Writing Workshop with Brother Alkebulan


Jan 22, 2001
betwixt and between
Website Consultant
Brother Alkebulan's Writing Workshop
Every Sunday @ 6 pm ET
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WRITING WORKSHOP - Every Sunday @ 6 pm ET
The initial session will cover:

1. How to critique submissions
2. Tips on getting started with your writing project
3. Dealing with writer's block

The overwhelming emphasis will be on FICTION - short stories and novels, but other forms, non-fiction, self help, etc., can be discussed also.

Interested in writing your own book? Join us every Sunday @ 6 pm ET!

Thank You Brother Alkebulan ... i'm sure many will join me, right in the front row Teacher! :teach:






much thanx 4 making this all possible sister Destee :jumping:

b safe while on ur journey bro Kemetkind - of course, i look 4ward 2 being blessed w ur presence. u always bring a lot 2 the table & i kno u hv much 2 teach us.

i am so pleased u enjoyed it sister Destee - particularly since it's only b/c of ur encouragement that it even took place. hopefully this is an idea (4 a class) whose time has com, & many thanks 4 ur participation - which helped me out also.


my sincere thanx 2 every1 who joined us 4 the 1st writers workshop session this past sunday. i would also like to thank every1 4 their patience w my antique system & my frequent involuntary exits.

in case i was speaking too rapidly, or, there were som points som of u didn't get 2 write down, here is a brief synopsis of what was discussed.

we discussed two different types of critique
1. basic: rate the hook sympathetic characters? dialogue' discriptions;
overall grade

2. advanced: 1. opening hook;does the opening line draw u n2 the story? how well did it "capture u & "hold" ur attention?
2.introduction; do the 1st few paragraphs provide sufficient intrigue 2 draw u more deeply n2 the 1st portion of the story? does it portend anything of whats 2 com? or was it stuffy or vague?
3. n the beginning: by the end of the 1st chapter (novel) or page (short) were u immersed n2 the story? could u detect the beginnings of the authors premise or the plot? did u feel u had already met the protagonist?
4. conflict: is there sufficient conflict present 2 motivate u 2 continue reading n order 2 discover how or even f it's resolved? som writing coaches believe that w/o conflict, u don't really hv a story.
can you see any conflict in the story? Conflict can be either inner-conflict or outer-conflict. Inner-conflict: When different values, wishes and desires are at war within the character's own mind. These can be, for example: greed, duty, fear, lust, revenge and love. Outer-conflict: When the longings/needs of different characters clash together.

5. Plot - is the plot clear and believable? Do you get answears to all the questions that arise in your mind as you read the story? plot is what moves the story; it's the mechanism which takes us from where we start 2 where we're going 2 end up.

6. Settings - Can you pictures the settings in the story? Are there many vivid descriptions? Are all five senses, smell, sight, hearing, taste(thats the 1 i left out n class) and touch, used? 1 technique is layering - let's go 2 the park: look @ ur feet - what shoes r u wearing (did u plan 2 com or was it spontaneous?); is there grass around ur feet? is it wet or dry? is it evenly deeply green or is som of it brownish or yellowish? how prominant r the weeds? what about as u look n larger & larger circles around ur feet? as u begin 2 look up, do the trees look like they've sprouted up randomly, or does it look planned? what shape/condition r most of the tree's n? r u sitting or standing? r there benches? wood or plastic? aged or new? painted or unpainted?

thats as far as we were abl3 2 get due 2 time constraints on the advanced critique

we also touched on identifying ur target audience & what that means. there was a ? concerning the different genre's:

these r the ones i kno of: romance, comedy, adventure, epic, war, action, sci-fi, chick-lit, mystery, detective, young adult, fantasy, comeing of age, horror, childrens, but i'm sure there r others.

there were a few tips on getting started w ur writing project, f ur hving difficulty:
1. pick 1 scene that u feel MUST b a part of ur story. - write that scene.
2. list 5 primary characteristics/personality traits ur character, then pic 1 or 2 & write somthing w ur protagonist which puts those traits on display. u can integrate them later.
3. can't get ur character started? start w geography; demographics; occupation, age, gender, income, etc.

finally, a suggestion: write about what u luv. don't chase the HOT genre. y? 1. fire can't b forced. 2. it won't b ur best. 3. by the time u finish writing, editing, revising, getting the jacket, shopping it around, etc. the genre thats hot may well hv changed. som say write what u kno, i say write about what u LOVE - u can always lrn mor about a given subject.

again, thanx 2 all those who took the time out of their schedule 2 attend :dance3:

the topic 4 this sunday is: PREMISE - what is premise? those that work, & those that don't. what r the 3 C's of premise? hope 2 c u all there!


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