omowalejabali said:Jesus Christ (Yeshuah) was a descendant of Solomon, and Solomon was a Black man; Yeshuah was none other that a "colored" man himself. There is ZERO scriptural evidence that links Christ to the caucasian line. It was Rahab, who birthed Boaz, and then Boaz begot Obed and Obed begot Jesse, and Jesse begot David and David begot Solomon etc.
How could it be said that Jesus Christ was white when David and Solomon were not white?
The ENTIRE "Hebrew" people or race at that time were offspring of Black (so-called Negro) WOMEN. Even the "Arabs" were the offspring of a Black woman, the Khemetic Hagar.
We must remember that the "Hebrews" spent over four hundred years under the soverigns of Black Egypt (Hamitic through Mizraim) where there occurred extensive miscegenation. Furthermore, they were carried off into captivity by the people of Babylonia, Assyria, Greece, Persia and Rome. Therefore, to believe that the so-called "Israelites" were genetically PURE is plainly absurd!
The Davidic line of whom Christ the Messiah descended, was of mixed blood (flesh) through Noah's sons Shem and Ham. (Acts 17:26).