Black People : why i write

Jan 22, 2001
betwixt and between
Website Consultant
i write because i've lost my mind
and fell in love with poetry
so little time, so much to do
put all on hold till the peace is thru


i had never ventured out this way
was scared and kinda shy
when Bishop took me by the hand
and said come on and try

we built a poem, line by line
took me hours to intertwine
words and thoughts in a design
but Bishop told me ... take your time

then there were poets
i mean POETS
that smiled and said well done
it opened up a world to me
that i had never known

now my spirit yearns to speak
of things not shared before
casting caution to the wind
unlocking every door

i must admit i have to quit
unless of course you'll permit
me and my children to move in with you
cause no work gets done and the rent is due

i say quit but you all know, if poet is what i am
i'll do some work, pay the rent and be right back again

thank you all .... for the love ... i'm forever in your debt
if you need me i'll be right here, org and net

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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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