Black People Politics : Why most Conspiracy Theories are DOA


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2023
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Conspiracy Theories are an industry. What that means is at this point they are selling a product and people who buy it are putting money into their pockets. That creates the same supply & demand that fuels any economy. This is why there is never a shortage of theories because it benefits people to come up with them the same way a writer comes up with a sequel to a popular movie franchise.

So why are they DOA and not trustworthy sources of information with journalistic integrity?

Because people almost never consider the MONEY & POWER it would take to pull off the conspiracy and purpose they suggest is going on. It would take so much wealth and power to do it that the conspirators would actually LOSE wealth and power in order to "gain" control.

Humans are not sheep. Even the laws that we have don't actually "control" us. If you doubt this just get on the highway and drive the speed limit. How long will it take for someone to pass you? If the answer is "not long" it's because people are not sufficiently afraid of the consequences enough to obey. There also has to be enough enforcement and monitoring in order to catch people. Technology already exists to do this and even though it could save lives the people would never allow it. We enjoy our freedom too much and ultimately we can vote things like that down.

So let's say some crazy new person shows up and he's a trillionaire. This guy wants everyone to simply obey the posted speed limits all over the world. He could afford to lobby every single official. But would it work? Again... there are already traffic laws. He would have to use his money as leverage to influence all the representatives to go against the wishes of their constituents which will probably get them voted out of office the very next cycle. And understand this... the very next cycle, when new reps are elected, the trillionaire would have to buy them all off too just to keep them from undoing the previous legislation. And even if he can do that (and a trillion dollars cut into millions of pieces wont last forever) then you have to have the technology all over the world. That costs. It has to be designed and manufactured to cover the whole world. That costs. And then even if it automatically wrote and mailed tickets, then you have the cost to the justice system and what happens if people simply don't pay. Then what?

Conspiracy theorists don't actually think about all these things but even a crazy dictator wannabe would have to consider not just all of these things, but also what an entire world full of angry humans would do to him if they knew he was behind it. This is why most conspiracy theories are DOA. Too much risk and not enough reward. The business of controlling people would quickly go out of business.
Let's see; there appears to be an issue of physics versus conspiracy theories on some cases.

How many theories are there about the Kennedy assassination?

Then there is the fake Moon landing.

And of course there is 9/11 in general and the Twin Towers in particular.

But how much mass was involved in each one?

Even if you include the car the Kennedy assassination would involve less than 10 tons.

The Saturn V on take-off on July 16, 1969 was about 3,250 tons.

Each of the Twin Towers was in the neighborhood of 500,000 tons.

So how do we approach these physics problems where the differences in mass are multiple orders of magnitude?

Conspiracy Theories are an industry. What that means is at this point they are selling a product and people who buy it are putting money into their pockets. That creates the same supply & demand that fuels any economy. This is why there is never a shortage of theories because it benefits people to come up with them the same way a writer comes up with a sequel to a popular movie franchise.
I agree Conspiracies Theories are an Industry....
It only remains a Theory if it is not put into practice.
For it to be a Conspiracy parts of it have to be secret and or harmful.
I submit that both the Tobacco and Pharmaceutical Industry are very Successful and long lasting Conspiracies.

So why are they DOA and not trustworthy sources of information with journalistic integrity?
Please provide an example of the particular Conspiracy theory you are talking about?

Because people almost never consider the MONEY & POWER it would take to pull off the conspiracy and purpose they suggest is going on. It would take so much wealth and power to do it that the conspirators would actually LOSE wealth and power in order to "gain" control.
Biotech stocks and Chemical Companies continue to gain revenue and investors.

Humans are not sheep.
No but many are Sheeple...meaning they are susceptible to Propaganda(Marketing).

Even the laws that we have don't actually "control" us. If you doubt this just get on the highway and drive the speed limit. How long will it take for someone to pass you? If the answer is "not long" it's because people are not sufficiently afraid of the consequences enough to obey. There also has to be enough enforcement and monitoring in order to catch people. Technology already exists to do this and even though it could save lives the people would never allow it. We enjoy our freedom too much and ultimately we can vote things like that down.
Maybe you haven't notice.....the great increase in the use of Speed and Stop light Cameras.
Believe it or not most are own by a private company who shares the revenue with the State.

So let's say some crazy new person shows up and he's a trillionaire. This guy wants everyone to simply obey the posted speed limits all over the world. He could afford to lobby every single official. But would it work? Again... there are already traffic laws. He would have to use his money as leverage to influence all the representatives to go against the wishes of their constituents which will probably get them voted out of office the very next cycle. And understand this... the very next cycle, when new reps are elected, the trillionaire would have to buy them all off too just to keep them from undoing the previous legislation. And even if he can do that (and a trillion dollars cut into millions of pieces wont last forever) then you have to have the technology all over the world. That costs. It has to be designed and manufactured to cover the whole world. That costs. And then even if it automatically wrote and mailed tickets, then you have the cost to the justice system and what happens if people simply don't pay. Then what?
It is simpler than you think...just appeal to the greed (or fear) of the officials and market it to the public as a safety issue.

Conspiracy theorists don't actually think about all these things but even a crazy dictator wannabe would have to consider not just all of these things, but also what an entire world full of angry humans would do to him if they knew he was behind it. This is why most conspiracy theories are DOA. Too much risk and not enough reward. The business of controlling people would quickly go out of business.
In the Sixties the Russians marvel at how the US use Mass Media to control and mold Public Opinion....whilst they had to use fear threats and intimidation of brutal physical force.
Marketing is the tool used to control and manipulate's called PR - Public Relations.(CMP)

Check out..
Propaganda - Ed Bernays
Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky
Shock Doctrine - Naomi Klein
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Conspiracy Realism is a lil different....bc there is a well documented agenda: Agenda 21





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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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