who be I to state unhappiness?
she would just think that there's someone else...
i lie in despair--
wallowing in utter confusion--
feeling its coarse texture
remembering hard times...
our connection is
faded pictures and--
rotting roses and
kisses that used to send messages through one another--
memories of love--
young love...
young love in hindsight
young love far gone--
picked up and set adrift by the wind that carries the sun to its setting--
our love is distant warmth--
wholeheartedly felt in its youth--
our love is not
what it used to be--
it's not what i want--
woe is me*
seangregoryperkins (esgeipee) <----SGP
she would just think that there's someone else...
i lie in despair--
wallowing in utter confusion--
feeling its coarse texture
remembering hard times...
our connection is
faded pictures and--
rotting roses and
kisses that used to send messages through one another--
memories of love--
young love...
young love in hindsight
young love far gone--
picked up and set adrift by the wind that carries the sun to its setting--
our love is distant warmth--
wholeheartedly felt in its youth--
our love is not
what it used to be--
it's not what i want--
woe is me*
seangregoryperkins (esgeipee) <----SGP