Omowale Jabali : Yeshua (Jesus) the "Black" Messiah?

Omowale Jabali

The Cosmic Journeyman
Sep 29, 2005
Temple of Kali, Yubaland
Creative Industrialist
The name Jesus, in Greek and Latin comes from the Hebrew names Joshua or Jehoshua, meaning the "help of Jah" or "saviour". The name Jesus means "saviour" and was a common name derived from the ancient Hebrew Jehoshua. He is believed by many to be the Son of God and the Redeemer of humankind.

Jesus was born in Ephrath, the ancient name for Bethelem,and also apparently the name of the district.

Though the Christian era is dated from His birth, modern chronologists insist upon a date for the momentous event at least four years earlier, that is to say, about 4 B.C., some say 6 B.C. Jesus Christ of the Black Madonna, our Lord, was born.

Jesus lived most of his infant life in Africa. (Matthew 2:13-15)

In Egypt (Khemet), His dark complexion and wooly hair aided His concealment amongst the dark Africans who were of His likeness.

Some "scholars" advocate that Egypt (Khemet) was called the land of the Black because of its soil. This is NON-sense. Egypt is called the land of the Black because Black people founded Egypt and walked on its soil as inhabiters of the land.

Jesus was not a pure Hebrew. There was no such thing as a pure Hebrew race or people. Why? Because Hebrews of the Davidic lineage took many Black sons and daughters of that Hamitic line to be their mates.
omowalejabali said:
The name Jesus, in Greek and Latin comes from the Hebrew names Joshua or Jehoshua, meaning the "help of Jah" or "saviour". The name Jesus means "saviour" and was a common name derived from the ancient Hebrew Jehoshua. He is believed by many to be the Son of God and the Redeemer of humankind.

Jesus was born in Ephrath, the ancient name for Bethelem,and also apparently the name of the district.

Though the Christian era is dated from His birth, modern chronologists insist upon a date for the momentous event at least four years earlier, that is to say, about 4 B.C., some say 6 B.C. Jesus Christ of the Black Madonna, our Lord, was born.

Jesus lived most of his infant life in Africa. (Matthew 2:13-15)

In Egypt (Khemet), His dark complexion and wooly hair aided His concealment amongst the dark Africans who were of His likeness.

Some "scholars" advocate that Egypt (Khemet) was called the land of the Black because of its soil. This is NON-sense. Egypt is called the land of the Black because Black people founded Egypt and walked on its soil as inhabiters of the land.

Jesus was not a pure Hebrew. There was no such thing as a pure Hebrew race or people. Why? Because Hebrews of the Davidic lineage took many Black sons and daughters of that Hamitic line to be their mates.

Teach brotha!
Sekhemu said:
Teach brotha!

Jesus Christ (Yeshuah) was a descendant of Solomon, and Solomon was a Black man; Yeshuah was none other that a "colored" man himself. There is ZERO scriptural evidence that links Christ to the caucasian line. It was Rahab, who birthed Boaz, and then Boaz begot Obed and Obed begot Jesse, and Jesse begot David and David begot Solomon etc.

How could it be said that Jesus Christ was white when David and Solomon were not white?

The ENTIRE "Hebrew" people or race at that time were offspring of Black (so-called Negro) WOMEN. Even the "Arabs" were the offspring of a Black woman, the Khemetic Hagar.

We must remember that the "Hebrews" spent over four hundred years under the soverigns of Black Egypt (Hamitic through Mizraim) where there occurred extensive miscegenation. Furthermore, they were carried off into captivity by the people of Babylonia, Assyria, Greece, Persia and Rome. Therefore, to believe that the so-called "Israelites" were genetically PURE is plainly absurd!

The Davidic line of whom Christ the Messiah descended, was of mixed blood (flesh) through Noah's sons Shem and Ham. (Acts 17:26).
When we trace the life of Yeshuah from His birth, there is little chronology on His childhood. However, Luke spoke of Him at the age of twelve as He exchanged words of wisdom with a few wise men (Luke 2:46). Apart from this in the Canon of the Scriptures, much is unknown about His life until He was about 30 years of age at His baptism (Luke 3:22).

From the age of 30 years, following His baptism, for the next 3 1/2 years Yeshuah ministered touching the lives of many and performing many miracles. The name Jesus means "saviour" and was a common name derived from the ancient "Hebrew" Jehoshua.

The title Christ (Krist) means "appointed", consecrated, sacred" and is used only for the Messiah, who came in fullfillment of the Prophecy. The prophecy, from the time of "Moses", holds up to view an illustirous person who was to appear and should belong to the highest order of being. Since then, the name of the Eternal One is His, and He is also called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father that He should assume human nature and be born of a virgin of the family of David in Bethlehem of Judea and His Mission should be the salvation of HIS People and ALL MANKIND (Isaiah 49:6), that He should de despised and rejected of HIS People, be cut off but not for Himself.

Jesus (Yeshuah) is the Fulfillment of the above Prophesy from His birth to His death.
So why does GOD give this……

Isa:8:4: For before the child shall have knowledge to cry, My father, and my mother, the riches of Damascus and the spoil of Samaria shall be taken away before the king of Assyria.

as the time line for Jesus being an infant so young he was unable to cry dada or mama during a great decline of the Assyrian Empire and the rise of the Babylonian Empire?

Wouldn’t this mean Jesus actually started his ministry during the Babylonian Empire and not the Roman Empire?

So why did the writers of the New Testament change the time Jesus existed in?

How could Jesus make a reference to a Cross in Mt 16:24 before it had a religious significance?

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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