Omowale Jabali : Yeshua (Jesus) the "Black" Messiah?

Thanks Sister cherryblossom!

The name Jesus, in Greek and Latin comes from the Hebrew names Joshua or Jehoshua, meaning the "help of Jah" or "saviour". The name Jesus means "saviour" and was a common name derived from the ancient Hebrew Jehoshua. He is believed by many to be the Son of God and the Redeemer of humankind.

Jesus was born in Ephrath, the ancient name for Bethelem,and also apparently the name of the district.

Though the Christian era is dated from His birth, modern chronologists insist upon a date for the momentous event at least four years earlier, that is to say, about 4 B.C., some say 6 B.C. Jesus Christ of the Black Madonna, our Lord, was born.

Jesus lived most of his infant life in Africa. (Matthew 2:13-15)

In Egypt (Khemet), His dark complexion and wooly hair aided His concealment amongst the dark Africans who were of His likeness.

Some "scholars" advocate that Egypt (Khemet) was called the land of the Black because of its soil. This is NON-sense. Egypt is called the land of the Black because Black people founded Egypt and walked on its soil as inhabiters of the land.

Jesus was not a pure Hebrew. There was no such thing as a pure Hebrew race or people. Why? Because Hebrews of the Davidic lineage took many Black sons and daughters of that Hamitic line to be their mates.

Thanks Sister cherryblossom for bumping up this post!
Yeshuah was GOD incarnated in human flesh (John 10:30). Biblical evidence proves that He was not a "pure Hebrew" of the flesh, for there were many Hamitic Blacks in His earthly geneaology, such as Raha, who was His great-great-great-grandmother. She survived the seizure of Jerico, a fortress ruled and occupied by Black hamites offspring from Canaa, Ham's youngest son (Genesis 10:6).

Rahab married a Hebrew by the name of Salmon who fathered her a child named Boaz.

This lineage traced the line of Judah from Pharez, son of Tamar, through Boaz to David.

That says it all for me! :toast:
More Please, Teach me more about the common mis-teachings of the Yurugu. I think I have learned so much, from many here. I knew not of these concept from NE Africa. It does make sense when one looks into it further from other historical sources. I thank you O-Jabali for all the research you have done and share with us here.


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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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