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, famines, droughts, floods, volcanic eruptions, etc. We wouldn't have to worry about the Yellowstone super-volcano erupting and obliterating all of North America. Our world wouldn't have magnetic reversals. The Sahara desert, the biggest desert on the planet, would become fertile and green. Animal species that we thought were extinct will come out of hiding and new species will quickly evolve to replace the ones we've lost; if we can play quantum immortality, then why can't animals? Ecosystems will fix themselves and find natural ways to get rid of pollution. Even the sun might bend to our will and not undergo super-flares or micro-novas. Earth would literally become heaven. Every person will become more intelligent and as a result, technology will advance faster. Technology is a component of evolution. Imagine all 8 billion of us living without poverty, suffering, exploitation, fear, or judgment. Imagine all 8 billion of us working cooperatively, instead of against each other or trying to exploit one another. Imagine the utopia we could create with our own hands. Imagine taking our first steps into outer space, colonizing other worlds, and seeing what's out there; just for the heck of it. What about time travel? Imagine what else could be possible. I realize exploitation has been the norm for human evolution on our planet for at least the past 10,000 years. We generally see other people in terms of what we can gain from them. Don't you think it's time to move on? I truly believe there are no limits, none whatsoever. All 8 billion of us, we are all at the cusp, we are all on the verge of evolving into a new species with new and different genetics. I see it. Don't you? No one has to die, not one. All 8 billion of us are evolving in 8 billion unique ways, the potential for human expression is infinite. We can’t really confirm this essay until a long time from now. The oldest human ever officially recorded lived to 122. I’ll be 150 in the year 2120. If I’m still alive then I think we can conclude there is some merit to this essay. But let’s say you’re 90 years old right now in the year 2019, you’ll be 150 in the year 2079. If you implement the principles of this essay and you’re still around in the year 2079, then I think that should be pretty good proof. The first true civilization on our world was in Mesopotamia around 3,500 BC. Well... that's the official narrative anyway. We first had to develop farming and agriculture and now we can create powerful computers that fit in our pockets and allow us to communicate. Everything that has transpired for the past 6,000 years has been nothing more than growing pains as we have struggled to figure out who we are. Well, now we know who we are. I think it is better to accept who you are rather than to try to forget who you are. I will admit, in this day and age, there is seemingly no benefit whatsoever to being a decent person. It doesn't get you money and it doesn't get you sex. Those are the two benefits you look for aren't they? Hmm, or maybe I'm projecting. Why be a decent person if it doesn't get you what you want? Why be a decent person if our genetics are going to make us die anyway? Perhaps this essay has given you a different perspective. Understand that the only thing you can be is yourself. There's no God as you think of God. There's no bearded old white man. There's only an awareness, which is you. Why do you think you need God? Why would your salvation have to depend on another being? This concept of needing another being for your salvation is fundamentally flawed. I will go so far as to say that Christianity has been duped, tricked into believing this for some deceptive purpose. So who is responsible for this? You can figure it out, I did. All you have to do is develop some logical deduction, you do have to work at it though. No one owns salvation, no one has a monopoly on it; not saints, monks, priests, bishops, cardinals, the pope, the dalai lama, Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, religions, new age spiritualists, lightworkers, indigos, starseeds, cultures, races, species, governments, politicians, leaders of nations, presidents, dictators, scientists, venture capitalists, the rich, no one. Don't let any religion make you think you're not worthy of immortality. Don't let any religion make you think you have to grow old and die. Don't let any religion make you think they know the truth. Your existence is truth, and your awareness is endless. Why would your existence need to pass through a gateway controlled by someone else in order for you to keep existing? Why are you looking for someone else? There is no hero, no one is coming to save you. The only one who can save you is yourself. I can't make you immortal. The only being who can give you immortality is you. All the effort, all the work has to come from you. If salvation could be controlled by another person, then salvation wouldn't be fair. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe Jesus can make you immortal. I'm sure his awareness is aware somewhere. I do believe he's still around.

You exist... it is the only absolute truth you can know with 100% certainty, it is the only thing you can believe without any doubt whatsoever. The fact that you exist should be self-evident to you; no faith, no religion is needed whatsoever. You don't need to believe you exist, you know you exist. If you died and actually met God in person, don't you see there is a possibility that you yourself would be creating him? Which would make you God instead. You can choose to die, it is your choice. But I say stick around, I think our world is about to get a lot more interesting. Never in my life did I think the concept of God would actually be philosophically useful. Don't take everything in this essay at face value; these are merely my thoughts and what I currently believe to be correct, but I am 100% certain I have some things wrong. Evaluate everything for yourself. I believe my thoughts on veganism are right though. I'll be honest, I want someone to prove I'm wrong about veganism, I'd love to have a rib-eye steak again. I also believe creating "debt" is unethical and makes you grow old. Using deception will also result in your ultimate death, deception in sports is fine. It doesn't matter if God and the Bible or Allah and the Quran says it's ok to have slaves, I think you will die because of it. But go ahead if you want to do these things, the natural order is none of my business. A life of deception and evil is your choice and your right. My only moral obligation is to let you know how I think it all works. My advice, always choose morality over religion. I don't care what religion you are, I don't care what prophecies you're trying to fulfill; you will grow old and die if you attempt genocide or blood sacrifice, or even if you dupe others to do it for you. Make a copy of this essay for yourself if you find it useful and share it if you want. A solar flare could shut down the internet or the essay could get censored. Depending on how the elite have defined the internet, they could "legally" claim this essay and take it away from us. This essay has been on the internet in one form or another since 2015. I've developed a lot since then and I've learned to recognize spiritual signs and warnings, and they are telling me I'm being actively monitored 24/7/365 by intelligence agencies such as the CIA, NSA, FBI, Google, etc. They all know my legal identity, my place of residence, the amount of education I've had, my bank account, everywhere I've posted this essay or links to it, every cat video I've watched, everything. The purpose of these agencies is to maintain the system and to protect the elite. I do genuinely wonder why my bank account hasn't been drained or why I haven't been set-up or assassinated yet. I suspect the controllers of the banking system will try to find a way to turn me into a sacrifice or a scapegoat. Destiny awaits so they say. I have kept track of views on web-sites I have put this essay. As a rough estimate, I'd say there are around 200,000 people who have read this essay. And so we can conclude there are 200,000 immortals located all over the world, most in the USA because that's where I'm located. If you wish to translate the essay and share it, by all means, do so. I would very much appreciate an American Spanish translation.

CONCLUSION - Don't think of all of this as physical reality, think of all of this as a dream. You can live forever in the dream. You are always dreaming; even when you are awake, you are still dreaming. Regardless of what race you are, regardless of what culture you have, regardless of what religion you are in; we all dream. The dream perspective is universally applicable. We are all quantum, discrete, infinitely small, singular points of awareness. Via interaction and evolution, we have created physical bodies to surround our awarenesses. And what do awarenesses do? Dream. Dream and perceive. We are even dreaming our bodies. We are dreaming our hunger and thirst. Your stomach doesn't even physically exist at this moment. All that exists is the sensation of hunger that you are creating. Death, the perception of nothingness, is actually waking up to the reality of eternal existence. The perception of nothingness may itself be a dream. Another perspective is the "painter's perspective"; think of reality as a painting, your mind is the hand that makes all the brush strokes. If you are an artist, I think you will understand this perspective quite well. My suspicion is that every time you make a painting, you directly affect someone's physical reality via the spirit realm even if this person has never seen your work. Let's say you make a painting of pirates finding buried treasure; somewhere in the world, someone finds something. Another perspective that may work for you is that you are watching a movie, think of your life as a movie; you can write the script yourself... literally. It's so easy to become immortal, it's so easy. In fact, being immortal is effortless. All you have to do is stop what you're doing. Being immortal is nothing but mindset. It's so easy it makes all the details and arguments in this essay excessively pointless. It is impossible to become immortal if you prevent immortality in other conscious beings. This may seem impossible to comprehend, but never eating steak again is not that bad. There will come a point when even the thought of eating an animal will disgust you. I promise, it'll happen. I do not believe scientific details truly matter with regards to immortality; and thus I would conclude spiritual, magickal, or religous details don't matter either. If we stop killing animals for food, their consciousness will change as well since our consciousness is more developed than theirs. If the most hideous carnivorous animal became aware that it didn't need to kill to exist, would you accept it for what it was? Even the consciousness of microbes might change. Atheism is fine. Religion is fine, I don't see anything wrong with worshipping Ra, Zeus, Odin, Shiva, Vishnu, God, Allah, or The Great Mind. Just make sure your religion doesn't cause suffering or death on other conscious beings. The ancient Greeks worshipped Zeus. And you know what I think? I think the ancient Greeks existed just fine and went about their daily lives just like me and you. So what if other people don't believe what you believe? So what? That's no reason for you to want them to die. And I know you still don't see it. Because your religion makes you want people to die, this is what makes you die. You still don't see it do you? My personal feelings on the matter is that worshipping a deity is wasted effort. Is not the worship of a deity a type of captivity? Is physical existence captivity? Is awareness captivity? Is this essay captivity? If this essay is captivity, then I release you. Your existence is yours. You do not need belief in a deity to become immortal, you just need to have belief in yourself. While we relate to reality through symbol, realize that "being" is more powerful than symbol because being creates symbol. This means symbols only have power over you if you allow it. Seeing nothing but pure whiteness is symbol, seeing nothing but pure blackness is symbol. Seeing either of these things is just a way for you to relate with your existence, they are frames of reference. I want to live forever and experience the infinite endlessness of existence and I hope you do too. I see heaven, I see it in my mind and it is glorious. It can be an infinite field of green grass under an eternal blue sky or it can be an infinite night-time bustling cyberpunk metropolis full of neon lights, heaven can be anything. Now if you want me to be wrong about all this... which I don't take personally, I understand masculine competition and why we do it. At the very least, you have to outlive me. I have to die before you die so that you can be 100% certain I'm wrong. I was born in the year 1969.


There appear to be links to ads imbedded within the essay itself. I did not put them there.
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New section. I have already included it in the body of the main text. If you don't want to look for it, here it is below.

Section: Theory On Sleep Paralysis... The Beginning Stages Of The Awakening Of Our Fundamental Awareness Located In The Very Center Of Our Brains? Is This The Mythical Third Eye Of Hinduism? Is It Even Possibly Nibanna?

Our awareness has a frame of reference, generally it is our eyes and our bodies. We view existence through the lenses of our physical eyes. However, this is not fundamental awareness. Our fundamental awareness is an infinitely small, quantum, zero dimensional, singular point located in the very center of our brains. When we are asleep and dreaming, we perceive reality through this infinitely small singular point. Dreaming is a quantum phenomenon, objects can appear and disappear just like that, you can be in a specific location and then be in another location without moving through dimensional space. Let's first define sleep paralysis. It appears to be a state of consciousness somewhere between being asleep and being awake. I believe the first time I experienced sleep paralysis was somewhere in my 30s. However, it appears we are evolving very quickly and it's possible you may even experience it in your 20s. My sleep paralysis now is different from the sleep paralysis I initially had in my 30s. While under sleep paralysis the frame of reference appears to be the very center of our brain because that's where our awareness is actually physically located relative to our bodies. I have done marijuana and psychedelics, while under the influence of consciousness altering drugs it feels like I am using the center of my brain as the frame of reference and not my physical eyes. When you take psychedelics, you can hallucinate; your perceptions can change, colors can change, objects can appear and disappear. This is quantum phenomenon. My observation is that while under the influence of psychedelics, dream phenomenon can manifest. Because our fundamental awareness is infinitely small, I would conclude when we are awake and interacting with physical reality we are in a type of realm that is inherently quantum in nature. Our physical reality is fundamentally a dream. We are dreaming our hunger, we are dreaming our thirst, we are dreaming growing old, we are dreaming the need to breathe. Fundamentally there is no difference between "being asleep and dreaming" and "being awake and engaging physical reality". Let's say you lie down on a comfortable couch and watch tv in your living room. If you are tired for whatever reason, it's very easy for you to fall asleep. You may experience sleep paralysis. You are aware of the images on the tv and the sounds it makes, you are aware of the couch, you are aware of the living room. But you are perceiving all of this with your consciousness, your awareness; you are not perceiving with your physical eyes or hearing with your physical ears. You may try to breathe and find that it is difficult. You try to wake yourself up, you may even trick yourself into thinking you have woken up but then you realize you actually haven't. This cycle can repeat numerous times and can be quite terrifying to the point where you don't even want to sleep. If you are a comic book fan, you may realize this aspect of dreams was depicted in the comic book series The Sandman by Neil Gaiman. Since our fundamental awareness is infinitely small, it has no physical structure; therefore our fundamental awareness should have no need to actually breathe. But psychologically, while under sleep paralysis, we do feel the need to breathe. This is why we try to wake up when we are under sleep paralysis. These days my sleep paralysis is a bit different, I am more self-aware when it happens. I don't experience as much fear as I used to and I am aware that I am making observations. Classical magick or mysticism states this would be your astral form. I suspect the reason I've gotten this far whenever I experience sleep paralysis now is due to all the meditation I've done. I do consider myself a fairly advanced meditator. While under sleep paralysis, I've realized my physical arm can't move but I have been able to move my "astral" arm. I've even gone so far as to attempt to maintain this level of awareness and try to escape from my physical body, no luck yet. I've been self-aware enough to tell myself I don't need to breathe, but ultimately the fear gets to me and I try to wake up. This is definitely a distinct state of consciousness where we can be self-aware in my opinion, but it appears we must develop this state. Because we can see our physical surroundings to a certain degree with our consciousness while in sleep paralysis, this must be the third eye of hinduism. Close your eyes and imagine the pyramids of Egypt. There, you're seeing with your third eye. To awaken the third eye, I believe we have to actively see with both our physical eyes and our consciousness. How do we accomplish this? I'm not certain, meditation perhaps. Developing this further could be nibanna, the state of pure enlightenment and being. I think one of the goals of meditation is to realize we are infinitely small singular points of awareness. To further evolve, we would have to use our awareness located in the center of our brains as the point of reference in relation to existence and not use our physical eyes as the reference point.
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I have a YouTube channel recommendation.

This guy really knows his stuff. He is extremely knowledgeable in ancient esoterica. He understands how language and symbols are shaping our reality.
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